Source code

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 * Copyright 2009-2012 Scale Unlimited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.finderbots.miner2.tomatoes;

import bixo.datum.Outlink;
import bixo.datum.ParsedDatum;
import bixo.parser.DOMParser;
import cascading.flow.FlowProcess;
import cascading.operation.OperationCall;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntryCollector;
import com.bixolabs.cascading.NullContext;
import com.finderbots.miner2.RegexUrlStringFilter;
import com.finderbots.miner2.SimpleBodyContentHandler;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Node;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class MineRTCriticsPreferences extends DOMParser {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MineRTCriticsPreferences.class);

    private static final Pattern IMG_SUFFIX_EXCLUSION_PATTERN = Pattern

    private static final int MAX_WORDS_PER_PHRASE = 2;

    private transient RTPageDatum _result;
    private RegexUrlStringFilter _urlsToMineFilter;// if not null then url must match a pattern to include before being analyzed

    public MineRTCriticsPreferences(RegexUrlStringFilter urlsToMineFilter) {
        _urlsToMineFilter = urlsToMineFilter;

    public void prepare(FlowProcess process, OperationCall<NullContext> opCall) {
        super.prepare(process, opCall);

        _result = new RTPageDatum("", "", "", "", new MultiValuePreference[0]);

    // This get each page. It will check to see if it is a page to mine, then extract data
    // depending on what type of page it is. /critic/ pages will be minded for preferences, /m/ pages
    // will get mined for url, itemId, and poster image URL
    // These are all stored in the datum and will be written to different files by another pipe.
    protected void process(ParsedDatum datum, Document doc, TupleEntryCollector collector) throws Exception {
        LOGGER.debug(this.getClass().toString() + " Got datum for url: " + datum.getUrl());
        if (_urlsToMineFilter == null || !_urlsToMineFilter.isRemove(datum.getUrl().toString())) {
            // currently mines all pages so the fields in the tuple/datum must
            // ALL be set every time. Either set for prefs OR media pages, not both
            // todo: split into two datum types and mine separately?
            SimpleBodyContentHandler bodyContentHandler = new SimpleBodyContentHandler();
            SAXWriter writer = new SAXWriter(bodyContentHandler);

            // Mine that data.
            String url = datum.getUrl();

            if (url.contains("/critic/")) {// mining a critic page
                MultiValuePreference[] prefs = minePrefs(url, doc);
            } else if (url.contains("/m/")) {//mining a media page
                _result.setPrefs(new MultiValuePreference[0]);
            } else {// not a page to mine, should be filtered out so throw an exception?
                //throw new Exception("Got a page that should not be mined: "+url);
      "URLs to mine not working, getting urls that we don't mine like: " + url);


    protected void handleException(ParsedDatum datum, Exception e, TupleEntryCollector collector) {
        // We'll just log it here, though normally we'd want to rethrow the exception, and
        // have our workflow set up to trap it.
        LOGGER.error("Exception parsing/processing " + datum.getUrl(), e);


    // This is called on a page where the url has the item id
    private String mineItemId(String url) {
        String itemId;
        Pattern itemIdPattern = Pattern.compile("(.*com/m/)([^/]*)(/.*)");
        try {// first get the critic userId
            Matcher itemIdMatcher = itemIdPattern.matcher(url);
            if (itemIdMatcher.find()) {
                itemId =;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Can't find action ID on page: " + url);
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("bad media ID in the URL");
            throw e;
        return itemId;

    // This is called on a page where the url has the item id
    // the id is in the url but
    // we have to get the full title out of the body
    private String mineItemName(Document doc) {
        List<Node> titleNodes = getNodes(doc,
                "//*[contains(concat( \" \", @class, \" \" ), concat( \" \", \"movie_title\", \" \" ))]//span");
        Node titleNode = titleNodes.get(0);
        if (titleNode == null) {
            LOGGER.warn("Can't locate media title in page: " + _result.getUrl());
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        String title = titleNode.getText();
        if (title == null || title.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.warn("Can't locate media title in page: " + _result.getUrl());
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        return title;

    // This is called on a page where the url has the item id
    // the id is in the url but
    // we have to get the full title out of the body
    private String minePosterImageUrl(Document doc) {
        List<Node> posterNodes = getNodes(doc,
                "//*[contains(concat( \" \", @class, \" \" ), concat( \" \", \"trailer_play_action_button\", \" \" ))]//img");
        Node posterNode = posterNodes.get(0);
        if (posterNode == null) {
            LOGGER.warn("Can't locate media poster image in page: " + _result.getUrl());
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        String posterURL = getAttributeFromNode(posterNode, "src");// get the src property of the img tag
        if (posterURL == null || posterURL.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.warn("Can't locate media title in page: " + _result.getUrl());
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        return posterURL;

    private MultiValuePreference[] minePrefs(String url, Document doc) throws IllegalStateException {
        ArrayList<MultiValuePreference> prefList = new ArrayList<MultiValuePreference>();
        /* RT critic page will be mined for review actions, fresh or rotten, and user and item ids
         * all of which come from the rows of a table, except the critic user name from the
         * url
            <span class="icon tiny fresh" title=""></span>
         <span class="tMeterIcon tiny">
        <span title="Fresh" class="icon tiny fresh"></span><span class="tMeterScore">88%</span>
        <td><a target="_top" href="/m/unmarried_woman/" class="">An Unmarried Woman</a> (1978)</td>
        <td class="lastCol">"<a href="/click/author-16/reviews.php?rid=2150520&amp;cats=&amp;genreid=&amp;switches=&amp;letter=&amp;sortby=&amp;page=1">
            <strong>There are scenes in An Unmarried Woman so well written and acted that our laughter is unsettling, the laughter of exact recognition. </strong></a>"
        <a href="/source-165/"><em>Film Comment Magazine</em></a>
            <div>Posted Jun 28, 2013</div>

        //todo: put the xpaths in a param file if xpaths keyed by url-regex is enough for a nice DSL
        List<Node> cellNodes = getNodes(doc, "//tr//td");//this should get all cells in the table
        //look in the first column for a class name = "rotten" or "fresh"
        //in the second is the tomato meter, the third has the item url, which contains an id for the media item

        Pattern actionPattern = Pattern.compile("(.*tiny[\\w]*)([^\"]*)(\" title=\".*)", Pattern.DOTALL);//looking through many lines
        //used on the url to get critic ID
        Pattern userIdPattern = Pattern.compile("(.*/critic/)(.*)(/.*)");
        //used on //tr nodes, there will be an <a> tag with /m/xxx/ where xxx is the movie ID
        //todo: may want to get href from particular <a> tag but should work for now
        Pattern itemIdPattern = Pattern.compile("(.*com/m/)([^/]*)(/.*)", Pattern.DOTALL);//looking through many lines

        String userId;
        try {// first get the critic userId
            Matcher userIdMatcher = userIdPattern.matcher(url);
            if (userIdMatcher.find()) {
                userId =;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Bad critic ID in the URL: " + url);
            //userId =;
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Bad critic ID in the URL: " + url);
            throw e;
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cellNodes.size(); rowIndex += 4) {// now for each row grab the itemId and preference value
            //get the part between /critic/ and the next slash, that is the unique critic name in rotten tomatoes
            String criticReviewCellXML = cellNodes.get(rowIndex).asXML();
            String mediaDescriptionXML = cellNodes.get(rowIndex + 2).asXML();
            try {

                Matcher actionMatcher = actionPattern.matcher(criticReviewCellXML);
                String actionId;
                if (actionMatcher.find()) {
                    actionId =;
                } else {
          "Can't find action ID on page: " + url);

                String itemId;
                Matcher itemIdMatcher = itemIdPattern.matcher(mediaDescriptionXML);
                if (itemIdMatcher.find()) {
                    itemId =;
                } else {
          "Can't find item ID on page: " + url);

                MultiValuePreference pref = new MultiValuePreference(userId, actionId, itemId);

            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                //just ignore a bad row
                        "Exception during a regex matching the preference from a table row of the critic page. It will be ignored but beware something is wrong");
                throw e;

        return prefList.toArray(new MultiValuePreference[prefList.size()]);

    private RTMediaURLResult[] extractImages(String sourceUrl, Document doc, Outlink[] outlinks) {
        ArrayList<RTMediaURLResult> pageResults = new ArrayList<RTMediaURLResult>();
        // Find if we have image links that may have extracted as an Outlink
        for (Outlink outlink : outlinks) {
            String outlinkUrl = outlink.getToUrl();
            if (isImgSuffix(outlinkUrl)) {
                // TODO Maybe set description to any words found in image name? Change '-' and '_' to spaces?
                RTMediaURLResult result = new RTMediaURLResult(sourceUrl, outlinkUrl, "");

        // Next extract all img
        List<Node> imgNodes = getNodes(doc, "//img");
        for (Node node : imgNodes) {
            String src = getAttributeFromNode(node, "src");
            String alt = getAttributeFromNode(node, "alt");
            RTMediaURLResult result = new RTMediaURLResult(sourceUrl, src, alt);

        return pageResults.toArray(new RTMediaURLResult[pageResults.size()]);

    private String getAttributeFromNode(Node node, String attribute) {
        String attributeValue = null;
        if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            Element e = (Element) node;
            attributeValue = e.attributeValue(attribute);
        return (attributeValue == null ? "" : attributeValue);

    private String getTextFromNode(Node node) {
        String attributeValue = null;
        if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            Element e = (Element) node;
            attributeValue = e.getTextTrim();
        return (attributeValue == null ? "" : attributeValue);

     * Utility routine to get back a list of nodes from the HTML page document,
     * which match the provided XPath expression.
     * @param xPath expression to match
     * @return array of matching nodes, or an empty array if nothing matches
    private List<Node> getNodes(Node node, String xPath) {
        List<Node> result = node.selectNodes(xPath);
        if (result == null) {
            result = new ArrayList<Node>();

        return result;

    private static boolean isImgSuffix(String url) {
        Matcher m = IMG_SUFFIX_EXCLUSION_PATTERN.matcher(url);
        if (m.find()) {
            return true;
        return false;
