Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2012 Scale Unlimited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.finderbots.miner2.pinterest; import bixo.datum.Outlink; import bixo.datum.ParsedDatum; import bixo.parser.DOMParser; import cascading.flow.FlowProcess; import cascading.operation.OperationCall; import cascading.tuple.TupleEntryCollector; import com.bixolabs.cascading.NullContext; import com.finderbots.miner2.*; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class AnalyzeHtml extends DOMParser { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AnalyzeHtml.class); private static final Pattern IMG_SUFFIX_EXCLUSION_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("(?i)\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png|ico)$"); private static final int MAX_WORDS_PER_PHRASE = 2; // These are all transient since we don't want to serialize them when the // Cascading job is submitted, so we set them up in the prepare() method. private transient PhraseShingleAnalyzer _analyzer; private transient Set<String> _positivePhrases; private transient Set<String> _negativePhrases; private transient AnalyzedDatum _result; private RegexUrlStringFilter _urlsToMineFilter;// if not null then url must match a pattern to include before being analyzed private RegexUrlStringFilter _minedOutlinksFilter;// the outlinks found on the analyzed page must match a regex here to be returned in PageResults public AnalyzeHtml(RegexUrlStringFilter urlsToMineFilter) { super(AnalyzedDatum.FIELDS); _urlsToMineFilter = urlsToMineFilter; } @Override public void prepare(FlowProcess process, OperationCall<NullContext> opCall) { super.prepare(process, opCall); // Load the positive and negative phrases. // Analyze them using the standard analyzer (no stopwords) // TODO Maybe figure out the max # of words, for shingling? For now use a constant. _analyzer = new PhraseShingleAnalyzer(MAX_WORDS_PER_PHRASE); //_positivePhrases = loadAnalyzedPhrases("positive-phrases.txt", _analyzer); //_negativePhrases = loadAnalyzedPhrases("negative-phrases.txt", _analyzer); _result = new AnalyzedDatum("", 0.0f, new BooleanPreference[0], new Outlink[0]); } @Override protected void process(ParsedDatum datum, Document doc, TupleEntryCollector collector) throws Exception { if (_urlsToMineFilter == null || !_urlsToMineFilter.isRemove(datum.getUrl().toString())) { SimpleBodyContentHandler bodyContentHandler = new SimpleBodyContentHandler(); SAXWriter writer = new SAXWriter(bodyContentHandler); writer.write(doc); //float pageScore = getScore(bodyContentHandler.toString()); float pageScore = (float) 1.0; // Get the outlinks. Outlink[] outlinks = getOutlinks(doc); BooleanPreference[] pageResults = getPrefs(datum.getUrl().toString(), doc); // Extract all of the images, and use them as page results. //PageResult[] pageResults = extractImages(datum.getUrl(), doc, outlinks); _result.setUrl(datum.getUrl()); _result.setPageScore(pageScore); _result.setOutlinks(outlinks); _result.setPageResults(pageResults); collector.add(_result.getTuple()); } } @Override protected void handleException(ParsedDatum datum, Exception e, TupleEntryCollector collector) { // We'll just log it here, though normally we'd want to rethrow the exception, and // have our workflow set up to trap it. LOGGER.error("Exception parsing/processing " + datum.getUrl(), e); } private Outlink[] getOutlinks(Document doc) { ArrayList<Outlink> outlinkList = new ArrayList<Outlink>(); List<Node> aNodes = getNodes(doc, "//a"); for (Node node : aNodes) { String url = getAttributeFromNode(node, "href"); String anchor = getAttributeFromNode(node, "name"); String rel = getAttributeFromNode(node, "rel"); Outlink link = new Outlink(url, anchor, rel); outlinkList.add(link); } return outlinkList.toArray(new Outlink[outlinkList.size()]); } // This will create a list of outlinks from the current page that correspond to followed people on Pinterest // The Url encodes the user id of the people and points to their main page. // todo: need more sophisticated filter, just gets all outlinks now!!! Also need to decode person ID // todo: and save it as the key for other person related info since it is unique on Pinterest private BooleanPreference[] getPrefs(String sourceUrl, Document doc) throws IllegalStateException { ArrayList<BooleanPreference> prefList = new ArrayList<BooleanPreference>(); //List<Node> aNodes = getNodes(doc, "//a"); // doc is the entire page find the div of followed people // <div class="FixedContainer"> // <div id="PeopleList"> // them throw out all outlinks not needed // -.*/pin/.* -- for instance //todo: put the xpaths in a param file if xpaths keyed by url-regex is enough for a nice DSL List<Node> aNodes = getNodes(doc, "//div[@class='PersonInfo']/h4/a"); Pattern prefIdPattern = Pattern.compile("(?<*)(?=/)"); Pattern personIdPattern = Pattern.compile("(?<*)(?=/following/*)"); for (Node node : aNodes) { String preferedUrl = getAttributeFromNode(node, "href"); //get the part between and the next slash, that is the unique username in pinterest //String anchor = getAttributeFromNode(node, "name"); //String alt = getAttributeFromNode(node, "alt"); //String linkText = getTextFromNode(node); try { Matcher prefIdMatcher = prefIdPattern.matcher(preferedUrl); String preferenceId = ""; if (prefIdMatcher.find()) { preferenceId =; } Matcher personIdMatcher = personIdPattern.matcher(sourceUrl); String personId = ""; if (personIdMatcher.find()) { personId =; } BooleanPreference pref = new BooleanPreference(personId, preferenceId); // todo: also should return the person ID? Url is returned now because it may be of interest prefList.add(pref); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { //just ignore a bad pair LOGGER.warn("Exception during a regex matching the preference url " + sourceUrl + " or person url " + preferedUrl + "it will be ignored but beware something is wrong"); throw e; } } return prefList.toArray(new BooleanPreference[prefList.size()]); } private ImagesPageResult[] extractImages(String sourceUrl, Document doc, Outlink[] outlinks) { ArrayList<ImagesPageResult> pageResults = new ArrayList<ImagesPageResult>(); // Find if we have image links that may have extracted as an Outlink for (Outlink outlink : outlinks) { String outlinkUrl = outlink.getToUrl(); if (isImgSuffix(outlinkUrl)) { // TODO Maybe set description to any words found in image name? Change '-' and '_' to spaces? ImagesPageResult result = new ImagesPageResult(sourceUrl, outlinkUrl, ""); pageResults.add(result); } } // Next extract all img List<Node> imgNodes = getNodes(doc, "//img"); for (Node node : imgNodes) { String src = getAttributeFromNode(node, "src"); String alt = getAttributeFromNode(node, "alt"); ImagesPageResult result = new ImagesPageResult(sourceUrl, src, alt); pageResults.add(result); } return pageResults.toArray(new ImagesPageResult[pageResults.size()]); } private String getAttributeFromNode(Node node, String attribute) { String attributeValue = null; if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element e = (Element) node; attributeValue = e.attributeValue(attribute); } return (attributeValue == null ? "" : attributeValue); } private String getTextFromNode(Node node) { String attributeValue = null; if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element e = (Element) node; attributeValue = e.getTextTrim(); } return (attributeValue == null ? "" : attributeValue); } /** * Utility routine to get back a list of nodes from the HTML page document, * which match the provided XPath expression. * * @param xPath expression to match * @return array of matching nodes, or an empty array if nothing matches */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Node> getNodes(Node node, String xPath) { List<Node> result = node.selectNodes(xPath); if (result == null) { result = new ArrayList<Node>(); } return result; } private static boolean isImgSuffix(String url) { Matcher m = IMG_SUFFIX_EXCLUSION_PATTERN.matcher(url); if (m.find()) { return true; } return false; } /* Calculate the positive term ratio (positive term count/total term count) * Do the same thing for the negative terms. * The score is the positive ratio - the negative ratio */ private float getScore(String extractedContent) throws Exception { List<String> allTerms = _analyzer.getTermList(extractedContent); int positiveCount = 0; int negativeCount = 0; int neutralCount = 0; for (String term : allTerms) { if (_positivePhrases.contains(term)) { positiveCount += 1; } else if (_negativePhrases.contains(term)) { negativeCount += 1; } else { neutralCount += 1; } } float totalCount = (float) (positiveCount + negativeCount + neutralCount); float positiveRatio = 0; float negativeRatio = 0; if (totalCount > 0) { positiveRatio = (float) positiveCount / totalCount; negativeRatio = (float) negativeCount / totalCount; } return positiveRatio - negativeRatio; } private Set<String> loadAnalyzedPhrases(String fileName, PhraseShingleAnalyzer analyzer) { InputStream is = AnalyzeHtml.class.getResourceAsStream(fileName); Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); try { List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(is); for (String line : lines) { if (line.trim().startsWith("#")) { continue; } String analyzedPhrase = _analyzer.getAnalyzedPhrase(line); result.add(analyzedPhrase); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error loading file:" + fileName, e); } return result; } }