Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package; import com.flexive.core.Database; import com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst; import; import; import com.flexive.shared.*; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxApplicationException; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxSqlSearchException; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.BriefcaseEngine; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.ResultPreferencesEngine; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.SequencerEngine; import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.TreeEngine; import*; import; import; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxEnvironment; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxProperty; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxPropertyAssignment; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxType; import com.flexive.shared.value.FxNoAccess; import com.flexive.shared.value.FxValue; import com.flexive.sqlParser.*; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * The main search engine class * * @author Gregor Schober (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * @version $Rev$ */ public class SqlSearch { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SqlSearch.class); private final int startIndex; private final int fetchRows; private final String query; private final ResultLocation location; private final ResultViewType viewType; private final SequencerEngine seq; private final BriefcaseEngine briefcase; private final TreeEngine treeEngine; private DBStorage storage; private FxStatement statement; private FxType typeFilter; private PropertyResolver pr; private int parserExecutionTime = -1; private long searchId = -1; private String cacheTbl; private final FxSQLSearchParams params; private boolean hasUserPropsWildcard = false; private int indexOfUserPropsWildcard = -1; private FxEnvironment environment; private final ResultPreferencesEngine conf; private FxLanguage language; private List<Long> searchLanguageIds; private ResultPreferences resultPreferences; /** * Ctor * * * @param seq reference to the sequencer * @param briefcase reference to the briefcase engine * @param treeEngine reference to the tree engine * @param query the query to execute * @param startIndex the start index (0 based) * @param maxFetchRows the number of rows to return with the resultset, or -1 to fetch all rows * @param params all additional search parameters * @param conf the result set configuration * @param location the location that started the search * @param viewType the view type @throws com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxSqlSearchException * if the search failed * @throws com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxSqlSearchException * if the search engine could not be initialized */ public SqlSearch(SequencerEngine seq, BriefcaseEngine briefcase, TreeEngine treeEngine, String query, int startIndex, int maxFetchRows, FxSQLSearchParams params, ResultPreferencesEngine conf, ResultLocation location, ResultViewType viewType) throws FxSqlSearchException { FxSharedUtils.checkParameterEmpty(query, "query"); // Parameter checks if (startIndex < 0) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.parameter.invalidStartIndex", startIndex); } if (maxFetchRows == 0) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.parameter.fetchRows", maxFetchRows); } // Init this.seq = seq; this.briefcase = briefcase; this.treeEngine = treeEngine; this.conf = conf; this.environment = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment(); this.params = params; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.fetchRows = maxFetchRows == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxFetchRows; this.query = query; if (params != null && !params.getResultLanguages().isEmpty()) { this.language = params.getResultLanguages().get(0); if (params.getResultLanguages().size() > 1) { LOG.warn("FxSQL: multiple result languages are not implemented yet"); } } else { this.language = FxContext.get().getTicket().getLanguage(); } this.location = location; this.viewType = viewType; = StorageManager.getStorageImpl(); } /** * Returns the content type filter, or null if the filter is not set. * * @return the content type filter, or null */ public FxType getTypeFilter() { return typeFilter; } /** * Returns the language of this search. * * @return the language of this search */ public FxLanguage getLanguage() { return language; } /** * Get the used storage implementation * * @return used storage implementation */ public DBStorage getStorage() { return storage; } /** * Executes the search. * * @return the resultset * @throws FxSqlSearchException if the search failed */ public FxResultSet executeQuery() throws FxSqlSearchException { parseQuery(); // Check if the statement will produce any resultset at all if (statement.getType() == FxStatement.Type.EMPTY) { return new FxResultSetImpl(statement, this.parserExecutionTime, 0, startIndex, fetchRows, location, viewType, null, -1, -1); } // Execute select Statement stmt = null; Connection con = null; FxResultSetImpl fx_result = null; final long startTime = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis(); DataSelector ds = null; DataFilter df = null; String selectSql = null; try { // Init switch (params.getCacheMode()) { case ON: /*cacheTbl = DatabaseConst.TBL_SEARCHCACHE_PERM; searchId = seq.getId(SequencerEngine.System.SEARCHCACHE_PERM); break;*/ case OFF: case READ_ONLY: if (params.isHintNoResultInfo() && storage.isDirectSearchSupported()) { cacheTbl = ""; // will be set to the SELECT statement later searchId = 1; // not relevant, since no cache table is populated } else { cacheTbl = DatabaseConst.TBL_SEARCHCACHE_MEMORY; searchId = seq.getId(FxSystemSequencer.SEARCHCACHE_MEMORY); } break; default: // Can never happen cacheTbl = null; } // initialize search languages final String[] searchLanguages = statement.getTables()[0].getSearchLanguages(); if (searchLanguages == null || searchLanguages.length == 0) { this.searchLanguageIds = null; } else { this.searchLanguageIds = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(searchLanguages.length); for (String searchLanguage : searchLanguages) { this.searchLanguageIds.add(environment.getLanguage(searchLanguage).getId()); } } con = Database.getDbConnection(); pr = new PropertyResolver(con); //init filter and selector df = StorageManager.getDataFilter(con, this); ds = StorageManager.getDataSelector(this); // Find all matching objects; // Wildcard handling depending on the found entries replaceWildcard(df); if (statement.getOrderByValues().isEmpty() && !(params.isIgnoreResultPreferences() && params.isNoInternalSort())) { // add user-defined order by final List<ResultOrderByInfo> orderByColumns; if (params.isIgnoreResultPreferences()) { orderByColumns = Arrays .asList(new ResultOrderByInfo(Table.CONTENT, "@pk", null, SortDirection.ASCENDING)); } else { orderByColumns = getResultPreferences(df).getOrderByColumns(); } for (ResultOrderByInfo column : orderByColumns) { try { statement.addOrderByValue(new OrderByValue(column.getColumnName(), column.getDirection().equals(SortDirection.ASCENDING))); } catch (SqlParserException e) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Ignoring user preferences column " + column + " since it was not selected."); } } } } // If specified create a briefcase with the found data long createdBriefcaseId = -1; if (this.params.getWillCreateBriefcase()) { createdBriefcaseId = copyToBriefcase(con, ds, df); } final UserTicket ticket = FxContext.getUserTicket(); //list containing all used types with property permission checks enabled final List<FxType> propertyPermTypes = new ArrayList<FxType>(df.getContentTypes().size()); //cache for assignments that are allowed/denied for types with property permission checks enabled List<String> allowedAssignment = null; List<String> deniedAssignment = null; //gather all types with property permission checks enabled if (!ticket.isGlobalSupervisor()) { for (FxFoundType check : df.getContentTypes()) { FxType c = environment.getType(check.getContentTypeId()); if (c.isUsePropertyPermissions()) propertyPermTypes.add(c); } } if (this.params.isHintNoResultInfo() && storage.isDirectSearchSupported()) { // take the filter SQL and select directly cacheTbl = "(" + df.getDataSelectSql() + ")"; } // Select all desired rows for the resultset selectSql =; stmt = con.createStatement(); if (df.isQueryTimeoutSupported()) stmt.setQueryTimeout(this.params.getQueryTimeout()); df.setVariable(stmt, "rownr", "1"); // Fetch the result ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(selectSql); int dbSearchTime = (int) (java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); fx_result = new FxResultSetImpl(statement, this.parserExecutionTime, dbSearchTime, startIndex, fetchRows, location, viewType, df.getContentTypes(), getTypeFilter() != null ? getTypeFilter().getId() : -1, createdBriefcaseId); fx_result.setUserWildcardIndex(indexOfUserPropsWildcard != -1 ? indexOfUserPropsWildcard + 1 : -1); fx_result.setTotalRowCount(this.params.isHintNoResultInfo() ? -1 : df.getFoundEntries()); fx_result.setTruncated(df.isTruncated()); final long fetchStart = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis(); while ( { Object[] row = new Object[pr.getResultSetColumns().size()]; int i = 0; final long typeId = rs.getLong(DataSelector.COL_TYPEID); for (PropertyEntry entry : pr.getResultSetColumns()) { Object val = entry.getResultValue(rs, language.getId(), true, typeId); //in case we have types with property permissions enabled, inaccessible //properties have to be wrapped with with FxNoAccess objects if (val instanceof FxValue && !((FxValue) val).isEmpty() && propertyPermTypes.size() > 0) { if (allowedAssignment == null) allowedAssignment = new ArrayList<String>(20); if (deniedAssignment == null) deniedAssignment = new ArrayList<String>(20); FxValue v = (FxValue) val; String xp = XPathElement.toXPathNoMult(v.getXPath()); if (!allowedAssignment.contains(xp)) { if (!deniedAssignment.contains(xp)) { FxPropertyAssignment pa = (FxPropertyAssignment) environment.getAssignment(xp); if (pa.getAssignedType().isUsePropertyPermissions() && !ticket .mayReadACL(pa.getACL().getId(), rs.getLong(DataSelector.COL_CREATED_BY))) { deniedAssignment.add(xp); val = new FxNoAccess(ticket, (FxValue) val); } else allowedAssignment.add(xp); } else val = new FxNoAccess(ticket, (FxValue) val); } } row[i] = val; i++; } fx_result.addRow(row); if (fx_result.getRowCount() == fetchRows) { // Maximum fetch size reached, stop break; } } int timeSpent = (int) (java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - fetchStart); fx_result.setFetchTime(timeSpent); return fx_result; } catch (FxSqlSearchException exc) { throw exc; } catch (SQLException exc) { if (StorageManager.isQueryTimeout(exc)) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Query timeout after " + params.getQueryTimeout() + " seconds:\n" + query + "\n\nSQL:\n" + selectSql); } throw new FxSqlSearchException(exc, "ex.sqlSearch.query.timeout", params.getQueryTimeout()); } else if (StorageManager.isDeadlock(exc)) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Deadlock detected during query executing, waiting 100ms and retrying..."); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } return executeQuery(); } } throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, exc, "ex.sqlSearch.failed", exc.getMessage(), query, selectSql); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, e, "ex.sqlSearch.failed", e.getMessage(), query, selectSql); } finally { try { if (ds != null) ds.cleanup(con); } catch (Throwable t) { /*ignore*/} try { if (df != null) df.cleanup(); } catch (Throwable t) { /*ignore*/} Database.closeObjects(SqlSearch.class, con, stmt); if (fx_result != null) { int timeSpent = (int) (java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); fx_result.setTotalTime(timeSpent); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled() && fx_result != null) { LOG.trace(String.format("FxSQL query in [%5dms]: " + query.replace('\n', ' '), fx_result.getTotalTime())); } } } private void parseQuery() throws FxSqlSearchException { // Parse the statement try { final long start = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis(); statement = FxStatement.parseSql(query); this.indexOfUserPropsWildcard = this.indexOfUserWildcard(); this.hasUserPropsWildcard = this.indexOfUserPropsWildcard != -1; this.parserExecutionTime = (int) (java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } catch (SqlParserException pe) { // Catch the parse exception and convert it to an localized one throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, pe); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, t, "ex.sqlSearch.parser.error", t.getMessage(), query); } // Process content type filter if (statement.hasContentTypeFilter()) { String type = statement.getContentTypeFilter(); try { typeFilter = StringUtils.isNumeric(type) ? environment.getType(Long.parseLong(type)) : environment.getType(type); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, t, "ex.sqlSearch.filter.invalidContentTypeFilterValue", type); } } else { typeFilter = null; } } /** * Copy the query result to a briefcase * * @param con connection * @param ds DataSelector * @param df DataFilter * @return briefcase id * @throws FxSqlSearchException on errors */ private long copyToBriefcase(Connection con, DataSelector ds, DataFilter df) throws FxSqlSearchException { FxSQLSearchParams.BriefcaseCreationData bcd = params.getBriefcaseCreationData(); Statement stmt = null; try { // Create the briefcase long bid = briefcase.create(bcd.getName(), bcd.getDescription(), bcd.getAclId()); stmt = con.createStatement(); df.setVariable(stmt, "pos", "0"); // stmt.addBatch("SET @pos=0;"); String sSql = "insert into " + DatabaseConst.TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA + "(BRIEFCASE_ID,POS,ID,AMOUNT) " + "(select " + bid + "," + ds.getCounterStatement("pos") + ",,1 from " + "(SELECT DISTINCT FROM " + getCacheTable() + " data2 WHERE data2.search_id=" + getSearchId() + ") data)"; // stmt.addBatch(sSql); stmt.execute(sSql); return bid; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, t, "ex.sqlSearch.err.failedToBuildBriefcase", bcd.getName()); } finally { Database.closeObjects(SqlSearch.class, null, stmt); } } public int getStartIndex() { return startIndex; } public int getFetchRows() { return fetchRows; } public FxStatement getFxStatement() { return statement; } public PropertyResolver getPropertyResolver() { return pr; } public FxSQLSearchParams getParams() { return this.params; } public String getCacheTable() { return cacheTbl; } /** * Returns the unique id of this search. * * @return the unique id of this search */ public long getSearchId() { return searchId; } private int indexOfUserWildcard() throws FxSqlSearchException { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < statement.getSelectedValues().size(); i++) { final SelectedValue value = statement.getSelectedValues().get(i); if (value.getValue() instanceof Property) { Property prop = ((Property) value.getValue()); if (prop.isUserPropsWildcard()) { if (index != -1) { // Only one wildcard may be used per statement throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.onlyOneWildcardPermitted"); } index = i; } } } return index; } /** * Replaces the wildcard in the fx_statement by the defined properties. * * @param df the datafilter * @throws FxSqlSearchException if the function fails */ private void replaceWildcard(DataFilter df) throws FxSqlSearchException { try { ArrayList<SelectedValue> selValues = new ArrayList<SelectedValue>(); for (SelectedValue _value : statement.getSelectedValues()) { final Property propValue = _value.getValue() instanceof Property ? (Property) _value.getValue() : null; if (propValue != null && propValue.isWildcard()) { // Wildcard, select all properties of the result type for (FxProperty property : getAllProperties(df)) { final Property prop = new Property(propValue.getTableAlias(), property.getName(), null); selValues.add(new SelectedValue(prop, null)); } } else if (propValue != null && propValue.isUserPropsWildcard()) { // User preferences wildcard for (ResultColumnInfo nfo : getResultPreferences(df).getSelectedColumns()) { Property newProp = new Property(propValue.getTableAlias(), nfo.getPropertyName(), nfo.getSuffix()); SelectedValue newSel = new SelectedValue(newProp, null); selValues.add(newSel); } } else { // Normal property, use it as is selValues.add(_value); } } statement.setSelectedValues(selValues); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, t, "ex.sqlSearch.wildcardProcessingFailed"); } } private ResultPreferences getResultPreferences(DataFilter df) throws FxApplicationException { if (resultPreferences == null) { resultPreferences = conf.load(getContentTypeId(df), viewType, location); } return resultPreferences; } private long getContentTypeId(DataFilter df) { return getTypeFilter() != null ? // Type filter: only one type is contained in the search, use it getTypeFilter().getId() : // No Type filter: see if we got only one type in the result, or use the default for all types df.getContentTypes().size() == 1 ? df.getContentTypes().get(0).getContentTypeId() : -1; } private List<FxProperty> getAllProperties(DataFilter df) { long typeId = getContentTypeId(df); if (typeId == -1) { // return all properties attached to the root typeId = FxType.ROOT_ID; } final List<FxProperty> typeProps = new ArrayList<FxProperty>(); final List<FxProperty> systemProps = new ArrayList<FxProperty>(); // return all properties of the type - first user-defined type props, then the system-internal props for (FxPropertyAssignment assignment : environment.getType(typeId).getAssignedProperties()) { if (assignment.getProperty().isSearchable()) { (assignment.isSystemInternal() ? systemProps : typeProps).add(assignment.getProperty()); } } typeProps.addAll(systemProps); return typeProps; } public String getQuery() { return query; } public TreeEngine getTreeEngine() { return treeEngine; } public FxEnvironment getEnvironment() { return environment; } public List<Long> getSearchLanguageIds() { return searchLanguageIds; } }