Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.presto.kafka.util; import; import; import; import kafka.admin.AdminUtils; import kafka.javaapi.producer.Producer; import kafka.producer.ProducerConfig; import kafka.server.KafkaConfig; import kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable; import kafka.utils.ZKStringSerializer$; import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import static com.facebook.presto.kafka.util.TestUtils.findUnusedPort; import static com.facebook.presto.kafka.util.TestUtils.toProperties; import static; import static io.airlift.testing.FileUtils.deleteRecursively; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; public class EmbeddedKafka implements Closeable { private final EmbeddedZookeeper zookeeper; private final int port; private final File kafkaDataDir; private final KafkaServerStartable kafka; private final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean(); private final AtomicBoolean stopped = new AtomicBoolean(); public static EmbeddedKafka createEmbeddedKafka() throws IOException { return new EmbeddedKafka(new EmbeddedZookeeper(), new Properties()); } public static EmbeddedKafka createEmbeddedKafka(Properties overrideProperties) throws IOException { return new EmbeddedKafka(new EmbeddedZookeeper(), overrideProperties); } EmbeddedKafka(EmbeddedZookeeper zookeeper, Properties overrideProperties) throws IOException { this.zookeeper = requireNonNull(zookeeper, "zookeeper is null"); requireNonNull(overrideProperties, "overrideProperties is null"); this.port = findUnusedPort(); this.kafkaDataDir = Files.createTempDir(); Map<String, String> properties = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put("", "0") .put("", "localhost").put("num.partitions", "2") .put("log.flush.interval.messages", "10000").put("", "1000") .put("log.retention.minutes", "60").put("log.segment.bytes", "1048576") .put("auto.create.topics.enable", "false").put("", "1000000") .put("port", Integer.toString(port)).put("log.dirs", kafkaDataDir.getAbsolutePath()) .put("zookeeper.connect", zookeeper.getConnectString()) .putAll(Maps.fromProperties(overrideProperties)).build(); KafkaConfig config = new KafkaConfig(toProperties(properties)); this.kafka = new KafkaServerStartable(config); } public void start() throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (!started.getAndSet(true)) { zookeeper.start(); kafka.startup(); } } @Override public void close() { if (started.get() && !stopped.getAndSet(true)) { kafka.shutdown(); kafka.awaitShutdown(); zookeeper.close(); deleteRecursively(kafkaDataDir); } } public void createTopics(String... topics) { createTopics(2, 1, new Properties(), topics); } public void createTopics(int partitions, int replication, Properties topicProperties, String... topics) { checkState(started.get() && !stopped.get(), "not started!"); ZkClient zkClient = new ZkClient(getZookeeperConnectString(), 30_000, 30_000, ZKStringSerializer$.MODULE$); try { for (String topic : topics) { AdminUtils.createTopic(zkClient, topic, partitions, replication, topicProperties); } } finally { zkClient.close(); } } public CloseableProducer<Long, Object> createProducer() { Map<String, String> properties = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder() .put("", getConnectString()) .put("serializer.class", JsonEncoder.class.getName()) .put("key.serializer.class", NumberEncoder.class.getName()) .put("partitioner.class", NumberPartitioner.class.getName()).put("request.required.acks", "1") .build(); ProducerConfig producerConfig = new ProducerConfig(toProperties(properties)); return new CloseableProducer<>(producerConfig); } public static class CloseableProducer<K, V> extends Producer<K, V> implements AutoCloseable { public CloseableProducer(ProducerConfig config) { super(config); } } public int getZookeeperPort() { return zookeeper.getPort(); } public int getPort() { return port; } public String getConnectString() { return "localhost:" + Integer.toString(port); } public String getZookeeperConnectString() { return zookeeper.getConnectString(); } }