Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Feedzai * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.impl; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.ddl.*; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.Dialect; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.result.DB2ResultIterator; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.result.ResultColumn; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.result.ResultIterator; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.*; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.configuration.PdbProperties; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.handler.OperationFault; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.entry.EntityEntry; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.util.Constants; import com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.util.PreparedStatementCapsule; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.util.StringUtils.md5; import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.util.StringUtils.quotize; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join; /** * DB2 specific database implementation. * * @author Marco Jorge ( * @since 2.0.0 */ public class DB2Engine extends AbstractDatabaseEngine { /** * The DB2 JDBC driver. */ protected static final String DB2_DRIVER = DatabaseEngineDriver.DB2.driver(); /** * Name is already used by an existing object. */ public static final String NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = "DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-601, SQLSTATE=42710"; /** * Table can have only one primary key. */ public static final String TABLE_CAN_ONLY_HAVE_ONE_PRIMARY_KEY = "DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-624, SQLSTATE=42889"; /** * Sequence does not exist. */ public static final String SEQUENCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = "DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704"; /** * Table or view does not exist. */ public static final String TABLE_OR_VIEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST = "DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704"; /** * Foreign key already exists */ public static final String FOREIGN_ALREADY_EXISTS = "DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-601, SQLSTATE=42710"; /** * The default size of a BLOB in DB2. */ public static final String DB2_DEFAULT_BLOB_SIZE = "2G"; /** * Creates a new DB2 connection. * * @param properties The properties for the database connection. * @throws DatabaseEngineException When the connection fails. */ public DB2Engine(PdbProperties properties) throws DatabaseEngineException { super(DB2_DRIVER, properties, Dialect.DB2); } @Override public Class<? extends AbstractTranslator> getTranslatorClass() { return DB2Translator.class; } @Override protected int entityToPreparedStatement(final DbEntity entity, final PreparedStatement ps, final EntityEntry entry, final boolean useAutoInc) throws DatabaseEngineException { int i = 1; for (DbColumn column : entity.getColumns()) { if (column.isAutoInc() && useAutoInc) { continue; } try { final Object val; if (column.isDefaultValueSet() && !entry.containsKey(column.getName())) { val = column.getDefaultValue().getConstant(); } else { val = entry.get(column.getName()); } switch (column.getDbColumnType()) { /* * CLOB and BLOB are handled the same way in DB2 since CLOB is not supported. */ case CLOB: case BLOB: ps.setBytes(i, objectToArray(val)); break; case BOOLEAN: Boolean b = (Boolean) val; if (b == null) { ps.setObject(i, null); } else if (b) { ps.setObject(i, "1"); } else { ps.setObject(i, "0"); } break; default: ps.setObject(i, val); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Error while mapping variables to database", ex); } i++; } return i - 1; } @Override protected void createTable(final DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { List<String> createTable = new ArrayList<String>(); createTable.add("CREATE TABLE"); createTable.add(quotize(entity.getName())); List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DbColumn c : entity.getColumns()) { List<String> column = new ArrayList<String>(); column.add(quotize(c.getName())); column.add(translateType(c)); for (DbColumnConstraint cc : c.getColumnConstraints()) { column.add(cc.translate()); } if (c.isDefaultValueSet()) { column.add("DEFAULT"); column.add(translate(c.getDefaultValue())); } columns.add(join(column, " ")); } createTable.add("(" + join(columns, ", ") + ")"); final String createTableStatement = join(createTable, " "); logger.trace(createTableStatement); Statement s = null; try { s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeUpdate(createTableStatement); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { logger.debug(dev, "'{}' is already defined", entity.getName()); handleOperation(new OperationFault(entity.getName(), OperationFault.Type.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS), ex); } else { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Something went wrong handling statement", ex); } } finally { try { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } @Override protected void addPrimaryKey(final DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { if (entity.getPkFields().size() == 0) { return; } List<String> pks = new ArrayList<>(); for (String pk : entity.getPkFields()) { pks.add(quotize(pk)); } String alterColumnSetNotNull = alterColumnSetNotNull(entity.getName(), entity.getPkFields()); final String pkName = md5(format("PK_%s", entity.getName()), properties.getMaxIdentifierSize()); List<String> statement = new ArrayList<String>(); statement.add("ALTER TABLE"); statement.add(quotize(entity.getName())); statement.add("ADD CONSTRAINT"); statement.add(quotize(pkName)); statement.add("PRIMARY KEY"); statement.add("(" + join(pks, ", ") + ")"); final String addPrimaryKey = join(statement, " "); String reorg = reorg(entity.getName()); Statement s = null; try { logger.trace(alterColumnSetNotNull); s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeUpdate(alterColumnSetNotNull); s.close(); logger.trace(reorg); s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeUpdate(reorg); s.close(); logger.trace(addPrimaryKey); s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeUpdate(addPrimaryKey); s.close(); logger.trace(reorg); s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeUpdate(reorg); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(TABLE_CAN_ONLY_HAVE_ONE_PRIMARY_KEY)) { logger.debug(dev, "'{}' already has a primary key", entity.getName()); handleOperation( new OperationFault(entity.getName(), OperationFault.Type.PRIMARY_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS), ex); } else { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Something went wrong handling statement", ex); } } finally { try { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } /** * Reorganizes the table so it doesn't contain fragments. * * @param tableName The table name to reorganize. * @return The command to perform the operation. */ private String reorg(String tableName) { List<String> statement = new ArrayList<String>(); statement.add("CALL sysproc.admin_cmd('REORG TABLE"); statement.add(quotize(tableName)); statement.add("')"); return join(statement, " "); } /** * Generates a command to set the specified columns to enforce non nullability. * * @param tableName The table name. * @param columnNames The columns. * @return The command to perform the operation. */ private String alterColumnSetNotNull(String tableName, List<String> columnNames) { List<String> statement = new ArrayList<String>(); statement.add("ALTER TABLE"); statement.add(quotize(tableName)); for (String columnName : columnNames) { statement.add("ALTER COLUMN"); statement.add(quotize(columnName)); statement.add("SET NOT NULL"); } return join(statement, " "); } @Override protected void addIndexes(final DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { List<DbIndex> indexes = entity.getIndexes(); for (DbIndex index : indexes) { List<String> createIndex = new ArrayList<String>(); createIndex.add("CREATE"); if (index.isUnique()) { createIndex.add("UNIQUE"); } createIndex.add("INDEX"); List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> columnsForName = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String column : index.getColumns()) { columns.add(quotize(column)); columnsForName.add(column); } final String idxName = md5(format("%s_%s_IDX", entity.getName(), join(columnsForName, "_")), properties.getMaxIdentifierSize()); createIndex.add(quotize(idxName)); createIndex.add("ON"); createIndex.add(quotize(entity.getName())); createIndex.add("(" + join(columns, ", ") + ")"); final String statement = join(createIndex, " "); logger.trace(statement); Statement s = null; try { s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeUpdate(statement); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { logger.debug(dev, "'{}' is already defined", idxName); handleOperation(new OperationFault(entity.getName(), OperationFault.Type.INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS), ex); } else { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Something went wrong handling statement", ex); } } finally { try { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } } @Override protected void addSequences(DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { for (DbColumn column : entity.getColumns()) { if (!column.isAutoInc()) { continue; } final String sequenceName = md5(format("%s_%s_SEQ", entity.getName(), column.getName()), properties.getMaxIdentifierSize()); List<String> createSequence = new ArrayList<String>(); createSequence.add("CREATE SEQUENCE"); createSequence.add(quotize(sequenceName)); createSequence.add("MINVALUE 0"); switch (column.getDbColumnType()) { case INT: createSequence.add("MAXVALUE"); createSequence.add(format("%d", Integer.MAX_VALUE)); break; case LONG: createSequence.add("NO MAXVALUE"); break; default: throw new DatabaseEngineException("Auto incrementation is only supported on INT and LONG"); } createSequence.add("START WITH 1"); createSequence.add("INCREMENT BY 1"); String statement = join(createSequence, " "); logger.trace(statement); Statement s = null; try { s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeUpdate(statement); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { logger.debug(dev, "'{}' is already defined", sequenceName); handleOperation( new OperationFault(entity.getName(), OperationFault.Type.SEQUENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS), ex); } else { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Something went wrong handling statement", ex); } } finally { try { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } } /* * This is a small hack to support submitting several DML statements under the same call. * It seems that for some reason using JDBC DB2 cannot execute more than one DML operation * under the same JDBC statement. */ @Override public synchronized int executeUpdate(String query) throws DatabaseEngineException { String[] split = query.split(Constants.UNIT_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER + ""); int i = -1; for (String s : split) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(s)) { i = super.executeUpdate(s); } } return i; } @Override protected MappedEntity createPreparedStatementForInserts(final DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { List<String> insertInto = new ArrayList<String>(); insertInto.add("INSERT INTO"); insertInto.add(quotize(entity.getName())); List<String> insertIntoWithAutoInc = new ArrayList<String>(); insertIntoWithAutoInc.add("INSERT INTO"); insertIntoWithAutoInc.add(quotize(entity.getName())); List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> columnsWithAutoInc = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> valuesWithAutoInc = new ArrayList<String>(); String returning = null; for (DbColumn column : entity.getColumns()) { columnsWithAutoInc.add(quotize(column.getName())); valuesWithAutoInc.add("?"); columns.add(quotize(column.getName())); if (column.isAutoInc()) { final String sequenceName = md5(format("%s_%s_SEQ", entity.getName(), column.getName()), properties.getMaxIdentifierSize()); values.add(format("%s.nextval", quotize(sequenceName))); returning = column.getName(); } else { values.add("?"); } } insertInto.add("(" + join(columns, ", ") + ")"); insertInto.add("VALUES (" + join(values, ", ") + ")"); insertIntoWithAutoInc.add("(" + join(columnsWithAutoInc, ", ") + ")"); insertIntoWithAutoInc.add("VALUES (" + join(valuesWithAutoInc, ", ") + ")"); List<String> insertIntoReturn = new ArrayList<String>(insertInto); final String insertStatement = join(insertInto, " "); final String insertReturnStatement = join(insertIntoReturn, " "); final String insertWithAutoInc = join(insertIntoWithAutoInc, " "); logger.trace(insertStatement); logger.trace(insertReturnStatement); PreparedStatement ps, psReturn, psWithAutoInc; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement(insertStatement); psReturn = conn.prepareStatement(insertReturnStatement); psWithAutoInc = conn.prepareStatement(insertWithAutoInc); return new MappedEntity().setInsert(ps).setInsertReturning(psReturn).setInsertWithAutoInc(psWithAutoInc) .setAutoIncColumn(returning); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Something went wrong handling statement", ex); } } @Override protected void dropSequences(DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { for (DbColumn column : entity.getColumns()) { if (!column.isAutoInc()) { continue; } final String sequenceName = md5(format("%s_%s_SEQ", entity.getName(), column.getName()), properties.getMaxIdentifierSize()); final String stmt = format("DROP SEQUENCE %s", quotize(sequenceName)); Statement drop = null; try { drop = conn.createStatement(); logger.trace(stmt); drop.executeUpdate(stmt); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(SEQUENCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST)) { logger.debug(dev, "Sequence '{}' does not exist", sequenceName); handleOperation( new OperationFault(entity.getName(), OperationFault.Type.SEQUENCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST), ex); } else { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Error dropping sequence", ex); } } finally { try { if (drop != null) { drop.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } } @Override protected void dropTable(DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { Statement drop = null; try { drop = conn.createStatement(); final String query = format("DROP TABLE %s", quotize(entity.getName())); logger.trace(query); drop.executeUpdate(query); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(TABLE_OR_VIEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST)) { logger.debug(dev, "Table '{}' does not exist", entity.getName()); handleOperation(new OperationFault(entity.getName(), OperationFault.Type.TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST), ex); } else { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Error dropping table", ex); } } finally { try { if (drop != null) { drop.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } @Override protected void dropColumn(DbEntity entity, String... columns) throws DatabaseEngineException { Statement drop = null; Statement reorgStatement = null; List<String> removeColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); removeColumns.add("ALTER TABLE"); removeColumns.add(quotize(entity.getName())); for (String col : columns) { removeColumns.add("DROP COLUMN"); removeColumns.add(quotize(col)); } try { drop = conn.createStatement(); final String query = join(removeColumns, " "); logger.trace(query); drop.executeUpdate(query); String reorg = reorg(entity.getName()); logger.trace(reorg); reorgStatement = conn.createStatement(); reorgStatement.executeUpdate(reorg); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(TABLE_OR_VIEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST)) { logger.debug(dev, "Table '{}' does not exist", entity.getName()); handleOperation(new OperationFault(entity.getName(), OperationFault.Type.COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXIST), ex); } else { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Error dropping column", ex); } } finally { try { if (drop != null) { drop.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } try { if (reorgStatement != null) { reorgStatement.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } /* * This method is overwritten because every time an update is made in DB2 the table must be re-organized. */ @Override public synchronized void updateEntity(DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { super.updateEntity(entity); try (Statement reorg = conn.createStatement()) { reorg.executeUpdate(reorg(entity.getName())); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Error reorganizing table '" + entity.getName() + "'", e); } } @Override protected void addColumn(DbEntity entity, DbColumn... columns) throws DatabaseEngineException { List<String> addColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); addColumns.add("ALTER TABLE"); addColumns.add(quotize(entity.getName(), translator.translateEscape())); for (DbColumn c : columns) { addColumns.add("ADD COLUMN"); List<String> column = new ArrayList<String>(); column.add(quotize(c.getName(), translator.translateEscape())); column.add(translateType(c)); for (DbColumnConstraint cc : c.getColumnConstraints()) { column.add(cc.translate()); } if (c.isDefaultValueSet()) { column.add("DEFAULT"); column.add(translate(c.getDefaultValue())); } addColumns.add(join(column, " ")); } final String addColumnsStatement = join(addColumns, " "); logger.trace(addColumnsStatement); Statement s = null; Statement reorgStatement = null; try { s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeUpdate(addColumnsStatement); String reorg = reorg(entity.getName()); logger.trace(reorg); reorgStatement = conn.createStatement(); reorgStatement.executeUpdate(reorg); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Something went wrong handling statement", ex); } finally { try { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } try { if (reorgStatement != null) { reorgStatement.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } @Override protected String translateType(DbColumn c) throws DatabaseEngineException { return translator.translate(c); } @Override public synchronized Long persist(final String name, final EntityEntry entry) throws DatabaseEngineException { return persist(name, entry, true); } @Override public synchronized Long persist(String name, EntityEntry entry, boolean useAutoInc) throws DatabaseEngineException { try { getConnection(); final MappedEntity me = entities.get(name); if (me == null) { throw new DatabaseEngineException(String.format("Unknown entity '%s'", name)); } PreparedStatement ps = null; if (useAutoInc) { ps = me.getInsertReturning(); } else { ps = me.getInsertWithAutoInc(); } entityToPreparedStatement(me.getEntity(), ps, entry, useAutoInc); ps.execute(); long ret = 0; // if the entity has autoinc columns then retrieve the sequence number or adjust it if (me.getAutoIncColumn() != null) { final String sequenceName = md5(format("%s_%s_SEQ", name, me.getAutoIncColumn()), properties.getMaxIdentifierSize()); if (useAutoInc) { final List<Map<String, ResultColumn>> q = query( String.format("SELECT PREVIOUS VALUE FOR \"%s\" FROM sysibm.sysdummy1", sequenceName)); if (!q.isEmpty()) { for (ResultColumn rc : q.get(0).values()) { ret = rc.toLong(); break; } } } else { final String sql = "select (select max(\"" + me.getAutoIncColumn() + "\") from \"" + name + "\") , \"" + sequenceName + "\".NEXTVAL FROM sysibm.sysdummy1"; final List<Map<String, ResultColumn>> q = query(sql); if (!q.isEmpty()) { final Iterator<ResultColumn> it = q.get(0).values().iterator(); long max = Optional.fromNullable(; long seqCurVal = Optional.fromNullable(; if (seqCurVal != max) { //table and sequence are not synchronized, readjust sequence max+1 (next val will return max+1) executeUpdateSilently( "ALTER SEQUENCE \"" + sequenceName + "\" RESTART WITH " + (ret + 1)); } } final List<Map<String, ResultColumn>> keys = query(sql); if (!keys.isEmpty()) { final Iterator<ResultColumn> it = keys.get(0).values().iterator(); ret =; long seqCurVal =; if (seqCurVal != ret) { // table and sequence are not synchronized, readjust sequence max+1 (next val will return max+1) executeUpdateSilently( "ALTER SEQUENCE \"" + sequenceName + "\" RESTART WITH " + (ret + 1)); } } } } return ret == 0 ? null : ret; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Something went wrong persisting the entity", ex); } } @Override protected void addFks(DbEntity entity) throws DatabaseEngineException { for (DbFk fk : entity.getFks()) { final List<String> quotizedLocalColumns = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : fk.getLocalColumns()) { quotizedLocalColumns.add(quotize(s)); } final List<String> quotizedForeignColumns = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : fk.getForeignColumns()) { quotizedForeignColumns.add(quotize(s)); } final String table = quotize(entity.getName(), translator.translateEscape()); final String quotizedLocalColumnsSting = join(quotizedLocalColumns, ", "); final String quotizedForeignColumnsString = join(quotizedForeignColumns, ", "); final String alterTable = format("ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)", table, quotize(md5("FK_" + table + quotizedLocalColumnsSting + quotizedForeignColumnsString, properties.getMaxIdentifierSize())), quotizedLocalColumnsSting, quotize(fk.getForeignTable()), quotizedForeignColumnsString); Statement alterTableStmt = null; Statement reorgStatement = null; try { alterTableStmt = conn.createStatement(); logger.trace(alterTable); alterTableStmt.executeUpdate(alterTable); String reorg = reorg(entity.getName()); logger.trace(reorg); reorgStatement = conn.createStatement(); reorgStatement.executeUpdate(reorg); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith(FOREIGN_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { logger.debug(dev, "Foreign key for table '{}' already exists. Error code: {}.", entity.getName(), ex.getMessage()); handleOperation( new OperationFault(entity.getName(), OperationFault.Type.FOREIGN_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS), ex); } else { throw new DatabaseEngineException( format("Could not add Foreign Key to entity %s. Error code: %s.", entity.getName(), ex.getMessage()), ex); } } finally { try { if (alterTableStmt != null) { alterTableStmt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } try { if (reorgStatement != null) { reorgStatement.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } } @Override protected boolean checkConnection(final Connection conn) { Statement s = null; try { s = conn.createStatement(); s.executeQuery("SELECT 1 FROM sysibm.sysdummy1"); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.debug("Connection is down.", e); return false; } finally { try { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", e); } } } @Override protected ResultIterator createResultIterator(Statement statement, String sql) throws DatabaseEngineException { return new DB2ResultIterator(statement, sql); } @Override public synchronized Map<String, DbColumnType> getMetadata(final String name) throws DatabaseEngineException { final Map<String, DbColumnType> metaMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, DbColumnType>(); Statement s = null; ResultSet rsColumns = null; try { getConnection(); s = conn.createStatement(); rsColumns = s.executeQuery(String.format( "SELECT NAME, COLTYPE,SCALE FROM sysibm.SYSCOLUMNS WHERE tbname='%s' and TBCREATOR=UPPER('%s')", name, Optional.fromNullable(properties.getSchema()).or(properties.getUsername()))); while ( { String columnType = rsColumns.getString("COLTYPE").trim(); int scale = 0; try { scale = Integer.parseInt(rsColumns.getString("SCALE")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { /* swallow - scale is already 0*/ } metaMap.put(rsColumns.getString("NAME"), toPdbType(scale == 0 ? columnType : (columnType + scale))); } return metaMap; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Could not get metadata", e); } finally { try { if (rsColumns != null) { rsColumns.close(); } } catch (Exception a) { logger.trace("Error closing result set.", a); } try { if (s != null) { s.close(); } } catch (Exception a) { logger.trace("Error closing statement.", a); } } } private DbColumnType toPdbType(String type) { if (type.equals("INTEGER")) { return DbColumnType.INT; } if (type.equals("CHAR")) { return DbColumnType.BOOLEAN; } if (type.equals("DECIMAL")) { return DbColumnType.LONG; } if (type.equals("DOUBLE")) { return DbColumnType.DOUBLE; } if (type.equals("NUMBER19")) { return DbColumnType.LONG; } if (type.equals("VARCHAR2") || type.equals("VARCHAR")) { return DbColumnType.STRING; } if (type.equals("CLOB")) { return DbColumnType.BLOB; } if (type.equals("BLOB")) { return DbColumnType.BLOB; } return DbColumnType.UNMAPPED; } @Override public synchronized void setParameters(final String name, final Object... params) throws DatabaseEngineException, ConnectionResetException { final PreparedStatementCapsule ps = stmts.get(name); if (ps == null) { throw new DatabaseEngineRuntimeException( String.format("PreparedStatement named '%s' does not exist", name)); } int i = 1; for (Object o : params) { try { if (o instanceof byte[]) {, (byte[]) o); } else { setObjectParameter(ps, i, o); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (checkConnection(conn) || !properties.isReconnectOnLost()) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Could not set parameters", ex); } // At this point maybe it is an error with the connection, so we try to re-establish it. try { getConnection(); } catch (Exception e2) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Connection is down", e2); } throw new ConnectionResetException( "Connection was lost, you must reset the prepared statement parameters and re-execute the statement"); } i++; } } @Override public synchronized void setParameter(final String name, final int index, final Object param) throws DatabaseEngineException, ConnectionResetException { final PreparedStatementCapsule ps = stmts.get(name); if (ps == null) { throw new DatabaseEngineRuntimeException( String.format("PreparedStatement named '%s' does not exist", name)); } try { if (param instanceof byte[]) {, (byte[]) param); } else { setObjectParameter(ps, index, param); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (checkConnection(conn) || !properties.isReconnectOnLost()) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Could not set parameter", ex); } // At this point maybe it is an error with the connection, so we try to re-establish it. try { getConnection(); } catch (Exception e2) { throw new DatabaseEngineException("Connection is down", e2); } throw new ConnectionResetException( "Connection was lost, you must reset the prepared statement parameters and re-execute the statement"); } } /** * DB2 does not support CLOB. The strategy here is to try and write the object. If the object is a {@link String} DB2 will not allow * and then we encapsulate the String in a {@link byte[]}. If it fails and the value is not a string then throw the error since it is * not related with this issue. * * @param ps The {@link PreparedStatementCapsule} that contains all the context. * @param index The index where to insert the value. * @param o The object to insert. * @throws Exception If something occurs setting the object or the allocated memory is not enough to make the conversion. */ private void setObjectParameter(PreparedStatementCapsule ps, int index, Object o) throws Exception { try {, o); } catch (SQLException e) { if (!(o instanceof String)) { throw e; }, objectToArray(((String) o).getBytes())); } } @Override protected ResultIterator createResultIterator(PreparedStatement ps) throws DatabaseEngineException { return new DB2ResultIterator(ps); } }