Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2013, fluid Operations AG * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.fluidops.iwb.ui.configuration; import static; import static com.fluidops.ajax.XMLBuilder.atId; import static com.fluidops.ajax.XMLBuilder.el; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import com.fluidops.ajax.XMLBuilder.Element; import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FComponent; import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FContainer; import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FForm; import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FImageButton; import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FTextInput2; import com.fluidops.iwb.api.EndpointImpl; import com.fluidops.iwb.api.operator.Operator; import com.fluidops.iwb.api.operator.OperatorFactory; import com.fluidops.iwb.api.operator.OperatorNode; import com.fluidops.iwb.model.ParameterConfigDoc; import com.fluidops.iwb.model.ParameterConfigDoc.Type; import com.fluidops.iwb.util.User; import com.fluidops.util.Rand; import com.fluidops.util.StringUtil; import; import; /** * Base implementation for all configuration forms (e.g. widget or provider configuration).<p> * * This class provides the functionality to render a form for a given configuration * class (e.g. a widget configuration class). It uses in particular the information * that can be retrieved from the {@link Field}s of the class and considers those * fields that are annotated with {@link ParameterConfigDoc}. The information * from the annotation is used to decide how the component is rendered, see * {@link ConfigurationFormElementFactory#getFormElementForConfig(FormElementConfig)} * for details.<p> * * This method provides handling for {@link Deprecated} config fields (special rendering) * and for fields annotated with {@link HiddenIfUnset}. * * @author as * @see ConfigurationFormElement * @see ConfigurationFormUtil * @see HiddenIfUnset */ public abstract class ConfigurationFormBase extends FForm implements OperatorConversion { protected Map<FormElementConfig, ConfigurationFormElement<? extends FComponent>> cfgElements = Maps .newHashMap(); protected Class<?> configClass; protected Operator presetValues; public ConfigurationFormBase(String id) { super(id); this.setClazz("ConfigurationForm"); setFormHandler(new ConfigurationFormHandler()); } public ConfigurationFormBase(String id, Class<?> configClass, Operator presetValues) { this(id); setConfigurationClassInternal(configClass, presetValues); } public ConfigurationFormBase(String id, List<FormElementConfig> formElements, Operator presetValues) { this(id); this.presetValues = presetValues; initializeFormComponents(formElements); } @Override public OperatorNode toOperatorNode() { if (configClass == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal state: configuration class not specified."); // for forms without form elements (i.e. an empty config class) return an empty struct operator if (cfgElements.size() == 0) return OperatorFactory.mapToOperatorNode(Collections.<String, OperatorNode>emptyMap()); Map<String, OperatorNode> map = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Entry<FormElementConfig, ConfigurationFormElement<? extends FComponent>> e : cfgElements.entrySet()) { String fieldName = e.getKey().fieldName; OperatorNode opNode = e.getValue().toOperatorNode(); if (opNode == null) continue; // e.g. for empty fields map.put(fieldName, opNode); } if (map.isEmpty()) return null; // special case: simple configuration without named parameters if (configClass.equals(String.class)) return map.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue(); return OperatorFactory.mapToOperatorNode(map); } /** * Sets the configuration class and redraws the form for * this class * * @param configClass */ public void setConfigurationClass(Class<?> configClass, Operator presetValues) { setConfigurationClassInternal(configClass, presetValues); populateView(); } /** * Sets the configuration class and redraws the form for * this class. Removes all registered form components * and reinitializes the form components with * {@link #initializeFormComponents()} * * @param configClass * @param presetValues */ protected void setConfigurationClassInternal(Class<?> configClass, Operator presetValues) { this.configClass = configClass; this.presetValues = presetValues; // clear this form before adding all new data this.clearContent(); this.removeAll(); cfgElements.clear(); initializeFormComponents(getFormElementConfigurations(configClass)); } /** * Submit the data of this configuration form. Use the {@link Operator} * framework to either serialize this {@link OperatorNode} to a string * representation or to evaluate it to a given target type. * * @param data the data as an {@link OperatorNode}, null if an empty form was submitted */ protected abstract void submitData(OperatorNode data); /** * Initializes this form based on the given {@link #configClass}. This method * invoked {@link #addAdditionalFormElements()} which can be used in subclasses * to add further form elements * @param formElements */ protected void initializeFormComponents(List<FormElementConfig> formElements) { addAdditionalFormElements(); for (FormElementConfig fCfg : formElements) { ConfigurationFormElement<? extends FComponent> fEl = getFormElementForConfig(fCfg); addFormElement(fCfg, fEl); cfgElements.put(fCfg, fEl); } } /** * Returns the {@link ConfigurationFormElement} for the given {@link FormElementConfig}. The * default implementation uses the {@link ConfigurationFormElementFactory#getFormElementForConfig(FormElementConfig)}, * subclasses can use their own implementation (e.g., to add support for special form components). * * @param fCfg * @return */ protected ConfigurationFormElement<? extends FComponent> getFormElementForConfig(FormElementConfig fCfg) { return ConfigurationFormElementFactory.getFormElementForConfig(fCfg); } /** * Actual implementations can override this methods to add additional form elements */ protected void addAdditionalFormElements() { } /** * Special functionality for configuration form to add form elements */ private void addFormElement(FormElementConfig fCfg, ConfigurationFormElement<? extends FComponent> fEl) { addFormElementInternal(fCfg.label, fCfg.fieldName, fEl.getComponent(fCfg), fCfg.required(), fEl.validator(fCfg), false,, fCfg.deprecated()); } private void addFormElementInternal(String label, String labelTooltip, final FComponent formElement, boolean isRequired, Validator v, boolean hide, String help, boolean deprecated) { if (formElement instanceof FTextInput2) ((FTextInput2) formElement).setValidator(v); FContainer cnt = new FContainer("fe" + Rand.getIncrementalFluidUUID()) { @Override public Object returnValues() { return formElement.returnValues(); } }; cnt.appendClazz("formElement"); cnt.add(formElement); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(help)) { String image = "/images/navigation/i.gif"; if (deprecated) image = "/images/error.png"; FImageButton button = new FHelpButton("img" + Rand.getIncrementalFluidUUID(), EndpointImpl.api().getRequestMapper().getContextPath() + image, help); button.appendClazz("helpButton"); cnt.add(button); } FormRow row = new FormRow(label, cnt, isRequired, v, false, ""); row.setLabelTooltip(labelTooltip); this.add(cnt); this.formRows.add(row); } @Override public void addFormElement(String label, final FComponent formElement, boolean isRequired, Validator v, boolean hide, String help) { addFormElementInternal(label, null, formElement, isRequired, v, hide, help, false); } /** * Retrieves all {@link FormElementConfig}s for the given configuration class. * * This is * a) a configuration for each {@link Field} that is annotated with {@link ParameterConfigDoc} * * The elements are sorted according to the rules as defined in {@link #getConfigFieldsSorted(Class)}. * * Note that deprecated fields are only rendered if there exists a preset value for it. * * This method also applies the {@link HiddenIfUnset} annotation concept. * * @param configClass * @return */ List<FormElementConfig> getFormElementConfigurations(Class<?> configClass) { if (configClass.equals(String.class)) return Lists.newArrayList(new FormElementConfig("", FormElementConfig.toParameterConfigDoc("", Type.SIMPLE, true), String.class, presetValues)); List<FormElementConfig> res = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Field f : ConfigurationFormUtil.getConfigFieldsSorted(configClass)) { if (!keepFieldAsFormElement(f)) continue; String fieldName = f.getName(); Class<?> nestedConfigClass = f.getType(); if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(nestedConfigClass)) { // use the list generic type nestedConfigClass = (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) f.getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; } Operator formElementDefaultValue = getChildOperator(presetValues, fieldName); FormElementConfig fCfg = new FormElementConfig(fieldName, f.getAnnotation(ParameterConfigDoc.class), nestedConfigClass, formElementDefaultValue); // show deprecated fields only if they have value (bug 10999) if (f.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class) != null) { if (!formElementDefaultValue.isNoop()) fCfg.setDeprecated(true); else continue; } // allow hidden elements which are only shown if a value is set if (f.getAnnotation(HiddenIfUnset.class) != null) { if (formElementDefaultValue.isNoop()) continue; } // remember the annotations in the configuration (for later use) fCfg.addAnnotations(f.getAnnotations()); res.add(fCfg); } return res; } /** * Returns true if this field should be used as form element. Subclasses * may override this method to prevent some classes being used as form * elements although they are annotated with {@link ParameterConfigDoc}. * Consider {@link ProviderConfigurationForm} with the {@link User} * class handling as an example. * * @param f * @return */ protected boolean keepFieldAsFormElement(Field f) { return true; } private Operator getChildOperator(Operator operator, String fieldName) { if (operator == null || !operator.isStructure()) return Operator.createNoop(); Operator child = operator.getStructureItem(fieldName); if (child == null) return Operator.createNoop(); return child; } /** * Form Handler for submitting the form */ private class ConfigurationFormHandler extends FormHandler { @Override public void onSubmit(FForm form, List<FormData> list) { submitData(toOperatorNode()); } @Override public void onSubmitProcessData(List<FormData> list) { // the method is not used in the form. // the whole processing is accomplished in onSubmit(form) } } public static class FHelpButton extends FImageButton { public FHelpButton(String id, String imageUrl, String tooltip) { super(id, imageUrl, tooltip); } @Override public String render() { String tooltip = getTooltip() == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(getTooltip()); Element div = el("div", atId("div1" + Rand.getIncrementalFluidUUID())); Element a = el("a", at("style", "cursor: pointer;"), at("onClick", beforeClickJs + getOnClick() + afterClickJs)); Element img = el("img", atId(getId() + "_img"), at("src", imageUrl), at("border", "0")); Element div2 = el("div", atId("div2" + Rand.getIncrementalFluidUUID())); div2.text(tooltip); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(tooltip)) img.addAttribute(at("alt", tooltip)); a.addChild(img); div.addChild(a); div.addChild(div2); return div.toString(); } } }