Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (c) 2015 Fannie Mae, All rights reserved. * This program and the accompany materials are made available under * the terms of the Fannie Mae Open Source Licensing Project available * at * * ezPIE is a registered trademark of Fannie Mae * **/ package com.fanniemae.ezpie; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.DateUtilities; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.FileUtilities; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.PieException; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.StringUtilities; /** * * @author Rick Monson (, * @since 2015-12-14 * */ public class LogManager { protected enum LogLevel { FULL_LOG, FULL_NO_EXTERNAL_FILES, ERROR_ONLY } protected enum LogFormat { HTML, TEXT } protected LogLevel _logLevel = LogLevel.FULL_LOG; protected LogFormat _logFormat = LogFormat.HTML; protected String _logFilename; protected String _templatePath; protected String _newLine = _htmlNewLine; protected String _newLineTab = _htmlNewLineTab; protected String _footer = _htmlFooter; protected String _basicLine = _htmlBasicLine; protected String _longTextLine = _htmlLongTextLine; protected String _exceptionRow = _htmlExceptionRow; protected static final String _systemNewLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); protected static final String _htmlNewLine = "<br />"; protected static final String _htmlNewLineTab = "<br />"; protected static final String _htmlFooter = "</table><script>$(\".togglelink\").click(function () { $header = $(this); $content = $; $content.slideToggle(200, function () {$header.text(function () { return $\":visible\") ? \"Hide Text\" : \"View Text\";});});});</script></body></html>"; protected static final String _htmlBasicLine = "<tr><td>%1$s </td><td>%2$s </td><td>%3$s </td><td>%4$s</td></tr>\n"; protected static final String _htmlLongTextLine = "<tr><td>%1$s </td><td>%2$s </td><td><div class=\"longtexttoggle\"><div class=\"togglelink\"><span>View Text</span></div><div class=\"togglecontent\">%3$s </div></div></td><td>%4$s</td></tr>\n"; protected static final String _htmlExceptionRow = "<tr class=\"exceptionRow\"><td>%1$s </td><td>%2$s </td><td>%3$s </td><td>%4$s</td></tr>\n"; protected static final String _textNewLine = _systemNewLine; protected static final String _textNewLineTab = _systemNewLine + "\t\t\t\t"; protected static final String _textFooter = ""; protected static final String TEXT_CORE_LOG_LINE = "%4$s - %1$s %2$s %3$s"; protected static final String _textBasicLine = TEXT_CORE_LOG_LINE + _textNewLine; protected static final String _textLongTextLine = TEXT_CORE_LOG_LINE + _textNewLine; protected static final String _textExceptionRow = TEXT_CORE_LOG_LINE + _textNewLine; protected byte[] _footerByteArray; protected int _footerLength; protected long _startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); public LogManager(String templatePath, String logFilename, String logFormat, String logLevel) { _logFilename = logFilename; _templatePath = templatePath; if (logLevel != null) { switch (logLevel.toLowerCase()) { case "": case "full": _logLevel = LogLevel.FULL_LOG; break; case "full_log_only": _logLevel = LogLevel.FULL_NO_EXTERNAL_FILES; break; case "error_only": _logLevel = LogLevel.ERROR_ONLY; break; default: throw new PieException(String.format( "%s is not a recognized log level. Only Full, Full_Log_Only, and Error_Only are currently supported.", logLevel)); } } if ((logFormat != null) && ("Text".equalsIgnoreCase(logFormat))) { _logFormat = LogFormat.TEXT; _footerLength = 0; _newLine = _textNewLine; _newLineTab = _textNewLineTab; _footer = _textFooter; _footerByteArray = new byte[] {}; _basicLine = _textBasicLine; _longTextLine = _textLongTextLine; _exceptionRow = _textExceptionRow; } else { _footerLength = _htmlFooter.length(); _footerByteArray = _htmlFooter.getBytes(); } if (_logLevel != LogLevel.ERROR_ONLY) { initializeLog(); } } public void addFileDetails(String filename, String logGroup) { if (_logLevel == LogLevel.ERROR_ONLY) { return; } if (!FileUtilities.isValidFile(_logFilename)) { return; } File fi = new File(filename); long lastModified = fi.lastModified(); Date dtModified = new Date(lastModified); try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(_logFilename, "rw")) { - _footerLength); raf.write(String.format(_basicLine, logGroup, "File Name", fi.getName(), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); // Turning off the full path on log, could be security concern. // raf.write(String.format(_basicLine, "", "Full Path", filename, elapsedTime()).getBytes()) raf.write(String .format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "Last Modified Date", dtModified.toString(), elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); raf.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "Size", String.format("%,d bytes", fi.length()), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); raf.write(_footerByteArray); raf.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PieException("Error trying to add message to debug page.", e); } } public void addMessage(String logGroup, String event, String description) { addMessage(logGroup, event, description, ""); } public void addMessagePreserveLayout(String logGroup, String event, String description) { updateLog(false, logGroup, event, description, "", true, false); } public void addMessage(String logGroup, String event, String description, String cargo) { updateLog(false, logGroup, event, description, cargo, false, false); } public void addHtmlMessage(String logGroup, String event, String description, String cargo) { updateLog(false, logGroup, event, description, cargo, false, true); } public void addErrorMessage(Exception ex) { addErrorMessage(ex, false); } public void addErrorMessage(Throwable ex, Boolean isInner) { String logGroup = isInner ? "" : "** ERROR **"; String inner = isInner ? "Inner " : ""; if (ex == null) { updateLog(true, "", inner + "Exception Type", "null - no details available."); return; } String message = ex.getMessage(); if (StringUtilities.isNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = "See stack trace for error details."; } updateLog(true, logGroup, inner + "Message", message); String exceptionName = ex.getClass().getName(); if (!"java.lang.RuntimeException".equals(exceptionName) && !exceptionName.contains("PieException")) { updateLog(true, "", inner + "Exception Type", exceptionName); } StringBuilder sbStack = new StringBuilder(); boolean addLinebreak = false; for (StackTraceElement ele : ex.getStackTrace()) { if (addLinebreak) { sbStack.append(getNewLineTab()); } sbStack.append(ele.toString()); addLinebreak = true; } updateLog(true, "", inner + "Details", sbStack.toString()); Throwable innerException = ex.getCause(); if (innerException != null) { addErrorMessage(innerException, true); } } public String getNewLineTab() { if (_logFormat == LogFormat.TEXT) { return _newLineTab; } return _systemNewLine; } public boolean logExternalFiles() { return _logLevel == LogLevel.FULL_LOG; } protected void initializeLog() { // Read JVM runtime settings Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); // Read the debug template String template = (_logFormat == LogFormat.HTML) ? readTemplateFile(_templatePath + "Debug.txt") : ""; _startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Create debug file try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(_logFilename, false)) { fos.write(template.getBytes()); // Add machine information fos.write(String .format(_basicLine, "Environment Information", "Started", new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()), elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); fos.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "User account name", System.getProperty(""), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); fos.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "Machine Name", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); fos.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "JAVA Version", System.getProperty("java.version"), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); fos.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "JAVA Architecture", System.getProperty("") + " bit", elapsedTime()).getBytes()); fos.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "JAVA Home", System.getProperty("java.home"), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); fos.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "JAVA Vendor", System.getProperty("java.vendor"), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); fos.write(String .format(_longTextLine, groupString(""), "JAVA Class Path", System.getProperty("java.class.path").replace(";", ";" + _newLineTab), elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); fos.write(String .format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "JVM Maximum Memory", String.format("%,d Megabytes", runtime.maxMemory() / 1048576), elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); fos.write(String .format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "JVM Total Allocated Memory", String.format("%,d Megabytes reserved", runtime.totalMemory() / 1048576), elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); fos.write(String .format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "JVM Used Memory", String.format("%,d Megabytes", (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / 1048576), elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); fos.write(String .format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "JVM Free Memory", String.format("%,d Megabytes", runtime.freeMemory() / 1048576), elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); fos.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "Operating system name", System.getProperty(""), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); fos.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(""), "User working directory", System.getProperty("user.dir"), elapsedTime()).getBytes()); fos.write(_footerByteArray); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PieException(String.format("Error trying to create log file. %s", _logFilename), e); } } protected String readTemplateFile(String filename) { if (!FileUtilities.isValidFile(filename)) { throw new PieException(String.format("%s template file not found.", filename)); } try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { sb.append(line); line = br.readLine(); } return sb.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PieException(String.format("Error while trying to read %s text file.", filename), e); } } protected String elapsedTime() { if (_logFormat == LogFormat.TEXT) { return DateUtilities.getCurrentDateTime(); } else { return DateUtilities.elapsedTimeShort(_startTime); } } protected void updateLog(Boolean isError, String logGroup, String event, String description) { updateLog(isError, logGroup, event, description, "", false, false); } protected void updateLog(Boolean isError, String logGroup, String event, String description, String cargo, Boolean preserveLayout, Boolean isHTML) { if (!isError && (_logLevel == LogLevel.ERROR_ONLY)) { return; } // Skip blank description messages if (description == null) { return; } if (!FileUtilities.isValidFile(_logFilename)) { initializeLog(); } // Encode the description line and preserve any CRLFs. if (isHTML) { // do nothing } else if (_logFormat == LogFormat.TEXT) { // do nothing } else if (preserveLayout) { description = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml3(description).replace(" ", " ").replace("\n", _newLine); } else { description = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml3(description).replace("\n", _newLine); } if ((_logFormat == LogFormat.HTML) && cargo.startsWith("file://")) { // add html link line to view the file. String fileName = FileUtilities.getFilenameOnly(cargo.substring(7)); description = String.format("<a href=\"%2$s\">%1$s</a>", description, fileName); } else if (cargo.startsWith("file://")) { description = String.format("%1$s %2$s", description, cargo.substring(7)); } try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(_logFilename, "rw")) { - _footerLength); if (isError) { raf.write(String.format(_exceptionRow, groupString(logGroup), event, description, elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); } else if ((description != null) && (description.length() > 300)) { raf.write(String.format(_longTextLine, groupString(logGroup), event, description, elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); } else { raf.write(String.format(_basicLine, groupString(logGroup), event, description, elapsedTime()) .getBytes()); } // raf.write("\n".getBytes()); raf.write(_footerByteArray); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PieException("Error trying to add message to debug page.", e); } } protected String groupString(String group) { if ((_logFormat == LogFormat.TEXT) && (group == "")) { return "\t"; } return group; } }