Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 Flipkart Internet Pvt. Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.flipkart.foxtrot.core; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.datastore.impl.hbase.HbaseConfig; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface; import org.mockito.Matchers; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.reflections.scanners.SubTypesScanner; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.NamedType; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.common.Document; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.common.Table; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.common.Action; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.datastore.DataStore; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.datastore.DataStoreException; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.datastore.impl.hbase.HBaseDataStore; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.datastore.impl.hbase.HbaseTableConnection; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.querystore.actions.spi.ActionMetadata; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.querystore.actions.spi.AnalyticsLoader; import com.flipkart.foxtrot.core.querystore.actions.spi.AnalyticsProvider; /** * Created by rishabh.goyal on 28/04/14. */ public class TestUtils { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestUtils.class.getSimpleName()); public static String TEST_TABLE_NAME = "test-table"; public static Table TEST_TABLE = new Table(TEST_TABLE_NAME, 7); public static DataStore getDataStore() throws DataStoreException { HTableInterface tableInterface = MockHTable.create(); HbaseTableConnection tableConnection = Mockito.mock(HbaseTableConnection.class); when(tableConnection.getTable(Matchers.<Table>any())).thenReturn(tableInterface); when(tableConnection.getHbaseConfig()).thenReturn(new HbaseConfig()); return new HBaseDataStore(tableConnection, new ObjectMapper()); } public static Document getDocument(String id, long timestamp, Object[] args, ObjectMapper mapper) { Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { data.put((String) args[i], args[i + 1]); } return new Document(id, timestamp, mapper.valueToTree(data)); } public static void registerActions(AnalyticsLoader analyticsLoader, ObjectMapper mapper) throws Exception { Reflections reflections = new Reflections("com.flipkart.foxtrot", new SubTypesScanner()); Set<Class<? extends Action>> actions = reflections.getSubTypesOf(Action.class); if (actions.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No analytics actions found!!"); } List<NamedType> types = new Vector<NamedType>(); for (Class<? extends Action> action : actions) { AnalyticsProvider analyticsProvider = action.getAnnotation(AnalyticsProvider.class); if (null == analyticsProvider.request() || null == analyticsProvider.opcode() || analyticsProvider.opcode().isEmpty() || null == analyticsProvider.response()) { throw new Exception("Invalid annotation on " + action.getCanonicalName()); } if (analyticsProvider.opcode().equalsIgnoreCase("default")) { logger.warn("Action " + action.getCanonicalName() + " does not specify cache token. " + "Using default cache."); } analyticsLoader.register(new ActionMetadata(analyticsProvider.request(), action, analyticsProvider.cacheable(), analyticsProvider.opcode())); types.add(new NamedType(analyticsProvider.request(), analyticsProvider.opcode())); types.add(new NamedType(analyticsProvider.response(), analyticsProvider.opcode()));"Registered action: " + action.getCanonicalName()); } mapper.getSubtypeResolver().registerSubtypes(types.toArray(new NamedType[types.size()])); } public static List<Document> getQueryDocuments(ObjectMapper mapper) { List<Document> documents = new Vector<Document>(); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Z", 1397658117004L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "device", "nexus", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Y", 1397658117003L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "device", "nexus", "battery", 48 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("X", 1397658117002L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "device", "nexus", "battery", 74 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("W", 1397658117001L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "device", "nexus", "battery", 99 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("A", 1397658118000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus" }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("B", 1397658118001L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "galaxy" }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("C", 1397658118002L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus" }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("D", 1397658118003L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 1, "device", "iphone" }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("E", 1397658118004L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad" }, mapper)); return documents; } public static List<Document> getGroupDocuments(ObjectMapper mapper) { List<Document> documents = new Vector<Document>(); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Z", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Y", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 48 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("X", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "galaxy", "battery", 74 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("W", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 99 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("A", 1397658118000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "nexus", "battery", 87 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("B", 1397658118001L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "galaxy", "battery", 76 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("C", 1397658118002L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 78 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("D", 1397658118003L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 1, "device", "iphone", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("E", 1397658118004L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 56 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("F", 1397658118005L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 35 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("G", 1397658118006L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 44 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("ABCD", 1397658118006L, new Object[] { "", "ios" }, mapper)); return documents; } public static List<Document> getHistogramDocuments(ObjectMapper mapper) { List<Document> documents = new Vector<Document>(); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Z", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Y", 1397651117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 48 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("X", 1397651117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "galaxy", "battery", 74 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("W", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 99 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("A", 1397658118000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "nexus", "battery", 87 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("B", 1397658218001L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "galaxy", "battery", 76 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("C", 1398658218002L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 78 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("D", 1397758218003L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 1, "device", "iphone", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("E", 1397958118004L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 56 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("F", 1398653118005L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 35 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("G", 1398653118006L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 44 }, mapper)); return documents; } public static List<Document> getTrendDocuments(ObjectMapper mapper) { List<Document> documents = new Vector<Document>(); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Z", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Y", 1397651117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 48 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("X", 1397651117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "galaxy", "battery", 74 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("W", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 99 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("A", 1397658118000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "nexus", "battery", 87 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("B", 1397658218001L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "galaxy", "battery", 76 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("C", 1398658218002L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 78 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("D", 1397758218003L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 1, "device", "iphone", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("E", 1397958118004L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 56 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("F", 1398653118005L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 35 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("G", 1398653118006L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 44 }, mapper)); return documents; } public static List<Document> getCountDocuments(ObjectMapper mapper) { List<Document> documents = new Vector<Document>(); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Z", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Y", 1397651117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 48 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("X", 1397651117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "galaxy", "battery", 74 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("W", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 99 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("A", 1397658118000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "nexus", "battery", 87 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("B", 1397658218001L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "galaxy", "battery", 76 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("C", 1398658218002L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 78 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("D", 1397758218003L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 1, "device", "iphone", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("E", 1397958118004L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 56 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("F", 1398653118005L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 35 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("G", 1398653118006L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 44 }, mapper)); return documents; } public static List<Document> getDistinctDocuments(ObjectMapper mapper) { List<Document> documents = new Vector<Document>(); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Z", 1397658117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Y", 1397651117000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus", "battery", 48 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("A", 1397658118000L, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 3, "device", "nexus", "battery", 87 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("D", 1397758218003L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 1, "device", "iphone", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("E", 1397958118004L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 56 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("F", 1398653118005L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "nexus", "battery", 35 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("G", 1398653118006L, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad", "battery", 44 }, mapper)); return documents; } public static List<Document> getMappingDocuments(ObjectMapper mapper) { List<Document> documents = new Vector<Document>(); Map<String, Object> document = new HashMap<String, Object>(); document.put("word", "1234"); document.put("data", Collections.singletonMap("data", "d")); document.put("header", Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonMap("hello", "world"))); documents.add(new Document("Z", System.currentTimeMillis(), mapper.valueToTree(document))); document = new HashMap<String, Object>(); document.put("word", "1234"); document.put("data", Collections.singletonMap("data", "d")); document.put("head", Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonMap("hello", 23))); documents.add(new Document("Y", System.currentTimeMillis(), mapper.valueToTree(document))); return documents; } public static List<Document> getQueryDocumentsDifferentDate(ObjectMapper mapper, long startTimestamp) { List<Document> documents = new Vector<Document>(); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Z", startTimestamp, new Object[] { "os", "android", "device", "nexus", "battery", 24 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("Y", startTimestamp++, new Object[] { "os", "android", "device", "nexus", "battery", 48 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("X", startTimestamp++, new Object[] { "os", "android", "device", "nexus", "battery", 74 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("W", startTimestamp++, new Object[] { "os", "android", "device", "nexus", "battery", 99 }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("A", startTimestamp++, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "nexus" }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("B", startTimestamp++, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 1, "device", "galaxy" }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("C", startTimestamp++, new Object[] { "os", "android", "version", 2, "device", "nexus" }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("D", startTimestamp++, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 1, "device", "iphone" }, mapper)); documents.add(TestUtils.getDocument("E", startTimestamp++, new Object[] { "os", "ios", "version", 2, "device", "ipad" }, mapper)); return documents; } }