Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework.
 *  Copyright (c) 1999-2014
 *  UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh (
 *  All rights reserved
 *  The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute
 *  it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at
 *  A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the
 *  license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with
 *  these libraries.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh,
 *  please see the company website:
 *  For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the
 *  project website:
 *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file!

import com.flexive.core.Database;
import com.flexive.shared.CacheAdmin;
import com.flexive.shared.EJBLookup;
import com.flexive.shared.FxFormatUtils;
import com.flexive.shared.content.FxContent;
import com.flexive.shared.content.FxPK;
import com.flexive.shared.content.FxPermissionUtils;
import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.*;
import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.ContentEngine;
import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.SequencerEngine;
import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxType;
import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeMode;
import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeNode;
import com.flexive.shared.value.FxString;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;

import static com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT;

 * Generic tree storage implementation using a spreaded nested set tree
 * @author Markus Plesser (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh (
 * @author Gregor Schober (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh (
public class GenericTreeStorageSpreaded extends GenericTreeStorage {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class);

    protected static final BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
    protected static final BigInteger THREE = BigInteger.valueOf(3);
    protected static final BigInteger GO_UP = BigInteger.valueOf(1024);
    protected static final BigInteger MAX_RIGHT = new BigInteger("18446744073709551615");

     * The maximum spacing for new nodes. Lower means less space reorgs for flat lists, but more reorgs for
     * deeply nested trees.
    protected static final BigInteger DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING = BigInteger.valueOf(10000);
    //    protected static final BigInteger MAX_RIGHT = new BigInteger("1000");
    //    protected static final BigInteger GO_UP = new BigInteger(10);

    private static final String TREE_LIVE_MAXRIGHT = "SELECT MAX(RGT) FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) +
    //            1
            " WHERE PARENT=?";
    private static final String TREE_EDIT_MAXRIGHT = "SELECT MAX(RGT) FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) +
    //            1
            " WHERE PARENT=?";
    private static final Object LOCK_REORG = new Object();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public FxTreeNodeInfo getTreeNodeInfo(Connection con, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId)
            throws FxApplicationException {
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        try {
            ps = con.prepareStatement(mode == FxTreeMode.Live ? TREE_LIVE_MAXRIGHT : TREE_EDIT_MAXRIGHT);
            ps.setLong(1, nodeId);
            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
            if (rs == null || !
                throw new FxNotFoundException("ex.tree.node.notFound", nodeId, mode);
            BigInteger maxRight = getNodeBounds(rs, 1);
            ps = con.prepareStatement(
                    prepareSql(mode, mode == FxTreeMode.Live ? TREE_LIVE_NODEINFO : TREE_EDIT_NODEINFO));
            ps.setBoolean(1, mode == FxTreeMode.Live);
            ps.setLong(2, nodeId);
            ps.setBoolean(3, true);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();
            if (rs == null || !
                throw new FxNotFoundException("ex.tree.node.notFound", nodeId, mode);
            FxType _type = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(rs.getLong(15));
            long _stepACL = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getStep(rs.getLong(17)).getAclId();
            long _createdBy = rs.getLong(18);
            long _mandator = rs.getLong(19);
            final FxPK reference = new FxPK(rs.getLong(9), rs.getInt(16));
            final List<Long> aclIds = fetchNodeACLs(con, reference);
            return new FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded(getNodeBounds(rs, 1), getNodeBounds(rs, 2), getNodeBounds(rs, 5),
                    getNodeBounds(rs, 6), maxRight, rs.getInt(4), rs.getInt(8), rs.getInt(7), rs.getLong(3), nodeId,
                    rs.getString(12), reference, aclIds, mode, rs.getInt(13), rs.getString(10), rs.getLong(11),
                    FxPermissionUtils.getPermissionUnion(aclIds, _type, _stepACL, _createdBy, _mandator));
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            final DBStorage db = StorageManager.getStorageImpl();
            if (db.isDeadlock(e) || db.isQueryTimeout(e)) {
                if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    LOG.warn("Deadlock detected while reading node info, waiting 100ms and retrying...");
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    // ignore
                // try again
                return getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId);
            throw new FxTreeException(e, "ex.tree.nodeInfo.sqlError", nodeId, e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, null, ps);

     * Calculate the boundaries for a new position.
     * @param con      an open and valid connection
     * @param node     node to operate on
     * @param position the new position to get the boundaries for
     * @return the left and right boundary
     * @throws com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxTreeException
     *          if the function fails
    public BigInteger[] getBoundaries(Connection con, FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded node, int position)
            throws FxApplicationException {
        // Position cleanup
        if (position < 0)
            position = 0;

        // any childs at all? If not we just return the node boundaries
        if (!node.hasChildren())
            return new BigInteger[] { node.getLeft(), node.getRight() };

        // Max position?
        if (position >= node.getDirectChildCount())
            return new BigInteger[] { node.getMaxChildRight(), node.getRight() };

        Statement stmt = null;
        // Somewhere between the child nodes
        try {
            BigInteger leftBoundary;
            BigInteger rightBoundary;

            stmt = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM (" + "SELECT LFT,RGT FROM " + getTable(node.getMode())
                    + " WHERE PARENT=" + node.getId() + " ORDER BY LFT ASC) SUB "
                    + StorageManager.getLimitOffset(false, 2, (position == 0) ? 0 : position - 1));
            if ( {
                if (position == 0) {
                    /* first position */
                    leftBoundary = node.getLeft();
                    rightBoundary = getNodeBounds(rs, 1);
                } else {
                    /* somewhere between 2 children or after last child */
                    leftBoundary = getNodeBounds(rs, 2);
                    //                    rightBoundary = getNodeBounds(rs, 1);
                    if (
                        rightBoundary = getNodeBounds(rs, 1);
                        rightBoundary = node.getRight();
            } else {
                throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.boundaries.computeFailed", node.getId(), position,
                        "Invalid position [" + position + "] to calculate boundaries!");
            return new BigInteger[] { leftBoundary, rightBoundary };
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new FxTreeException(e, "ex.tree.boundaries.computeFailed", node.getId(), position,
        } finally {
            try {
                if (stmt != null)
            } catch (Throwable t) {

     * Creates space for an additional amount of nodes at the specified position in the specified node.
     * @param con        an open and valid connection
     * @param seq        reference to the sequencer
     * @param mode       tree mode
     * @param nodeId     the node to work on
     * @param position   the position within the child nodes (0 based)
     * @param additional the amount of additional nodes to make space for
     * @return the used spacing
     * @throws FxApplicationException on errors
    public BigInteger makeSpace(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId, int position,
            final int additional) throws FxApplicationException {
        FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded nodeInfo = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId);
        BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, nodeInfo, position);

        int totalChildCount = nodeInfo.getTotalChildCount() + additional;
        boolean hasSpace = nodeInfo.hasSpaceFor(totalChildCount, 2);
        /*if( hasSpace )
        return nodeInfo.getSpacing(totalChildCount);*/

        // Determine node to work on
        while (!hasSpace) {
            nodeInfo = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeInfo.getParentId());
            totalChildCount += nodeInfo.getTotalChildCount() + 1;
            hasSpace = nodeInfo.hasSpaceFor(totalChildCount, 2);
            if (!hasSpace && nodeInfo.isRoot()) {
                throw new FxUpdateException("ex.tree.makeSpace.failed");

        // Allocate/Reorganize space
        BigInteger spacing = nodeInfo.getSpacing(totalChildCount);
        int spaceCount = (additional * 2) + 1;
        BigInteger insertSpace = spacing.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(spaceCount));
        insertSpace = insertSpace.add(BigInteger.valueOf(additional * 2));

        reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, mode, nodeInfo.getId(), false, spacing, null, nodeInfo, position,
                insertSpace, boundaries, 0, null, false, false, false);
        return spacing;

     * Do what i mean function :-D
     * @param con              an open and valid Connection
     * @param seq              a valid Sequencer reference
     * @param sourceMode       the source table (matters in createMode only)
     * @param destMode         the destination table (matters in createMode only)
     * @param nodeId           the node to work on
     * @param includeNodeId    if true the operations root node (nodeId) is included into the updates
     * @param overrideSpacing  if set this spacing is used instead of the computed one
     * @param overrideLeft     if set this will be the first left position
     * @param insertParent     create mode only: the parent node in which we will generate the free space
     *                         specified by the parameters [insertPosition] and [insertSpace]
     * @param insertPosition   create mode only: the position withn the destination nodes childs
     * @param insertSpace      create mode only: the space to keep free at the specified position
     * @param insertBoundaries create mode only: the insert boundaries
     * @param depthDelta       create mode only: the delta to apply to the depth
     * @param destinationNode  create mode only: the destination node
     * @param createMode       if true the function will insert copy of nodes instead of updating them
     * @param createKeepIds    keep the ids in create mode
     * @param disableSpaceOptimization  if the space inside the node must not be compacted (for moving node trees)
     * @return first created node id or -1 if no node was created using this method
     * @throws FxTreeException if the function fails
    public long reorganizeSpace(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode sourceMode, FxTreeMode destMode,
            long nodeId, boolean includeNodeId, BigInteger overrideSpacing, BigInteger overrideLeft,
            FxTreeNodeInfo insertParent, int insertPosition, BigInteger insertSpace, BigInteger insertBoundaries[],
            int depthDelta, Long destinationNode, boolean createMode, boolean createKeepIds,
            boolean disableSpaceOptimization) throws FxTreeException {
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            synchronized (LOCK_REORG) {
                acquireLocksForUpdate(con, sourceMode);
                stmt = con.createStatement();
                if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) {
                return _reorganizeSpace(con, seq, sourceMode, destMode, nodeId, includeNodeId, overrideSpacing,
                        overrideLeft, insertParent, insertPosition, insertSpace, insertBoundaries, depthDelta,
                        destinationNode, createMode, createKeepIds, disableSpaceOptimization);
        } catch (FxDbException e) {
            throw new FxTreeException(e);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) {
                try {
                    if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) {
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                } catch (SQLException e) {

    protected long _reorganizeSpace(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode sourceMode, FxTreeMode destMode,
            long nodeId, boolean includeNodeId, BigInteger overrideSpacing, BigInteger overrideLeft,
            FxTreeNodeInfo insertParent, int insertPosition, BigInteger insertSpace, BigInteger insertBoundaries[],
            int depthDelta, Long destinationNode, boolean createMode, boolean createKeepIds,
            boolean disableSpaceOptimization) throws FxTreeException {
        long firstCreatedNodeId = -1;
        FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded nodeInfo;
        try {
            nodeInfo = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, sourceMode, nodeId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;

        if (!nodeInfo.isSpaceOptimizable() && !disableSpaceOptimization) {
            // The Root node and cant be optimize any more ... so all we can do is fail :-/
            // This should never really happen
            if (nodeId == ROOT_NODE) {
                return -1;
            //System.out.println("### UP we go, depthDelta=" + depthDelta);
            return _reorganizeSpace(con, seq, sourceMode, destMode, nodeInfo.getParentId(), includeNodeId,
                    overrideSpacing, overrideLeft, insertParent, insertPosition, insertSpace, insertBoundaries,
                    depthDelta, destinationNode, createMode, createKeepIds, false);

        BigInteger spacing = nodeInfo.getDefaultSpacing();
        if (overrideSpacing != null && (overrideSpacing.compareTo(spacing) < 0 || overrideLeft != null)) {
            // override spacing unless it is greater OR overrideLeft is specified (in that case we
            // have to use the spacing for valid tree ranges)  
            spacing = overrideSpacing;
        } else {
            if (spacing.compareTo(GO_UP) < 0 && !createMode && !disableSpaceOptimization) {
                return _reorganizeSpace(con, seq, sourceMode, destMode, nodeInfo.getParentId(), includeNodeId,
                        overrideSpacing, overrideLeft, insertParent, insertPosition, insertSpace, insertBoundaries,
                        depthDelta, destinationNode, createMode, createKeepIds, false);

        if (insertBoundaries != null && insertPosition == -1) {
            insertPosition = 0; // insertPosition cannot be negative

        Statement stmt = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        ResultSet rs;
        BigInteger left = overrideLeft == null ? nodeInfo.getLeft() : overrideLeft;
        BigInteger right = null;
        String includeNode = includeNodeId ? "=" : "";
        long counter = 0;
        long newId = -1;
        try {
            final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            String createProps = createMode ? ",PARENT,REF,NAME,TEMPLATE" : "";
            String sql = " SELECT ID," + StorageManager.getIfFunction( // compute total child count only when the node has children
                    "CHILDCOUNT = 0", "0",
                    "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + getTable(sourceMode) + " WHERE LFT > NODE.LFT AND RGT < NODE.RGT)") +
            // 3           4             5   6
                    ", CHILDCOUNT, LFT AS LFTORD,RGT,DEPTH" + createProps
                    + " FROM (SELECT ID,CHILDCOUNT,LFT,RGT,DEPTH" + createProps + " FROM " + getTable(sourceMode)
                    + " WHERE " + "LFT>" + includeNode + nodeInfo.getLeft() + " AND LFT<" + includeNode
                    + nodeInfo.getRight() + ") NODE " + "ORDER BY LFTORD ASC";
            stmt = con.createStatement();
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            if (createMode) {
                //                                                                 1  2      3     4     5   6        7   8
                ps = con.prepareStatement(
                        "INSERT INTO " + getTable(destMode) + " (ID,PARENT,DEPTH,DIRTY,REF,TEMPLATE,LFT,RGT," +
                        //9           10    11
                                "CHILDCOUNT,NAME,MODIFIED_AT) " + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
            } else {
                ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + getTable(sourceMode) + " SET LFT=?,RGT=?,DEPTH=? WHERE ID=?");
            long id;
            int total_childs;
            int direct_childs;
            BigInteger nextLeft;
            int lastDepth = nodeInfo.getDepth() + (includeNodeId ? 0 : 1);
            int depth;
            BigInteger _rgt;
            BigInteger _lft;
            Long ref = null;
            String data = null;
            String name = "";

            Stack<Long> currentParent = null;
            if (createMode) {
                currentParent = new Stack<Long>();

            while ( {
                id = rs.getLong(1);
                total_childs = rs.getInt(2);
                direct_childs = rs.getInt(3);
                _lft = getNodeBounds(rs, 4);
                _rgt = getNodeBounds(rs, 5);
                depth = rs.getInt(6);
                if (createMode) {
                    // Reading these properties is slow, only do it when needed
                    ref = rs.getLong(8);
                    if (rs.wasNull())
                        ref = null;
                    name = rs.getString(9);
                    data = rs.getString(10);
                    if (rs.wasNull())
                        data = null;
                left = left.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE);

                // Handle depth differences
                if (lastDepth - depth > 0) {
                    BigInteger depthDifference = spacing.add(BigInteger.ONE);
                    left = left.add(depthDifference.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(lastDepth - depth)));
                if (createMode) {
                    if (lastDepth < depth) {
                    } else if (lastDepth > depth) {
                        for (int p = 0; p < (lastDepth - depth); p++)

                right = left.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE);

                // add child space if needed
                if (total_childs > 0) {
                    BigInteger childSpace = spacing.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(total_childs * 2));
                    childSpace = childSpace.add(BigInteger.valueOf((total_childs * 2) - 1));
                    right = right.add(childSpace);
                    nextLeft = left;
                } else {
                    nextLeft = right;

                if (insertBoundaries != null) {
                    // insert gap at requested position
                    // If we're past the gap, keep adding the insert space to left/right because the added
                    // space is never "injected" into the loop, i.e. without adding it the left/right boundaries of
                    // nodes after the gap would be too far to the left.
                    if (_lft.compareTo(insertBoundaries[0]) > 0) {
                        left = left.add(insertSpace);
                    if (_rgt.compareTo(insertBoundaries[0]) > 0) {
                        right = right.add(insertSpace);

                // sanity checks
                if (left.compareTo(right) >= 0) {
                    throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.reorganize.failed", counter, left, right,
                            "left greater than right");
                if (insertParent != null && right.compareTo((BigInteger) insertParent.getRight()) > 0) {
                    throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.reorganize.failed", counter, left, right,
                            "wrote past parent node bounds");

                // Update the node
                if (createMode) {
                    newId = createKeepIds ? id : seq.getId(destMode.getSequencer());
                    if (firstCreatedNodeId == -1)
                        firstCreatedNodeId = newId;

                    // Create the main entry
                    ps.setLong(1, newId);
                    ps.setLong(2, currentParent.peek());
                    ps.setLong(3, depth + depthDelta);
                    ps.setBoolean(4, destMode != FxTreeMode.Live); //only flag non-live tree's dirty
                    if (ref == null) {
                        ps.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC);
                    } else {
                        ps.setLong(5, ref);
                    if (data == null) {
                        ps.setNull(6, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
                    } else {
                        ps.setString(6, data);
                    //                    System.out.println("=> id:"+newId+" left:"+left+" right:"+right);
                    setNodeBounds(ps, 7, left);
                    setNodeBounds(ps, 8, right);
                    ps.setInt(9, direct_childs);
                    ps.setString(10, name);
                    ps.setLong(11, System.currentTimeMillis());
                } else {
                    setNodeBounds(ps, 1, left);
                    setNodeBounds(ps, 2, right);
                    ps.setInt(3, depth + depthDelta);
                    ps.setLong(4, id);
                    //                    ps.executeBatch();
                    //                    ps.clearBatch();

                // Prepare variables for the next node
                left = nextLeft;
                lastDepth = depth;

                // Execute batch every 10000 items to avoid out of memory
                if (counter % 10000 == 0) {
            stmt = null;

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                final long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

                LOG.debug("Tree reorganization of " + counter + " items completed in " + time + " ms (spaceLen="
                        + spacing + ")");
            return firstCreatedNodeId;
        } catch (FxApplicationException e) {
            throw e instanceof FxTreeException ? (FxTreeException) e : new FxTreeException(e);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            String next = "";
            if (e.getNextException() != null)
                next = " next:" + e.getNextException().getMessage();
            if (StorageManager.isDuplicateKeyViolation(e))
                throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.tree.reorganize.duplicateKey");
            throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.tree.reorganize.failed", counter, left, right,
                    e.getMessage() + next);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new FxTreeException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (stmt != null)
            } catch (Throwable t) {
            try {
                if (ps != null)
            } catch (Throwable t) {

     * Helper function to create a new node.
     * @param con             an open and valid connection
     * @param seq             reference to a sequencer
     * @param ce              reference to the content engine
     * @param mode            Live or Edit mode
     * @param parentNodeId    the parent node (1=root)
     * @param name            the name of the new node (only informative value)
     * @param label           label for Caption property (only used if new reference is created)
     * @param position        the position within the childs (0 based, Integer.MAX_VALUE may be used to
     *                        append to the end)
     * @param reference       a reference to an existing content (must exist!)
     * @param data            the optional data
     * @param nodeId          the id to use or create a new one if < 0
     * @param activateContent change the step of contents that have no live step to live in the max version?
     * @return the used or created node id
     * @throws FxTreeException if the function fails
    private long _createNode(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode,
            long parentNodeId, String name, FxString label, int position, FxPK reference, String data, long nodeId,
            boolean activateContent) throws FxApplicationException {

        // acquire exclusive lock for parent node
        acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(parentNodeId));

        //        makeSpace(con, seq/*irrelevant*/, mode, parentNodeId, position/*irrelevant*/, 1);
        FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded parentNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, parentNodeId);
        BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, parentNode, position);
        BigInteger leftBoundary = boundaries[0]; //== left border
        BigInteger rightBoundary = boundaries[1]; //== right border

        // Node has to be inserted between the left and right boundary and needs 2 slots for its left and right border
        BigInteger spacing = rightBoundary.subtract(leftBoundary).subtract(TWO);
        // Compute spacing for left,inner and right part
        spacing = spacing.divide(THREE);

        // We need at least 2 open slots (for the left and right boundary of the new node)
        //if the spacing is <= 0 we need more space
        if (spacing.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0/*less than*/) {
            throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.create.noSpace", parentNodeId);

        // try to use space more efficiently for flat structures, otherwise the first node of a folder
        // will get a third of the subtree space, the second one ninth, and so on.
        // Maxspacing indicates the number of nodes (*2) we expect to put in this node before space reorg
        spacing = spacing.compareTo(DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING) > 0 ? DEFAULT_NODE_SPACING : spacing;

        //        final BigInteger left = leftBoundary.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE);
        // don't add gap to left boundary (doesn't seem to have any benefits since that space is lost
        // unless the tree is reorganized anyway
        final BigInteger left = leftBoundary.add(BigInteger.ONE);
        final BigInteger right = left.add(spacing).add(BigInteger.ONE);

        NodeCreateInfo nci = getNodeCreateInfo(mode, seq, ce, nodeId, name, label, reference, activateContent);

        // Create the node
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        try {
            ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + getTable(mode) + " (ID,PARENT,DEPTH,DIRTY,REF,LFT,RGT,"
                    + "CHILDCOUNT,NAME,MODIFIED_AT,TEMPLATE) VALUES " + "(" + + "," + parentNodeId + ","
                    + (parentNode.getDepth() + 1) + ",?," + nci.reference.getId() + ",?,?,0,?,"
                    + StorageManager.getTimestampFunction() + ",?)");
            ps.setBoolean(1, mode != FxTreeMode.Live);
            setNodeBounds(ps, 2, left);
            setNodeBounds(ps, 3, right);
            ps.setString(4, FxFormatUtils.escapeTreePath(;
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data)) {
                ps.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
            } else {
                ps.setString(6, data);

            //update the parents childcount
            ps = con.prepareStatement(
                    "UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + parentNodeId);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            try {
                if (ps != null)
            } catch (Throwable t) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public long createNode(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId,
            long parentNodeId, String name, FxString label, int position, FxPK reference, String data,
            boolean activateContent) throws FxApplicationException {
        try {
            return _createNode(con, seq, ce, mode, parentNodeId, name, label, position, reference, data, nodeId,
        } catch (FxTreeException e) {
            if ("ex.tree.create.noSpace".equals(e.getExceptionMessage().getKey())) {
                reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, mode, parentNodeId, false, null, null, null, -1, null, null, 0,
                        null, false, false, false);
                return _createNode(con, seq, ce, mode, parentNodeId, name, label, position, reference, data, nodeId,
            } else
                throw e;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void move(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId, long newParentId,
            int newPosition) throws FxApplicationException {

        // Check both nodes (this throws an Exception if they do not exist)
        FxTreeNodeInfo node = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId);
        FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded destinationNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, newParentId);
        final FxTreeNodeInfo parent = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, newParentId);

        acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(nodeId, newParentId, node.getParentId()));

        final long currentPos = node.getPosition();

        // Sanity checks for the position
        if (newPosition < 0) {
            newPosition = 0;
        } else if (newPosition > parent.getDirectChildCount()) {
            newPosition = parent.getDirectChildCount() == 0 ? 1 : parent.getDirectChildCount();

        final boolean getsNewParent = node.getParentId() != newParentId;

        // Take ourself into account if the node stays at the same level
        if (!getsNewParent) {
            if (node.getPosition() == newPosition) {
                // Nothing to do at all
            } else if (newPosition < currentPos) {
                //newPosition = newPosition - 1;
            } else {
                newPosition = newPosition + 1;
        if (newPosition < 0)
            newPosition = 0;

        final long oldParent = node.getParentId();

        // Node may not be moved inside itself!
        if (nodeId == newParentId || node.isParentOf(destinationNode)) {
            throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.move.recursion", nodeId);

        // Make space for the new nodes
        BigInteger spacing = makeSpace(con, seq, mode, newParentId, newPosition, node.getTotalChildCount() + 1);

        // Reload the node to obtain the new boundary and spacing informations
        destinationNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, newParentId);
        BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, destinationNode, newPosition);

        // Move the nodes
        int depthDelta = (destinationNode.getDepth() + 1) - node.getDepth();
        reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, mode, node.getId(), true, spacing, boundaries[0], null, -1, null, null,
                depthDelta, null, false, false, true);

        Statement stmt = null;
        final String TRUE = StorageManager.getBooleanTrueExpression();
        try {
            // Update the parent of the node
            stmt = con.createStatement();
            stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET PARENT=" + newParentId + " WHERE ID=" + nodeId);
            if (mode != FxTreeMode.Live)
                stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + TRUE + " WHERE ID=" + nodeId);

            // Update the childcount of the new and old parent if needed + set dirty flag
            if (getsNewParent) {
                node = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId);
                stmt = con.createStatement();
                stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + newParentId);
                stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT-1 WHERE ID=" + oldParent);
                if (mode != FxTreeMode.Live) {
                    final List<Long> newChildren = selectAllChildNodeIds(con, mode, node.getLeft(), node.getRight(),
                    acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Iterables.concat(newChildren, Arrays.asList(nodeId)));

                    for (List<Long> part : Iterables.partition(newChildren, SQL_IN_PARTSIZE)) {
                        stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + TRUE + " WHERE ID IN ("
                                + StringUtils.join(part, ',') + ")");

                    stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + TRUE + " WHERE ID IN(" + oldParent
                            + "," + newParentId + ")");

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new FxTreeException(e, "ex.tree.move.parentUpdate.failed", node.getId(), e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            try {
                if (stmt != null)
            } catch (Exception exc) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public long copy(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, FxTreeMode mode, long srcNodeId, long dstParentNodeId,
            int dstPosition, boolean deepReferenceCopy, String copyOfPrefix) throws FxApplicationException {
        // Check both nodes (this throws a FxNotFoundException if they do not exist)
        final FxTreeNodeInfo sourceNode = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, srcNodeId);
        getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, dstParentNodeId);

        // Make space for the new nodes
        BigInteger spacing = makeSpace(con, seq, mode, dstParentNodeId, dstPosition,
                sourceNode.getTotalChildCount() + 1);

        // Reload the node to obtain the new boundary and spacing informations
        final FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded destinationNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode,

        acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(srcNodeId, sourceNode.getParentId(), dstParentNodeId));

        // Copy the data
        BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, destinationNode, dstPosition);
        int depthDelta = (destinationNode.getDepth() + 1) - sourceNode.getDepth();
        long firstCreatedNodeId = reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, mode, sourceNode.getId(), true, spacing,
                boundaries[0], null, -1, null, null, depthDelta, dstParentNodeId, true, false, true);

        Statement stmt = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        try {
            // Update the childcount of the new parents
            stmt = con.createStatement();
            stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + dstParentNodeId);

            if (deepReferenceCopy) {
                FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded nodeInfo = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode,
                ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT ID,REF FROM " + getTable(mode) + " WHERE LFT>=? AND RGT<=?");
                setNodeBounds(ps, 1, nodeInfo.getLeft());
                setNodeBounds(ps, 2, nodeInfo.getRight());
                ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
                final ContentEngine ce = EJBLookup.getContentEngine();
                while (rs != null && {
                    FxPK pkRef = new FxPK(rs.getLong(2));
                    long nodeId = rs.getLong(1);
                    FxPK pkNew =;
                    updateReference(con, mode, nodeId, pkNew.getId());
        } catch (SQLException exc) {
            throw new FxTreeException(
                    "MoveNode: Failed to update the parent of node#" + srcNodeId + ": " + exc.getMessage());
        } finally {
            Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, stmt, ps);
        return firstCreatedNodeId;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void activateNode(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode,
            final long nodeId, boolean activateContents) throws FxApplicationException {
        if (mode == FxTreeMode.Live) //Live tree can not be activated!
        long ids[] = getIdChain(con, mode, nodeId); //all id's up to the root node
        acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode, Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(ids)));
        try {
            // lock node in live tree including all children (which *can* be removed if they were removed in the edit tree)
            acquireLocksForUpdate(con, FxTreeMode.Live,
                    selectDirectChildNodeIds(con, FxTreeMode.Live, nodeId, true));
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new FxDbException(e);

        for (long id : ids) {
            if (id == ROOT_NODE)
            FxTreeNode srcNode = getNode(con, mode, id);
            //check if the node already exists in the live tree
            if (exists(con, FxTreeMode.Live, id)) {
                //Move and setData will not do anything if the node is already in its correct place and
                move(con, seq, FxTreeMode.Live, id, srcNode.getParentNodeId(), srcNode.getPosition());
                setData(con, FxTreeMode.Live, id, srcNode.getData());
            } else {
                createNode(con, seq, ce, FxTreeMode.Live, srcNode.getId(), srcNode.getParentNodeId(),
                        srcNode.getName(), srcNode.getLabel(), srcNode.getPosition(), srcNode.getReference(),
                        srcNode.getData(), activateContents);

            // Remove all deleted direct child nodes
            Statement stmt = null;
            Statement stmt2 = null;
            try {
                stmt = con.createStatement();
                stmt2 = con.createStatement();
                if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) {
                try {
                    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
                            "SELECT DISTINCT tl.ID FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " tl " + "LEFT JOIN "
                                    + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) + " te ON tl.ID=te.ID WHERE te.ID=null AND "
                                    + "te.PARENT=" + nodeId + " AND tl.PARENT=" + nodeId);
                    while (rs != null && {
                        long deleteId = rs.getLong(1);
                        //                        System.out.println("==> deleted:"+deleteId);
                        acquireLocksForUpdate(con, FxTreeMode.Live, Arrays.asList(deleteId));
                        stmt2.addBatch("DELETE FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " WHERE ID=" + deleteId);

                    stmt2.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " SET MODIFIED_AT="
                            + System.currentTimeMillis());
                } finally {
                    if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.activate.failed", nodeId, false, e.getMessage());
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (stmt != null)
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                try {
                    if (stmt2 != null)
                } catch (Exception exc) {
            clearDirtyFlag(con, mode, nodeId);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void activateSubtree(Connection con, SequencerEngine seq, ContentEngine ce, FxTreeMode mode, long nodeId,
            boolean activateContents) throws FxApplicationException {
        if (nodeId == ROOT_NODE) {
            activateAll(con, mode);

        final FxTreeNodeInfo sourceNode = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId);
        final long destination = sourceNode.getParentId();

        // Make sure the path up to the root node is activated
        activateNode(con, seq, ce, mode, sourceNode.getParentId(), activateContents);

        try {
            // lock edit tree
            acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode,
                    selectAllChildNodeIds(con, mode, sourceNode.getLeft(), sourceNode.getRight(), true));
            // lock live tree
            acquireLocksForUpdate(con, FxTreeMode.Live,
                    selectAllChildNodeIds(con, mode, sourceNode.getLeft(), sourceNode.getRight(), true));
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new FxDbException(e);

        //* Cleanup all affected nodes

        // First we clear all affected nodes in the live tree, since we will copy them from the edit tree.
        // We also need to delete all nodes that are children of the specified node in the edit tree, since they
        // were moved into our new subtree.

        // get node in live tree (with current bounds)
        FxTreeNodeInfo oldDestNode = null;
        try {
            oldDestNode = getTreeNodeInfo(con, FxTreeMode.Live, nodeId);
        } catch (FxNotFoundException e) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Activated node " + nodeId + " not yet present in Live tree.");
        Statement stmt = null;
        if (oldDestNode != null) {
            try {
                String sql = "SELECT ID FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " WHERE (LFT>=" + oldDestNode.getLeft()
                        + " AND RGT<=" + oldDestNode.getRight() + ") OR ID=" + nodeId;
                stmt = con.createStatement();
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
                while ( {
                    try {
                        removeNode(con, FxTreeMode.Live, ce, rs.getLong(1),
                                true /* always forced true in live mode */);
                    } catch (FxNotFoundException e) {
                        // removed by previous call
            } catch (SQLException exc) {
                throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.activate.failed", nodeId, true, exc.getMessage());
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (stmt != null)
                } catch (Exception exc) {

        //* Now we can copy all affected nodes to the live tree

        int position = 0;

        // Make space for the new nodes
        BigInteger spacing = makeSpace(con, seq, FxTreeMode.Live, destination, /*sourceNode.getPosition()*/position,
                sourceNode.getTotalChildCount() + 1);

        // Reload the node to obtain the new boundary and spacing informations
        FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded destinationNode = (FxTreeNodeInfoSpreaded) getTreeNodeInfo(con, FxTreeMode.Live,

        // Copy the data
        BigInteger boundaries[] = getBoundaries(con, destinationNode, position);
        int depthDelta = (destinationNode.getDepth() + 1) - sourceNode.getDepth();

        reorganizeSpace(con, seq, mode, FxTreeMode.Live, sourceNode.getId(), true, spacing, boundaries[0], null, 0,
                null, null, depthDelta, destination, true, true, true);

        try {
            // Update the childcount of the new parents
            stmt = con.createStatement();
                    "UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+1 WHERE ID=" + destination);
            stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + StorageManager.getBooleanFalseExpression()
                    + " WHERE LFT>=" + sourceNode.getLeft() + " AND RGT<=" + sourceNode.getRight());
        } catch (SQLException exc) {
            throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.activate.failed", nodeId, true, exc.getMessage());
        } finally {
            try {
                if (stmt != null)
            } catch (Exception exc) {

        //clear nodes that can not be activated since their content has no live step
        boolean orgNodeRemoved = false;
        PreparedStatement psRemove = null;
        PreparedStatement psFixChildCount = null;
        PreparedStatement psFlagDirty = null;
        PreparedStatement psEditBoundaries = null;
        try {
            // Update the childcount of the new parents
            stmt = con.createStatement();
            //                                                  1     2         3      4      5
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
                    "SELECT DISTINCT l.ID, l.PARENT, l.LFT, l.RGT, c.ID FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " l, "
                            + TBL_CONTENT + " c WHERE l.LFT>" + destinationNode.getLeft() + " AND l.RGT<"
                            + destinationNode.getRight() + " AND and c.live_ver=0 ORDER BY l.LFT DESC");

            while (rs != null && {
                long rmNodeId = rs.getLong(1);
                if (activateContents) {
                    FxPK reference = new FxPK(rs.getLong(5));
                    FxContent co = ce.load(reference);
                    //create a Live version
                    reference = createContentLiveVersion(ce, co);
          "Created new live version " + reference + " during activation of node " + rmNodeId);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("removing node #" + rmNodeId + " and children");
                    if (rmNodeId == nodeId)
                        orgNodeRemoved = true;
                    if (psRemove == null) {
                        psRemove = con.prepareStatement(
                                "DELETE FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " WHERE LFT>=? AND RGT<=?");
                    setNodeBounds(psRemove, 1, getNodeBounds(rs, 3));
                    setNodeBounds(psRemove, 2, getNodeBounds(rs, 4));
                    if (psFixChildCount == null) {
                        psFixChildCount = con.prepareStatement(
                                "UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Live) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT-1 WHERE ID=?");
                    psFixChildCount.setLong(1, rs.getLong(2));
                    if (psEditBoundaries == null) {
                        psEditBoundaries = con.prepareStatement(
                                "SELECT LFT,RGT FROM " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) + " WHERE ID=?");
                    psEditBoundaries.setLong(1, rmNodeId);
                    ResultSet rsBoundaries = psEditBoundaries.executeQuery();
                    if (rsBoundaries != null && {
                        if (psFlagDirty == null) {
                            psFlagDirty = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) + " SET DIRTY="
                                    + StorageManager.getBooleanTrueExpression() + " WHERE LFT>=? AND RGT<=?");
                        setNodeBounds(psFlagDirty, 1, getNodeBounds(rsBoundaries, 1));
                        setNodeBounds(psFlagDirty, 2, getNodeBounds(rsBoundaries, 2));
        } catch (SQLException exc) {
            throw new FxTreeException("ex.tree.activate.failed", nodeId, true, exc.getMessage());
        } finally {
            Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, stmt, psRemove, psFixChildCount, psFlagDirty);

        // Make sure the node is at the correct position
        if (!orgNodeRemoved)
            move(con, seq, FxTreeMode.Live, sourceNode.getId(), sourceNode.getParentId(), sourceNode.getPosition());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void wipeTree(FxTreeMode mode, Statement stmt, FxPK rootPK) throws SQLException {
        DBStorage storage = StorageManager.getStorageImpl();
        try {
            stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + getTable(mode));
            stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + getTable(mode)
                    + ROOT_NODE + ",'Root'," + storage.getTimestampFunction() + ","
                    + storage.getBooleanFalseExpression() + ",NULL,1,0," + rootPK.getId() + ",NULL,1," + MAX_RIGHT
                    + ")");
        } finally {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void afterNodeRemoved(Connection con, FxTreeNodeInfo nodeInfo, boolean removeChildren) {
        //nothing to do in spreaded mode

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void checkTree(Connection con, FxTreeMode mode) throws FxApplicationException {
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        try {
            // 1 - ID, 2 - LFT, 3 - RGT, 4 - CHILDCOUNT, 5 - DEPTH, 6 - PARENT
            final String sql = "SELECT, t.LFT, t.RGT, t.CHILDCOUNT, t.DEPTH, t.PARENT " + "FROM "
                    + getTable(mode) + " t";
            stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
            final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();

            // collect nodes, build lookup tables
            final Map<Long, CheckedNodeInfo> nodeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // node ID -> node info
            final Multimap<Long, CheckedNodeInfo> childMap = HashMultimap.create(); // node ID -> children
            final Multimap<BigInteger, CheckedNodeInfo> leftNodeInfos = HashMultimap.create(1000, 1);
            final Multimap<BigInteger, CheckedNodeInfo> rightNodeInfos = HashMultimap.create(1000, 1);
            while ( {
                final CheckedNodeInfo info = new CheckedNodeInfo(rs.getLong(1), rs.getLong(6), getNodeBounds(rs, 2),
                        getNodeBounds(rs, 3), rs.getInt(4), rs.getInt(5));
                nodeMap.put(, info);
                childMap.put(info.parentId, info);
                leftNodeInfos.put(info.left, info);
                rightNodeInfos.put(info.right, info);

            // process all nodes
            for (CheckedNodeInfo node : nodeMap.values()) {

                // check node boundaries
                if (node.left.compareTo(node.right) > 0) {
                    throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode,
                            "#" + + ": left boundary greater than right.");

                // check node bounds of children
                BigInteger min = MAX_RIGHT;
                BigInteger max = BigInteger.ZERO;
                final Collection<CheckedNodeInfo> children = childMap.get(;
                for (CheckedNodeInfo child : children) {
                    if (child.left.compareTo(min) < 0) {
                        min = child.left;
                    if (child.right.compareTo(max) > 0) {
                        max = child.right;
                if (max.compareTo(node.right) > 0) {
                    throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode,
                            "#" + + " out of bounds (right)");
                if (min.compareTo(node.left) < 0) {
                    throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode,
                            "#" + + " out of bounds (left)");

                // Check stored child count
                if (node.directChildCount != children.size()) {
                    throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode,
                            "#" + + " invalid direct child count [" + node.directChildCount + "!="
                                    + children.size() + "]");

                // Check depth
                if ( != FxTreeNode.ROOT_NODE && node.depth != nodeMap.get(node.parentId).depth + 1) {
                    throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, "#" + + " invalid depth: "
                            + node.depth + ", parent depth=" + nodeMap.get(node.parentId).depth);

            checkUniqueBounds(mode, leftNodeInfos, "left");
            checkUniqueBounds(mode, rightNodeInfos, "right");

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                        "Successfully checked [" + childMap.size() + "] tree nodes in mode [" + + "]!");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new FxTreeException(LOG, e, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode, e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, stmt);

    private void checkUniqueBounds(FxTreeMode mode, Multimap<BigInteger, CheckedNodeInfo> infos, String name)
            throws FxTreeException {
        // check for unique left/right tree bounds
        for (Entry<BigInteger> entry : infos.keys().entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getCount() > 1) {
                throw new FxTreeException(LOG, "ex.tree.check.failed", mode,
                        "Duplicate boundaries (" + name + ") for nodes " + infos.get(entry.getElement()));

    private static class CheckedNodeInfo {
        private final long id;
        private final long parentId;
        private final BigInteger left;
        private final BigInteger right;
        private final int directChildCount;
        private final int depth;

        public CheckedNodeInfo(long id, long parentId, BigInteger left, BigInteger right, int directChildCount,
                int depth) {
   = id;
            this.parentId = parentId;
            this.left = left;
            this.right = right;
            this.directChildCount = directChildCount;
            this.depth = depth;

        public String toString() {
            return String.valueOf(id) + "[depth=" + depth + ", left=" + left + ", right=" + right
                    + ", directChildCount=" + directChildCount + "]";

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected boolean lockForUpdate(Connection con, String table, Iterable<Long> nodeIds) throws FxDbException {
        return lockForUpdate(con, table, nodeIds, "id");

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected boolean lockForUpdateReference(Connection con, String table, Iterable<Long> referenceIds)
            throws FxDbException {
        return lockForUpdate(con, table, referenceIds, "ref");

    private boolean lockForUpdate(Connection con, String table, Iterable<Long> nodeIds, String field)
            throws FxDbException {
        if (nodeIds == null || !nodeIds.iterator().hasNext()) {
            return tryLock(con, table, null, "id");
        for (List<Long> part : Iterables.partition(nodeIds, 500)) {
            if (!tryLock(con, table, part, "id")) {
                return false; // deadlock detected
        return true; // sucess

     * Get the database specific "for update" clause to lock tables rows
     * @return database specific "for update" clause
    protected String getForUpdateClause() {
        return " FOR UPDATE";

    private boolean tryLock(Connection con, String table, List<Long> part, String column) throws FxDbException {
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM " + table + " t "
                    + (part == null || part.isEmpty() ? ""
                            : " WHERE " + column + " IN (" + StringUtils.join(part, ',') + ")")
                    + getForUpdateClause());

            return true;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            final DBStorage si = StorageManager.getStorageImpl();
            if (si.isDeadlock(e) || si.isQueryTimeout(e)) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Deadlock detected while locking tree tables.");
                return false;
            } else {
                throw new FxDbException(e);
        } finally {
            Database.closeObjects(GenericTreeStorageSpreaded.class, null, stmt);