Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (c) 2016 Fannie Mae, All rights reserved. * This program and the accompany materials are made available under * the terms of the Fannie Mae Open Source Licensing Project available * at * * ezPIE is a registered trademark of Fannie Mae * */ package com.fanniemae.ezpie.actions; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.SessionManager; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.DateUtilities; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.FileUtilities; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.PieException; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.ReportBuilder; import com.fanniemae.ezpie.common.StringUtilities; /** * * @author Rick Monson (, * @since 2016-01-05 * */ public class Directory extends Action { protected String _path; protected String _destinationPath; protected String _newName; // Variables used to profile directory protected String _skippedExtensions; protected String _skippedDirectories; protected String _longestPath; protected String _longestFilename; protected String _largestFilename; protected boolean _deepScan = true; protected boolean _sortByCount = true; protected boolean _checkSkipList = false; protected int _totalFileCount = 0; protected int _totalDirectoryCount = 0; protected int _componentCount = 0; protected int _longestPathLength = 0; protected int _longestFilenameLength = 0; protected long _totalSize = 0L; protected long _largestFileSize = 0L; protected Map<String, FileExtensionCount> _extensionCount = new HashMap<String, FileExtensionCount>(); protected Map<String, String> _components = new HashMap<String, String>(); protected Map<String, Boolean> _componentExtensions = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); protected Map<String, Boolean> _skipExtensions = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); protected Map<String, Boolean> _skipDirectories = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); public Directory(SessionManager session, Element action) { super(session, action, false); _path = removeFinalSlash(_session.getAttribute(_action, "Path")); _destinationPath = removeFinalSlash(_session.getAttribute(_action, "DestinationPath")); _newName = _session.getAttribute(_action, "NewName"); if (StringUtilities.isNullOrEmpty(_path)) { throw new PieException(String.format("%s is missing a value for Path.", _actionName)); } _session.addLogMessage("", "Path", _path); } @Override public String executeAction(HashMap<String, String> dataTokens) { _session.setDataTokens(dataTokens); try { switch (_actionType) { case "Copy": return copyDirectory(); case "Delete": return deleteDirectory(); case "Create": return createDirectory(); case "Rename": return renameDirectory(); case "Move": return moveDirectory(); case "Profile": return profileDirectory(); default: throw new IOException(String.format("%s is not currently supported.", _actionType)); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PieException( String.format("%s could not %s %s.", _actionName, _actionType.toLowerCase(), _path), ex); } } protected String removeFinalSlash(String path) { if (StringUtilities.isNotNullOrEmpty(path) && (path.endsWith(File.separator))) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } return path; } protected String deleteDirectory() throws IOException { int iLevels = _path.length() - _path.replace(File.separator, "").length(); if (iLevels == 0) { throw new PieException( String.format("%s requires at least one directory level (%s).", _actionName, _path)); } File fi = new File(_path); if (!fi.exists()) { _session.addLogMessage("", "Process", String.format("%s does not exist, nothing to delete.", _path)); } else if (fi.isFile()) { throw new IOException(String.format("%s is a file, use File.Delete to remove.", _path)); } else { _session.addLogMessage("", "Process", String.format("Deleting %s", _path)); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(_path)); _session.addLogMessage("", "", "Completed"); } return ""; } protected String createDirectory() throws IOException { File fi = new File(_path); if (!fi.exists()) { _session.addLogMessage("", "Process", String.format("Creating %s", _path)); new File(_path).mkdirs(); _session.addLogMessage("", "", "Completed"); } else if (fi.isDirectory()) { _session.addLogMessage("", "Process", "Directory already exists, nothing to do."); } else if (fi.isFile()) { throw new IOException(String.format("%s is the name of an existing file.", _path)); } return ""; } protected String renameDirectory() throws IOException { File fi = new File(_path); if (!fi.exists()) { throw new PieException(String.format("Directory %s not found, nothing to rename.", _path)); } else if (fi.isDirectory()) { _session.addLogMessage("", "Process", String.format("Renaming %s to %s.", _path, _newName)); fi.renameTo(new File(_newName)); _session.addLogMessage("", "", "Completed"); } else if (fi.isFile()) { throw new PieException( String.format("%s is a file. Use the File.Rename operations to work with files.", _path)); } return ""; } protected String moveDirectory() throws IOException { if (StringUtilities.isNullOrEmpty(_destinationPath)) { throw new PieException(String.format("%s is missing a value for DestinationPath.", _actionName)); } if (FileUtilities.isValidDirectory(_destinationPath)) { throw new PieException(String.format("Destination directory (%s) already exists.", _destinationPath)); } _session.addLogMessage("", "Destination Path", _destinationPath); _session.addLogMessage("", "Process", "Moving directory"); FileUtils.moveDirectoryToDirectory(new File(_path), new File(_destinationPath), true); return ""; } protected String copyDirectory() throws IOException { if (StringUtilities.isNullOrEmpty(_destinationPath)) { throw new PieException(String.format("%s is missing a value for DestinationPath.", _actionName)); } if (FileUtilities.isValidDirectory(_destinationPath)) { throw new PieException(String.format("Destination directory (%s) already exists.", _destinationPath)); } _session.addLogMessage("", "Destination Path", _destinationPath); _session.addLogMessage("", "Process", "Copy directory"); FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(_path), new File(_destinationPath), true); return ""; } protected String profileDirectory() { _componentExtensions.put("jar", true); _componentExtensions.put("dll", true); String sDeep = _session.getAttribute(_action, "Deep"); if (StringUtilities.isNotNullOrEmpty(sDeep)) { _session.addLogMessage("", "Deep", sDeep); } _deepScan = StringUtilities.toBoolean(sDeep, true); _skippedExtensions = _session.getAttribute(_action, "SkipExtensions"); if (StringUtilities.isNotNullOrEmpty(_skippedExtensions)) { _session.addLogMessage("", "Skip Extensions", _skippedExtensions); String[] aSkipExtensions = _skippedExtensions.toLowerCase().split(","); if (aSkipExtensions.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < aSkipExtensions.length; i++) { _skipExtensions.put(aSkipExtensions[i], true); } _checkSkipList = true; } } _skippedDirectories = _session.getAttribute(_action, "SkipDirectories"); if (StringUtilities.isNotNullOrEmpty(_skippedDirectories)) { _session.addLogMessage("", "Skip Directories", _skippedDirectories); String[] aSkipDirectories = _skippedDirectories.toLowerCase().split(","); if (aSkipDirectories.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < aSkipDirectories.length; i++) { _skipDirectories.put(aSkipDirectories[i], true); } _checkSkipList = true; } } String sortByCount = _session.getAttribute(_action, "SortByCount"); if (StringUtilities.isNotNullOrEmpty(sortByCount)) { _session.addLogMessage("", "Sort by Count", sortByCount); _sortByCount = StringUtilities.toBoolean(sortByCount, true); } scanDirectory(_path); Object[] aCounts = _extensionCount.values().toArray(); Arrays.sort(aCounts); // Write the report ReportBuilder sbReport = new ReportBuilder(); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Date Scanned: %1$s", DateUtilities.getCurrentDateTime()); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Path: %1$s", _path); if (_checkSkipList && StringUtilities.isNotNullOrEmpty(_skippedExtensions)) { sbReport.appendFormatLine("Skipped File Extensions: %1$s", _skippedExtensions); } if (_checkSkipList && StringUtilities.isNotNullOrEmpty(_skippedDirectories)) { sbReport.appendFormatLine("Skipped Directories: %1$s", _skippedDirectories); } sbReport.appendLine(""); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Total File Count: %,d", _totalFileCount); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Total Directory Count: %,d", _totalDirectoryCount); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Component Files: %,d", _componentCount); sbReport.appendLine(""); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Longest Path (%,d chars): %s", _longestPathLength, _longestPath); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Longest Filename (%,d chars): %s", _longestFilenameLength, _longestFilename); sbReport.appendLine(""); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Largest File: (%,d bytes): %s", _largestFileSize, _largestFilename); sbReport.appendFormatLine("Total Space: %,d bytes", _totalSize); sbReport.appendLine(""); sbReport.appendLine("File Extensions (sorted by count): "); int iLen = aCounts.length; for (int i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { FileExtensionCount fileExtensionCount = (FileExtensionCount) aCounts[i]; sbReport.appendFormatLine(" *.%1$s: %2$,d", fileExtensionCount.getExtension(), fileExtensionCount.getCount()); } _session.addLogMessage("", "Profile Results", "View Report", "file://" + FileUtilities.writeRandomTextFile(_session.getLogPath(), sbReport.toString())); return ""; } protected void scanDirectory(String path) { File[] aContents = new File(path).listFiles(); if ((aContents == null) || (aContents.length == 0)) return; if (path.length() > _longestPathLength) { _longestPathLength = path.length(); _longestPath = path; } for (File currentFile : aContents) { if (currentFile.isDirectory() && _deepScan) { String subPath = currentFile.getAbsolutePath(); subPath = subPath.substring(subPath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar)).toLowerCase(); if (_checkSkipList && _skipDirectories.containsKey(subPath)) { continue; } _totalDirectoryCount++; scanDirectory(currentFile.getAbsolutePath()); continue; } String sExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(currentFile.getName()).toLowerCase(); if (_checkSkipList && _skipExtensions.containsKey(sExtension)) { continue; } _totalFileCount++; _totalSize += currentFile.length(); if (currentFile.getName().length() > _longestFilenameLength) { _longestFilenameLength = currentFile.getName().length(); _longestFilename = currentFile.getName(); } if (currentFile.length() > _largestFileSize) { _largestFileSize = currentFile.length(); _largestFilename = currentFile.getName(); } if (_componentExtensions.containsKey(sExtension)) { _componentCount++; } FileExtensionCount cnt = _extensionCount.get(sExtension); if (cnt == null) { _extensionCount.put(sExtension, new FileExtensionCount(sExtension, _sortByCount)); } else { cnt.increment(); } } } protected class FileExtensionCount implements Comparable<FileExtensionCount> { protected boolean _SortByCount = true; protected String _Extension; protected int _Count = 1; public FileExtensionCount(String extension) { this(extension, true); } public FileExtensionCount(String extension, boolean sortByCount) { if (extension == null) extension = ""; _Extension = extension; _SortByCount = sortByCount; } public String getExtension() { if (_Extension.length() == 0) return "(blank)"; return _Extension; } public void increment() { ++_Count; } public int getCount() { return _Count; } @Override public int compareTo(FileExtensionCount o) { if (_SortByCount) { return o._Count - this._Count; } else { return this._Extension.compareTo(o._Extension); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return compareTo((FileExtensionCount) o) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } } }