Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.config; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class TestExpandedConfFileJSONProvider { private Map<File, JSONObject> mockFileParser = new HashMap<>(); public final static String simpleAConfig = "simpleA.json"; public final static String simpleBConfig = "simpleB.json"; public final static String simpleIncludeConfig = "simpleInclude.json"; public final static String multiIncludeConfig = "multiInclude.json"; public final static String chainedConfig = "chainInclude.json"; public final static String circularAConfig = "circularIncludeA.json"; public final static String circularBConfig = "circularIncludeB.json"; private JSONObject addInclude(JSONObject json, String include) throws JSONException { return json.append("includes", include); } private JSONObject addConf(JSONObject json, String key, String value) throws JSONException { if (!json.has("conf")) { json.put("conf", new JSONObject()); } JSONObject confs = json.getJSONObject("conf"); confs.put(key, value); return json; } private JSONObject buildSimpleAConfig() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json = addConf(json, "key1", "simpleA1"); json = addConf(json, "key2", "simpleA2"); return json; } private JSONObject buildSimpleBConfig() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json = addConf(json, "key1", "simpleB1"); json = addConf(json, "key3", "simpleB3"); return json; } private JSONObject buildSimpleIncludeConfig() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json = addInclude(json, simpleAConfig); json = addConf(json, "key1", "simpleInclude1"); json = addConf(json, "key4", "simpleInclude4"); return json; } private JSONObject buildMultiIncludeConfig() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json = addInclude(json, simpleAConfig); json = addInclude(json, simpleBConfig); json = addConf(json, "key1", "multiInclude1"); json = addConf(json, "key4", "multiInclude4"); return json; } private JSONObject buildChainedConfig() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json = addInclude(json, simpleIncludeConfig); json = addConf(json, "key1", "chainInclude1"); json = addConf(json, "key5", "chainInclude5"); return json; } private JSONObject buildCircularIncludeAConfig() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json = addInclude(json, circularBConfig); json = addConf(json, "key1", "circularA1"); json = addConf(json, "key2", "circularA2"); return json; } private JSONObject buildCircularIncludeBConfig() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json = addInclude(json, circularAConfig); json = addConf(json, "key1", "circularB1"); json = addConf(json, "key3", "circularB3"); return json; } private String getStagingDirPath() { // Make it relative to the current user directory return new File("").getAbsolutePath() + "/tmp"; } private String buildFullPath(String fileName) { return getStagingDirPath() + "/" + fileName; } private void registerMockFile(String path, JSONObject json) { mockFileParser.put(new File(path), json); } @BeforeTest(alwaysRun = true) public void setUp() throws Exception { registerMockFile(buildFullPath(simpleAConfig), buildSimpleAConfig()); registerMockFile(buildFullPath(simpleBConfig), buildSimpleBConfig()); registerMockFile(buildFullPath(simpleIncludeConfig), buildSimpleIncludeConfig()); registerMockFile(buildFullPath(multiIncludeConfig), buildMultiIncludeConfig()); registerMockFile(buildFullPath(chainedConfig), buildChainedConfig()); registerMockFile(buildFullPath(circularAConfig), buildCircularIncludeAConfig()); registerMockFile(buildFullPath(circularBConfig), buildCircularIncludeBConfig()); } // Return an anonymous inner class that simulates file reading private ExpandedConfFileJSONProvider buildJSONProvider(String configPath) { return new ExpandedConfFileJSONProvider(new File(configPath)) { // Override file parsing so we can get contents w/o having actual files @Override protected JSONObject load(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); return mockFileParser.get(file); } }; } @Test(groups = "fast") public void testSimpleConfig() throws Exception { JSONObject json = buildJSONProvider(buildFullPath(simpleAConfig)).get(); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key1")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key1"), "simpleA1"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key2")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key2"), "simpleA2"); } @Test(groups = "fast") public void testSimpleIncludeConfig() throws Exception { JSONObject json = buildJSONProvider(buildFullPath(simpleIncludeConfig)).get(); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key1")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key1"), "simpleInclude1"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key2")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key2"), "simpleA2"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key4")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key4"), "simpleInclude4"); } @Test(groups = "fast") public void testMultiIncludeConfig() throws Exception { JSONObject json = buildJSONProvider(buildFullPath(multiIncludeConfig)).get(); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key1")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key1"), "multiInclude1"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key2")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key2"), "simpleA2"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key3")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key3"), "simpleB3"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key4")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key4"), "multiInclude4"); } @Test(groups = "fast") public void testChainedConfig() throws Exception { JSONObject json = buildJSONProvider(buildFullPath(chainedConfig)).get(); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key1")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key1"), "chainInclude1"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key2")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key2"), "simpleA2"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key4")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key4"), "simpleInclude4"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key5")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key5"), "chainInclude5"); } @Test(groups = "fast") public void testCircularIncludeConfig() throws Exception { JSONObject json = buildJSONProvider(buildFullPath(circularAConfig)).get(); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key1")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key1"), "circularA1"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key2")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key2"), "circularA2"); Assert.assertTrue(json.has("key3")); Assert.assertEquals(json.getString("key3"), "circularB3"); // Running also this proves that there is no infinite loop } }