Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.presto.hive; import com.facebook.presto.hive.metastore.Column; import com.facebook.presto.hive.metastore.Partition; import com.facebook.presto.hive.metastore.Table; import com.facebook.presto.hive.util.HiveFileIterator; import com.facebook.presto.hive.util.ResumableTask; import com.facebook.presto.hive.util.ResumableTasks; import com.facebook.presto.spi.ConnectorSession; import com.facebook.presto.spi.HostAddress; import com.facebook.presto.spi.PrestoException; import com.facebook.presto.spi.StandardErrorCode; import com.facebook.presto.spi.predicate.TupleDomain; import; import; import io.airlift.units.DataSize; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalInt; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import static com.facebook.presto.hadoop.HadoopFileStatus.isDirectory; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveBucketing.HiveBucket; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveErrorCode.HIVE_BAD_DATA; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveErrorCode.HIVE_INVALID_BUCKET_FILES; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveErrorCode.HIVE_INVALID_METADATA; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveErrorCode.HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveSessionProperties.getMaxInitialSplitSize; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveSessionProperties.getMaxSplitSize; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveUtil.checkCondition; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveUtil.getInputFormat; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveUtil.isSplittable; import static com.facebook.presto.hive.metastore.MetastoreUtil.getHiveSchema; import static com.facebook.presto.spi.StandardErrorCode.NOT_SUPPORTED; import static; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.FileUtils.HIDDEN_FILES_PATH_FILTER; public class BackgroundHiveSplitLoader implements HiveSplitLoader { private static final String CORRUPT_BUCKETING = "Hive table is corrupt. It is declared as being bucketed, but the files do not match the bucketing declaration."; public static final CompletableFuture<?> COMPLETED_FUTURE = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); private final String connectorId; private final Table table; private final Optional<HiveBucketHandle> bucketHandle; private final List<HiveBucket> buckets; private final HdfsEnvironment hdfsEnvironment; private final NamenodeStats namenodeStats; private final DirectoryLister directoryLister; private final DataSize maxSplitSize; private final int maxPartitionBatchSize; private final DataSize maxInitialSplitSize; private final boolean recursiveDirWalkerEnabled; private final Executor executor; private final ConnectorSession session; private final ConcurrentLazyQueue<HivePartitionMetadata> partitions; private final Deque<HiveFileIterator> fileIterators = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); private final AtomicInteger remainingInitialSplits; // Purpose of this lock: // * When write lock is acquired, except the holder, no one can do any of the following: // ** poll from partitions // ** poll from or push to fileIterators // ** push to hiveSplitSource // * When any of the above three operations is carried out, either a read lock or a write lock must be held. // * When a series of operations involving two or more of the above three operations are carried out, the lock // must be continuously held throughout the series of operations. // Implications: // * if you hold a read lock but not a write lock, you can do any of the above three operations, but you may // see a series of operations involving two or more of the operations carried out half way. private final ReentrantReadWriteLock taskExecutionLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private HiveSplitSource hiveSplitSource; private volatile boolean stopped; public BackgroundHiveSplitLoader(String connectorId, Table table, Iterable<HivePartitionMetadata> partitions, Optional<HiveBucketHandle> bucketHandle, List<HiveBucket> buckets, ConnectorSession session, HdfsEnvironment hdfsEnvironment, NamenodeStats namenodeStats, DirectoryLister directoryLister, Executor executor, int maxPartitionBatchSize, int maxInitialSplits, boolean recursiveDirWalkerEnabled) { this.connectorId = connectorId; this.table = table; this.bucketHandle = bucketHandle; this.buckets = buckets; this.maxSplitSize = getMaxSplitSize(session); this.maxPartitionBatchSize = maxPartitionBatchSize; this.session = session; this.hdfsEnvironment = hdfsEnvironment; this.namenodeStats = namenodeStats; this.directoryLister = directoryLister; this.maxInitialSplitSize = getMaxInitialSplitSize(session); this.remainingInitialSplits = new AtomicInteger(maxInitialSplits); this.recursiveDirWalkerEnabled = recursiveDirWalkerEnabled; this.executor = executor; this.partitions = new ConcurrentLazyQueue<>(partitions); } @Override public void start(HiveSplitSource splitSource) { this.hiveSplitSource = splitSource; for (int i = 0; i < maxPartitionBatchSize; i++) { ResumableTasks.submit(executor, new HiveSplitLoaderTask()); } } @Override public void stop() { stopped = true; } private class HiveSplitLoaderTask implements ResumableTask { @Override public TaskStatus process() { while (true) { if (stopped) { return TaskStatus.finished(); } try { CompletableFuture<?> future; taskExecutionLock.readLock().lock(); try { future = loadSplits(); } finally { taskExecutionLock.readLock().unlock(); } invokeFinishedIfNecessary(); if (!future.isDone()) { return TaskStatus.continueOn(future); } } catch (Exception e) {; } } } } private void invokeFinishedIfNecessary() { if (partitions.isEmpty() && fileIterators.isEmpty()) { taskExecutionLock.writeLock().lock(); try { // the write lock guarantees that no one is operating on the partitions, fileIterators, or hiveSplitSource, or half way through doing so. if (partitions.isEmpty() && fileIterators.isEmpty()) { // It is legal to call `finished` multiple times or after `stop` was called. // Nothing bad will happen if `finished` implementation calls methods that will try to obtain a read lock because the lock is re-entrant. hiveSplitSource.finished(); } } finally { taskExecutionLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } } private CompletableFuture<?> loadSplits() throws IOException { HiveFileIterator files = fileIterators.poll(); if (files == null) { HivePartitionMetadata partition = partitions.poll(); if (partition == null) { return COMPLETED_FUTURE; } loadPartition(partition); return COMPLETED_FUTURE; } while (files.hasNext() && !stopped) { LocatedFileStatus file =; if (isDirectory(file)) { if (recursiveDirWalkerEnabled) { HiveFileIterator fileIterator = new HiveFileIterator(file.getPath(), files.getFileSystem(), files.getDirectoryLister(), files.getNamenodeStats(), files.getPartitionName(), files.getInputFormat(), files.getSchema(), files.getPartitionKeys(), files.getEffectivePredicate(), files.getColumnCoercions()); fileIterators.add(fileIterator); } } else { boolean splittable = isSplittable(files.getInputFormat(), hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), file.getPath()), file.getPath()); CompletableFuture<?> future = hiveSplitSource.addToQueue(createHiveSplits(files.getPartitionName(), file.getPath().toString(), file.getBlockLocations(), 0, file.getLen(), files.getSchema(), files.getPartitionKeys(), splittable, session, OptionalInt.empty(), files.getEffectivePredicate(), files.getColumnCoercions())); if (!future.isDone()) { fileIterators.addFirst(files); return future; } } } // No need to put the iterator back, since it's either empty or we've stopped return COMPLETED_FUTURE; } private void loadPartition(HivePartitionMetadata partition) throws IOException { String partitionName = partition.getHivePartition().getPartitionId(); Properties schema = getPartitionSchema(table, partition.getPartition()); List<HivePartitionKey> partitionKeys = getPartitionKeys(table, partition.getPartition()); TupleDomain<HiveColumnHandle> effectivePredicate = partition.getHivePartition().getEffectivePredicate(); Path path = new Path(getPartitionLocation(table, partition.getPartition())); Configuration configuration = hdfsEnvironment.getConfiguration(path); InputFormat<?, ?> inputFormat = getInputFormat(configuration, schema, false); FileSystem fs = hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), path); if (inputFormat instanceof SymlinkTextInputFormat) { if (bucketHandle.isPresent()) { throw new PrestoException(StandardErrorCode.NOT_SUPPORTED, "Bucketed table in SymlinkTextInputFormat is not yet supported"); } // TODO: This should use an iterator like the HiveFileIterator for (Path targetPath : getTargetPathsFromSymlink(fs, path)) { // The input should be in TextInputFormat. TextInputFormat targetInputFormat = new TextInputFormat(); // get the configuration for the target path -- it may be a different hdfs instance Configuration targetConfiguration = hdfsEnvironment.getConfiguration(targetPath); JobConf targetJob = new JobConf(targetConfiguration); targetJob.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class); targetInputFormat.configure(targetJob); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(targetJob, targetPath); InputSplit[] targetSplits = targetInputFormat.getSplits(targetJob, 0); for (InputSplit inputSplit : targetSplits) { FileSplit split = (FileSplit) inputSplit; FileSystem targetFilesystem = hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), split.getPath()); FileStatus file = targetFilesystem.getFileStatus(split.getPath()); hiveSplitSource.addToQueue(createHiveSplits(partitionName, file.getPath().toString(), targetFilesystem.getFileBlockLocations(file, split.getStart(), split.getLength()), split.getStart(), split.getLength(), schema, partitionKeys, false, session, OptionalInt.empty(), effectivePredicate, partition.getColumnCoercions())); if (stopped) { return; } } } return; } // If only one bucket could match: load that one file HiveFileIterator iterator = new HiveFileIterator(path, fs, directoryLister, namenodeStats, partitionName, inputFormat, schema, partitionKeys, effectivePredicate, partition.getColumnCoercions()); if (!buckets.isEmpty()) { int bucketCount = buckets.get(0).getBucketCount(); List<LocatedFileStatus> list = listAndSortBucketFiles(iterator, bucketCount); for (HiveBucket bucket : buckets) { int bucketNumber = bucket.getBucketNumber(); LocatedFileStatus file = list.get(bucketNumber); boolean splittable = isSplittable(iterator.getInputFormat(), hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), file.getPath()), file.getPath()); hiveSplitSource.addToQueue(createHiveSplits(iterator.getPartitionName(), file.getPath().toString(), file.getBlockLocations(), 0, file.getLen(), iterator.getSchema(), iterator.getPartitionKeys(), splittable, session, OptionalInt.of(bucketNumber), effectivePredicate, partition.getColumnCoercions())); } return; } // If table is bucketed: list the directory, sort, tag with bucket id if (bucketHandle.isPresent()) { // HiveFileIterator skips hidden files automatically. int bucketCount = bucketHandle.get().getBucketCount(); List<LocatedFileStatus> list = listAndSortBucketFiles(iterator, bucketCount); for (int bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex < bucketCount; bucketIndex++) { LocatedFileStatus file = list.get(bucketIndex); boolean splittable = isSplittable(iterator.getInputFormat(), hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), file.getPath()), file.getPath()); hiveSplitSource.addToQueue(createHiveSplits(iterator.getPartitionName(), file.getPath().toString(), file.getBlockLocations(), 0, file.getLen(), iterator.getSchema(), iterator.getPartitionKeys(), splittable, session, OptionalInt.of(bucketIndex), iterator.getEffectivePredicate(), partition.getColumnCoercions())); } return; } fileIterators.addLast(iterator); } private static List<LocatedFileStatus> listAndSortBucketFiles(HiveFileIterator hiveFileIterator, int bucketCount) { ArrayList<LocatedFileStatus> list = new ArrayList<>(bucketCount); while (hiveFileIterator.hasNext()) { LocatedFileStatus next =; if (isDirectory(next)) { // Fail here to be on the safe side. This seems to be the same as what Hive does throw new PrestoException(HIVE_INVALID_BUCKET_FILES, format("%s Found sub-directory in bucket directory for partition: %s", CORRUPT_BUCKETING, hiveFileIterator.getPartitionName())); } list.add(next); } if (list.size() != bucketCount) { throw new PrestoException(HIVE_INVALID_BUCKET_FILES, format( "%s The number of files in the directory (%s) does not match the declared bucket count (%s) for partition: %s", CORRUPT_BUCKETING, list.size(), bucketCount, hiveFileIterator.getPartitionName())); } // Sort FileStatus objects (instead of, e.g., fileStatus.getPath().toString). This matches org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table.getSortedPaths list.sort(null); return list; } private static List<Path> getTargetPathsFromSymlink(FileSystem fileSystem, Path symlinkDir) { try { FileStatus[] symlinks = fileSystem.listStatus(symlinkDir, HIDDEN_FILES_PATH_FILTER); List<Path> targets = new ArrayList<>(); for (FileStatus symlink : symlinks) { try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { CharStreams.readLines(reader).stream().map(Path::new).forEach(targets::add); } } return targets; } catch (IOException e) { throw new PrestoException(HIVE_BAD_DATA, "Error parsing symlinks from: " + symlinkDir, e); } } private List<HiveSplit> createHiveSplits(String partitionName, String path, BlockLocation[] blockLocations, long start, long length, Properties schema, List<HivePartitionKey> partitionKeys, boolean splittable, ConnectorSession session, OptionalInt bucketNumber, TupleDomain<HiveColumnHandle> effectivePredicate, Map<Integer, HiveType> columnCoercions) throws IOException { ImmutableList.Builder<HiveSplit> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); boolean forceLocalScheduling = HiveSessionProperties.isForceLocalScheduling(session); if (splittable) { for (BlockLocation blockLocation : blockLocations) { // get the addresses for the block List<HostAddress> addresses = toHostAddress(blockLocation.getHosts()); long maxBytes = maxSplitSize.toBytes(); boolean creatingInitialSplits = false; if (remainingInitialSplits.get() > 0) { maxBytes = maxInitialSplitSize.toBytes(); creatingInitialSplits = true; } // divide the block into uniform chunks that are smaller than the max split size int chunks = Math.max(1, (int) (blockLocation.getLength() / maxBytes)); // when block does not divide evenly into chunks, make the chunk size slightly bigger than necessary long targetChunkSize = (long) Math.ceil(blockLocation.getLength() * 1.0 / chunks); long chunkOffset = 0; while (chunkOffset < blockLocation.getLength()) { if (remainingInitialSplits.decrementAndGet() < 0 && creatingInitialSplits) { creatingInitialSplits = false; // recalculate the target chunk size maxBytes = maxSplitSize.toBytes(); long remainingLength = blockLocation.getLength() - chunkOffset; chunks = Math.max(1, (int) (remainingLength / maxBytes)); targetChunkSize = (long) Math.ceil(remainingLength * 1.0 / chunks); } // adjust the actual chunk size to account for the overrun when chunks are slightly bigger than necessary (see above) long chunkLength = Math.min(targetChunkSize, blockLocation.getLength() - chunkOffset); builder.add(new HiveSplit(connectorId, table.getDatabaseName(), table.getTableName(), partitionName, path, blockLocation.getOffset() + chunkOffset, chunkLength, schema, partitionKeys, addresses, bucketNumber, forceLocalScheduling && hasRealAddress(addresses), effectivePredicate, columnCoercions)); chunkOffset += chunkLength; } checkState(chunkOffset == blockLocation.getLength(), "Error splitting blocks"); } } else { // not splittable, use the hosts from the first block if it exists List<HostAddress> addresses = ImmutableList.of(); if (blockLocations.length > 0) { addresses = toHostAddress(blockLocations[0].getHosts()); } builder.add(new HiveSplit(connectorId, table.getDatabaseName(), table.getTableName(), partitionName, path, start, length, schema, partitionKeys, addresses, bucketNumber, forceLocalScheduling && hasRealAddress(addresses), effectivePredicate, columnCoercions)); } return; } private static boolean hasRealAddress(List<HostAddress> addresses) { // Hadoop FileSystem returns "localhost" as a default return -> !address.getHostText().equals("localhost")); } private static List<HostAddress> toHostAddress(String[] hosts) { ImmutableList.Builder<HostAddress> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String host : hosts) { builder.add(HostAddress.fromString(host)); } return; } private static List<HivePartitionKey> getPartitionKeys(Table table, Optional<Partition> partition) { if (!partition.isPresent()) { return ImmutableList.of(); } ImmutableList.Builder<HivePartitionKey> partitionKeys = ImmutableList.builder(); List<Column> keys = table.getPartitionColumns(); List<String> values = partition.get().getValues(); checkCondition(keys.size() == values.size(), HIVE_INVALID_METADATA, "Expected %s partition key values, but got %s", keys.size(), values.size()); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { String name = keys.get(i).getName(); HiveType hiveType = keys.get(i).getType(); if (!hiveType.isSupportedType()) { throw new PrestoException(NOT_SUPPORTED, format("Unsupported Hive type %s found in partition keys of table %s.%s", hiveType, table.getDatabaseName(), table.getTableName())); } String value = values.get(i); checkCondition(value != null, HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, "partition key value cannot be null for field: %s", name); partitionKeys.add(new HivePartitionKey(name, hiveType, value)); } return; } private static Properties getPartitionSchema(Table table, Optional<Partition> partition) { if (!partition.isPresent()) { return getHiveSchema(table); } return getHiveSchema(partition.get(), table); } private static String getPartitionLocation(Table table, Optional<Partition> partition) { if (!partition.isPresent()) { return table.getStorage().getLocation(); } return partition.get().getStorage().getLocation(); } }