Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package; import com.flexive.core.Database; import; import; import; import; import com.flexive.shared.CacheAdmin; import com.flexive.shared.EJBLookup; import com.flexive.shared.FxFormatUtils; import com.flexive.shared.content.FxContent; import com.flexive.shared.content.FxPK; import com.flexive.shared.content.FxPermissionUtils; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.*; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.ContentEngine; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.SequencerEngine; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxType; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeMode; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeNode; import com.flexive.shared.value.FxString; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import static com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT; /** * Generic tree storage implementation using a spreaded nested set tree * * @author Markus Plesser (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * @author Gregor Schober (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( */ public class GenericTreeStorageSpreaded extends GenericTreeStorage { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class); protected static final BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2); protected static final BigInteger THREE = BigInteger.valueOf(3); protected static final BigInteger GO_UP = BigInteger.valueOf(1024); protected static final BigInteger MAX_RIGHT = new BigInteger("18446744073709551615"); /** * The maximum spacing for new nodes. Lower means less space reorgs for flat lists, but more reorgs for * deeply nested trees. */ protected static final BigInteger DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING = BigInteger.valueOf(10000); // protected static final BigInteger MAX_RIGHT = new BigInteger("1000"); // protected static final BigInteger GO_UP = new BigInteger(10); private static final String TREE_LIVE_MAXRIGHT = "SELECT MAX(RGT) FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + // 1 " WHERE PARENT=?"; private static final String TREE_EDIT_MAXRIGHT = "SELECT MAX(RGT) FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) + // 1 " WHERE PARENT=?"; private static final Object LOCK_REORG = new Object(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FxTreeNodeInfo getTreeNodeInfo(Connection con, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId) throws FxApplicationException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(mode == FxTreeMode.Live ? TREE_LIVE_MAXRIGHT : TREE_EDIT_MAXRIGHT); ps.setLong(1, nodeId); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs == null || ! throw new FxNotFoundException("ex.tree.node.notFound", nodeId, mode); BigInteger maxRight = getNodeBounds(rs, 1); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement( prepareSql(mode, mode == FxTreeMode.Live ? TREE_LIVE_NODEINFO : TREE_EDIT_NODEINFO)); ps.setBoolean(1, mode == FxTreeMode.Live); ps.setLong(2, nodeId); ps.setBoolean(3, true); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs == null || ! throw new FxNotFoundException("ex.tree.node.notFound", nodeId, mode); FxType _type = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(rs.getLong(15)); long _stepACL = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getStep(rs.getLong(17)).getAclId(); long _createdBy = rs.getLong(18); long _mandator = rs.getLong(19); final FxPK reference = new FxPK(rs.getLong(9), rs.getInt(16)); final List<Long> aclIds = fetchNodeACLs(con, reference); return new FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded(getNodeBounds(rs, 1), getNodeBounds(rs, 2), getNodeBounds(rs, 5), getNodeBounds(rs, 6), maxRight, rs.getInt(4), rs.getInt(8), rs.getInt(7), rs.getLong(3), nodeId, rs.getString(12), reference, aclIds, mode, rs.getInt(13), rs.getString(10), rs.getLong(11), FxPermissionUtils.getPermissionUnion(aclIds, _type, _stepACL, _createdBy, _mandator)); } catch (SQLException e) { final DBStorage db = StorageManager.getStorageImpl(); if (db.isDeadlock(e) || db.isQueryTimeout(e)) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Deadlock detected while reading node info, waiting 100ms and retrying..."); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // ignore } // try again return getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId); } throw new FxTreeException(e, "ex.tree.nodeInfo.sqlError", nodeId, e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, null, ps); } } /** * Calculate the boundaries for a new position. * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param node node to operate on * @param position the new position to get the boundaries for * @return the left and right boundary * @throws com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxTreeException * if the function fails */ public BigInteger[] getBoundaries(Connection con, FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded node, int position) throws FxApplicationException { // Position cleanup if (position < 0) position = 0; // any childs at all? If not we just return the node boundaries if (!node.hasChildren()) return new BigInteger[] { node.getLeft(), node.getRight() }; // Max position? if (position >= node.getDirectChildCount()) return new BigInteger[] { node.getMaxChildRight(), node.getRight() }; Statement stmt = null; // Somewhere between the child nodes try { BigInteger leftBoundary; BigInteger rightBoundary; stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM (" + "SELECT LFT,RGT FROM " + getTable(node.getMode()) + " WHERE PARENT=" + node.getId() + " ORDER BY LFT ASC) SUB " + StorageManager.getLimitOffset(false, 2, (position == 0) ? 0 : position - 1)); if ( { if (position == 0) { /* first position */ leftBoundary = node.getLeft(); rightBoundary = getNodeBounds(rs, 1); } else { /* somewhere between 2 children or after last child */ leftBoundary = getNodeBounds(rs, 2); // rightBoundary = getNodeBounds(rs, 1); if ( rightBoundary = getNodeBounds(rs, 1); else rightBoundary = node.getRight(); } } else { throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.boundaries.computeFailed", node.getId(), position, "Invalid position [" + position + "] to calculate boundaries!"); } return new BigInteger[] { leftBoundary, rightBoundary }; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FxTreeException(e, "ex.tree.boundaries.computeFailed", node.getId(), position, e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { /*ignore*/ } } } /** * Creates space for an additional amount of nodes at the specified position in the specified node. * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param seq reference to the sequencer * @param mode tree mode * @param nodeId the node to work on * @param position the position within the child nodes (0 based) * @param additional the amount of additional nodes to make space for * @return the used spacing * @throws FxApplicationException on errors */ public BigInteger makeSpace(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId, int position, final int additional) throws FxApplicationException { FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded nodeInfo = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId); BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, nodeInfo, position); int totalChildCount = nodeInfo.getTotalChildCount() + additional; boolean hasSpace = nodeInfo.hasSpaceFor(totalChildCount, 2); /*if( hasSpace ) return nodeInfo.getSpacing(totalChildCount);*/ // Determine node to work on while (!hasSpace) { nodeInfo = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeInfo.getParentId()); totalChildCount += nodeInfo.getTotalChildCount() + 1; hasSpace = nodeInfo.hasSpaceFor(totalChildCount, 2); if (!hasSpace && nodeInfo.isRoot()) { throw new FxUpdateException("ex.tree.makeSpace.failed"); } } // Allocate/Reorganize space BigInteger spacing = nodeInfo.getSpacing(totalChildCount); int spaceCount = (additional * 2) + 1; BigInteger insertSpace = spacing.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(spaceCount)); insertSpace = insertSpace.add(BigInteger.valueOf(additional * 2)); reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, mode, nodeInfo.getId(), false, spacing, null, nodeInfo, position, insertSpace, boundaries, 0, null, false, false, false); return spacing; } /** * Do what i mean function :-D * * @param con an open and valid Connection * @param seq a valid Sequencer reference * @param sourceMode the source table (matters in createMode only) * @param destMode the destination table (matters in createMode only) * @param nodeId the node to work on * @param includeNodeId if true the operations root node (nodeId) is included into the updates * @param overrideSpacing if set this spacing is used instead of the computed one * @param overrideLeft if set this will be the first left position * @param insertParent create mode only: the parent node in which we will generate the free space * specified by the parameters [insertPosition] and [insertSpace] * @param insertPosition create mode only: the position withn the destination nodes childs * @param insertSpace create mode only: the space to keep free at the specified position * @param insertBoundaries create mode only: the insert boundaries * @param depthDelta create mode only: the delta to apply to the depth * @param destinationNode create mode only: the destination node * @param createMode if true the function will insert copy of nodes instead of updating them * @param createKeepIds keep the ids in create mode * @param disableSpaceOptimization if the space inside the node must not be compacted (for moving node trees) * @return first created node id or -1 if no node was created using this method * @throws FxTreeException if the function fails */ public long reorganizeSpace(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode sourceMode, FxTreeMode destMode, long nodeId, boolean includeNodeId, BigInteger overrideSpacing, BigInteger overrideLeft, FxTreeNodeInfo insertParent, int insertPosition, BigInteger insertSpace, BigInteger insertBoundaries[], int depthDelta, Long destinationNode, boolean createMode, boolean createKeepIds, boolean disableSpaceOptimization) throws FxTreeException { Statement stmt = null; try { synchronized (LOCK_REORG) { acquireLocksForUpdate(con, sourceMode); stmt = con.createStatement(); if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) { stmt.execute(StorageManager.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(false)); } return _reorganizeSpace(con, seq, sourceMode, destMode, nodeId, includeNodeId, overrideSpacing, overrideLeft, insertParent, insertPosition, insertSpace, insertBoundaries, depthDelta, destinationNode, createMode, createKeepIds, disableSpaceOptimization); } } catch (FxDbException e) { throw new FxTreeException(e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) { try { stmt.execute(StorageManager.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(true)); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error(e); } } stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error(e); } } } } protected long _reorganizeSpace(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode sourceMode, FxTreeMode destMode, long nodeId, boolean includeNodeId, BigInteger overrideSpacing, BigInteger overrideLeft, FxTreeNodeInfo insertParent, int insertPosition, BigInteger insertSpace, BigInteger insertBoundaries[], int depthDelta, Long destinationNode, boolean createMode, boolean createKeepIds, boolean disableSpaceOptimization) throws FxTreeException { long firstCreatedNodeId = -1; FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded nodeInfo; try { nodeInfo = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, sourceMode, nodeId); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } if (!nodeInfo.isSpaceOptimizable() && !disableSpaceOptimization) { // The Root node and cant be optimize any more ... so all we can do is fail :-/ // This should never really happen if (nodeId == ROOT_NODE) { return -1; } //System.out.println("### UP we go, depthDelta=" + depthDelta); return _reorganizeSpace(con, seq, sourceMode, destMode, nodeInfo.getParentId(), includeNodeId, overrideSpacing, overrideLeft, insertParent, insertPosition, insertSpace, insertBoundaries, depthDelta, destinationNode, createMode, createKeepIds, false); } BigInteger spacing = nodeInfo.getDefaultSpacing(); if (overrideSpacing != null && (overrideSpacing.compareTo(spacing) < 0 || overrideLeft != null)) { // override spacing unless it is greater OR overrideLeft is specified (in that case we // have to use the spacing for valid tree ranges) spacing = overrideSpacing; } else { if (spacing.compareTo(GO_UP) < 0 && !createMode && !disableSpaceOptimization) { return _reorganizeSpace(con, seq, sourceMode, destMode, nodeInfo.getParentId(), includeNodeId, overrideSpacing, overrideLeft, insertParent, insertPosition, insertSpace, insertBoundaries, depthDelta, destinationNode, createMode, createKeepIds, false); } } if (insertBoundaries != null && insertPosition == -1) { insertPosition = 0; // insertPosition cannot be negative } Statement stmt = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs; BigInteger left = overrideLeft == null ? nodeInfo.getLeft() : overrideLeft; BigInteger right = null; String includeNode = includeNodeId ? "=" : ""; long counter = 0; long newId = -1; try { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String createProps = createMode ? ",PARENT,REF,NAME,TEMPLATE" : ""; String sql = " SELECT ID," + StorageManager.getIfFunction( // compute total child count only when the node has children "CHILDCOUNT = 0", "0", "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + getTable(sourceMode) + " WHERE LFT > NODE.LFT AND RGT < NODE.RGT)") + // 3 4 5 6 ", CHILDCOUNT, LFT AS LFTORD,RGT,DEPTH" + createProps + " FROM (SELECT ID,CHILDCOUNT,LFT,RGT,DEPTH" + createProps + " FROM " + getTable(sourceMode) + " WHERE " + "LFT>" + includeNode + nodeInfo.getLeft() + " AND LFT<" + includeNode + nodeInfo.getRight() + ") NODE " + "ORDER BY LFTORD ASC"; stmt = con.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if (createMode) { // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ps = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO " + getTable(destMode) + " (ID,PARENT,DEPTH,DIRTY,REF,TEMPLATE,LFT,RGT," + //9 10 11 "CHILDCOUNT,NAME,MODIFIED_AT) " + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + getTable(sourceMode) + " SET LFT=?,RGT=?,DEPTH=? WHERE ID=?"); } long id; int total_childs; int direct_childs; BigInteger nextLeft; int lastDepth = nodeInfo.getDepth() + (includeNodeId ? 0 : 1); int depth; BigInteger _rgt; BigInteger _lft; Long ref = null; String data = null; String name = ""; Stack<Long> currentParent = null; if (createMode) { currentParent = new Stack<Long>(); currentParent.push(destinationNode); } //System.out.println("Spacing:"+SPACING); while ( { //System.out.println("------------------"); id = rs.getLong(1); total_childs = rs.getInt(2); direct_childs = rs.getInt(3); _lft = getNodeBounds(rs, 4); _rgt = getNodeBounds(rs, 5); depth = rs.getInt(6); if (createMode) { // Reading these properties is slow, only do it when needed ref = rs.getLong(8); if (rs.wasNull()) ref = null; name = rs.getString(9); data = rs.getString(10); if (rs.wasNull()) data = null; } left = left.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE); // Handle depth differences if (lastDepth - depth > 0) { BigInteger depthDifference = spacing.add(BigInteger.ONE); left = left.add(depthDifference.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(lastDepth - depth))); } if (createMode) { if (lastDepth < depth) { currentParent.push(newId); } else if (lastDepth > depth) { for (int p = 0; p < (lastDepth - depth); p++) currentParent.pop(); } } right = left.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE); // add child space if needed if (total_childs > 0) { BigInteger childSpace = spacing.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(total_childs * 2)); childSpace = childSpace.add(BigInteger.valueOf((total_childs * 2) - 1)); right = right.add(childSpace); nextLeft = left; } else { nextLeft = right; } if (insertBoundaries != null) { // insert gap at requested position // If we're past the gap, keep adding the insert space to left/right because the added // space is never "injected" into the loop, i.e. without adding it the left/right boundaries of // nodes after the gap would be too far to the left. if (_lft.compareTo(insertBoundaries[0]) > 0) { left = left.add(insertSpace); } if (_rgt.compareTo(insertBoundaries[0]) > 0) { right = right.add(insertSpace); } } // sanity checks if (left.compareTo(right) >= 0) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.reorganize.failed", counter, left, right, "left greater than right"); } if (insertParent != null && right.compareTo((BigInteger) insertParent.getRight()) > 0) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.reorganize.failed", counter, left, right, "wrote past parent node bounds"); } // Update the node if (createMode) { newId = createKeepIds ? id : seq.getId(destMode.getSequencer()); if (firstCreatedNodeId == -1) firstCreatedNodeId = newId; // Create the main entry ps.setLong(1, newId); ps.setLong(2, currentParent.peek()); ps.setLong(3, depth + depthDelta); ps.setBoolean(4, destMode != FxTreeMode.Live); //only flag non-live tree's dirty if (ref == null) { ps.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); } else { ps.setLong(5, ref); } if (data == null) { ps.setNull(6, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { ps.setString(6, data); } // System.out.println("=> id:"+newId+" left:"+left+" right:"+right); setNodeBounds(ps, 7, left); setNodeBounds(ps, 8, right); ps.setInt(9, direct_childs); ps.setString(10, name); ps.setLong(11, System.currentTimeMillis()); ps.addBatch(); } else { setNodeBounds(ps, 1, left); setNodeBounds(ps, 2, right); ps.setInt(3, depth + depthDelta); ps.setLong(4, id); ps.addBatch(); // ps.executeBatch(); // ps.clearBatch(); } // Prepare variables for the next node left = nextLeft; lastDepth = depth; counter++; // Execute batch every 10000 items to avoid out of memory if (counter % 10000 == 0) { ps.executeBatch(); ps.clearBatch(); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); stmt = null; ps.executeBatch(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { final long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; LOG.debug("Tree reorganization of " + counter + " items completed in " + time + " ms (spaceLen=" + spacing + ")"); } return firstCreatedNodeId; } catch (FxApplicationException e) { throw e instanceof FxTreeException ? (FxTreeException) e : new FxTreeException(e); } catch (SQLException e) { String next = ""; if (e.getNextException() != null) next = " next:" + e.getNextException().getMessage(); if (StorageManager.isDuplicateKeyViolation(e)) throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.tree.reorganize.duplicateKey"); throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.tree.reorganize.failed", counter, left, right, e.getMessage() + next); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FxTreeException(e); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { /*ignore*/} try { if (ps != null) ps.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { /*ignore*/} } } /** * Helper function to create a new node. * * @param con an open and valid connection * @param seq reference to a sequencer * @param ce reference to the content engine * @param mode Live or Edit mode * @param parentNodeId the parent node (1=root) * @param name the name of the new node (only informative value) * @param label label for Caption property (only used if new reference is created) * @param position the position within the childs (0 based, Integer.MAX_VALUE may be used to * append to the end) * @param reference a reference to an existing content (must exist!) * @param data the optional data * @param nodeId the id to use or create a new one if < 0 * @param activateContent change the step of contents that have no live step to live in the max version? * @return the used or created node id * @throws FxTreeException if the function fails */ private long _createNode(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode, long parentNodeId, String name, FxString label, int position, FxPK reference, String data, long nodeId, boolean activateContent) throws FxApplicationException { // acquire exclusive lock for parent node acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(parentNodeId)); // makeSpace(con, seq/*irrelevant*/, mode, parentNodeId, position/*irrelevant*/, 1); FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded parentNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, parentNodeId); BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, parentNode, position); BigInteger leftBoundary = boundaries[0]; //== left border BigInteger rightBoundary = boundaries[1]; //== right border // Node has to be inserted between the left and right boundary and needs 2 slots for its left and right border BigInteger spacing = rightBoundary.subtract(leftBoundary).subtract(TWO); // Compute spacing for left,inner and right part spacing = spacing.divide(THREE); // We need at least 2 open slots (for the left and right boundary of the new node) //if the spacing is <= 0 we need more space if (spacing.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0/*less than*/) { throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.create.noSpace", parentNodeId); } // try to use space more efficiently for flat structures, otherwise the first node of a folder // will get a third of the subtree space, the second one ninth, and so on. // Maxspacing indicates the number of nodes (*2) we expect to put in this node before space reorg spacing = spacing.compareTo(DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING) > 0 ? DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING : spacing; // final BigInteger left = leftBoundary.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE); // don't add gap to left boundary (doesn't seem to have any benefits since that space is lost // unless the tree is reorganized anyway final BigInteger left = leftBoundary.add(BigInteger.ONE); final BigInteger right = left.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE); NodeCreateInfo nci = getNodeCreateInfo(mode, seq, ce, nodeId, name, label, reference, activateContent); // Create the node PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + getTable(mode) + " (ID,PARENT,DEPTH,DIRTY,REF,LFT,RGT," + "CHILDCOUNT,NAME,MODIFIED_AT,TEMPLATE) VALUES " + "(" + + "," + parentNodeId + "," + (parentNode.getDepth() + 1) + ",?," + nci.reference.getId() + ",?,?,0,?," + StorageManager.getTimestampFunction() + ",?)"); ps.setBoolean(1, mode != FxTreeMode.Live); setNodeBounds(ps, 2, left); setNodeBounds(ps, 3, right); ps.setString(4, FxFormatUtils.escapeTreePath(; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data)) { ps.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { ps.setString(6, data); } ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); //update the parents childcount ps = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + parentNodeId); ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (ps != null) ps.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { /*ignore*/ } } return; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long createNode(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId, long parentNodeId, String name, FxString label, int position, FxPK reference, String data, boolean activateContent) throws FxApplicationException { checkDataValue(data); try { return _createNode(con, seq, ce, mode, parentNodeId, name, label, position, reference, data, nodeId, activateContent); } catch (FxTreeException e) { if ("ex.tree.create.noSpace".equals(e.getExceptionMessage().getKey())) { reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, mode, parentNodeId, false, null, null, null, -1, null, null, 0, null, false, false, false); return _createNode(con, seq, ce, mode, parentNodeId, name, label, position, reference, data, nodeId, activateContent); } else throw e; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void move(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId, long newParentId, int newPosition) throws FxApplicationException { // Check both nodes (this throws an Exception if they do not exist) FxTreeNodeInfo node = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId); FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded destinationNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, newParentId); final FxTreeNodeInfo parent = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, newParentId); acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(nodeId, newParentId, node.getParentId())); final long currentPos = node.getPosition(); // Sanity checks for the position if (newPosition < 0) { newPosition = 0; } else if (newPosition > parent.getDirectChildCount()) { newPosition = parent.getDirectChildCount() == 0 ? 1 : parent.getDirectChildCount(); } final boolean getsNewParent = node.getParentId() != newParentId; // Take ourself into account if the node stays at the same level //System.out.println("newPos:"+newPosition); if (!getsNewParent) { if (node.getPosition() == newPosition) { // Nothing to do at all return; } else if (newPosition < currentPos) { //newPosition = newPosition - 1; } else { newPosition = newPosition + 1; } } if (newPosition < 0) newPosition = 0; //System.out.println("newPosX:"+newPosition); final long oldParent = node.getParentId(); // Node may not be moved inside itself! if (nodeId == newParentId || node.isParentOf(destinationNode)) { throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.move.recursion", nodeId); } // Make space for the new nodes BigInteger spacing = makeSpace(con, seq, mode, newParentId, newPosition, node.getTotalChildCount() + 1); // Reload the node to obtain the new boundary and spacing informations destinationNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, newParentId); BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, destinationNode, newPosition); // Move the nodes int depthDelta = (destinationNode.getDepth() + 1) - node.getDepth(); reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, mode, node.getId(), true, spacing, boundaries[0], null, -1, null, null, depthDelta, null, false, false, true); Statement stmt = null; final String TRUE = StorageManager.getBooleanTrueExpression(); try { // Update the parent of the node stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET PARENT=" + newParentId + " WHERE ID=" + nodeId); if (mode != FxTreeMode.Live) stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + TRUE + " WHERE ID=" + nodeId); stmt.executeBatch(); stmt.close(); // Update the childcount of the new and old parent if needed + set dirty flag if (getsNewParent) { node = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId); stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + newParentId); stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT-1 WHERE ID=" + oldParent); if (mode != FxTreeMode.Live) { final List<Long> newChildren = selectAllChildNodeIds(con, mode, node.getLeft(), node.getRight(), false); acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Iterables.concat(newChildren, Arrays.asList(nodeId))); for (List<Long> part : Iterables.partition(newChildren, SQL_IN_PARTSIZE)) { stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + TRUE + " WHERE ID IN (" + StringUtils.join(part, ',') + ")"); } stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + TRUE + " WHERE ID IN(" + oldParent + "," + newParentId + ")"); } stmt.executeBatch(); stmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxTreeException(e, "ex.tree.move.parentUpdate.failed", node.getId(), e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { //ignore } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long copy(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode mode, long srcNodeId, long dstParentNodeId, int dstPosition, boolean deepReferenceCopy, String copyOfPrefix) throws FxApplicationException { // Check both nodes (this throws a FxNotFoundException if they do not exist) final FxTreeNodeInfo sourceNode = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, srcNodeId); getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, dstParentNodeId); // Make space for the new nodes BigInteger spacing = makeSpace(con, seq, mode, dstParentNodeId, dstPosition, sourceNode.getTotalChildCount() + 1); // Reload the node to obtain the new boundary and spacing informations final FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded destinationNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, dstParentNodeId); acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(srcNodeId, sourceNode.getParentId(), dstParentNodeId)); // Copy the data BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, destinationNode, dstPosition); int depthDelta = (destinationNode.getDepth() + 1) - sourceNode.getDepth(); long firstCreatedNodeId = reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, mode, sourceNode.getId(), true, spacing, boundaries[0], null, -1, null, null, depthDelta, dstParentNodeId, true, false, true); Statement stmt = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { // Update the childcount of the new parents stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + dstParentNodeId); stmt.executeBatch(); if (deepReferenceCopy) { FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded nodeInfo = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, firstCreatedNodeId); ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT ID,REF FROM " + getTable(mode) + " WHERE LFT>=? AND RGT<=?"); setNodeBounds(ps, 1, nodeInfo.getLeft()); setNodeBounds(ps, 2, nodeInfo.getRight()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); final ContentEngine ce = EJBLookup.getContentEngine(); while (rs != null && { FxPK pkRef = new FxPK(rs.getLong(2)); long nodeId = rs.getLong(1); FxPK pkNew =; updateReference(con, mode, nodeId, pkNew.getId()); } } } catch (SQLException exc) { throw new FxTreeException( "MoveNode: Failed to update the parent of node#" + srcNodeId + ": " + exc.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, stmt, ps); } return firstCreatedNodeId; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void activateNode(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode, final long nodeId, boolean activateContents) throws FxApplicationException { if (mode == FxTreeMode.Live) //Live tree can not be activated! return; long ids[] = getIdChain(con, mode, nodeId); //all id's up to the root node acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(ids))); try { // lock node in live tree including all children (which *can* be removed if they were removed in the edit tree) acquireLocksForUpdate(con, FxTreeMode.Live, selectDirectChildNodeIds(con, FxTreeMode.Live, nodeId, true)); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxDbException(e); } for (long id : ids) { if (id == ROOT_NODE) continue; FxTreeNode srcNode = getNode(con, mode, id); //check if the node already exists in the live tree if (exists(con, FxTreeMode.Live, id)) { //Move and setData will not do anything if the node is already in its correct place and move(con, seq, FxTreeMode.Live, id, srcNode.getParentNodeId(), srcNode.getPosition()); setData(con, FxTreeMode.Live, id, srcNode.getData()); } else { createNode(con, seq, ce, FxTreeMode.Live, srcNode.getId(), srcNode.getParentNodeId(), srcNode.getName(), srcNode.getLabel(), srcNode.getPosition(), srcNode.getReference(), srcNode.getData(), activateContents); } // Remove all deleted direct child nodes Statement stmt = null; Statement stmt2 = null; try { stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt2 = con.createStatement(); if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) { stmt2.execute(StorageManager.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(false)); } try { ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT tl.ID FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " tl " + "LEFT JOIN " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) + " te ON tl.ID=te.ID WHERE te.ID=null AND " + "te.PARENT=" + nodeId + " AND tl.PARENT=" + nodeId); while (rs != null && { long deleteId = rs.getLong(1); // System.out.println("==> deleted:"+deleteId); acquireLocksForUpdate(con, FxTreeMode.Live, Arrays.asList(deleteId)); stmt2.addBatch("DELETE FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " WHERE ID=" + deleteId); } stmt2.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " SET MODIFIED_AT=" + System.currentTimeMillis()); stmt2.executeBatch(); } finally { if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) { stmt2.execute(StorageManager.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(true)); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.activate.failed", nodeId, false, e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { //ignore } try { if (stmt2 != null) stmt2.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { //ignore } } clearDirtyFlag(con, mode, nodeId); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void activateSubtree(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId, boolean activateContents) throws FxApplicationException { if (nodeId == ROOT_NODE) { activateAll(con, mode); return; } final FxTreeNodeInfo sourceNode = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId); final long destination = sourceNode.getParentId(); // Make sure the path up to the root node is activated activateNode(con, seq, ce, mode, sourceNode.getParentId(), activateContents); try { // lock edit tree acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, selectAllChildNodeIds(con, mode, sourceNode.getLeft(), sourceNode.getRight(), true)); // lock live tree acquireLocksForUpdate(con, FxTreeMode.Live, selectAllChildNodeIds(con, mode, sourceNode.getLeft(), sourceNode.getRight(), true)); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxDbException(e); } //*************************************************************** //* Cleanup all affected nodes //*************************************************************** // First we clear all affected nodes in the live tree, since we will copy them from the edit tree. // We also need to delete all nodes that are children of the specified node in the edit tree, since they // were moved into our new subtree. // get node in live tree (with current bounds) FxTreeNodeInfo oldDestNode = null; try { oldDestNode = getTreeNodeInfo(con, FxTreeMode.Live, nodeId); } catch (FxNotFoundException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Activated node " + nodeId + " not yet present in Live tree."); } } Statement stmt = null; if (oldDestNode != null) { try { String sql = "SELECT ID FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " WHERE (LFT>=" + oldDestNode.getLeft() + " AND RGT<=" + oldDestNode.getRight() + ") OR ID=" + nodeId; stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { try { removeNode(con, FxTreeMode.Live, ce, rs.getLong(1), true /* always forced true in live mode */); } catch (FxNotFoundException e) { // removed by previous call } } stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException exc) { throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.activate.failed", nodeId, true, exc.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { /*ignore*/} } } //*************************************************************** //* Now we can copy all affected nodes to the live tree //*************************************************************** int position = 0; // Make space for the new nodes BigInteger spacing = makeSpace(con, seq, FxTreeMode.Live, destination, /*sourceNode.getPosition()*/position, sourceNode.getTotalChildCount() + 1); // Reload the node to obtain the new boundary and spacing informations FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded destinationNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, FxTreeMode.Live, destination); // Copy the data BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, destinationNode, position); int depthDelta = (destinationNode.getDepth() + 1) - sourceNode.getDepth(); reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, FxTreeMode.Live, sourceNode.getId(), true, spacing, boundaries[0], null, 0, null, null, depthDelta, destination, true, true, true); try { // Update the childcount of the new parents stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.addBatch( "UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + destination); stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + StorageManager.getBooleanFalseExpression() + " WHERE LFT>=" + sourceNode.getLeft() + " AND RGT<=" + sourceNode.getRight()); stmt.executeBatch(); } catch (SQLException exc) { throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.activate.failed", nodeId, true, exc.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { /*ignore*/} } //clear nodes that can not be activated since their content has no live step boolean orgNodeRemoved = false; PreparedStatement psRemove = null; PreparedStatement psFixChildCount = null; PreparedStatement psFlagDirty = null; PreparedStatement psEditBoundaries = null; try { // Update the childcount of the new parents stmt = con.createStatement(); // 1 2 3 4 5 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT l.ID, l.PARENT, l.LFT, l.RGT, c.ID FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " l, " + TBL_CONTENT + " c WHERE l.LFT>" + destinationNode.getLeft() + " AND l.RGT<" + destinationNode.getRight() + " AND and c.live_ver=0 ORDER BY l.LFT DESC"); while (rs != null && { long rmNodeId = rs.getLong(1); if (activateContents) { FxPK reference = new FxPK(rs.getLong(5)); FxContent co = ce.load(reference); //create a Live version reference = createContentLiveVersion(ce, co);"Created new live version " + reference + " during activation of node " + rmNodeId); } else { System.out.println("removing node #" + rmNodeId + " and children"); if (rmNodeId == nodeId) orgNodeRemoved = true; if (psRemove == null) { psRemove = con.prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " WHERE LFT>=? AND RGT<=?"); } setNodeBounds(psRemove, 1, getNodeBounds(rs, 3)); setNodeBounds(psRemove, 2, getNodeBounds(rs, 4)); psRemove.execute(); if (psFixChildCount == null) { psFixChildCount = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT-1 WHERE ID=?"); } psFixChildCount.setLong(1, rs.getLong(2)); psFixChildCount.executeUpdate(); if (psEditBoundaries == null) { psEditBoundaries = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT LFT,RGT FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) + " WHERE ID=?"); } psEditBoundaries.setLong(1, rmNodeId); ResultSet rsBoundaries = psEditBoundaries.executeQuery(); if (rsBoundaries != null && { if (psFlagDirty == null) { psFlagDirty = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) + " SET DIRTY=" + StorageManager.getBooleanTrueExpression() + " WHERE LFT>=? AND RGT<=?"); } setNodeBounds(psFlagDirty, 1, getNodeBounds(rsBoundaries, 1)); setNodeBounds(psFlagDirty, 2, getNodeBounds(rsBoundaries, 2)); psFlagDirty.executeUpdate(); } } } } catch (SQLException exc) { throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.activate.failed", nodeId, true, exc.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, stmt, psRemove, psFixChildCount, psFlagDirty); } // Make sure the node is at the correct position if (!orgNodeRemoved) move(con, seq, FxTreeMode.Live, sourceNode.getId(), sourceNode.getParentId(), sourceNode.getPosition()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void wipeTree(FxTreeMode mode, Statement stmt, FxPK rootPK) throws SQLException { DBStorage storage = StorageManager.getStorageImpl(); stmt.execute(storage.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(false)); try { stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + getTable(mode)); stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + getTable(mode) + " (ID,NAME,MODIFIED_AT,DIRTY,PARENT,DEPTH,CHILDCOUNT,REF,TEMPLATE,LFT,RGT) " + "VALUES (" + ROOT_NODE + ",'Root'," + storage.getTimestampFunction() + "," + storage.getBooleanFalseExpression() + ",NULL,1,0," + rootPK.getId() + ",NULL,1," + MAX_RIGHT + ")"); } finally { stmt.executeUpdate(storage.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(true)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void afterNodeRemoved(Connection con, FxTreeNodeInfo nodeInfo, boolean removeChildren) { //nothing to do in spreaded mode } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void checkTree(Connection con, FxTreeMode mode) throws FxApplicationException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { // 1 - ID, 2 - LFT, 3 - RGT, 4 - CHILDCOUNT, 5 - DEPTH, 6 - PARENT final String sql = "SELECT, t.LFT, t.RGT, t.CHILDCOUNT, t.DEPTH, t.PARENT " + "FROM " + getTable(mode) + " t"; stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setFetchSize(10000); final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); // collect nodes, build lookup tables final Map<Long, CheckedNodeInfo> nodeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // node ID -> node info final Multimap<Long, CheckedNodeInfo> childMap = HashMultimap.create(); // node ID -> children final Multimap<BigInteger, CheckedNodeInfo> leftNodeInfos = HashMultimap.create(1000, 1); final Multimap<BigInteger, CheckedNodeInfo> rightNodeInfos = HashMultimap.create(1000, 1); while ( { final CheckedNodeInfo info = new CheckedNodeInfo(rs.getLong(1), rs.getLong(6), getNodeBounds(rs, 2), getNodeBounds(rs, 3), rs.getInt(4), rs.getInt(5)); nodeMap.put(, info); childMap.put(info.parentId, info); leftNodeInfos.put(info.left, info); rightNodeInfos.put(info.right, info); } // process all nodes for (CheckedNodeInfo node : nodeMap.values()) { // check node boundaries if (node.left.compareTo(node.right) > 0) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, "#" + + ": left boundary greater than right."); } // check node bounds of children BigInteger min = MAX_RIGHT; BigInteger max = BigInteger.ZERO; final Collection<CheckedNodeInfo> children = childMap.get(; for (CheckedNodeInfo child : children) { if (child.left.compareTo(min) < 0) { min = child.left; } if (child.right.compareTo(max) > 0) { max = child.right; } } if (max.compareTo(node.right) > 0) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, "#" + + " out of bounds (right)"); } if (min.compareTo(node.left) < 0) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, "#" + + " out of bounds (left)"); } // Check stored child count if (node.directChildCount != children.size()) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, "#" + + " invalid direct child count [" + node.directChildCount + "!=" + children.size() + "]"); } // Check depth if ( != FxTreeNode.ROOT_NODE && node.depth != nodeMap.get(node.parentId).depth + 1) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, "#" + + " invalid depth: " + node.depth + ", parent depth=" + nodeMap.get(node.parentId).depth); } } checkUniqueBounds(mode, leftNodeInfos, "left"); checkUniqueBounds(mode, rightNodeInfos, "right"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Successfully checked [" + childMap.size() + "] tree nodes in mode [" + + "]!"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, e.getMessage()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, stmt); } } private void checkUniqueBounds(FxTreeMode mode, Multimap<BigInteger, CheckedNodeInfo> infos, String name) throws FxTreeException { // check for unique left/right tree bounds for (Entry<BigInteger> entry : infos.keys().entrySet()) { if (entry.getCount() > 1) { throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, "Duplicate boundaries (" + name + ") for nodes " + infos.get(entry.getElement())); } } } private static class CheckedNodeInfo { private final long id; private final long parentId; private final BigInteger left; private final BigInteger right; private final int directChildCount; private final int depth; public CheckedNodeInfo(long id, long parentId, BigInteger left, BigInteger right, int directChildCount, int depth) { = id; this.parentId = parentId; this.left = left; this.right = right; this.directChildCount = directChildCount; this.depth = depth; } @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(id) + "[depth=" + depth + ", left=" + left + ", right=" + right + ", directChildCount=" + directChildCount + "]"; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected boolean lockForUpdate(Connection con, String table, Iterable<Long> nodeIds) throws FxDbException { return lockForUpdate(con, table, nodeIds, "id"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected boolean lockForUpdateReference(Connection con, String table, Iterable<Long> referenceIds) throws FxDbException { return lockForUpdate(con, table, referenceIds, "ref"); } private boolean lockForUpdate(Connection con, String table, Iterable<Long> nodeIds, String field) throws FxDbException { if (nodeIds == null || !nodeIds.iterator().hasNext()) { return tryLock(con, table, null, "id"); } for (List<Long> part : Iterables.partition(nodeIds, 500)) { if (!tryLock(con, table, part, "id")) { return false; // deadlock detected } } return true; // sucess } /** * Get the database specific "for update" clause to lock tables rows * * @return database specific "for update" clause */ protected String getForUpdateClause() { return " FOR UPDATE"; } private boolean tryLock(Connection con, String table, List<Long> part, String column) throws FxDbException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM " + table + " t " + (part == null || part.isEmpty() ? "" : " WHERE " + column + " IN (" + StringUtils.join(part, ',') + ")") + getForUpdateClause()); stmt.executeQuery(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { final DBStorage si = StorageManager.getStorageImpl(); if (si.isDeadlock(e) || si.isQueryTimeout(e)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Deadlock detected while locking tree tables."); } return false; } else { throw new FxDbException(e); } } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, null, stmt); } } }