Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.presto.metadata; import com.facebook.presto.block.Block; import com.facebook.presto.block.BlockIterable; import com.facebook.presto.block.BlockUtils; import com.facebook.presto.execution.TaskId; import com.facebook.presto.operator.AlignmentOperator; import com.facebook.presto.operator.OperatorContext; import com.facebook.presto.operator.Page; import com.facebook.presto.operator.TaskContext; import com.facebook.presto.serde.BlocksFileEncoding; import com.facebook.presto.serde.BlocksFileReader; import com.facebook.presto.serde.BlocksFileStats; import com.facebook.presto.spi.ColumnHandle; import com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.Session; import com.facebook.presto.util.KeyBoundedExecutor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.airlift.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutorMBean; import io.airlift.slice.Slice; import io.airlift.slice.Slices; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.IDBI; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.TransactionStatus; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.VoidTransactionCallback; import org.weakref.jmx.Managed; import org.weakref.jmx.Nested; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import static com.facebook.presto.util.Threads.threadsNamed; import static; import static; import static; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.nio.file.Files.createDirectories; import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool; public class DatabaseLocalStorageManager implements LocalStorageManager { private static final boolean ENABLE_OPTIMIZATION = Boolean.valueOf("false"); private static final BlocksFileEncoding DEFAULT_ENCODING = BlocksFileEncoding.SNAPPY; private static final int RUN_LENGTH_AVERAGE_CUTOFF = 3; private static final int DICTIONARY_CARDINALITY_CUTOFF = 1000; private final ExecutorService executor; private final ThreadPoolExecutorMBean executorMBean; private final KeyBoundedExecutor<Long> shardBoundedExecutor; private final IDBI dbi; private final File baseStorageDir; private final File baseStagingDir; private final StorageManagerDao dao; private final LoadingCache<File, Slice> mappedFileCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .build(new CacheLoader<File, Slice>() { @Override public Slice load(File file) throws Exception { checkArgument(file.isAbsolute(), "file is not absolute"); if (file.exists() && file.length() > 0) { return Slices.mapFileReadOnly(file); } else { return Slices.EMPTY_SLICE; } } }); @Inject public DatabaseLocalStorageManager(@ForLocalStorageManager IDBI dbi, DatabaseLocalStorageManagerConfig config) throws IOException { checkNotNull(config, "config is null"); File baseDataDir = checkNotNull(config.getDataDirectory(), "dataDirectory is null"); this.baseStorageDir = createDirectory(new File(baseDataDir, "storage")); this.baseStagingDir = createDirectory(new File(baseDataDir, "staging")); this.dbi = checkNotNull(dbi, "dbi is null"); this.dao = dbi.onDemand(StorageManagerDao.class); this.executor = newFixedThreadPool(config.getTasksPerNode(), threadsNamed("local-storage-manager-%s")); this.executorMBean = new ThreadPoolExecutorMBean((ThreadPoolExecutor) executor); this.shardBoundedExecutor = new KeyBoundedExecutor<>(executor); dao.createTableColumns(); } @PreDestroy public void stop() { executor.shutdown(); } @Managed @Nested public ThreadPoolExecutorMBean getExecutor() { return executorMBean; } @Override public ColumnFileHandle createStagingFileHandles(long shardId, List<? extends ColumnHandle> columnHandles) throws IOException { File shardPath = getShardPath(baseStagingDir, shardId); ColumnFileHandle.Builder builder = ColumnFileHandle.builder(shardId); for (ColumnHandle columnHandle : columnHandles) { File file = getColumnFile(shardPath, columnHandle, DEFAULT_ENCODING); Files.createParentDirs(file); builder.addColumn(columnHandle, file, DEFAULT_ENCODING); } return; } @Override public void commit(ColumnFileHandle columnFileHandle) throws IOException { checkNotNull(columnFileHandle, "columnFileHandle is null"); columnFileHandle.commit(); // Process staged files to optimize encodings if necessary ColumnFileHandle finalColumnFileHandle = optimizeEncodings(columnFileHandle); // Commit all the columns at the same time once everything has been successfully imported commitShardColumns(finalColumnFileHandle); // Delete empty staging directory deleteStagingDirectory(columnFileHandle); } private ColumnFileHandle optimizeEncodings(ColumnFileHandle columnFileHandle) throws IOException { long shardId = columnFileHandle.getShardId(); File shardPath = getShardPath(baseStorageDir, shardId); ImmutableList.Builder<BlockIterable> sourcesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); ColumnFileHandle.Builder builder = ColumnFileHandle.builder(shardId); for (Map.Entry<ColumnHandle, File> entry : columnFileHandle.getFiles().entrySet()) { File file = entry.getValue(); ColumnHandle columnHandle = entry.getKey(); if (file.exists()) { Slice slice = mappedFileCache.getUnchecked(file.getAbsoluteFile()); checkState(file.length() == slice.length(), "File %s, length %s was mapped to Slice length %s", file.getAbsolutePath(), file.length(), slice.length()); // Compute optimal encoding from stats BlocksFileReader blocks = BlocksFileReader.readBlocks(slice); BlocksFileStats stats = blocks.getStats(); boolean rleEncode = stats.getAvgRunLength() > RUN_LENGTH_AVERAGE_CUTOFF; boolean dicEncode = stats.getUniqueCount() < DICTIONARY_CARDINALITY_CUTOFF; BlocksFileEncoding encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING; if (ENABLE_OPTIMIZATION) { if (dicEncode && rleEncode) { encoding = BlocksFileEncoding.DIC_RLE; } else if (dicEncode) { encoding = BlocksFileEncoding.DIC_RAW; } else if (rleEncode) { encoding = BlocksFileEncoding.RLE; } } File outputFile = getColumnFile(shardPath, columnHandle, encoding); Files.createParentDirs(outputFile); if (encoding == DEFAULT_ENCODING) { // Optimization: source is already raw, so just move. Files.move(file, outputFile); // still register the file with the builder so that it can // be committed correctly. builder.addColumn(columnHandle, outputFile); } else { // source builder and output builder move in parallel if the // column gets written sourcesBuilder.add(blocks); builder.addColumn(columnHandle, outputFile, encoding); } } else { // fake file File outputFile = getColumnFile(shardPath, columnHandle, DEFAULT_ENCODING); builder.addColumn(columnHandle, outputFile); } } List<BlockIterable> sources =; ColumnFileHandle targetFileHandle =; if (!sources.isEmpty()) { // Throw out any stats generated by the optimization setp Session session = new Session("user", "source", "catalog", "schema", "address", "agent"); OperatorContext operatorContext = new TaskContext(new TaskId("query", "stage", "task"), executor, session).addPipelineContext(true, true).addDriverContext().addOperatorContext(0, "OptimizeEncodings"); AlignmentOperator source = new AlignmentOperator(operatorContext, sources); importData(source, targetFileHandle); } targetFileHandle.commit(); return targetFileHandle; } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") private void deleteStagingDirectory(ColumnFileHandle columnFileHandle) { File path = getShardPath(baseStagingDir, columnFileHandle.getShardId()); while (path.delete() && !path.getParentFile().equals(baseStagingDir)) { path = path.getParentFile(); } } private void importData(AlignmentOperator source, ColumnFileHandle fileHandle) { while (!source.isFinished()) { Page page = source.getOutput(); if (page != null) { fileHandle.append(page); } checkState(source.isBlocked().isDone(), "Alignment operator is blocked"); } } /** * Generate a file system path for a shard id. This creates a four level deep, two digit directory * where the least significant digits are the first level, the next significant digits are the second * and so on. Numbers that have more than eight digits are lumped together in the last level. * <p/> * <pre> * 1 --> 01/00/00/00 * 1000 -> 00/10/00/00 * 123456 -> 56/34/12/00 * 4815162342 -> 42/23/16/4815 * </pre> * <p/> * This ensures that files are spread out evenly through the tree while a path can still be easily navigated * by a human being. */ @VisibleForTesting static File getShardPath(File baseDir, long shardId) { Preconditions.checkArgument(shardId >= 0, "shardId must be >= 0"); String value = format("%08d", shardId); int split = value.length() - 6; List<String> pathElements = ImmutableList .copyOf(Splitter.fixedLength(2).limit(3).split(value.substring(split))); String path = Joiner.on('/').join(Lists.reverse(pathElements)) + "/" + value.substring(0, split); return new File(baseDir, path); } private static File getColumnFile(File shardPath, ColumnHandle columnHandle, BlocksFileEncoding encoding) { checkState(columnHandle instanceof NativeColumnHandle, "Can only import in a native column"); long columnId = ((NativeColumnHandle) columnHandle).getColumnId(); return new File(shardPath, format("%s.%s.column", columnId, encoding.getName())); } private void commitShardColumns(final ColumnFileHandle columnFileHandle) { dbi.inTransaction(new VoidTransactionCallback() { @Override protected void execute(Handle handle, TransactionStatus status) throws Exception { StorageManagerDao dao = handle.attach(StorageManagerDao.class); for (Map.Entry<ColumnHandle, File> entry : columnFileHandle.getFiles().entrySet()) { ColumnHandle columnHandle = entry.getKey(); File file = entry.getValue(); checkState(columnHandle instanceof NativeColumnHandle, "Can only import in a native column"); long columnId = ((NativeColumnHandle) columnHandle).getColumnId(); String filename = file.getName(); dao.insertColumn(columnFileHandle.getShardId(), columnId, filename); } } }); } @Override public BlockIterable getBlocks(long shardId, ColumnHandle columnHandle) { checkNotNull(columnHandle); checkState(columnHandle instanceof NativeColumnHandle, "Can only load blocks from a native column"); long columnId = ((NativeColumnHandle) columnHandle).getColumnId(); checkState(shardExists(shardId), "shard %s has not yet been imported", shardId); String filename = dao.getColumnFilename(shardId, columnId); File file = new File(getShardPath(baseStorageDir, shardId), filename); // TODO: remove this hack when empty blocks are allowed if (!file.exists()) { return BlockUtils.emptyBlockIterable(); } return convertFilesToBlocks(ImmutableList.of(file)); } private BlockIterable convertFilesToBlocks(Iterable<File> files) { checkArgument(files.iterator().hasNext(), "no files in stream"); Iterable<Block> blocks = Iterables .concat(Iterables.transform(files, new Function<File, Iterable<? extends Block>>() { @Override public Iterable<? extends Block> apply(File file) { Slice slice = mappedFileCache.getUnchecked(file.getAbsoluteFile()); return BlocksFileReader.readBlocks(slice); } })); return BlockUtils.toBlocks(blocks); } @Override public boolean shardExists(long shardId) { return dao.shardExists(shardId); } @Override public void dropShard(long shardId) { shardBoundedExecutor.execute(shardId, new DropJob(shardId)); } @Override public boolean isShardActive(long shardId) { return shardBoundedExecutor.isActive(shardId); } private static File createDirectory(File dir) throws IOException { createDirectories(dir.toPath()); return dir; } private class DropJob implements Runnable { private final long shardId; private DropJob(long shardId) { this.shardId = shardId; } @Override public void run() { // TODO: dropping needs to be globally coordinated with read queries List<String> shardFiles = dao.getShardFiles(shardId); for (String shardFile : shardFiles) { File file = new File(getShardPath(baseStorageDir, shardId), shardFile); file.delete(); } dao.dropShard(shardId); } } }