Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) backend application. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) backend application is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package com.flexive.war.beans.admin.content; import com.flexive.faces.FxJsf1Utils; import com.flexive.faces.FxJsfUtils; import com.flexive.faces.beans.ActionBean; import com.flexive.faces.beans.FxContentEditorBean; import com.flexive.faces.beans.SearchResultBean; import com.flexive.faces.components.content.FxWrappedContent; import com.flexive.faces.messages.FxFacesMsgErr; import com.flexive.faces.messages.FxFacesMsgInfo; import com.flexive.shared.*; import com.flexive.shared.content.FxContent; import com.flexive.shared.content.FxContentVersionInfo; import com.flexive.shared.content.FxDelta; import com.flexive.shared.content.FxPK; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxApplicationException; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxLockException; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.ContentEngine; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.TreeEngine; import; import; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxType; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeMode; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeNode; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeNodeEdit; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeRemoveOp; import com.flexive.shared.value.FxReference; import com.flexive.shared.value.FxValue; import com.flexive.shared.value.ReferencedContent; import com.flexive.shared.value.renderer.FxValueFormatter; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.myfaces.custom.fileupload.UploadedFile; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import java.util.*; /** * Backend content editor bean. Use * {@link com.flexive.war.beans.admin.content.BeContentEditorBean#initEditor(com.flexive.shared.content.FxContent, boolean)}, * {@link com.flexive.war.beans.admin.content.BeContentEditorBean#initEditor(com.flexive.shared.content.FxPK, boolean)}, or * {@link com.flexive.war.beans.admin.content.BeContentEditorBean#initEditor(long, boolean)}, to initialize the content * editor from other beans, or use the url to pass parameters. */ public class BeContentEditorBean implements ActionBean, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1255372771864031452L; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BeContentEditorBean.class); private static final String FORM_ID = "frm"; private static final String EDITOR_ID = "CE_ID"; // edit new content of given type private long typeId = -1; // edit existing content of given pk private FxPK pk; // edit given content instance private FxContent content; private int version; private List<FxTreeNode> treeNodes; private long treeNodeParent; private FxTreeNode treeNode; private String infoPanelState; private int compareSourceVersion; private int compareDestinationVersion; private FxValueFormatter valueFormatter; private Map<Long, String> treeLabelMap; private Map<Long, String> displayTreeLabelMap; // content injected from the content editor component private FxWrappedContent wrappedContent; // edit mode private boolean editMode; private boolean reset; // type id for creating new contents private long newTypeId; /*import*/ // uploaded file for import private UploadedFile importUpload; // Pasted content for import private String importPasted; // Save after an import or keep editing? private boolean importSave; private long contentIdToInit = -1; private String fxCeRenderFieldsJSFunction = null; private boolean beBeanInUse; // Flag indicating if the content is opened/edited from a result set private boolean fromResultSet; // reload the content tree - flag checked in contenteditor.xhtml main page private boolean reloadContentTree = false; // hold the PKs in the order the user want them private String sortedPKs = null; private boolean changed = false; private CallbackOpts nextOp = null; // keep the index of a requested PK for the reqeuest in the hashtable so that we don't need to search for it every time private Hashtable<FxPK, Integer> currentIndexCache = new Hashtable<FxPK, Integer>(); private ArrayList<FxPK> sortedPKArray = new ArrayList<FxPK>(); private transient HttpSession session = null; private final static String SORTED_PK_KEY = "BeContentEditorBean/sortedPK"; private static final String LOOSE_LOCKED_PKS = "LooseLockedPKs"; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getParseRequestParameters() throws FxApplicationException { try { String action = FxJsfUtils.getParameter("action"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(action)) { return null; } resetViewStateVars(); if ("newInstance".equals(action)) { long typeId = FxJsfUtils.getLongParameter("typeId", -1); if (typeId == -1) { typeId = CacheAdmin.getFilteredEnvironment().getType(FxJsfUtils.getParameter("typeName")) .getId(); } long nodeId = FxJsfUtils.getLongParameter("nodeId", -1); this.typeId = typeId; if (nodeId != -1) { setTreeNodeParent(nodeId); addTreeNode(); } beBeanInUse = true; editMode = true; unlockLast(); } else if ("editInstance".equals(action)) { FxPK newPk; if (FxJsfUtils.getParameter("pk") != null) { String split[] = FxJsfUtils.getParameter("pk").split("\\."); Long id = Long.valueOf(split[0].trim()); Integer ver = Integer.valueOf(split[1].trim()); newPk = new FxPK(id, ver); } else { newPk = new FxPK(FxJsfUtils.getLongParameter("id"), FxJsfUtils.getBooleanParameter("liveMode", false) ? FxPK.LIVE : FxPK.MAX); } pk = newPk; beBeanInUse = true; editMode = FxJsfUtils.getBooleanParameter("editMode", false); unlockLast(); } } catch (Throwable t) { // TODO possibly pass some error message to the HTML page LOG.error("Failed to parse request parameters: " + t.getMessage(), t); } return null; } /** * Resets all variables that are stored in the view state. */ private void resetViewStateVars() { this.content = null; this.typeId = -1; = null; this.infoPanelState = null; this.editMode = false; this.reset = true; this.treeNodes = null; this.fromResultSet = false; this.beBeanInUse = false; // hack! FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(FORM_ID + ":" + EDITOR_ID); } /** * Returns if the content editor is initialized for editing or content viewing * * @return if the content editor is initialized */ public boolean isInitialized() { return pk != null || typeId != -1 || content != null; } public boolean isReset() { return reset; } public boolean isEditMode() { return editMode; } public void setEditMode(boolean editMode) { this.editMode = editMode; } public String getEditorId() { return EDITOR_ID; } public String getFormId() { return FORM_ID; } public FxContent getContent() { return content; } public void setContent(FxContent content) { this.content = content; } public long getTypeId() { return typeId; } public void setTypeId(long typeId) { this.typeId = typeId; } public long getNewTypeId() { return newTypeId; } public void setNewTypeId(long newTypeId) { this.newTypeId = newTypeId; } public void setWrappedContent(FxWrappedContent wrappedContent) { this.wrappedContent = wrappedContent; } public UploadedFile getImportUpload() { return importUpload; } public void setImportUpload(UploadedFile importUpload) { this.importUpload = importUpload; } public String getImportPasted() { return importPasted; } public void setImportPasted(String importPasted) { this.importPasted = importPasted; } public boolean isImportSave() { return importSave; } public void setImportSave(boolean importSave) { this.importSave = importSave; } public void setFromResultSet(boolean fromResultSet) { this.fromResultSet = fromResultSet; } public boolean isFromResultSet() { return fromResultSet; } public boolean isBeBeanInUse() { return beBeanInUse; } public void setBeBeanInUse(boolean beBeanInUse) { this.beBeanInUse = beBeanInUse; } public boolean isReloadContentTree() { return reloadContentTree; } public void setReloadContentTree(boolean reloadContentTree) { this.reloadContentTree = reloadContentTree; } /** * Import a content * * @return next page */ public String doImport() { FxContent _con = null; if (importUpload != null && importUpload.getSize() > 0) { System.out.println("Uploaded " + importUpload.getSize() + " bytes for " + importUpload.getName()); try { _con = EJBLookup.getContentEngine().importContent(new String(importUpload.getBytes(), "UTF-8"), true); } catch (Exception e) { new FxFacesMsgErr(e).addToContext(); } } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(importPasted)) { try { _con = EJBLookup.getContentEngine().importContent(importPasted, true); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { new FxFacesMsgErr(e).addToContext(); } } else { new FxFacesMsgInfo("Content.nfo.import.noData").addToContext(); } if (_con != null) { this.importPasted = ""; this.importUpload = null; this.infoPanelState = ""; try { wrappedContent.getContent().replaceData(_con); ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")) .setEditorId(wrappedContent.getEditorId()); compact(); if (importSave) { wrappedContent.getGuiSettings().setEditMode(false); save(); } new FxFacesMsgInfo("Content.nfo.imported").addToContext(); } catch (Exception e) { new FxFacesMsgErr(e).addToContext(); } } return null; } /** * Returns content versions as select items * * @return content versions as select items * @throws FxApplicationException on errors */ public List<SelectItem> getCompareVersions() throws FxApplicationException { FxContentVersionInfo versionInfo = pk.isNew() ? FxContentVersionInfo.createEmpty() : EJBLookup.getContentEngine().getContentVersionInfo(pk); List<SelectItem> items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(versionInfo.getVersionCount()); if (versionInfo.getVersionCount() > 0) { for (int v : versionInfo.getVersions()) { LifeCycleInfo lci = versionInfo.getVersionData(v).getLifeCycleInfo(); String name = "unknown"; try { name = EJBLookup.getAccountEngine().load(lci.getModificatorId()).getName(); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { //ignore } items.add(new SelectItem(v, "Version " + v + " by " + name + " at " + FxFormatUtils.getDateTimeFormat().format(new Date(lci.getModificationTime())))); } } return items; } /** * Returns FxDeltas between two selected versions. * * @return FxDeltas between two selected versions */ public List<FxDelta.FxDeltaChange> getCompareEntries() { List<FxDelta.FxDeltaChange> emptyResult = new ArrayList<FxDelta.FxDeltaChange>(0); try { final ContentEngine ce = EJBLookup.getContentEngine(); FxContentVersionInfo versionInfo = pk.isNew() ? FxContentVersionInfo.createEmpty() : ce.getContentVersionInfo(pk); if ("compare".equals(infoPanelState) && compareSourceVersion > 0 && compareSourceVersion <= versionInfo.getMaxVersion() && compareDestinationVersion > 0 && compareDestinationVersion <= versionInfo.getMaxVersion()) { FxContent content1 = ce.load(new FxPK(getId(), compareSourceVersion)); FxContent content2 = ce.load(new FxPK(getId(), compareDestinationVersion)); FxDelta delta = FxDelta.processDelta(content1, content2); List<FxDelta.FxDeltaChange> changes = delta.getDiff(content1, content2); //filter internal List<FxDelta.FxDeltaChange> internal = new ArrayList<FxDelta.FxDeltaChange>(5); for (FxDelta.FxDeltaChange d : changes) if (d.isInternal()) internal.add(d); changes.removeAll(internal); return changes; } else { return emptyResult; } } catch (FxApplicationException e) { new FxFacesMsgErr(e).addToContext(); return emptyResult; } } /** * Get the content as XML * * @return content as XML */ public Map<FxWrappedContent, String> getExportData() { return new HashMap<FxWrappedContent, String>() { @Override public String get(Object key) { if ("export".equals(infoPanelState) && key instanceof FxWrappedContent) { FxWrappedContent con = (FxWrappedContent) key; if (con.getContent() != null) { try { return EJBLookup.getContentEngine().exportContent(con.getContent()); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { LOG.error(e); } } } return ""; } }; } public int getCompareSourceVersion() { return compareSourceVersion; } public void setCompareSourceVersion(int compareSourceVersion) { this.compareSourceVersion = compareSourceVersion; } public int getCompareDestinationVersion() { return compareDestinationVersion; } public void setCompareDestinationVersion(int compareDestinationVersion) { this.compareDestinationVersion = compareDestinationVersion; } public String getInfoPanelState() { return infoPanelState; } public void setInfoPanelState(String togglePanelState) { this.infoPanelState = togglePanelState; } public String getEditorPage() { return "contentEditor"; } /** * Returns referencing tree nodes for stored content instances. * * @return referencing tree nodes for stored content instances */ public List<FxTreeNode> getTreeNodes() { if (treeNodes == null) { if (pk != null && !pk.isNew()) { try { treeNodes = EJBLookup.getTreeEngine().getNodesWithReference(FxTreeMode.Edit, pk.getId()); } catch (Throwable t) { new FxFacesMsgErr(t).addToContext(); } } else treeNodes = new ArrayList<FxTreeNode>(0); } return treeNodes; } public void setTreeNodes(List<FxTreeNode> treeNodes) { this.treeNodes = treeNodes; } public long getTreeNodeParent() { return treeNodeParent; } public void setTreeNodeParent(long treeNode) { this.treeNodeParent = treeNode; } public FxTreeNode getTreeNode() { return treeNode; } public void setTreeNode(FxTreeNode treeNode) { this.treeNode = treeNode; } /** * Ajax call to detach content from tree node set via treeNode variable. */ public void removeTreeNode() { //FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(FORM_ID+":"+EDITOR_ID); for (FxTreeNode node : getTreeNodes()) { if (node.getId() == treeNode.getId()) node.setMarkForDelete(true); } } /** * Ajax call to attach content to tree node id set via treeNodeParent variable. */ public void addTreeNode() { addTreeNode(treeNodeParent); } /** * Attach content to a given tree node * * @param _node tree node id */ public void addTreeNode(long _node) { try { // Only add the path if it does not already exist for (FxTreeNode node : getTreeNodes()) { if (node.getParentNodeId() == _node) { if (node.isMarkForDelete()) { // was removed before .. just take it in again node.setMarkForDelete(false); return; } else { // exists return; } } } // Add the path if the parent node is valid try { FxTreeNode tn = EJBLookup.getTreeEngine().getNode(FxTreeMode.Edit, _node); if (tn != null) getTreeNodes().add(FxTreeNode.createNewTemporaryChildNode(tn)); } catch (Throwable t) { /* ignore */ } } catch (Exception t) { new FxFacesMsgErr(t).addToContext(); } } /** * Mapped function to return the label path for a tree node (id) * * @return label path for a given tree node in the calling users locale */ public Map<Long, String> getTreeLabelPath() { if (treeLabelMap == null) { treeLabelMap = FxSharedUtils.getMappedFunction(new FxSharedUtils.ParameterMapper<Long, String>() { @Override public String get(Object key) { try { long id = (Long) key; if (id < 0) { for (FxTreeNode node : getTreeNodes()) { if (node.getId() == id) return EJBLookup.getTreeEngine() .getLabels(FxTreeMode.Edit, node.getParentNodeId()).get(0) + "/*"; } return "unknown/*"; } else return EJBLookup.getTreeEngine().getLabels(FxTreeMode.Edit, id).get(0); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { return "unknown"; } } }, true); } return treeLabelMap; } /** * Like {@link #getTreeLabelPath()}, but trimmed to a sensible maximum length for showing the path in the backend. * * @return trimmed label path for a given tree node */ public Map<Long, String> getTreeLabelPathDisplay() { if (displayTreeLabelMap == null) { displayTreeLabelMap = FxSharedUtils .getMappedFunction(new FxSharedUtils.ParameterMapper<Long, String>() { @Override public String get(Object key) { final int maxLen = 80; final String label = getTreeLabelPath().get((Long) key); if (label != null && label.length() > maxLen) { return label.substring(0, maxLen - 3) + "..."; } else { return label; } } }, false); } return displayTreeLabelMap; } /** * Show the new content creation screen. * * @return the action outcome */ public String showNewContent() { resetViewStateVars(); return "contentEditor"; } /** * JSF action to create a new instance for a given type id. * * @return contentEditor navigation case */ public String createNewContent() { resetViewStateVars(); this.typeId = newTypeId; beBeanInUse = true; this.editMode = true; if (treeNodeParent > 0) { addTreeNode(); } return getEditorPage(); } public FxPK getPk() { return pk; } public void setPk(FxPK pk) { = pk; } /** * JSF action used to reload currently edited content. * Note: Pending changes are lost. * * @return next page */ public String reload() { this.reset = true; this.treeNodes = null; this.infoPanelState = null; FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(FORM_ID + ":" + EDITOR_ID); return null; } /** * JSF- action to load the given version */ public void loadVersion() { reload(); = new FxPK(wrappedContent.getContent().getId(), version); this.editMode = wrappedContent.getGuiSettings().isEditMode(); new FxFacesMsgInfo("ContentEditor.nfo.version.loaded", version, pk).addToContext(); } public long getId() { return pk != null ? pk.getId() : -1; } public void setId(long id) { this.contentIdToInit = id; } public long getContentIdToInit() { return contentIdToInit; } public void setContentIdToInit(long contentIdToInit) { this.contentIdToInit = contentIdToInit; } public void setVersion(int version) { this.version = version; } public int getVersion() { return version; } /** * Initialize for an existing content instance. * To be used by other beans. * * @param con content instance * @param editMode edit mode * @return editor page */ public String initEditor(FxContent con, boolean editMode) { resetViewStateVars(); content = con; this.editMode = editMode; beBeanInUse = true; return getEditorPage(); } /** * Initialize for a given pk (which must not be new). * To be used by other beans. * * @param pk of a stored content instance * @param editMode edit mode * @return editor page */ public String initEditor(FxPK pk, boolean editMode) { resetViewStateVars(); = pk; this.editMode = editMode; beBeanInUse = true; return getEditorPage(); } /** * Initialize for a given type id. * To be used by other beans. * * @param typeId type id * @param editMode edit mode * @return editor page */ public String initEditor(long typeId, boolean editMode) { resetViewStateVars(); this.typeId = typeId; this.editMode = editMode; beBeanInUse = true; return getEditorPage(); } /** * Initialize the content editor from the context menu of a result set * with the set version and content id. * * @return editor page */ public String initEditorFromResultSet() { // save edit mode boolean editMode = this.editMode; // loose the lock (FX828) if (editMode && wrappedContent != null) { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")) .setEditorId(wrappedContent.getEditorId()); ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).cancel(); } resetViewStateVars(); // restore edit mode this.editMode = editMode; // set result set flag this.fromResultSet = true; = new FxPK(contentIdToInit, version); beBeanInUse = true; unlockLast(); return getEditorPage(); } /** * checks if there is an open loose lock for the current session, and if so release it * * save the current pk as an open loose lock for the next time * @since 3.1.4 */ private void unlockLast() { FxPK currPK = (FxPK) FxJsfUtils.getSession().getAttribute(LOOSE_LOCKED_PKS); if (currPK != null) { final ContentEngine ce = EJBLookup.getContentEngine(); final UserTicket ticket = FxContext.getUserTicket(); FxLock currLock = ce.getLock(currPK); if (currLock.getUserId() == ticket.getUserId() && currLock.getLockType() == FxLockType.Loose) { try { ce.unlock(currPK); } catch (FxLockException e) { new FxFacesMsgErr("ContentEditor.err.lock", e.getMessage()).addToContext(); } } } FxJsfUtils.getSession().setAttribute(LOOSE_LOCKED_PKS,; } /** * Returns all editable types. * * @return all editable types */ public List<SelectItem> getEditableTypes() { List<FxType> types = CacheAdmin.getFilteredEnvironment().getTypes(true, true, true, false); ArrayList<FxType> result = new ArrayList<FxType>(types.size()); for (FxType t : types) { if (t.getId() != FxType.ROOT_ID) { result.add(t); } } return FxJsfUtils.asSelectListWithLabel(result); } /** * Cancel editing * * @return next page */ public String cancel() { if ("import".equals(infoPanelState)) infoPanelState = null; boolean isReferenced = wrappedContent.isReferenced(); ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).cancel(); if (!isReferenced) { if (wrappedContent.isNew()) { resetViewStateVars(); } else { editMode = false; wrappedContent.setReset(true); treeNodes = null; } } return null; } public void callBack() { switch (nextOp) { case CANCEL: cancel(); break; case SET_NEXT_PK: initEditorFromResultSet(); break; } } public CallbackOpts getNextOp() { return nextOp; } public void setNextOp(CallbackOpts nextOp) { this.nextOp = nextOp; } public void preCancel() { changed = wrappedContent.wasChanged(); if (changed) { nextOp = CallbackOpts.CANCEL; } else { cancel(); } } public void preInitEditorFromResultSet() { changed = wrappedContent.wasChanged(); if (changed) { nextOp = CallbackOpts.SET_NEXT_PK; } else { initEditorFromResultSet(); } } /** * Removes all empty elements which are not required. * * @return the next page to render. */ public String compact() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).compact(); return null; } /** * Deletes the instance * * @return the next page to render (= the content editor) */ public String delete() { try { boolean isReferenced = wrappedContent.isReferenced(); // check if deleted content was part of result set // and update result set if necessary FxPK newPK; boolean editModeSaved = editMode; ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean"))._delete(); newPK = removePKindex(wrappedContent.getContent().getPk()); if (!isReferenced) { resetViewStateVars(); } if (newPK != null) { // reinit content editor with saved values this.editMode = editModeSaved; = newPK; this.fromResultSet = true; } } catch (Exception e) { new FxFacesMsgErr(e).addToContext(); } finally { FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(FORM_ID + ":" + EDITOR_ID); } return null; } /** * Deletes the current version * * @return the next page to render (= the content editor) */ public String deleteCurrentVersion() { try { boolean isReferenced = wrappedContent.isReferenced(); FxContentEditorBean ceBean = (FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean"); // check if deleted content was part of result set // and update result set if necessary ceBean._deleteCurrentVersion(); // update search result removePKindex(getPk()); if (!isReferenced) { // retrieve new pk from content storage pk = new FxPK(pk.getId(), FxPK.MAX); } } catch (Exception t) { new FxFacesMsgErr(t).addToContext(); } finally { FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(FORM_ID + ":" + EDITOR_ID); } return null; } /** * Deletes a specific version set in "version" * * @return the next page to render (= the content editor) */ public String deleteVersion() { try { FxPK pkToDelete = new FxPK(wrappedContent.getContent().getPk().getId(), version); EJBLookup.getContentEngine().removeVersion(pkToDelete); new FxFacesMsgInfo("Content.nfo.deletedVersion", pkToDelete).addToContext(); // update search result removePKindex(pkToDelete); // load highest available version = new FxPK(pk.getId(), FxPK.MAX); } catch (Exception t) { new FxFacesMsgErr(t).addToContext(); } finally { FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(FORM_ID + ":" + EDITOR_ID); } return null; } /** * Saves the data in a new version. */ public void saveInNewVersion() { _save(true); FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(FORM_ID + ":" + EDITOR_ID); } /** * Action method: Saves the data. */ public void save() { final UserTicket ticket = FxContext.getUserTicket(); boolean ownerChange = false; // no owner change check if the current user is a supervisor if (!ticket.isGlobalSupervisor() || !ticket.isMandatorSupervisor()) { ownerChange = checkOwnerChange(); } if (ownerChange) { wrappedContent.getGuiSettings().setTakeOver(true); new FxFacesMsgErr("ContentEditor.msg.takeOver.warning").addToContext(); } else { _save(false); } FxJsf1Utils.resetFaceletsComponent(FORM_ID + ":" + EDITOR_ID); } /** * Action method: save the content and cancel editing (remove loose lock) */ public void saveAndCancel() { final UserTicket ticket = FxContext.getUserTicket(); try { boolean ownerChange = false; // no owner change check if the current user is a supervisor if (!ticket.isGlobalSupervisor() || !ticket.isMandatorSupervisor()) { ownerChange = checkOwnerChange(); } if (ownerChange) { wrappedContent.getGuiSettings().setTakeOver(true); new FxFacesMsgErr("ContentEditor.msg.takeOver.warning").addToContext(); } else { _save(false); cancel(); } } catch (Exception t) { new FxFacesMsgErr(t).addToContext(); } } /** * Checks whether the currently opened content had it's lock revoked by another user * and displays the appropriate message * * @return returns true if the owner (lock) of the currently opened content changed */ public boolean checkOwnerChange() { return ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).checkOwnerChange(); } /** * Action method: override a content's lock * * @return returns the current page */ public String lockOverride() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).lockOverride(); return getEditorPage(); } /** * Action method: override a content's lock and enter edit mode * * @return returns the current page */ public String lockOverrideAndEdit() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).lockOverrideAndEdit(); return getEditorPage(); } /** * Action method: edit the content in a new (max) version * * @return returns the current page */ public String enableEditInNewVersion() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).enableEditInNewVersion(); return getEditorPage(); } /** * Saves the data in the current or in a new version. * * @param newVersion if true a new version is created. */ private void _save(boolean newVersion) { try { // save old view state FxPK oldPk = pk; long oldTypeId = typeId; FxContent oldContent = content; boolean isReferenced = wrappedContent.isReferenced(); // check if saved content was part of result set // and update result set if necessary boolean updateSearchResult = isPkInSearchResult(wrappedContent.getContent().getPk()); FxContentEditorBean ceBean = (FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean"); = ceBean._save(newVersion); // update search result if (updateSearchResult) { ((SearchResultBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxSearchResultBean")).refresh(); } if (!isReferenced) { // if content was new, reset typeId, content and wrapped content (-> use newPk after save) if (wrappedContent.getContent().getPk().isNew()) { typeId = -1; content = null; this.editMode = false; // retrieve saved content from storage and set reset flag, // for edit mode to be deactivated ceBean.getContentStorage().get(wrappedContent.getEditorId()).setReset(true); } // if no error happened, handle tree TreeEngine tree = EJBLookup.getTreeEngine(); final List<FxTreeNode> treeNodes = tree.getNodesWithReference(FxTreeMode.Edit, pk.getId()); for (FxTreeNode node : getTreeNodes()) { if (node.isMarkForDelete() && !node.isTemporary()) { tree.remove(node, FxTreeRemoveOp.Unfile, true); } else if (node.isTemporary()) { boolean assignmentExists = false; for (FxTreeNode child : treeNodes) { if (child.getParentNodeId() == node.getParentNodeId()) { // avoid duplicate tree entries assignmentExists = true; } } if (!assignmentExists) { String name = null; if (wrappedContent.getContent().hasCaption()) { name = wrappedContent.getContent().getCaption().getBestTranslation(); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { name = CacheAdmin.getFilteredEnvironment() .getType(wrappedContent.getContent().getTypeId()).getName() + "_" + pk.getId() + "." + pk.getVersion(); } .setReference(pk).setPosition(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); } } // Reload changes this.treeNodes = null; // TODO: only call when tree node labels need to be manually updated // (i.e. after an existing content is edited and caption changed) FxContext.get().setTreeWasModified(); } } if (isReferenced) { // if content was referenced, reset to saved view state vars // (so that base content is displayed again) pk = oldPk; content = oldContent; typeId = oldTypeId; } } catch (Exception t) { new FxFacesMsgErr(t).addToContext(); } } /** * Action method: enable edit mode * * @return returns the current view */ public String enableEdit() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).enableEdit(); return null; } /** * Action method: acquire a permanent lock on a content */ public void acquirePermLock() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).acquirePermLock(); } /** * Action method: acquire a loose lock on a content */ public void acquireLooseLock() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).acquireLooseLock(); } /** * Action method: unlock a content */ public void unLock() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).unLock(); } /** * Action method: compute the remaining lock duration */ public void computeRemainingLockTime() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).computeRemainingLockTime(); } /** * Action method: extend the lock duration */ public void extendLock() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).extendLock(); } /** * Action method: cancel the lock override, resets form and gui settings */ public void noLockOverride() { ((FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean")).noLockOverride(); } /** * Return a custom value formatter for FxValueInput if edit mode is disabled. * * @return the value formatter for FxValueInput */ public FxValueFormatter getValueFormatter() { if (valueFormatter == null) { valueFormatter = new ReferenceValueFormatter(); } return valueFormatter; } public boolean isChanged() { return changed; } /** * A custom value formatter for content references. Renders content references as * links, that trigger the referenced content to be opened in content editor. */ private static class ReferenceValueFormatter implements FxValueFormatter, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2283199607456062352L; @Override public String format(FxValue container, Object value, FxLanguage outputLanguage) { if (container instanceof FxReference && value instanceof ReferencedContent) { return "<a href=\"adm/content/contentEditor.jsf?action=editInstance&readOnly=true&id=" + ((ReferencedContent) value).getId() + "\">" + ((ReferencedContent) value).getCaption() + "</a>"; } return null; } } /** * Returns whether the given pk is part of the search result. * * @param pk pk * @return whether the content instance with the pk currently being edited * is part of the search result. */ private boolean isPkInSearchResult(FxPK pk) { return isFromResultSet() && pk != null && sortedPKArray.size() > 0 && sortedPKArray.contains(pk); } /** * Update the search result and fetch the new PK to edit * * @param matchVersion if true, the updated search result is * matched for the new version, otherwise for index. * @return the new pk to edit */ private FxPK updateSearchResult(boolean matchVersion) { SearchResultBean sb = (SearchResultBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxSearchResultBean"); int currentIndex = getIndex().get(getPk()); sb.refresh(); if (!matchVersion && currentIndex > 0 && sb.getResult().getRowCount() > 0) { // index handled by the getPkByIndex function return getPkByIndex().get(currentIndex); } else if (matchVersion) { if (sb.getResult().getResultRow(getPk()) != null) return getPk(); } return null; } /** * Mapped access to search result row, matching given pk. * * @return Mapped access to search result row, matching given pk. */ public Map<FxPK, FxContent> getResultRow() { return new HashMap<FxPK, FxContent>() { @Override public FxContent get(Object key) { FxPK pk = (FxPK) key; try { return EJBLookup.getContentEngine().load(pk); } catch (FxApplicationException e) { return get(removePKindex(pk)); } } }; } public String getSortedPKs() { if (sortedPKs != null) { if (session == null) session = FxJsfUtils.getSession(); session.setAttribute(SORTED_PK_KEY, sortedPKs); } return sortedPKs; } /** * Removes a FxPK and return the following FxPK * @param currentPK the FxPK to remove * @return the following FxPK or <code>null</code> if the current PK was not found) */ private FxPK removePKindex(FxPK currentPK) { int currentIndex = getIndex().get(currentPK); if (currentIndex < 0 || sortedPKArray.size() == 0) return null; sortedPKArray.remove(currentIndex); if (currentIndex >= sortedPKArray.size()) { currentIndex = sortedPKArray.size() - 1; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sortedPKs.length()); for (FxPK tmpPK : sortedPKArray) { sb.append(',').append(tmpPK); } sortedPKs = sb.toString().substring(1); // remove the starting ',' currentIndexCache.clear(); return sortedPKArray.get(currentIndex); } /** * returns the index of the given PK according to the sortedPKArray * @return the index in the sortedPKArray or -1 if not found */ public Map<FxPK, Integer> getIndex() { return new HashMap<FxPK, Integer>() { @Override public Integer get(Object key) { Integer tmp = currentIndexCache.get(key); if (tmp == null) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortedPKs)) setSortedPKs(null); tmp = sortedPKArray.indexOf(FxPK.fromObject(key)); currentIndexCache.put((FxPK) key, tmp); } return tmp; } }; } public void setSortedPKs(String sortedPKs) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortedPKs)) { if (session == null) session = FxJsfUtils.getSession(); this.sortedPKs = (String) session.getAttribute(SORTED_PK_KEY); if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.sortedPKs)) { return; } } else { this.sortedPKs = sortedPKs; } for (String tmpS : this.sortedPKs.split(",")) { sortedPKArray.add(FxPK.fromString(tmpS)); } this.currentIndexCache.clear(); } /** * Mapped access to the pk of the search result row, matching given index. * * @return mapped access to the pk of the search result row, matching given index. */ public Map<Integer, FxPK> getPkByIndex() { return new HashMap<Integer, FxPK>() { @Override public FxPK get(Object key) { // avoid JSF integer/long conversion bug int i = Integer.parseInt(key.toString()); // cap possible overflows if (sortedPKArray.size() <= i) { i = sortedPKArray.size() - 1; } if (i < 0) { i = 0; } return sortedPKArray.get(i); } }; } /** * @see com.flexive.faces.beans.FxContentEditorBean#sortProperties() * @since 3.1.1 */ public void sortProperties() { FxContentEditorBean ceBean = (FxContentEditorBean) FxJsfUtils.getManagedBean("fxContentEditorBean"); ceBean.sortProperties(); } /** * @return the confirmKey if in editMode or <code>null</code> if not in editMode */ public String getConfirm() { return this.editMode ? "Content.confirm.abort" : null; } public int getRowCount() { return sortedPKArray.size(); } private static enum CallbackOpts { CANCEL, SET_NEXT_PK } }