Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxCmisSqlParseException; import org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.Token; import org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import static com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxCmisSqlParseException.ErrorCause; /** * Methods for working with the CMIS SQL parser. Includes error reporting and convenience methods for parsing * CMIS SQL queries. * * @author Daniel Lichtenberger (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * @version $Rev$ * @since 3.1 */ public class CmisSqlUtils { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CmisSqlUtils.class); private CmisSqlUtils() { } public static CommonTree parse(String query) throws FxCmisSqlParseException { final CmisSqlParser.ParseResult result; try { result = CmisSqlParser.parse(query); } catch (RecognitionException e) { throw translateException(query, e); } // check if we actually consumed all input final TokenStream tokens = result.getParser().getTokenStream(); if (tokens.index() < tokens.size()) { // return unmatched input in error message final Token token = tokens.get(tokens.index()); throw new FxCmisSqlParseException(LOG, ErrorCause.UNPARSED_INPUT, getUnparsedInput(query, token.getLine(), token.getCharPositionInLine())); } if (result.getParser().hasErrors()) { throw new FxCmisSqlParseException(LOG, ErrorCause.PARSER_MESSAGES, StringUtils.join(result.getParser().getErrorMessages(), '\n')); } return (CommonTree) result.getReturnValue().getTree(); } public static Statement buildStatement(Connection con, ContentStorage storage, TreeStorage treeStorage, String query) throws FxCmisSqlParseException { return new StatementBuilder(con, storage, treeStorage, parse(query)).build(); } private static FxCmisSqlParseException translateException(String query, RecognitionException e) { // TODO: add more detailed error messages final FxCmisSqlParseException parseExc; if (e instanceof NoViableAltException) { // standard error message when the query syntax is not correct or a keyword is missing parseExc = new FxCmisSqlParseException(LOG, ErrorCause.UNPARSED_INPUT, getUnparsedInput(query, e.line, e.charPositionInLine)); } else { parseExc = new FxCmisSqlParseException(LOG, ErrorCause.RECOGNIZER_ERROR, StringUtils.defaultString(e.getMessage(), e.toString()), getUnparsedInput(query, e.line, e.charPositionInLine)); } parseExc.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace()); return parseExc; } private static String getUnparsedInput(String query, int line, int charPositionInLine) { if (line <= 0 || charPositionInLine < 0) { return ""; } final String[] lines = query.split("\n"); final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); // add unparsed part of the first unparsed line out.append(lines[line - 1].substring(charPositionInLine)); // add rest of the query for (int i = line; i < lines.length; i++) { out.append('\n').append(lines[i]); } return out.toString(); } }