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 * Copyright 2016-present Facebook, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package com.facebook.buck.versions;

import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildTarget;
import com.facebook.buck.model.Pair;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildTargetSourcePath;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.SourcePath;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.SourceWithFlags;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.TargetNode;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

 * A helper class which uses reflection to translate {@link BuildTarget}s in {@link TargetNode}s.
 * The API methods use an {@link Optional} for their return types, so that {@link Optional#empty()}
 * can be used to signify a translation was not needed.  This may allow some translation functions
 * to avoid copying or creating unnecessary new objects.
public abstract class TargetNodeTranslator {

    public abstract Optional<BuildTarget> translateBuildTarget(BuildTarget target);

    public abstract Optional<ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, Version>> getSelectedVersions(BuildTarget target);

    public <A> Optional<Optional<A>> translateOptional(Optional<A> val) {
        if (!val.isPresent()) {
            return Optional.empty();
        Optional<A> inner = translate(val.get());
        if (!inner.isPresent()) {
            return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.of(inner);

    public <A> Optional<ImmutableList<A>> translateList(ImmutableList<A> val) {
        boolean modified = false;
        ImmutableList.Builder<A> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (A a : val) {
            Optional<A> item = translate(a);
            modified = modified || item.isPresent();
        return modified ? Optional.of( : Optional.empty();

    public <A> Optional<ImmutableSet<A>> translateSet(ImmutableSet<A> val) {
        boolean modified = false;
        ImmutableSet.Builder<A> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
        for (A a : val) {
            Optional<A> item = translate(a);
            modified = modified || item.isPresent();
        return modified ? Optional.of( : Optional.empty();

    public <A extends Comparable<?>> Optional<ImmutableSortedSet<A>> translateSortedSet(ImmutableSortedSet<A> val) {
        boolean modified = false;
        ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<A> builder = ImmutableSortedSet.naturalOrder();
        for (A a : val) {
            Optional<A> item = translate(a);
            modified = modified || item.isPresent();
        return modified ? Optional.of( : Optional.empty();

    public <A extends Comparable<?>, B> Optional<ImmutableMap<A, B>> translateMap(ImmutableMap<A, B> val) {
        boolean modified = false;
        ImmutableMap.Builder<A, B> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
        for (Map.Entry<A, B> ent : val.entrySet()) {
            Optional<A> key = translate(ent.getKey());
            Optional<B> value = translate(ent.getValue());
            modified = modified || key.isPresent() || value.isPresent();
            builder.put(key.orElse(ent.getKey()), value.orElse(ent.getValue()));
        return modified ? Optional.of( : Optional.empty();

    public <A extends Comparable<?>, B> Optional<ImmutableSortedMap<A, B>> translateSortedMap(
            ImmutableSortedMap<A, B> val) {
        boolean modified = false;
        ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<A, B> builder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder();
        for (Map.Entry<A, B> ent : val.entrySet()) {
            Optional<A> key = translate(ent.getKey());
            Optional<B> value = translate(ent.getValue());
            modified = modified || key.isPresent() || value.isPresent();
            builder.put(key.orElse(ent.getKey()), value.orElse(ent.getValue()));
        return modified ? Optional.of( : Optional.empty();

    public <A, B> Optional<Pair<A, B>> translatePair(Pair<A, B> val) {
        Optional<A> first = translate(val.getFirst());
        Optional<B> second = translate(val.getSecond());
        if (!first.isPresent() && !second.isPresent()) {
            return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.of(new Pair<>(first.orElse(val.getFirst()), second.orElse(val.getSecond())));

    public Optional<BuildTargetSourcePath> translateBuildTargetSourcePath(BuildTargetSourcePath val) {
        BuildTarget target = val.getTarget();
        Optional<BuildTarget> translatedTarget = translate(target);
        return translatedTarget.isPresent() ? Optional.of(new BuildTargetSourcePath(translatedTarget.get()))
                : Optional.empty();

    public Optional<SourceWithFlags> translateSourceWithFlags(SourceWithFlags val) {
        Optional<SourcePath> translatedSourcePath = translate(val.getSourcePath());
        return translatedSourcePath.isPresent()
                ? Optional.of(SourceWithFlags.of(translatedSourcePath.get(), val.getFlags()))
                : Optional.empty();

    public <A> Optional<A> translate(A object) {
        if (object instanceof Optional) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateOptional((Optional<?>) object);
        } else if (object instanceof ImmutableList) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateList((ImmutableList<?>) object);
        } else if (object instanceof ImmutableSortedSet) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateSortedSet((ImmutableSortedSet<? extends Comparable<?>>) object);
        } else if (object instanceof ImmutableSet) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateSet((ImmutableSet<?>) object);
        } else if (object instanceof ImmutableSortedMap) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateSortedMap((ImmutableSortedMap<? extends Comparable<?>, ?>) object);
        } else if (object instanceof ImmutableMap) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateMap((ImmutableMap<? extends Comparable<?>, ?>) object);
        } else if (object instanceof Pair) {
            return (Optional<A>) translatePair((Pair<?, ?>) object);
        } else if (object instanceof BuildTargetSourcePath) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateBuildTargetSourcePath((BuildTargetSourcePath) object);
        } else if (object instanceof SourceWithFlags) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateSourceWithFlags((SourceWithFlags) object);
        } else if (object instanceof BuildTarget) {
            return (Optional<A>) translateBuildTarget((BuildTarget) object);
        } else if (object instanceof TargetTranslatable) {
            TargetTranslatable<A> targetTranslatable = (TargetTranslatable<A>) object;
            Optional<A> res = targetTranslatable.translateTargets(this);
            return res;
        } else {
            return Optional.empty();

    public <A> boolean translateConstructorArg(A constructorArg, A newConstructorArg) {
        boolean modified = false;

        // Generate the new constructor arg from the original
        for (Field field : constructorArg.getClass().getFields()) {
            try {
                Object val = field.get(constructorArg);
                Optional<Object> mVal = translate(val);
                modified = modified || mVal.isPresent();
                field.set(newConstructorArg, mVal.orElse(val));
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);

        return modified;

    private <A> Optional<A> translateConstructorArg(TargetNode<A, ?> node) {
        A constructorArg = node.getConstructorArg();
        if (node.getDescription() instanceof TargetTranslatorOverridingDescription) {
            return ((TargetTranslatorOverridingDescription<A>) node.getDescription())
                    .translateConstructorArg(node.getBuildTarget(), node.getCellNames(), this, constructorArg);
        } else {
            A newConstructorArg = node.getDescription().createUnpopulatedConstructorArg();
            boolean modified = translateConstructorArg(constructorArg, newConstructorArg);
            return modified ? Optional.of(newConstructorArg) : Optional.empty();

     * @return a copy of the given {@link TargetNode} with all found {@link BuildTarget}s translated,
     *         or {@link Optional#empty()} if the node requires no translation.
    public <A> Optional<TargetNode<A, ?>> translateNode(TargetNode<A, ?> node) {
        Optional<BuildTarget> target = translateBuildTarget(node.getBuildTarget());
        Optional<A> constructorArg = translateConstructorArg(node);
        Optional<ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>> declaredDeps = translateSet(node.getDeclaredDeps());
        Optional<ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>> extraDeps = translateSet(node.getExtraDeps());

        Optional<ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, Version>> selectedVersions = getSelectedVersions(node.getBuildTarget());
        Optional<ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, Version>> oldSelectedVersions = node.getSelectedVersions();
        if (oldSelectedVersions.equals(selectedVersions)) {
            selectedVersions = Optional.empty();

        // If nothing has changed, don't generate a new node.
        if (!target.isPresent() && !constructorArg.isPresent() && !declaredDeps.isPresent()
                && !extraDeps.isPresent() && !selectedVersions.isPresent()) {
            return Optional.empty();

        return Optional.of(node.withTargetConstructorArgDepsAndSelectedVerisons(
                target.orElse(node.getBuildTarget()), constructorArg.orElse(node.getConstructorArg()),
                declaredDeps.orElse(node.getDeclaredDeps()), extraDeps.orElse(node.getExtraDeps()),
