Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Flicklib. * * Copyright (C) Francis De Brabandere * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.flicklib.folderscanner; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * Scans a folder for movies * * @author francisdb */ @Singleton public class AdvancedFolderScanner implements Scanner { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdvancedFolderScanner.class); /** * If a folder contains no other than these it is a movie folder * TODO make regex? */ private static final String[] MOVIE_SUB_DIRS = new String[] { "subs", "subtitles", "cd1", "cd2", "cd3", "cd4", "sample", "covers", "cover", "approved", "info" }; private final MovieNameExtractor movieNameExtractor; @Inject public AdvancedFolderScanner(final MovieNameExtractor movieNameExtractor) { this.movieNameExtractor = movieNameExtractor; } public AdvancedFolderScanner() { this.movieNameExtractor = new MovieNameExtractor(); } private List<FileGroup> movies; private String currentLabel; /** * Scans the folders * * @param folders * @return a List of MovieInfo * * TODO get rid of the synchronized and create a factory or pass all state data */ @Override public synchronized List<FileGroup> scan(final Set<FileObject> folders, AsyncMonitor monitor) { movies = new ArrayList<FileGroup>(); if (monitor != null) { monitor.start(); } for (FileObject folder : folders) { try { URL url = folder.getURL(); if (folder.exists()) { currentLabel = folder.getName().getBaseName();"scanning " + url); try { browse(folder, monitor); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {"task is cancelled!" + ie.getMessage()); return null; } } else { LOGGER.warn("folder " + folder.getURL() + " does not exist!"); } } catch (FileSystemException e) { LOGGER.error("error during checking " + folder + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (monitor != null) { monitor.finish(); } return movies; } /** * * @param folder * @param monitor * @return true, if it contained movie file * @throws InterruptedException * @throws FileSystemException */ private boolean browse(FileObject folder, AsyncMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, FileSystemException { URL url = folder.getURL(); LOGGER.trace("entering " + url); FileObject[] files = folder.getChildren(); if (monitor != null) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new InterruptedException("at " + url); } monitor.step("scanning " + url); } Set<String> plainFileNames = new HashSet<String>(); int subDirectories = 0; int compressedFiles = 0; Set<String> directoryNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (FileObject f : files) { if (isDirectory(f)) { subDirectories++; directoryNames.add(f.getName().getBaseName().toLowerCase()); } else { String ext = getExtension(f); if (ext == null) { LOGGER.trace("Ignoring file without extension: " + f.getURL()); } else { if (MovieFileType.getTypeByExtension(ext) == MovieFileType.COMPRESSED) { compressedFiles++; } if (ext != null && MovieFileFilter.VIDEO_EXTENSIONS.contains(ext)) { plainFileNames.add(getNameWithoutExt(f)); } } } } // check for multiple compressed files, the case of: // Title_of_the_film/abc.rar // Title_of_the_film/abc.r01 // Title_of_the_film/abc.r02 if (compressedFiles > 0) { FileGroup fg = initStorableMovie(folder); fg.getLocations().add(new FileLocation(currentLabel, folder.getURL())); addCompressedFiles(fg, files); add(fg); return true; } if (subDirectories >= 2 && subDirectories <= 5) { // the case of : // Title_of_the_film/cd1/... // Title_of_the_film/cd2/... // with an optional sample/subs directory // Title_of_the_film/sample/ // Title_of_the_film/subs/ // Title_of_the_film/subtitles/ // or // Title_of_the_film/bla1.avi // Title_of_the_film/bla2.avi // Title_of_the_film/sample/ // Title_of_the_film/subs/ if (isMovieFolder(directoryNames)) { FileGroup fg = initStorableMovie(folder); fg.getLocations().add(new FileLocation(currentLabel, folder.getURL())); for (String cdFolder : getCdFolders(directoryNames)) { addCompressedFiles(fg, files, cdFolder); } for (FileObject file : folder.getChildren()) { if (!isDirectory(file)) { String ext = getExtension(file); if (MovieFileFilter.VIDEO_EXT_EXTENSIONS.contains(ext)) { fg.getFiles().add(createFileMeta(file, MovieFileType.getTypeByExtension(ext))); } } } add(fg); return true; } } boolean subFolderContainMovie = false; for (FileObject f : files) { final String baseName = f.getName().getBaseName(); if (isDirectory(f) && !baseName.equalsIgnoreCase("sample") && !baseName.startsWith(".")) { subFolderContainMovie |= browse(f, monitor); } } // We want to handle the following cases: // 1, // Title_of_the_film/abc.avi // Title_of_the_film/ // --> no subdirectory, one film -> the title should be name of the // directory // // 2, // Title_of_the_film/abc-cd1.avi // Title_of_the_film/ // Title_of_the_film/ // Title_of_the_film/ // if (subDirectories > 0 && subFolderContainMovie) { return genericMovieFindProcess(files) || subFolderContainMovie; } else { int foundFiles = plainFileNames.size(); switch (foundFiles) { case 0: return subFolderContainMovie; case 1: { FileGroup fg = initStorableMovie(folder); fg.getLocations().add(new FileLocation(currentLabel, folder.getURL())); addFiles(fg, files, plainFileNames.iterator().next()); add(fg); return true; } case 2: { Iterator<String> it = plainFileNames.iterator(); String name1 =; String name2 =; if (LevenshteinDistance.distance(name1, name2) < 3) { // the difference is -cd1 / -cd2 FileGroup fg = initStorableMovie(folder); fg.getLocations().add(new FileLocation(currentLabel, folder.getURL())); addFiles(fg, files, name1); add(fg); return true; } // the difference is significant, we use the generic // solution } default: { return genericMovieFindProcess(files); } } } } private boolean isDirectory(FileObject f) throws FileSystemException { return f.getType().hasChildren(); } /** * check that every sub folder name is some common movie related folder name, eg 'cd1', 'cd2', 'sample', etc... * * @param subDirectoryNames * @return */ private boolean isMovieFolder(Set<String> subDirectoryNames) { boolean movieFolder = true; List<String> valid = Arrays.asList(MOVIE_SUB_DIRS); Iterator<String> iter = subDirectoryNames.iterator(); String next; while (iter.hasNext() && movieFolder) { next =; movieFolder = valid.contains(next); if (!movieFolder) { LOGGER.trace("not movie folder because: " + next); } } return movieFolder; } /** * Return a set of directory names, which starts with 'cd','disk' or 'part'. * * @param subDirectoryNames * @return */ private Set<String> getCdFolders(Set<String> subDirectoryNames) { Set<String> valid = new HashSet<String>(); for (String folder : subDirectoryNames) { if (folder.startsWith("cd") || folder.startsWith("disk") || folder.startsWith("part")) { valid.add(folder); } } return valid; } /** * add the compressed files to the file group, which are in the specified directory. * @param sm * @param fg * @param fileList * @param folderName * @throws FileSystemException */ private void addCompressedFiles(FileGroup fg, FileObject[] fileList, String folderName) throws FileSystemException { for (FileObject f : fileList) { if (f.getType().hasChildren() && folderName.equals(f.getName().getBaseName().toLowerCase())) { addCompressedFiles(fg, f.getChildren()); } } } /** * initialize a FileGroup * @param folder * @param sm * @return * @throws FileSystemException */ private FileGroup initStorableMovie(FileObject folder) throws FileSystemException { FileGroup fg = new FileGroup(); fg.setAudioLanguage(movieNameExtractor.getLanguageSuggestion(folder)); fg.setTitle(movieNameExtractor.removeCrap(folder)); return fg; } /** * Handle the one directory with several different movies case. * @param files * @return true, if a movie found * @throws FileSystemException */ private boolean genericMovieFindProcess(FileObject[] files) throws FileSystemException { Map<String, FileGroup> foundMovies = new HashMap<String, FileGroup>(); for (FileObject f : files) { if (!f.getType().hasChildren()) { String extension = getExtension(f); if (MovieFileFilter.VIDEO_EXT_EXTENSIONS.contains(extension)) { String baseName = movieNameExtractor.removeCrap(f); FileGroup m = foundMovies.get(baseName); if (m == null) { m = new FileGroup(); m.setTitle(baseName); m.setAudioLanguage(movieNameExtractor.getLanguageSuggestion(f)); m.getLocations().add(new FileLocation(currentLabel, f.getParent().getURL())); foundMovies.put(baseName, m); } m.getFiles().add(createFileMeta(f, MovieFileType.getTypeByExtension(extension))); } } } boolean foundMovie = false; for (FileGroup m : foundMovies.values()) { if (m.isValid()) { add(m); foundMovie = true; } } return foundMovie; } /** * add the files, which has similar names, to the movie object * * @param sm * @param files * @param next * @throws FileSystemException */ private void addFiles(FileGroup fg, FileObject[] files, String plainFileName) throws FileSystemException { for (FileObject f : files) { if (!f.getType().hasChildren()) { String baseName = getNameWithoutExt(f); String ext = getExtension(f); if (MovieFileFilter.VIDEO_EXT_EXTENSIONS.contains(ext)) { if (LevenshteinDistance.distance(plainFileName, baseName) <= 3) { fg.getFiles().add(createFileMeta(f, MovieFileType.getTypeByExtension(ext))); } } } } } private void addCompressedFiles(FileGroup fg, FileObject[] files) throws FileSystemException { for (FileObject f : files) { if (!f.getType().hasChildren()) { String ext = getExtension(f); if (ext == null) { LOGGER.trace("Ignoring file without extension: " + f.getURL()); } else { MovieFileType type = MovieFileType.getTypeByExtension(ext); if (type == MovieFileType.COMPRESSED || type == MovieFileType.NFO || type == MovieFileType.SUBTITLE) { fg.getFiles().add(createFileMeta(f, type)); } } } } } protected FileMeta createFileMeta(FileObject f, MovieFileType type) throws FileSystemException { return new FileMeta(f.getName().getBaseName(), type, f.getContent().getSize()); } private void add(FileGroup movie) { "film:" + movie.getTitle() + " found at: " + movie.getLocations() + " {" + movie.getFiles() + '}'); movie.guessReleaseType(); movies.add(movie); } private String getExtension(FileObject file) { return getExtension(file.getName().getBaseName()); } private String getExtension(String fileName) { int lastDotPos = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotPos != -1 && lastDotPos != 0 && lastDotPos < fileName.length() - 1) { return fileName.substring(lastDotPos + 1).toLowerCase(); } return null; } private String getNameWithoutExt(FileObject file) { String name = file.getName().getBaseName(); int lastDotPos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotPos != -1 && lastDotPos != 0 && lastDotPos < name.length() - 1) { return name.substring(0, lastDotPos); } return name; } }