Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.litho; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import; import; import com.facebook.stetho.inspector.elements.StyleAccumulator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; class ComponentsStethoManagerImpl implements ComponentsStethoManager { private static final YogaValue YOGA_VALUE_UNDEFINED = new YogaValue(YogaConstants.UNDEFINED, YogaUnit.UNDEFINED); private static final YogaValue YOGA_VALUE_AUTO = new YogaValue(YogaConstants.UNDEFINED, YogaUnit.AUTO); private final static YogaEdge[] edges = YogaEdge.values(); private final SimpleArrayMap<String, SimpleArrayMap<String, String>> mStyleOverrides = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); private final SimpleArrayMap<String, SimpleArrayMap<String, String>> mPropOverrides = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); private final SimpleArrayMap<String, SimpleArrayMap<String, String>> mStateOverrides = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); private final SimpleArrayMap<String, ComponentStethoNode> mComponentsStethoNodes = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); private static String toCSSString(String str) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(str.length()); builder.append(str); for (int i = 0, length = builder.length(); i < length; ++i) { final char oldChar = builder.charAt(i); final char lowerChar = Character.toLowerCase(oldChar); final char newChar = lowerChar == '_' ? '-' : lowerChar; builder.setCharAt(i, newChar); } return builder.toString(); } private static String toCSSString(Object obj) { return toCSSString(obj.toString()); } private static String toEnumString(String str) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(str.length()); builder.append(str); for (int i = 0, length = builder.length(); i < length; ++i) { final char oldChar = builder.charAt(i); final char upperChar = Character.toUpperCase(oldChar); final char newChar = upperChar == '-' ? '_' : upperChar; builder.setCharAt(i, newChar); } return builder.toString(); } static float parseFloat(@Nullable String s) { if (s == null) { return 0; } try { return Float.parseFloat(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } private static void storeEnum(StyleAccumulator accumulator, SimpleArrayMap<String, String> overrides, String key, Object value) { if (overrides.containsKey(key)) {, overrides.get(key), false); } else {, toCSSString(value), false); } } private static void storeFloat(StyleAccumulator accumulator, SimpleArrayMap<String, String> overrides, String key, float value) { if (overrides.containsKey(key)) {, overrides.get(key), false); } else {, Float.toString(value), false); } } private static void storeYogaValue(StyleAccumulator accumulator, SimpleArrayMap<String, String> overrides, String key, YogaValue value) { if (overrides.containsKey(key)) {, overrides.get(key), false); } else { final String valueString; switch (value.unit) { case UNDEFINED: valueString = "undefined"; break; case POINT: valueString = Float.toString(value.value); break; case PERCENT: valueString = value.value + "%"; break; case AUTO: valueString = "auto"; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); }, valueString, false); } } private static void storeDrawable(StyleAccumulator accumulator, SimpleArrayMap<String, String> overrides, String key) { if (overrides.containsKey(key)) {, overrides.get(key), false); } else {, "<drawable>", false); } } void getStyles(ComponentStethoNode stethoNode, StyleAccumulator accumulator) { final YogaNode yogaNode = stethoNode.node.mYogaNode; final YogaNode defaults = ComponentsPools.acquireYogaNode(); SimpleArrayMap<String, String> overrides = mStyleOverrides.get(stethoNode.key); if (overrides == null) { overrides = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); mStyleOverrides.put(stethoNode.key, overrides); } storeDrawable(accumulator, overrides, "background"); storeDrawable(accumulator, overrides, "foreground"); storeEnum(accumulator, overrides, "direction", yogaNode.getStyleDirection()); storeEnum(accumulator, overrides, "flex-direction", yogaNode.getFlexDirection()); storeEnum(accumulator, overrides, "justify-content", yogaNode.getJustifyContent()); storeEnum(accumulator, overrides, "align-items", yogaNode.getAlignItems()); storeEnum(accumulator, overrides, "align-self", yogaNode.getAlignSelf()); storeEnum(accumulator, overrides, "align-content", yogaNode.getAlignContent()); storeEnum(accumulator, overrides, "position", yogaNode.getPositionType()); storeFloat(accumulator, overrides, "flex-grow", yogaNode.getFlexGrow()); storeFloat(accumulator, overrides, "flex-shrink", yogaNode.getFlexShrink()); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, "flex-basis", yogaNode.getFlexBasis()); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, "width", yogaNode.getWidth()); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, "min-width", yogaNode.getMinWidth()); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, "max-width", yogaNode.getMaxWidth()); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, "height", yogaNode.getHeight()); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, "min-height", yogaNode.getMinHeight()); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, "max-height", yogaNode.getMaxHeight()); for (YogaEdge edge : edges) { final String key = "margin-" + toCSSString(edge); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, key, yogaNode.getMargin(edge)); } for (YogaEdge edge : edges) { final String key = "padding-" + toCSSString(edge); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, key, yogaNode.getPadding(edge)); } for (YogaEdge edge : edges) { final String key = "position-" + toCSSString(edge); storeYogaValue(accumulator, overrides, key, yogaNode.getPosition(edge)); } for (YogaEdge edge : edges) { final String key = "border-" + toCSSString(edge); storeFloat(accumulator, overrides, key, yogaNode.getBorder(edge)); } ComponentsPools.release(defaults); } private static int parseColor(String color) { if (color == null || color.length() == 0) { return Color.TRANSPARENT; } // Color.parse does not handle hax code with 3 ints e.g. #123 if (color.length() == 4) { final char r = color.charAt(1); final char g = color.charAt(2); final char b = color.charAt(3); color = "#" + r + r + g + g + b + b; } return Color.parseColor(color); } public void applyOverrides(InternalNode node) { final String nodeKey = getGlobalKey(node, 0); // We only override the root if (mStyleOverrides.containsKey(nodeKey)) { final SimpleArrayMap<String, String> styles = mStyleOverrides.get(nodeKey); for (int i = 0, size = styles.size(); i < size; i++) { final String key = styles.keyAt(i); final String value = styles.get(key); try { if (key.equals("background")) { node.backgroundColor(parseColor(value)); } if (key.equals("foreground")) { node.foregroundColor(parseColor(value)); } if (key.equals("direction")) { node.layoutDirection(YogaDirection.valueOf(toEnumString(value))); } if (key.equals("flex-direction")) { node.flexDirection(YogaFlexDirection.valueOf(toEnumString(value))); } if (key.equals("justify-content")) { node.justifyContent(YogaJustify.valueOf(toEnumString(value))); } if (key.equals("align-items")) { node.alignItems(YogaAlign.valueOf(toEnumString(value))); } if (key.equals("align-self")) { node.alignSelf(YogaAlign.valueOf(toEnumString(value))); } if (key.equals("align-content")) { node.alignContent(YogaAlign.valueOf(toEnumString(value))); } if (key.equals("position")) { node.positionType(YogaPositionType.valueOf(toEnumString(value))); } if (key.equals("flex-grow")) { node.flexGrow(parseFloat(value)); } if (key.equals("flex-shrink")) { node.flexShrink(parseFloat(value)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { // ignore errors when the user suplied an invalid enum value } if (key.equals("flex-basis")) { final YogaValue flexBasis = yogaValueFromString(value); if (flexBasis == null) { continue; } switch (flexBasis.unit) { case AUTO: node.flexBasisAuto(); break; case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.flexBasisPx(FastMath.round(flexBasis.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.flexBasisPercent(FastMath.round(flexBasis.value)); break; } } if (key.equals("width")) { final YogaValue width = yogaValueFromString(value); if (width == null) { continue; } switch (width.unit) { case AUTO: node.widthAuto(); break; case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.widthPx(FastMath.round(width.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.widthPercent(FastMath.round(width.value)); break; } } if (key.equals("min-width")) { final YogaValue minWidth = yogaValueFromString(value); if (minWidth == null) { continue; } switch (minWidth.unit) { case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.minWidthPx(FastMath.round(minWidth.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.minWidthPercent(FastMath.round(minWidth.value)); break; } } if (key.equals("max-width")) { final YogaValue maxWidth = yogaValueFromString(value); if (maxWidth == null) { continue; } switch (maxWidth.unit) { case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.maxWidthPx(FastMath.round(maxWidth.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.maxWidthPercent(FastMath.round(maxWidth.value)); break; } } if (key.equals("height")) { final YogaValue height = yogaValueFromString(value); if (height == null) { continue; } switch (height.unit) { case AUTO: node.heightAuto(); break; case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.heightPx(FastMath.round(height.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.heightPercent(FastMath.round(height.value)); break; } } if (key.equals("min-height")) { final YogaValue minHeight = yogaValueFromString(value); if (minHeight == null) { continue; } switch (minHeight.unit) { case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.minHeightPx(FastMath.round(minHeight.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.minHeightPercent(FastMath.round(minHeight.value)); break; } } if (key.equals("max-height")) { final YogaValue maxHeight = yogaValueFromString(value); if (maxHeight == null) { continue; } switch (maxHeight.unit) { case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.maxHeightPx(FastMath.round(maxHeight.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.maxHeightPercent(FastMath.round(maxHeight.value)); break; } } for (YogaEdge edge : edges) { if (key.equals("margin-" + toCSSString(edge))) { final YogaValue margin = yogaValueFromString(value); if (margin == null) { continue; } switch (margin.unit) { case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.marginPx(edge, FastMath.round(margin.value)); break; case AUTO: node.marginAuto(edge); break; case PERCENT: node.marginPercent(edge, FastMath.round(margin.value)); break; } } } for (YogaEdge edge : edges) { if (key.equals("padding-" + toCSSString(edge))) { final YogaValue padding = yogaValueFromString(value); if (padding == null) { continue; } switch (padding.unit) { case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.paddingPx(edge, FastMath.round(padding.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.paddingPercent(edge, FastMath.round(padding.value)); break; } } } for (YogaEdge edge : edges) { if (key.equals("position-" + toCSSString(edge))) { final YogaValue position = yogaValueFromString(value); if (position == null) { continue; } switch (position.unit) { case UNDEFINED: case POINT: node.positionPx(edge, FastMath.round(position.value)); break; case PERCENT: node.positionPercent(edge, FastMath.round(position.value)); break; } } } for (YogaEdge edge : edges) { if (key.equals("border-" + toCSSString(edge))) { final float border = parseFloat(value); node.borderWidthPx(edge, FastMath.round(border)); } } } } if (mPropOverrides.containsKey(nodeKey)) { final Component component = node.getRootComponent(); if (component != null) { final SimpleArrayMap<String, String> props = mPropOverrides.get(nodeKey); for (int i = 0, size = props.size(); i < size; i++) { final String key = props.keyAt(i); applyReflectiveOverride(component, key, props.get(key)); } } } if (mStateOverrides.containsKey(nodeKey)) { final Component component = node.getRootComponent(); final ComponentLifecycle.StateContainer stateContainer = component == null ? null : component.getStateContainer(); if (stateContainer != null) { final SimpleArrayMap<String, String> state = mStateOverrides.get(nodeKey); for (int i = 0, size = state.size(); i < size; i++) { final String key = state.keyAt(i); applyReflectiveOverride(stateContainer, key, state.get(key)); } } } } private void applyReflectiveOverride(Object o, String key, String value) { try { final Field field = o.getClass().getDeclaredField(key); final Class type = field.getType(); field.setAccessible(true); if (type.equals(short.class)) { field.set(o, Short.parseShort(value)); } else if (type.equals(int.class)) { field.set(o, Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (type.equals(long.class)) { field.set(o, Long.parseLong(value)); } else if (type.equals(float.class)) { field.set(o, Float.parseFloat(value)); } else if (type.equals(double.class)) { field.set(o, Double.parseDouble(value)); } else if (type.equals(boolean.class)) { field.set(o, Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); } else if (type.equals(byte.class)) { field.set(o, Byte.parseByte(value)); } else if (type.equals(char.class)) { field.set(o, value.charAt(0)); } else if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { field.set(o, value); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } public void setStyleOverride(ComponentStethoNode stethoNode, String key, String value) { SimpleArrayMap<String, String> styles = mStyleOverrides.get(stethoNode.key); if (styles == null) { styles = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); mStyleOverrides.put(stethoNode.key, styles); } styles.put(key, value); } public void setPropOverride(ComponentStethoNode element, String key, String value) { SimpleArrayMap<String, String> props = mPropOverrides.get(element.key); if (props == null) { props = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); mPropOverrides.put(element.key, props); } props.put(key, value); } public void setStateOverride(ComponentStethoNode element, String key, String value) { SimpleArrayMap<String, String> props = mStateOverrides.get(element.key); if (props == null) { props = new SimpleArrayMap<>(); mStateOverrides.put(element.key, props); } props.put(key, value); } private static YogaValue yogaValueFromString(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } if ("undefined".equals(s)) { return YOGA_VALUE_UNDEFINED; } if ("auto".equals(s)) { return YOGA_VALUE_AUTO; } if (s.endsWith("%")) { return new YogaValue(parseFloat(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1)), PERCENT); } return new YogaValue(parseFloat(s), POINT); } private static String getGlobalKey(InternalNode node, int componentIndex) { final InternalNode parent = node.getParent(); final InternalNode nestedTreeHolder = node.getNestedTreeHolder(); String key; if (parent != null) { key = getGlobalKey(parent, 0) + "." + parent.getChildIndex(node); } else if (nestedTreeHolder != null) { key = "nested"; } else { key = "root"; } return key + "(" + componentIndex + ")"; } public ComponentStethoNode getComponentsStethoNode(InternalNode node, int componentIndex) { final String globalKey = getGlobalKey(node, componentIndex); ComponentStethoNode componentStethoNode = mComponentsStethoNodes.get(globalKey); if (componentStethoNode == null) { componentStethoNode = new ComponentStethoNode(); mComponentsStethoNodes.put(globalKey, componentStethoNode); } componentStethoNode.key = globalKey; componentStethoNode.node = node; componentStethoNode.componentIndex = componentIndex; return componentStethoNode; } }