Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2008 feilong * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.feilong.core.lang; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.feilong.test.User; import static com.feilong.core.bean.ConvertUtil.toArray; import static com.feilong.core.DatePattern.COMMON_DATE; import static com.feilong.core.DatePattern.TIMESTAMP; import static com.feilong.core.DatePattern.YEAR_AND_MONTH; /** * The Class StringUtilTest. * * @author <a href="">feilong</a> */ public class StringUtilTest { /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StringUtilTest.class); /** <code>{@value}</code>. */ private static final String TEXT = "jinxin.feilong"; /** * Compare to. */ @Test public void compareTo() { LOGGER.debug("" + "8".compareTo("13")); Integer parseInt = Integer.parseInt("8"); LOGGER.debug("" + parseInt.compareTo(Integer.parseInt("13"))); LOGGER.debug("" + "10".compareTo("13")); } /** * Test contains. */ @Test public void testContains() { assertEquals(false, StringUtils.contains(null, "")); assertEquals(true, StringUtils.contains("", "")); assertEquals(true, StringUtils.contains("jiiiiiinxin.feilong", "xin")); } /** * Search count. */ @Test public void testReplace() { Map<String, Object> valuesMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); valuesMap.put("today", DateUtil.toString(new Date(), COMMON_DATE)); valuesMap.put("user", new User(1L)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.replace("${today}${today1}${}${user}", valuesMap) + ""); } @Test public void testReplace3() { Map<String, Object> valuesMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); valuesMap.put("today", DateUtil.toString(new Date(), COMMON_DATE)); valuesMap.put("user", 1L); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.replace("${today}${today1}${}${user}", valuesMap) + ""); } /** * Test replace22. */ @Test public void testReplace22() { String source = "jiiiiiinxin.feilong"; assertEquals(source, StringUtil.replace(source, null)); } /** * Test replace1. */ @Test public void testReplace1() { assertEquals("", StringUtil.replace(null, null)); } /** * Test replace2. */ @Test public void testReplace2() { String template = "/home/webuser/expressdelivery/${yearMonth}/${expressDeliveryType}/vipQuery_${fileName}.log"; Date date = new Date(); Map<String, String> valuesMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); valuesMap.put("yearMonth", DateUtil.toString(date, YEAR_AND_MONTH)); valuesMap.put("expressDeliveryType", "sf"); valuesMap.put("fileName", DateUtil.toString(date, TIMESTAMP)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.replace(template, valuesMap)); assertEquals(template, StringUtil.replace(template, null)); } /** * Search count. */ @Test public void testSearchCount() { String source = "jiiiiiinxin.feilong"; assertEquals(8, StringUtils.countMatches(source, "i")); assertEquals(2, StringUtils.countMatches(source, "in")); assertEquals(3, StringUtils.countMatches(source, "ii")); assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(source, "xin")); assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches("xin", "xin")); assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches("xin", "i")); assertEquals(2, StringUtils.countMatches("xiin", "i")); assertEquals(2, StringUtils.countMatches("xiiiin", "ii")); } /** * Checks if is contain ignore case. */ @Test public void testContainsIgnoreCase() { assertEquals(false, StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(null, "")); LOGGER.debug(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(TEXT, null) + ""); LOGGER.debug(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(TEXT, "") + ""); assertEquals(true, StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(TEXT, "feilong")); assertEquals(false, StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(TEXT, "feilong1")); assertEquals(true, StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(TEXT, "feiLong")); assertEquals(true, StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase("jiiiiiinxin.feilong", "Xin")); } /** * Format. */ @Test public void format() { LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%03d", 1)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%s%n%s%h", 1.2d, 2, "feilong")); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%+d", -5)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%-5d", -5)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%05d", -5)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("% 5d", -5)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%,f", 5585458.254f)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%(f", -5585458.254f)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%#f", -5585458.254f)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%f%<3.3f", 9.45)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%2$s,%1$s", 99, "abc")); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format("%1$s,%1$s", 99)); } /** * Format3. */ @Test public void format3() { LOGGER.debug(buildMessageLog(4, 30, "?? ", 450)); LOGGER.debug(buildMessageLog(14, 30, "?? ?", 6100)); LOGGER.debug(buildMessageLog(1, 30, "?? ??", 60)); } /** * TestStringUtilTest. */ @Test public void testStringUtilTest() { String format = "|%1$-20s|%2$-10s|%3$-10s|"; LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format(format, "FirstName", "Init.", "LastName")); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format(format, "Real", "", "Gagnon")); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format(format, "Real2", "D", "Doe")); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.format(format, "John", "F.", "Kennedy")); } /** * Builds the message log. * * @param writeIndex * the write index * @param bookSectionUrlMapSize * the book section url map size * @param sectionName * the section name * @param contentLength * the content length * @return the string */ private static String buildMessageLog(int writeIndex, int bookSectionUrlMapSize, String sectionName, int contentLength) { //, String progress = NumberUtil.getProgress(writeIndex + 1, bookSectionUrlMapSize); String format = "%1$-20s %2$-6s %3$-3s"; return StringUtil.format(format, sectionName, "" + contentLength, progress).replace(" ", "\u3000"); //String padStr = "-"; //return StringUtils.rightPad(sectionName, 40, padStr) + StringUtils.rightPad("" + contentLength, 6, padStr) + progress; } /** * Format1. */ @Test public void format1() { Date date = new Date(); LOGGER.debug(String.format("The date: %tY-%tm-%td", date, date, date)); LOGGER.debug(String.format("The date: %1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td", date)); LOGGER.debug(String.format("Time with tz: %1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS.%1$tL%1$tz", date)); } /** * Replace all. */ @Test public void replaceAll() { assertEquals("__?", StringUtil.replaceAll("//?", "/", "_")); assertEquals("'SH1265','SH5951'", StringUtil.replaceAll("SH1265,SH5951", "([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+)", "'$1'")); assertEquals("'12345','56789','1123456'", StringUtil.replaceAll("12345,56789,1123456", "([0-9]+)", "'$1'")); assertEquals("'SH1265',SH5951", "SH1265,SH5951".replaceFirst("([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+)", "'$1'")); } /** * Substring2. */ @Test public void substring2() { assertEquals(null, StringUtil.substring(null, 6, 8)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.substring(TEXT, TEXT.length(), 8)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.substring(TEXT, TEXT.length() - 1, 8)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.substring(TEXT, 1, 0)); assertEquals("jinxi", StringUtil.substring(TEXT, 0, 5)); assertEquals(".f", StringUtil.substring(TEXT, 6, 2)); LOGGER.debug(StringUtil.substring(TEXT, 6, 20)); } /** * Substring. */ @Test public void substring() { assertEquals("src/main/java/com/jumbo/shop/web/command/", StringUtil.substring( "Index: src/main/java/com/jumbo/shop/web/command/", "Index: ".length())); assertEquals(".feilong", StringUtil.substring(TEXT, "jinxin".length())); assertEquals(".feilong", StringUtil.substring(TEXT, 6)); assertEquals("ng", StringUtil.substring(TEXT, -2)); } /** * Test substring last. */ @Test public void testSubstringLast() { assertEquals("ilong", StringUtil.substringLast(TEXT, 5)); } /** * Test substring without last. */ @Test public void testSubstringWithoutLast() { assertEquals("jinxin.fe", StringUtil.substringWithoutLast(TEXT, 5)); } /** * Test substring without last. */ @Test public void testSubstringWithoutLast2() { assertEquals("jinxin.feilo", StringUtil.substringWithoutLast(TEXT, "ng")); assertEquals("jinxin.feilong", StringUtil.substringWithoutLast("jinxin.feilong ", " ")); assertEquals(TEXT, StringUtil.substringWithoutLast(TEXT, "")); assertEquals(TEXT, StringUtil.substringWithoutLast(TEXT, null)); assertEquals("", StringUtil.substringWithoutLast(null, "222")); } /** * Tokenize to string array2. */ @Test public void tokenizeToStringArray2() { String str = " @ @aha ,@ala;"; String delimiters = "@"; String[] tokenizeToStringArray = StringUtil.tokenizeToStringArray(str, delimiters, false, false); assertArrayEquals(toArray(" ", " ", "aha ,", "ala;"), tokenizeToStringArray); } /** * Tokenize to string array1. */ @Test public void tokenizeToStringArray1() { String str = " feilong ,jinxin;venusdrogon;jim "; String delimiters = ";, ."; String[] tokenizeToStringArray = StringUtil.tokenizeToStringArray(str, delimiters); assertArrayEquals(toArray("jin", "xin", "feilong", "jinxin", "venusdrogon", "jim"), tokenizeToStringArray); } }