Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2016, the original author or authors. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.flipkart.flux.deploymentunit; import com.flipkart.flux.api.core.FluxError; import com.flipkart.flux.client.intercept.MethodId; import com.flipkart.flux.client.model.Task; import com.flipkart.flux.client.registry.ExecutableRegistry; import com.flipkart.flux.constant.RuntimeConstants; import com.flipkart.flux.guice.annotation.ManagedEnv; import com.flipkart.flux.registry.TaskExecutableImpl; import com.flipkart.polyguice.core.Initializable; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Singleton; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import static com.flipkart.flux.client.constant.ClientConstants._VERSION; /** * <code>ExecutableRegistryPopulator</code> reads the available deployment units and puts the methods * which are annotated with {@link com.flipkart.flux.client.model.Task} in Executable Registry for the later execution. * @author shyam.akirala */ @Singleton public class ExecutableRegistryPopulator implements Initializable { /** Logger for this class*/ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecutableRegistryPopulator.class); private final int defaultTaskExecutionConcurrency; private ExecutableRegistry executableRegistry; /** Map with key as deployment unit name and value as corresponding {@link DeploymentUnit}*/ private Map<String, DeploymentUnit> deploymentUnitsMap; @Inject public ExecutableRegistryPopulator(@ManagedEnv ExecutableRegistry executableRegistry, @Named("deploymentUnits") Map<String, DeploymentUnit> deploymentUnitsMap, @Named("routers.default.instancesPerNode") int defaultNoOfActors) { this.executableRegistry = executableRegistry; this.deploymentUnitsMap = deploymentUnitsMap; defaultTaskExecutionConcurrency = defaultNoOfActors; } @Override public void initialize() { //count down latch to parallelly populate executable registry from multiple deployment units CountDownLatch duCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(deploymentUnitsMap.size()); //for each deployment unit, start a new thread which populates executable registry for (Map.Entry<String, DeploymentUnit> deploymentUnitEntry : deploymentUnitsMap.entrySet()) { new Thread(new ExecutableRegistryLoader(deploymentUnitEntry.getKey(), deploymentUnitEntry.getValue(), duCountDownLatch)).start(); } try { duCountDownLatch.await(); //wait until all deployment units' tasks are loaded into executable registry } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to populate executable registry. Deployment unit count down latch has been interrupted. Exception: {}", e.getMessage()); throw new FluxError(FluxError.ErrorType.runtime, "Unable to populate executable registry. Deployment unit count down latch has been interrupted.", e); } } /** * <code>ExecutableRegistryLoader</code> loads tasks of a deployment unit in {@link ExecutableRegistryPopulator#executableRegistry} */ private class ExecutableRegistryLoader implements Runnable { private String deploymentUnitName; private DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit; private CountDownLatch duCountDownLatch; ExecutableRegistryLoader(String deploymentUnitName, DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit, CountDownLatch duCountDownLatch) { this.deploymentUnitName = deploymentUnitName; this.deploymentUnit = deploymentUnit; this.duCountDownLatch = duCountDownLatch; } @Override public void run() { try { //get required classes from deployment unit class loader DeploymentUnitClassLoader classLoader = deploymentUnit.getDeploymentUnitClassLoader(); Class taskClass = classLoader.loadClass(Task.class.getCanonicalName()); Object objectMapperInstance = deploymentUnit.getObjectMapperInstance(); Object injectorClassInstance = deploymentUnit.getInjectorClassInstance(); Class injectorClass = injectorClassInstance.getClass(); Method getInstanceMethod = injectorClass.getMethod("getInstance", Class.class); Set<Method> taskMethods = deploymentUnit.getTaskMethods(); Configuration taskConfigs = deploymentUnit.getTaskConfiguration(); //for every task method found in the deployment unit create an executable and keep it in executable registry for (Method method : taskMethods) { Annotation taskAnnotation = method.getAnnotationsByType(taskClass)[0]; Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = taskAnnotation.annotationType(); long timeout = RuntimeConstants.defaultTaskTimeout; long version = 0; for (Method annotationMethod : annotationType.getDeclaredMethods()) { Object value = annotationMethod.invoke(taskAnnotation, (Object[]) null); if (annotationMethod.getName().equals("timeout")) { //todo: find a way get Task.timeout() name timeout = (Long) value; } if (annotationMethod.getName().equals("version")) { version = (Long) value; } } MethodId methodId = new MethodId(method); String taskIdentifier = methodId.toString() + _VERSION + version; /* get concurrency config for this task */ Integer taskExecConcurrency = Optional.ofNullable( (Integer) taskConfigs.getProperty(methodId.getPrefix() + ".executionConcurrency")) .orElse(defaultTaskExecutionConcurrency); Object singletonMethodOwner = getInstanceMethod.invoke(injectorClassInstance, method.getDeclaringClass()); executableRegistry.registerTask(taskIdentifier, new TaskExecutableImpl(singletonMethodOwner, method, timeout, taskExecConcurrency, classLoader, objectMapperInstance)); } //count down the latch once the deployment unit's tasks are loaded into executable registry duCountDownLatch.countDown(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to populate Executable Registry for deployment unit: {}. Exception: {}", deploymentUnitName, e.getMessage()); throw new FluxError(FluxError.ErrorType.runtime, "Unable to populate Executable Registry for deployment unit: " + deploymentUnitName, e); } } } }