Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.presto.connector.jmx; import com.facebook.presto.operator.Operator; import com.facebook.presto.operator.OperatorContext; import com.facebook.presto.operator.RecordProjectOperator; import com.facebook.presto.spi.ColumnHandle; import com.facebook.presto.spi.ColumnType; import com.facebook.presto.spi.InMemoryRecordSet; import com.facebook.presto.spi.RecordSet; import com.facebook.presto.spi.Split; import com.facebook.presto.split.ConnectorDataStreamProvider; import com.facebook.presto.util.IterableTransformer; import; import; import; import io.airlift.node.NodeInfo; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import static; import static; public class JmxDataStreamProvider implements ConnectorDataStreamProvider { private final String connectorId; private final MBeanServer mbeanServer; private final String nodeId; @Inject public JmxDataStreamProvider(JmxConnectorId jmxConnectorId, MBeanServer mbeanServer, NodeInfo nodeInfo) { this.connectorId = checkNotNull(jmxConnectorId, "jmxConnectorId is null").toString(); this.mbeanServer = checkNotNull(mbeanServer, "mbeanServer is null"); this.nodeId = checkNotNull(nodeInfo, "nodeInfo is null").getNodeId(); } @Override public boolean canHandle(Split split) { return split instanceof JmxSplit && ((JmxSplit) split).getTableHandle().getConnectorId().equals(connectorId); } @Override public Operator createNewDataStream(OperatorContext operatorContext, Split split, List<ColumnHandle> columns) { return new RecordProjectOperator(operatorContext, createRecordSet(split, columns)); } private RecordSet createRecordSet(Split split, List<ColumnHandle> columns) { checkNotNull(split, "split is null"); checkArgument(split instanceof JmxSplit, "Split must be of type %s, not %s", JmxSplit.class.getName(), split.getClass().getName()); JmxTableHandle tableHandle = ((JmxSplit) split).getTableHandle(); checkNotNull(columns, "columns is null"); checkArgument(!columns.isEmpty(), "must provide at least one column"); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ColumnType> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (ColumnHandle column : columns) { checkArgument(column instanceof JmxColumnHandle, "column must be of type %s, not %s", JmxColumnHandle.class.getName(), column.getClass().getName()); JmxColumnHandle jmxColumnHandle = (JmxColumnHandle) column; builder.put(jmxColumnHandle.getColumnName(), jmxColumnHandle.getColumnType()); } ImmutableMap<String, ColumnType> columnTypes =; List<List<Object>> rows; try { Map<String, Object> attributes = getAttributes(columnTypes.keySet(), tableHandle); List<Object> row = new ArrayList<>(); // NOTE: data must be produced in the order of the columns parameter. This code relies on the // fact that columnTypes is an ImmutableMap which is an order preserving LinkedHashMap under // the covers. for (Entry<String, ColumnType> entry : columnTypes.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals("node")) { row.add(nodeId); } else { Object value = attributes.get(entry.getKey()); if (value == null) { row.add(null); } else { switch (entry.getValue()) { case BOOLEAN: if (value instanceof Boolean) { row.add(value); } else { // mbeans can lie about types row.add(null); } break; case LONG: if (value instanceof Number) { row.add(((Number) value).longValue()); } else { // mbeans can lie about types row.add(null); } break; case DOUBLE: if (value instanceof Number) { row.add(((Number) value).doubleValue()); } else { // mbeans can lie about types row.add(null); } break; case STRING: row.add(value.toString()); break; } } } } rows = ImmutableList.of(row); } catch (JMException e) { rows = ImmutableList.of(); } return new InMemoryRecordSet(columnTypes.values(), rows); } private Map<String, Object> getAttributes(Set<String> uniqueColumnNames, JmxTableHandle tableHandle) throws JMException { ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName(tableHandle.getObjectName()); String[] columnNamesArray = uniqueColumnNames.toArray(new String[uniqueColumnNames.size()]); return IterableTransformer.on(mbeanServer.getAttributes(objectName, columnNamesArray).asList()) .uniqueIndex(attributeNameGetter()).transformValues(attributeValueGetter()).map(); } private Function<Attribute, String> attributeNameGetter() { return new Function<Attribute, String>() { @Override public String apply(Attribute attribute) { return attribute.getName(); } }; } private Function<Attribute, Object> attributeValueGetter() { return new Function<Attribute, Object>() { @Override public Object apply(Attribute attribute) { return attribute.getValue(); } }; } }