Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Fizzed, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.fizzed.blaze.ssh; import com.fizzed.blaze.Config; import com.fizzed.blaze.Context; import com.fizzed.blaze.SecureShells; import com.fizzed.blaze.core.ContextHolder; import com.fizzed.blaze.internal.ConfigHelper; import com.fizzed.blaze.internal.ContextImpl; import com.fizzed.blaze.util.MutableUri; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import static com.fizzed.blaze.SecureShells.sshConnect; import static com.fizzed.blaze.SecureShells.sshExec; import com.fizzed.blaze.internal.FileHelper; import; import java.util.Optional; import; import static; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; /** * Real tests against actual hosts via ssh. * * @author joelauer */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class SshIntegrationTest { static private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SshIntegrationTest.class); private final String host; private final MutableUri uri; private final Context context; private Path sshConfigFile; @Parameters(name = "{index}: vagrant={0}") public static Collection<String> data() { return Arrays.asList("debian8", "ubuntu1404", "centos7", "centos6", "freebsd102"); } @Before public void onlyIfAllVagrantMachinesRunning() { assumeTrue("Is vagrant host running?", TestHelper.VAGRANT_CLIENT.machinesRunning().contains(host)); this.sshConfigFile = TestHelper.VAGRANT_CLIENT.sshConfig(host); } public SshIntegrationTest(String host) { = host; this.uri = MutableUri.of("ssh://{}", host); // required before any blaze methods called... Config config = ConfigHelper.create(null); this.context = new ContextImpl(null, null, null, config); ContextHolder.set(this.context); } @Test public void sftpPutAndGet() throws Exception { Path exampleFile = FileHelper.resourceAsPath("/example/test1.txt"); try (SshSession ssh = sshConnect(uri).configFile(sshConfigFile).run()) { try (SshSftpSession sftp = SecureShells.sshSftp(ssh).run()) { // make sure file does not exist on remote system sshExec(ssh, "rm", "-f", "test1.txt").run(); sftp.put().source(exampleFile).target(exampleFile.getFileName()).run(); File tempFile = File.createTempFile("blaze.", ".sshtest"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); sftp.get().source(exampleFile.getFileName()).target(tempFile).run(); // files match? assertTrue("The files differ!", FileUtils.contentEquals(tempFile, exampleFile.toFile())); } } } @Test public void sftpPutTwiceOverwrites() throws Exception { Path exampleFile = FileHelper.resourceAsPath("/example/test1.txt"); try (SshSession ssh = sshConnect(uri).configFile(sshConfigFile).run()) { try (SshSftpSession sftp = SecureShells.sshSftp(ssh).run()) { // make sure file does not exist on remote system sshExec(ssh, "rm", "-f", "test1.txt").run(); sftp.put().source(exampleFile).target(exampleFile.getFileName()).run(); sftp.put().source(exampleFile).target(exampleFile.getFileName()).run(); } } } @Test public void lstat() throws Exception { try (SshSession ssh = sshConnect(uri).configFile(sshConfigFile).run()) { try (SshSftpSession sftp = SecureShells.sshSftp(ssh).run()) { // regular file sshExec(ssh, "touch", "temp.txt").run(); try { SshFileAttributes attrs = sftp.lstat("temp.txt"); assertThat(attrs.isDirectory(), is(false)); assertThat(attrs.isRegularFile(), is(true)); } finally { sshExec(ssh, "rm", "-f", "temp.txt").run(); } // non-existent file throws specific exception try { SshFileAttributes attrs = sftp.lstat("file_does_not_exist.txt"); fail(); } catch (SshSftpNoSuchFileException e) { // expected specific exception } // lstat safely! SshFileAttributes attrs = sftp.lstatSafely("file_does_not_exist.txt"); assertThat(attrs, is(nullValue())); } } } }