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 * Copyright 2019-present Facebook, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package com.facebook.buck.core.rules.actions;

import com.facebook.buck.core.model.BuildTarget;
import com.facebook.buck.core.rules.actions.ActionAnalysisData.ID;
import com.facebook.buck.core.rules.actions.Artifact.BuildArtifact;
import com.facebook.buck.core.sourcepath.ExplicitBuildTargetSourcePath;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
import org.immutables.value.Value.Style.ImplementationVisibility;

 * The factory for creating {@link ActionWrapperData}.
 * <p>This helps to hide and enforce the relationship between {@link ActionAnalysisDataKey}, {@link
 * ActionAnalysisData}, {@link Action}, and {@link BuildArtifact}
public class ActionWrapperDataFactory {

    private final ActionAnalysisDataRegistry actionRegistry;

    public ActionWrapperDataFactory(ActionAnalysisDataRegistry actionRegistry) {
        this.actionRegistry = actionRegistry;

    /** @return a {@link DeclaredArtifact} for the given path */
    public static DeclaredArtifact declareArtifact(Path output) {
        return ImmutableDeclaredArtifact.of(output);

     * The {@link DeclaredArtifact} is the promise during the rule implementation that an {@link
     * Action} will be created to generate an output at the corresponding path.
     * <p>This is not an {@link Artifact} in itself, and cannot be used as such for any {@link Action}
     * lookup, since it is not fully materialized with a corresponding {@link Action}.
     * <p>This {@link DeclaredArtifact} becomes materialized once {@link
     * #createActionAnalysisData(Class, BuildTarget, ImmutableSet, ImmutableSet, Object...)} has been
     * called with this as an output of an {@link Action}.
    @Value.Immutable(builder = false, copy = false)
    @Value.Style(visibility = ImplementationVisibility.PACKAGE)
    public abstract static class DeclaredArtifact {
        public abstract Path getOutputPath();

        private BuildArtifact materialize(ActionAnalysisDataKey key) {
            return ImmutableBuildArtifact.of(key,
                    ExplicitBuildTargetSourcePath.of(key.getBuildTarget(), getOutputPath()));

     * Creates the {@link ActionWrapperData} and its related {@link Action} from a set of {@link
     * DeclaredArtifact}s. The created {@link ActionWrapperData} is registered to the {@link
     * ActionAnalysisDataRegistry}.
     * <p>This will materialize the declared {@link DeclaredArtifact}s into {@link BuildArtifact}s
     * that can be passed via {@link}s to be consumed.
     * @param actionClazz
     * @param target the built target
     * @param inputs the inputs to the {@link Action}
     * @param outputs the declared outputs of the {@link Action}
     * @param args the arguments for construction the {@link Action}
     * @param <T> the concrete type of the {@link Action}
     * @return a map of the given {@link DeclaredArtifact} to the corresponding {@link BuildArtifact}
     *     to propagate to other rules
    public <T extends AbstractAction> ImmutableMap<DeclaredArtifact, BuildArtifact> createActionAnalysisData(
            Class<T> actionClazz, BuildTarget target, ImmutableSet<Artifact> inputs,
            ImmutableSet<DeclaredArtifact> outputs, Object... args) throws ActionCreationException {
        ActionAnalysisDataKey key = ImmutableActionAnalysisDataKey.of(target, new ID() {
        ImmutableMap<DeclaredArtifact, BuildArtifact> materializedOutputsMap = ImmutableMap
                .copyOf(Maps.toMap(outputs, declared -> declared.materialize(key)));
        Object[] fullArgs = new Object[args.length + 3];
        fullArgs[0] = target;
        fullArgs[1] = inputs;
        fullArgs[2] = materializedOutputsMap.values();
        System.arraycopy(args, 0, fullArgs, 3, args.length);
        try {
            // TODO(bobyf): we can probably do some stuff here with annotation processing to generate
            // typed creation
            T action = (T) actionClazz.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(fullArgs);
            ActionWrapperData actionAnalysisData = ImmutableActionWrapperData.of(key, action);

            return materializedOutputsMap;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ActionCreationException(e, actionClazz, fullArgs);