Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package com.flexive.tests.browser; import com.flexive.tests.browser.exceptions.ResultTableNotFoundException; import com.flexive.tests.browser.exceptions.RowNotFoundException; import com.flexive.tests.browser.exceptions.SelectItemsNotFoundException; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.Hashtable; import static; /** * Tests related to Content * * @author Laszlo Hernadi (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * @version $Rev: 462 $ */ public class AdmContentTest extends AbstractBackendBrowserTest { private final static boolean[] SKIP_TEST_S = calcSkips(); private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AdmContentTest.class); private final static String CREATE_TYPE_LINK = "adm/structure/typeEditor.jsf?action=createType"; private final static String PROPERTY_EDITOR_LINK = "adm/structure/propertyEditor.jsf"; private final static String CREATE_CONTENT_LINK = "adm/content/contentEditor.jsf?action=newInstance&"; private final static String CREATE_QUERY_LINK = "adm/search/query.jsf?action=typeSearch&typeId="; private final static String ADD_PROPERTY_LINK = "adm/search/query.jsf?action=propertySearch&propertyId="; private final static Hashtable<String, String> propertyLinkLUT = new Hashtable<String, String>(); private final static Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, String>> propertyLUT = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, String>>(); private final static String[] TYPES = { "Type01" }; private final static String[] PARAMETERS = { "TestString", "TestNumber" }; private final static long TS = System.currentTimeMillis() / 60000; private final static String[] BRIEF_CASES = { "TestBC" + TS, "BC02" + TS }; /** * build the skip array, an array in which every test-method have an entry which * indicates if a method should be skiped * @return the skip-array */ private static boolean[] calcSkips() { boolean[] skipList = new boolean[3]; for (int i = 0; i < skipList.length; i++) { skipList[i] = !AbstractBackendBrowserTest.isForceAll(); // skipList[i] = false; } // skipList[0] = false; // skipList[1] = false; // skipList[skipList.length - 1] = false; return skipList; } /** * only used if selenium browser must be setup for every class * @return <code>true</code> if all elements in the skip-array are true */ @Override protected boolean doSkip() { for (boolean cur : SKIP_TEST_S) { if (!cur) return false; } return true; } /** * creates a Type * creates 2 properties * creates a content (a Hahstable is needed) */ @Test public void content_AC_1() { if (SKIP_TEST_S[0]) { skipMe(); return; } try { loginSupervisor(); if (AbstractBackendBrowserTest.isForceAll()) { Assert.assertTrue(createType(TYPES[0], TYPES[0])); Assert.assertTrue(createProperty(TYPES[0], PARAMETERS[0], "String1024")); Assert.assertTrue(createProperty(TYPES[0], PARAMETERS[1], "Number")); } Hashtable<String, Object> param = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); param.put(PARAMETERS[0], "blaaa"); param.put(PARAMETERS[1], "123"); Assert.assertTrue(createContent(TYPES[0], param)); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(t.getMessage(), t); fail(t.getMessage(), t); } finally { logout(); } } /** * edit a content and change a parameter from blaaa to xxx * checks if the results are ok (no results for blaaa but for xxx) * change it back */ @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "content_AC_1" }) public void content_AC_2() { if (SKIP_TEST_S[1]) { skipMe(); return; } try { loginSupervisor(); Hashtable<String, Object> param = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); param.put(PARAMETERS[0], "blaaa"); Hashtable<String, Object> rep = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); rep.put(PARAMETERS[0], "xxx"); Assert.assertTrue(editContent(TYPES[0], param, rep)); Assert.assertTrue(checkResults(PARAMETERS[0], "blaaa", false)); Assert.assertTrue(checkResults(PARAMETERS[0], "xxx", true)); editContent(TYPES[0], rep, param); // change back... } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(t.getMessage(), t); fail(t.getMessage(), t); } finally { logout(); } } /** * searche for the blaaa content and add it to a briefcase * exclude it from the briefcase * create a new briefcase and add the content to that briefcase * move the result from the second briefcase to the first * copy the result from the first briefcase to the second * delete the content of the first briefcase * save the query */ @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "content_AC_2" }) public void content_AC_3() { if (SKIP_TEST_S[2]) { skipMe(); return; } try { loginSupervisor(); Hashtable<String, Object> param = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); param.put(PARAMETERS[0], "blaaa"); Assert.assertTrue(addToBriefCase(TYPES[0], BRIEF_CASES[0], param)); Assert.assertTrue(excludeFromBriefCase(BRIEF_CASES[0], TYPES[0])); Assert.assertTrue(createBriefCase(BRIEF_CASES[1])); Assert.assertTrue(addToBriefCase(TYPES[0], BRIEF_CASES[0], param)); Assert.assertTrue(moveTypeFromToBriefCase(BRIEF_CASES[0], BRIEF_CASES[1], TYPES[0])); Assert.assertTrue(copyTypeFromToBriefCase(BRIEF_CASES[1], BRIEF_CASES[0], TYPES[0])); Assert.assertTrue(deleteFromBriefCase(BRIEF_CASES[0], TYPES[0])); Assert.assertTrue(saveCurrentQuery("Q02") || saveCurrentQuery("Q03")); // excludeFromBriefCase(BRIEF_CASES[1], TYPES[0]); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(t.getMessage(), t); fail(t.getMessage(), t); } finally { logout(); } } /** * saves the current query * @param queryName the name the saved query should have * @return <code>true</code> if the query is successfully saved */ private boolean saveCurrentQuery(String queryName) { clickOnQueryTab(); try { sleep(1000);"link=Save query"); // clickAndWait("link=Save query"); sleep(1000); } catch (SeleniumException se) { // LOG.error(se.getMessage(), se); /* ignore it...*/ } fillInPopupForm(queryName); sleep(3000); return checkText("Saved query", true, LOG); } /** * excludes content by a type-name from a given briefcase * @param CaseName the briefcase from wich to exclude * @param typeName the name of the type to exclude * @return <code>true</code> if the briefcase has no more records */ private boolean excludeFromBriefCase(String CaseName, String typeName) { selectBriefCase(CaseName); String tr = getTRContainingName(getResultTable(null), typeName, 2); if (selectTR(tr)) {"link=exclude"); return checkText("No records found.", true, LOG); } return false; } /** * delete a content from a briefcase by a type name * @param briefCase the name of the briefcase * @param typeName the name of the type * @return <code>true</code> in all cases */ private boolean deleteFromBriefCase(String briefCase, String typeName) { selectBriefCase(briefCase); selectFrame(Frame.Content); String link; int begin, end; String tr = correctHTML(getTRContainingName(getResultTable(null), typeName, 2), "</a>"); end = tr.indexOf(">delete</a>"); if (tr.charAt(end - 1) == '\'') { end--; } begin = tr.lastIndexOf("javascript:", end) + 11; tr = tr.substring(begin, end); link = WND + "." + tr.replaceFirst("\\(", "(" + WND + "."); selenium.getEval(link); sleep(200); selenium.selectFrame("relative=up");"//button[@type='button']"); return true; // TODO } /** * copies a content from a briefcase to an other * * @param fromCase the name of the briefcase from which to copy * @param toCase the name of the briefcase to which to copy * @param typeName the name of the type which to copy * @return <code>true</code> if the copy was successfull */ private boolean copyTypeFromToBriefCase(String fromCase, String toCase, String typeName) { return copy_moveBriefCase(fromCase, toCase, typeName, "Copy to briefcase...", "Added 1 objects to \"" + toCase + "\"."); } /** * moves a content from a briefcase to an other * * @param fromCase the name of the briefcase from which to move * @param toCase the name of the briefcase to which to move * @param typeName the name of the type which to move * @return <code>true</code> if the copy was successfull */ private boolean moveTypeFromToBriefCase(String fromCase, String toCase, String typeName) { return copy_moveBriefCase(fromCase, toCase, typeName, "Move to briefcase...", "Moved 1 objects from \"" + fromCase + "\" to \"" + toCase + "\"."); } /** * copies or moves a content from one briefcase to an other * @param fromCase the name of the briefcase from which to copy / move * @param toCase the name of the briefcase to which to copy / move * @param typeName the name of the type what to copy / move * @param firstIndex what to search (copy / move) * @param msg message to test * @return <code>true</code> if the copy / move was successfull */ private boolean copy_moveBriefCase(String fromCase, String toCase, String typeName, String firstIndex, String msg) { selectBriefCase(fromCase); selectFrame(Frame.Content); String link; int begin, end; String html; String tr = getTRContainingName(getResultTable(null), typeName, 2); if (clickOnMoreLink(tr)) { html = selenium.getHTMLSource("</div", "<li "); begin = html.indexOf(firstIndex); end = html.indexOf("</div", begin) + 4; end = html.indexOf("</div", end); html = html.substring(begin, end); String[] li_s = html.split("<li "); String li; for (int i = li_s.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { li = li_s[i]; if (li.indexOf(toCase + " (") > 0) { // begin = li.indexOf("id=\"") + 4; // end = li.indexOf("\"", begin); link = "//li[@id='" + getID(li) + "']/a";; sleep(300); return checkText(msg, true, LOG, Frame.Top); } } } return false; } /** * clicks on a tr * @param tr the tr to click * @return <code>true</code> if successfull */ private boolean selectTR(String tr) { String trID; int begin, ende; if (tr != null) { ende = tr.indexOf(">"); begin = tr.indexOf("id=") + 3; if (begin > 3 && begin < ende) { ende = tr.indexOf(" ", begin); trID = tr.substring(begin, ende).replaceAll("\"", ""); // sleep(500); // clickAndWait(trID); int trys = 10; while (trys-- > 0) { try {; break; } catch (SeleniumException se) { selectFrame(Frame.Content); sleep(200); } } if (trys <= 0) {; } return true; } } return false; } /** * select a briefcase * @param briefName the name of the briefcase */ private void selectBriefCase(String briefName) { navigateTo(NavigationTab.Search); String html = selenium.getHTMLSource("title", "<a ", "id="); String link; int begin; begin = html.indexOf("title=\"" + briefName + " "); begin = html.lastIndexOf("<a ", begin); // begin = html.indexOf("id=\"", begin) + 4; // ende = html.indexOf("\"", begin); // link = html.substring(begin, ende); link = getID(html, begin);; //; selenium.waitForPageToLoad("10000"); } /** * creates a briefcase with the given name * @param briefName name of the briefcase * @return <code>true</code> if successfuly created */ private boolean createBriefCase(String briefName) { navigateTo(NavigationTab.Search); String html = selenium.getHTMLSource("javascript:", "href=\""); String link; int begin; begin = html.indexOf("Briefcases"); if (begin > 0 && html.indexOf("(", begin) < begin + 25) { // begin = html.indexOf("href=\"", begin) + 6; // ende = html.indexOf("\"", begin); // link = html.substring(begin, ende).replaceAll("javascript:", WND + "."); link = getID(html, "href=", begin).replaceAll("javascript:", WND + "."); link = link.substring(0, link.lastIndexOf(")") + 1); selenium.getEval(link); fillInPopupForm(briefName); return true; } return false; } /** * fill in the text in a popup-window * @param value the text value to fill in */ private void fillInPopupForm(String value) { selenium.selectFrame("relative=up"); sleep(200); selenium.type("__fxPromptInput", value);"//button[@type='button']"); } /** * clicks on the more link in a tr * @param tr the source of the tr * @return <code>true</code> if the tr is found */ private boolean clickOnMoreLink(String tr) { if (selectTR(tr)) { String tmp = tr.split("<td ")[1]; int ende = tmp.indexOf("</div></td>"); int begin = tmp.lastIndexOf(">", ende) + 1; tmp = "more_link_" + tmp.substring(begin, ende);; return true; } return false; } /** * add a content to a briefcase * @param typeName the name of the type to add * @param briefName the name of the briefcase to put in (if not exsist, it will be created...) * @param param the parameter for the search * @return <code>true</code> if successfully added */ private boolean addToBriefCase(String typeName, String briefName, Hashtable<String, Object> param) { searchForType(typeName, param); selectFrame(Frame.Content); String tr = getTRContainingName(getResultTable(null), typeName, 2); // writeHTMLtoHD("addToBC"); String link = null; int begin, end; if (clickOnMoreLink(tr)) { tr = selenium.getHTMLSource("</div", "<li "); begin = tr.indexOf("New..."); end = tr.indexOf("</div", begin) + 4; end = tr.indexOf("</div", end); tr = tr.substring(begin, end); String[] li_s = tr.split("<li "); for (String li : li_s) { if (li.indexOf(briefName + " (") > 0) { // begin = li.indexOf("id=\"") + 4; // end = li.indexOf("\"", begin); // link = "//li[@id='" + li.substring(begin, end) + "']/a"; link = "//li[@id='" + getID(li) + "']/a";; // sleep(200); return true; // break; } } if (link == null) {"link=New..."); fillInPopupForm(briefName); } int trys = 60; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (trys-- > 0) { if (checkText("Added 1 objects to", true, LOG, Frame.Top)) {"time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); return true; } sleep(100); } // return checkText("Added 1 objects to", true, LOG); } LOG.error("can't find type \"" + typeName + "\""); return false; } /** * checks the results of a search * @param pName the name of a parameter to search * @param value the value of that parameter * @param expectedResult the expected result * @return <code>true</code> if result is expected */ private boolean checkResults(String pName, Object value, boolean expectedResult) { clickOnQueryTab(); fillInQuery(pName, value); clickAndWait("link=Search"); sleep(1000); return checkText("No records found.", !expectedResult, LOG); } /** * searches for a type * @param typeName the name of the type * @param param the parameter which to fill in */ private void searchForType(String typeName, Hashtable<String, Object> param) { fillLUT(typeName); String link = CREATE_QUERY_LINK + propertyLUT.get(typeName).get("typeId"); loadContentPage(link); navigateTo(NavigationTab.Structure); selectFrame(Frame.NavStructures); if (param != null) { String id; boolean isEditor; for (String pName : param.keySet()) { selectFrame(Frame.NavStructures); fillLUT(pName); id = propertyLUT.get(pName).get("propertyId"); try { isEditor = selenium.getEval(WND + ".parent.frames[\"contentFrame\"].isQueryEditor") .equals("true"); } catch (Throwable t) { isEditor = false; } if (isEditor) { try { selenium.getEval(WND + ".parent.frames[\"contentFrame\"].addPropertyQueryNode(" + id + ")"); } catch (SeleniumException se) { LOG.error(se.getMessage()); } } else { link = ADD_PROPERTY_LINK + id; loadContentPage(link); } fillInQuery(pName, param.get(pName)); // writeHTMLtoHD("query", LOG); // selenium.type("frm:nodeInput_1_input_", param.get(pName).toString()); } } clickAndWait("link=Search"); // TODO return value ? } /** * edit a content * @param typeName the name of the type * @param param the parameter which to find * @param replace the parameter which to set * @return <code>true</code> if the edit was successfull */ private boolean editContent(String typeName, Hashtable<String, Object> param, Hashtable<String, Object> replace) { searchForType(typeName, param); selectFrame(Frame.Content); String tr = getTRContainingName(getResultTable(null), typeName, 2); int begin, ende; if (tr != null) { for (String td : tr.split("<td ")) { ende = td.indexOf(">edit</a>"); if (ende < 0) continue; begin = td.lastIndexOf("javascript:", ende) + 11; td = td.substring(begin, ende).replaceAll("'", ""); td = WND + "." + td.replaceFirst("\\(", "(" + WND + "."); selenium.getEval(td); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("10000"); String html = selenium.getHTMLSource("<div ", "</div>"); final String NAVID = "<div class=\"navigationDisplay\">"; final String NAVID_ = "<div class=navigationDisplay>"; begin = Math.max(html.indexOf(NAVID) + NAVID.length(), html.indexOf(NAVID_) + NAVID_.length()); ende = html.indexOf("</div>", begin); html = html.substring(begin, ende).trim(); fillInContent(replace); Assert.assertTrue(html.equals("1 - 1")); clickAndWait("link=Save"); break; } } // selenium.getEval(WND + ".editContent(" + WND + ".flexive.util.parsePk(\"73.1\"));"); // writeHTMLtoHD("editContent", LOG); return checkText("Content was updated successfully", true, LOG); } /** * fill in a current query (must be loaded) * @param pName parameter name * @param value value */ private void fillInQuery(String pName, Object value) { int trys = 4; while (trys-- > 0) { try { selectFrame(Frame.Content); String html = correctHTML(selenium.getHtmlSource(), "<table ", "</table>"); int i1, i1_, i2; int begin = html.indexOf("<table "); i1 = html.indexOf("id=\"queryEditorRoot\"", begin); i1_ = html.indexOf("id=queryEditorRoot", begin); i1 = Math.max(i1, i1_); i2 = html.indexOf(">", begin); if (i1 > i2 || i1 < 0) { throw new ResultTableNotFoundException(writeHTMLtoHD("wrongResultTable", LOG, html)); } Hashtable<String, String> input; if (begin > 0) { int ende = html.indexOf("</table>", begin); if (ende < 0) throw new ResultTableNotFoundException(writeHTMLtoHD("wrongResultTable", LOG, html)); input = getInput(html.substring(begin, ende), pName, "id", "type"); if (input.get("type").equals("text")) { selenium.type(input.get("id"), value.toString()); } } else { throw new ResultTableNotFoundException(writeHTMLtoHD("wrongResultTable", LOG, html)); } break; } catch (RowNotFoundException rnfe) { sleep(300); } } } /** * click on the query tab from the top frame */ private void clickOnQueryTab() { int begin, begin_, ende; selectFrame(Frame.Top); String src = selenium.getHTMLSource("<table", "</table>", "</td>"); begin = src.indexOf("<table id=\"contentHeaderTabTbl\""); begin_ = src.indexOf("<table id=contentHeaderTabTbl"); begin = Math.max(begin, begin_); ende = src.indexOf("</table>", begin); String tab = src.substring(begin, ende); String[] tds = tab.split("<td "); String link; for (String td : tds) { begin = td.indexOf(">Query</td>"); if (begin > 0) { // begin = td.lastIndexOf("onclick=\"", begin) + 9; // ende = td.indexOf("\"", begin); // link = WND + "." + td.substring(begin, ende); link = WND + "." + getID(td, "onclick=", begin).replaceAll("=", "").replaceAll("\"", ""); selenium.getEval(link); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("10000"); return; } } } /** * @param tabSrc the source of the html table * @param label the casesensitive name of the item lable * @param neededFields the fields which should be added to the hashtable * @return the fields of the input tag */ private Hashtable<String, String> getInput(String tabSrc, String label, String... neededFields) { String[] trs = tabSrc.split("<tr"); Hashtable<String, String> input = new Hashtable<String, String>(); String curTr; int begin, end; // int trys = 4; // while (trys-- > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < trs.length; i++) { curTr = trs[i]; begin = curTr.indexOf(label + "</label>"); if (begin > 0) { begin = curTr.indexOf("<input"); end = curTr.indexOf(">", begin); curTr = curTr.substring(begin, end); for (String cf : neededFields) { cf = cf.trim(); String tmp = cf; if (!tmp.endsWith("=\"")) { if (tmp.endsWith("=")) { tmp += "\""; } else { tmp += "=\""; } } begin = curTr.indexOf(tmp) + tmp.length(); end = curTr.indexOf("\"", begin); input.put(cf, curTr.substring(begin, end)); } return input; } } // sleep(300); // } throw new RowNotFoundException("Row containing \"" + label + "</label>\""); } /** * Create a type whit a given name * @param name the name of the type to create * @param label the label of the type to create * @return <code>true</code> if successfull */ private boolean createType(String name, String label) { loadContentPage(CREATE_TYPE_LINK); selectFrame(Frame.Content); int trys = 3; while (trys-- > 0) { try { selenium.type("frm:name", name); } catch (SeleniumException se) { LOG.error(se.getMessage()); sleep(1000); } } selenium.type("frm:description_input_1", label); clickAndWait("link=Create"); return checkText("Successfully created type " + name + ".", null, LOG); } /** * create a property of a type * @param typeName the name of the type * @param name the name of the property * @param dataType the datatype of the new property * @return always <code>true</code> due FX-727 */ private boolean createProperty(String typeName, String name, String dataType) { fillLUT(typeName); String link = propertyLinkLUT.get(typeName); loadContentPage(link); selectFrame(Frame.Content); selenium.type("frm:name", name); selenium.type("frm:label_input_1", name); if (dataType != null)"frm:dataType", dataType); sleep(1000); clickAndWait("link=Create this property"); // return checkText("Property successfully created.", true, LOG); // TODO fix PropertyEditorBean.createContent so that messages after a successfull create were shown return true; } /** * fill the LUT with a type name this is extracted from the menu * @param typeName the name of the type */ private void fillLUT(String typeName) { if (propertyLUT.get(typeName) != null) return; int trys = 4; Hashtable<String, String> params = null; String html = ""; while (trys-- > 0) { try { navigateTo(NavigationTab.Structure); selectFrame(Frame.NavStructures); html = selenium.getHtmlSource(); params = buildHashtableFromMenu(html, "{\"title\":'" + typeName + "'"); break; } catch (SelectItemsNotFoundException sinf) { sleep(300); } } if (trys <= 0) { params = buildHashtableFromMenu(html, "{\"title\":'" + typeName + "'"); } String link = PROPERTY_EDITOR_LINK + "?action=createProperty&id=" + params.get("typeId") + "&nodeType=" + params.get("nodeType"); propertyLinkLUT.put(typeName, link); propertyLUT.put(typeName, params); } /** * creates a content * @param typeName the type name of what to create * @param contents the parameters to fill in * @return <code>true</code> if successfull */ private boolean createContent(String typeName, Hashtable<String, Object> contents) { // http://localhost:8080/flexive/adm/content/contentEditor.jsf?action=newInstance&typeId=10&nodeId=-1 fillLUT(typeName); Hashtable<String, String> param = propertyLUT.get(typeName); String link = CREATE_CONTENT_LINK + "typeId=" + param.get("typeId") + "&nodeId=-1"; loadContentPage(link); selectFrame(Frame.Content); sleep(100); // writeHTMLtoHD("Content"); fillInContent(contents); clickAndWait("link=Create"); return checkText("Content was created ", true, LOG); } /** * fill the content in * @param contents key-value pairs representing the content */ private void fillInContent(Hashtable<String, Object> contents) { String htmlSrc = selenium.getHTMLSource("<div ", "</div>", "<input "); final String MARK = "<div class=\"display\" title=\"\" style=\"\">"; String[] items1 = htmlSrc.split(MARK); final String MARK_ = "<div class=display title= style=>"; String[] items2 = htmlSrc.split(MARK_); String[] items = new String[items1.length + items2.length]; System.arraycopy(items1, 0, items, 0, items1.length); System.arraycopy(items2, 0, items, items1.length, items2.length); String tmpS; String name; Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, String>> inputs = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, String>>(); Hashtable<String, String> params; int begin; int b, e; for (int i = 1; i < items.length; i++) { tmpS = items[i]; begin = tmpS.indexOf("</div>"); name = tmpS.substring(0, begin).trim(); begin = tmpS.indexOf("<input ", begin); params = new Hashtable<String, String>(); if (begin > 0) { begin += 7; b = tmpS.indexOf("id=\"", begin) + 4; if (b > 0) { e = tmpS.indexOf("\"", b); } else { b = tmpS.indexOf("id=", begin) + 3; e = tmpS.indexOf(" ", b); } params.put("id", tmpS.substring(b, e)); b = tmpS.indexOf("type=\"", begin) + 6; if (b > 0) { e = tmpS.indexOf("\"", b); } else { b = tmpS.indexOf("type=", begin) + 5; e = tmpS.indexOf(" ", b); } params.put("type", tmpS.substring(b, e).toLowerCase()); inputs.put(name, params); } } String type; String id; Object value; for (String curName : contents.keySet()) { params = inputs.get(curName); if (params != null) { type = params.get("type"); id = params.get("id"); value = contents.get(curName); if (type.equals("text")) { selenium.type(id, value.toString()); } else if (type.equals("checkbox")) { setCheckboxState(id, (Boolean) value); } } else { // TODO throw not found... } } } }