Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package; import com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst; import*; import com.flexive.shared.*; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxSqlSearchException; import; import; import; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxDataType; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxFlatStorageMapping; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeMode; import com.flexive.shared.tree.FxTreeNode; import com.flexive.sqlParser.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.*; import static com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT; import static com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_ACLS; /** * Generic SQL data selector * * @author Gregor Schober (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * @version $Rev$ */ public class GenericSQLDataSelector extends DataSelector { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GenericSQLDataSelector.class); /** * All field selectors supported by this implementation */ protected static final Map<String, FieldSelector> SELECTORS = new HashMap<String, FieldSelector>(); protected static FieldSelector SELECTLIST_ITEM_SELECTOR; private static final Object UPDATE_LOCK = new Object(); protected static final String[] CONTENT_DIRECT_SELECT = { "ID", "VERSION" }; protected static final String[] CONTENT_DIRECT_SELECT_PROP = { "ID", "VER" }; protected static final String FILTER_ALIAS = "filter"; protected static final String SUBSEL_ALIAS = "sub"; protected SqlSearch search; /** * Constructor. * * @param search the search object */ public GenericSQLDataSelector(SqlSearch search) { = search; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Map<String, FieldSelector> getSelectors() { synchronized (UPDATE_LOCK) { if (SELECTORS.isEmpty()) { SELECTORS.put("MANDATOR", new GenericSQLForeignTableSelector("mandator", DatabaseConst.TBL_MANDATORS, "id", false, null)); SELECTORS.put("CREATED_BY", new GenericSQLForeignTableSelector("created_by", DatabaseConst.TBL_ACCOUNTS, "id", false, null)); SELECTORS.put("MODIFIED_BY", new GenericSQLForeignTableSelector("modified_by", DatabaseConst.TBL_ACCOUNTS, "id", false, null)); SELECTORS.put("ACL", new GenericSQLForeignTableSelector("acl", DatabaseConst.TBL_ACLS, "id", true, "label")); SELECTORS.put("STEP", new GenericSQLStepSelector()); SELECTORS.put("TYPEDEF", new GenericSQLForeignTableSelector("tdef", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES, "id", true, "description")); } } return SELECTORS; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String build(final Connection con) throws FxSqlSearchException { StringBuffer select = new StringBuffer(); buildColumnSelectList(select); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace(search.getFxStatement().printDebug()); } return select.toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void cleanup(Connection con) throws FxSqlSearchException { // nothing to do } @Override public FieldSelector getSelectListItemSelectorInstance() { synchronized (UPDATE_LOCK) { if (SELECTLIST_ITEM_SELECTOR == null) { SELECTLIST_ITEM_SELECTOR = new GenericSQLForeignTableSelector(null, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST_ITEM, "ID", false, null); } } return SELECTLIST_ITEM_SELECTOR; } /** * Builds the column select. * <p/> * Example result: "x.oid,x.ver,(select ..xx.. from ...),..." * * @param select the stringbuffer to write to * @throws FxSqlSearchException if the function fails */ private void buildColumnSelectList(final StringBuffer select) throws FxSqlSearchException { // Build all value selectors int pos = 0; final SubSelectValues values[] = new SubSelectValues[search.getFxStatement().getSelectedValues().size()]; for (SelectedValue selectedValue : search.getFxStatement().getSelectedValues()) { // Prepare all values final Value value = selectedValue.getValue(); PropertyEntry entry = null; final PropertyResolver pr = search.getPropertyResolver(); if (value instanceof Property) { entry = pr.get(search.getFxStatement(), (Property) value); pr.addResultSetColumn(search, entry); } else { // everything else is treated as custom SQL select (including constants) pr.addCustomResultSetColumn(); } values[pos] = selectFromTbl(entry, value, pos); pos++; } // need to check if any order bys from a wildcard selector have not been found for (OrderByValue orderBy : search.getFxStatement().getOrderByValues()) { if (orderBy.getColumnIndex() < 0 && Math.abs(orderBy.getColumnIndex()) >= pos) { // column has not been selected, thus it is not present in the "ORDER BY" clause throw new FxSqlSearchException("ex.sqlSearch.invalidOrderByIndex", orderBy.getColumnIndex(), pos); } } // Build the final select statement select.append("SELECT \n") .append(filterProperties(INTERNAL_RESULTCOLS.toArray(new String[INTERNAL_RESULTCOLS.size()]))) .append(' '); for (SubSelectValues ssv : values) { for (SubSelectValues.Item item : ssv.getItems()) { if (ssv.isSorted() && item.isOrderBy()) { select.append(",").append(FILTER_ALIAS).append(".").append(item.getAlias()).append("\n"); } else { select.append(",").append(item.getSelect()).append(" AS ").append(item.getAlias()).append("\n"); } } } select.append("FROM ("); select.append(buildSourceTable(values)); select.append(") ").append(FILTER_ALIAS); if (supportsRowNr()) { select.append(" ORDER BY 1"); } } /** * Builds the source table. * * @param values the selected values * @return a select statement which builds the source table */ private String buildSourceTable(final SubSelectValues[] values) { // Prepare type filter final String typeFilter = search.getTypeFilter() == null ? "" : " AND " + FILTER_ALIAS + ".TDEF=" + search.getTypeFilter().getId() + " "; final Map<Integer, String> orderByNumbers = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // order by index --> column select final List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); final boolean noSort = orderByNumbers.isEmpty() && search.getParams().isNoInternalSort(); // create select columns for (String column : INTERNAL_RESULTCOLS) { if ("rownr".equals(column)) { if (supportsCounterAfterOrderBy() || noSort) { columns.add(getCounterStatement(column)); } } else { columns.add(filterProperties(column)); } } columns.add(search.getStorage().concat("", "'[@pk='", filterProperties("id"), "'.'", filterProperties("ver"), "']'") + " AS xpathPref"); // order by starts after the internal selected columns int orderByPos = columns.size() + 1; // create SQL statement final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select ").append(StringUtils.join(columns, ',')).append(' '); // add order by indices for (SubSelectValues ssv : values) { if (ssv.isSorted()) { for (SubSelectValues.Item item : ssv.getItems()) { if (item.isOrderBy()) { // select item from order by sql.append(",").append(item.getSelect()).append(" AS ").append(item.getAlias()) .append("\n"); // add index for first selected column if (!orderByNumbers.containsKey(ssv.getSortPos())) { orderByNumbers.put(ssv.getSortPos(), orderByPos + " " + (ssv.isSortedAscending() ? "asc" : "desc")); } } else { sql.append(",null AS ").append(item.getAlias()).append('\n'); } orderByPos++; } } } sql.append(("FROM " + search.getCacheTable() + " filter, " + DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES + " t " + "WHERE search_id=" + search.getSearchId() + " AND " + FILTER_ALIAS + " " + typeFilter + " ")); final boolean usePaging = search.getStartIndex() > 0 || search.getFetchRows() < Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (noSort) { if (usePaging) { LOG.warn("Paging is disabled because noInternalSort was specified"); } } else { if (orderByNumbers.size() == 0) { // No order by specified = order by id and version int idCol = supportsCounterAfterOrderBy() ? 2 : 1; orderByNumbers.put(1, idCol + " asc"); orderByNumbers.put(2, (idCol + 1) + " asc"); } sql.append("ORDER BY "); // insert order by columns in the order they were defined in the FxSQL query for (Integer index : new TreeSet<Integer>(orderByNumbers.keySet())) { sql.append(orderByNumbers.get(index)).append(','); } sql.setCharAt(sql.length() - 1, ' '); // replace last separator if (!supportsCounterAfterOrderBy()) { // insert outer SELECT sql.insert(0, "SELECT " + getCounterStatement("rownr") + ", x.* FROM ("); sql.append(") x "); } // Evaluate the order by, then limit the result by the desired range if needed if (usePaging) { return "SELECT * FROM (" + sql + ") tmp " + search.getStorage().getLimitOffsetVar("rownr", false, search.getFetchRows(), search.getStartIndex()); } } return sql.toString(); } /** * Returns a comma-separated list of the given property names after adding FILTER_ALIAS to every property. * * @param names the property name(s) * @return a comma-separated list of the given property names after adding FILTER_ALIAS to every property. */ private String filterProperties(String... names) { return FILTER_ALIAS + "." + StringUtils.join(names, "," + FILTER_ALIAS + "."); } /** * Build the subselect query needed to get any data from the CONTENT table. * * @param entry the entry to select * @param prop the property * @param resultPos the position of the property in the select statement * @return the SubSelectValues * @throws FxSqlSearchException if anything goes wrong */ protected SubSelectValues selectFromTbl(PropertyEntry entry, Value prop, int resultPos) throws FxSqlSearchException { final Pair<Integer, SortDirection> sortInfo = getSortInfo(resultPos); final SubSelectValues result = new SubSelectValues(resultPos, sortInfo.getFirst(), sortInfo.getSecond()); // disable XPath processing if corresponding hint is set if (entry != null) { entry.setProcessXPath( !FxContext.getUserTicket().isGlobalSupervisor() && !search.getParams().isHintIgnoreXPath()); entry.setProcessData(search.getParams().isHintSelectData()); } final FxTreeMode treeMode = search.getParams() != null ? search.getParams().getTreeMode() : FxTreeMode.Edit; if (prop instanceof Constant || entry == null) { if (prop.getFunctions().size() == 1 && FxSQLFunctions.FUNCTION_CUSTOM_SELECT.equals(prop.getFunctions().get(0).getSqlName())) { String customSelect = search.getParams().getCustomSqlSelects() .get(FxFormatUtils.unquote(prop.getValue().toString())); if (StringUtils.isBlank(customSelect)) { throw new FxSqlSearchException("ex.sqlSearch.query.unknownCustomSqlSelect", customSelect); } customSelect = customSelect.trim(); result.addItem(customSelect.charAt(0) == '(' ? customSelect : '(' + customSelect + ')', resultPos, false); } else { result.addItem(prop.getValue().toString(), resultPos, false); } } else if (entry.getType() == PropertyEntry.Type.NODE_POSITION) { long root = search.getParams() != null ? search.getParams().getTreeRootId() : FxTreeNode.ROOT_NODE; final String sel = "(select tree_nodeIndex(" + root + "," + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id," + search.getStorage().getBooleanExpression(treeMode == FxTreeMode.Live) + ")" + search.getStorage().getFromDual() + ")"; result.addItem(sel, resultPos, false); } else if (entry.getType() == PropertyEntry.Type.PATH) { final long propertyId = search.getEnvironment().getProperty("CAPTION").getId(); final String sel = "(select tree_FTEXT1024_Paths(" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id," + search.getLanguage().getId() + "," + propertyId + "," + search.getStorage().getBooleanExpression(treeMode == FxTreeMode.Live) + ")" + search.getStorage().getFromDual() + ")"; result.addItem(sel, resultPos, false); } else if (entry.getType() == PropertyEntry.Type.METADATA) { // TODO: support for tree node metadata? // check if the metadata can be selected unambiguously final long[] briefcaseFilter = search.getFxStatement().getBriefcaseFilter(); if (briefcaseFilter.length == 0) { throw new FxSqlSearchException("ex.sqlSearch.briefcase.metadata.empty"); } else if (briefcaseFilter.length > 1) { // used to be an error before version 3.2.1, but there are use cases where this might make sense // - selecting a "master briefcase" first, and then adding sub-briefcases as refinement LOG.debug("Multiple briefcases selected, using first briefcase to select @metadata"); } // select metadata (if structured properly, you can also sort based on metadata) final String sel = "(SELECT metadata FROM " + DatabaseConst.TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA + " WHERE briefcase_id=" + briefcaseFilter[0] + " AND id=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id)"; result.addItem(sel, resultPos, false); } else if (entry.getType() == PropertyEntry.Type.LOCK) { for (String readColumn : entry.getReadColumns()) { final String sel = "(SELECT " + readColumn + " FROM " + DatabaseConst.TBL_LOCKS + " WHERE lock_id=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id AND lock_ver=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".ver)"; result.addItem(sel, resultPos, false); } } else { switch (entry.getTableType()) { case T_CONTENT: for (String column : entry.getReadColumns()) { if ("ACL".equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { result.addItem( "(SELECT acl FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " subc" + " WHERE = " + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id " + " AND subc.ver = " + FILTER_ALIAS + ".ver " + " AND subc.acl != " + ACL.NULL_ACL_ID + " UNION " + "SELECT acl FROM " + TBL_CONTENT_ACLS + " suba" + " WHERE = " + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id AND suba.ver = " + FILTER_ALIAS + ".ver" + search.getStorage().getLimit(true, 1) + ")", resultPos, false); } else { final int directSelect = FxArrayUtils.indexOf(CONTENT_DIRECT_SELECT, column, true); if (directSelect > -1) { final String val = FILTER_ALIAS + "." + CONTENT_DIRECT_SELECT_PROP[directSelect]; result.addItem(val, resultPos, false); } else { String expr = SUBSEL_ALIAS + "." + column; if (!prop.getSqlFunctions().isEmpty() && PropertyEntry.isDateMillisColumn(column)) { // need to convert to date before applying a date function expr = toDBTime(expr); } final String val = "(SELECT " + expr + " FROM " + TBL_CONTENT + " " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + " WHERE " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + ".id=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id AND " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + ".ver=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".ver)"; result.addItem(val, resultPos, false); } } } break; case T_CONTENT_DATA: for (String column : entry.getReadColumns()) { final String val = getContentDataSubselect(column, entry, false); result.addItem(val, resultPos, false); } // String xpath = "concat(filter.xpathPref," + getContentDataSubselect("XPATHMULT", entry, true) + ")"; if (!search.getParams().isHintIgnoreXPath() || (entry.isPropertyPermsEnabled() && !FxContext.getUserTicket().isGlobalSupervisor())) { entry.setProcessXPath(true); // re-enable flag if ignoreXPath hint was set String xpath = search.getStorage().concat("filter.xpathPref", "\'-\'", entry.isAssignment() ? '\'' + entry.getAssignment().getXPath() + '\'' : getContentDataSubselect("ASSIGN", entry, true), "\'-\'", getContentDataSubselect("XMULT", entry, true)); result.addItem(xpath, resultPos, true); } if (search.getParams().isHintSelectData()) { if (entry.getDataColumn() != null) { final String select = getContentDataSubselect(entry.getDataColumn(), entry, true); result.addItem(select, resultPos, true); } } break; case T_CONTENT_DATA_FLAT: final FxFlatStorageMapping mapping = entry.getAssignment().getFlatStorageMapping(); final String sel = getFlatStorageColumnSelect(entry, mapping, mapping.getColumn()); result.addItem(sel, resultPos, false); if (search.getParams().isHintSelectData()) { // straight-forward but slow implementation. When multiple flat storage columns are selected, // we may select the same valuedata column many times final String select = getFlatStorageColumnSelect(entry, mapping, "VALUEDATA"); result.addItem(select, resultPos, true); } break; default: throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.table.typeNotSupported", entry.getTableName()); } } return result.prepare(this, prop, entry); } /** * Get a column select statement for a flatstorage column * * @param entry entry to select * @param mapping flatstorage mapping * @param column the column name * @return select statement */ protected String getFlatStorageColumnSelect(PropertyEntry entry, FxFlatStorageMapping mapping, String column) { return "(SELECT " + column + " FROM " + mapping.getStorage() + " WHERE id=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id AND ver=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".ver" + " AND " + SearchUtils.getFlatStorageAssignmentFilter(search.getEnvironment(), "", entry.getAssignment()) + (entry.getAssignment().isMultiLang() ? " AND " + mapping.getColumn() + " IS NOT NULL" + " AND (lang=" + search.getLanguage().getId() + " OR " + mapping.getColumn() + "_mld=true)" + " ORDER BY " + mapping.getColumn() + "_mld" : "") + search.getStorage().getLimit(true, 1) + ")"; } /** * Convert a column with a timestamp in long format to a database understandable timestamp * * @param expr long column to convert * @return database time compliant expression */ protected String toDBTime(String expr) { return "FROM_UNIXTIME(" + expr + "/1000)"; } /** * Returns the position in the user's "ORDER BY" clause and the {@link SortDirection} for the given column index. * * @param pos the position to check * @return the position in the "ORDER BY" clause and the {@link SortDirection} for the given column index. */ private Pair<Integer, SortDirection> getSortInfo(int pos) { final List<OrderByValue> obvs = search.getFxStatement().getOrderByValues(); int index = 0; for (OrderByValue obv : obvs) { if (Math.abs(obv.getColumnIndex()) == pos) { // also check for negative (=wildcard) order bys return Pair.newPair(index, obv.isAscending() ? SortDirection.ASCENDING : SortDirection.DESCENDING); } index++; } return Pair.newPair(-1, SortDirection.UNSORTED); } /** * Returns the subselect for FX_CONTENT_DATA. * * @param column the column that is being procesed * @param entry the entry * @param xpath if true, the XPath (and not the actual value column(s)) will be selected * @return the subselect for FX_CONTENT_DATA. */ protected String getContentDataSubselect(String column, PropertyEntry entry, boolean xpath) { String select = "(SELECT " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + "." + column + " FROM " + DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_DATA + " " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + " WHERE " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + ".id=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".id AND " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + ".ver=" + FILTER_ALIAS + ".ver AND " + (entry.isAssignment() ? "ASSIGN IN (" + StringUtils.join( FxSharedUtils.getSelectableObjectIdList(entry.getAssignmentWithDerived()), ',') + ")" : "TPROP=" + entry.getProperty().getId()) + " AND " + "(" + SUBSEL_ALIAS + ".lang=" + search.getLanguage().getId() + " OR " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + ".ismldef=" + search.getStorage().getBooleanTrueExpression() + ")" + // fetch exact language match before default, sort by position to get first entry " ORDER BY " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + ".ismldef, " + SUBSEL_ALIAS + ".pos " + search.getStorage().getLimit(true, 1) + ")"; if (!xpath && entry.getProperty().getDataType() == FxDataType.Binary) { // select string-coded form of the BLOB properties select = selectBinary(select); } return select; } /** * <p>Indicate whether the database row index returned by {@link #getCounterStatement(String)} * is applied before or after an "order by" for the statement.</p> * <p/> * <p>If "true", the row index expression will be included in the select clause of the actual statement. For example: * {@code SELECT @rowNum=@rowNum+1, id, caption FROM ... ORDER BY caption} * </p> * <p>If "false", the row index expression will be added in an outer select clause, for example: * {@code SELECT @rowNum=@rowNum+1, * FROM (SELECT id, caption FROM ... ORDER BY caption) } * </p> * * @return true if the counter statement is evaluated after the "order by" clause, false otherwise. */ protected boolean supportsCounterAfterOrderBy() { return true; } /** * @return true when the database supports rownr variables to preserve the ordering * @since 3.2.0 */ protected boolean supportsRowNr() { return true; } }