Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


import com.facebook.buck.util.HumanReadableException;
import com.facebook.buck.util.MoreStrings;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class ResourceFilters {

    /** Utility class: do not instantiate. */
    private ResourceFilters() {

     * The set of supported directories in resource folders.  This is defined in
    public static final ImmutableSet<String> SUPPORTED_RESOURCE_DIRECTORIES = ImmutableSet.of("animator", "anim",
            "color", "drawable", "mipmap", "layout", "menu", "raw", "values", "xml");

     * Represents the names and values of valid densities for resources as defined in
    public enum Density {
        // Note: ordering here matters and must be increasing by number!
        LDPI("ldpi", 120.0), NO_QUALIFIER("", 160.0), MDPI("mdpi", 160.0), TVDPI("tvdpi", 213.0), HDPI("hdpi",
                240.0), XHDPI("xhdpi", 320.0), XXHDPI("xxhdpi", 480.0), XXXHDPI("xxxhdpi", 640.0);

        private final String qualifier;
        private final double value;

        public static final Ordering<Density> ORDERING = Ordering.natural();

        Density(String qualifier, double value) {
            this.qualifier = qualifier;
            this.value = value;

        public double value() {
            return value;

        public String toString() {
            return qualifier;

        public static Density from(String s) {
            return s.isEmpty() ? NO_QUALIFIER : valueOf(s.toUpperCase());

        public static boolean isDensity(String s) {
            for (Density choice : values()) {
                if (choice.toString().equals(s)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

    public static class Qualifiers {
        /** e.g. "xhdpi" */
        public final ResourceFilters.Density density;
        /** e.g. "de-v11" */
        public final String others;

         * Creates a Qualfiers given the Path to a resource folder, pulls out the density filters and
         * leaves the rest.
        public static Qualifiers from(Path path) {
            ResourceFilters.Density density = Density.NO_QUALIFIER;
            StringBuilder othersBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            String parts[] = path.getFileName().toString().split("-");
            Preconditions.checkState(parts.length > 0);
            for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
                String qualifier = parts[i];
                if (ResourceFilters.Density.isDensity(qualifier)) {
                    density = Density.from(qualifier);
                } else {
                    othersBuilder.append((MoreStrings.isEmpty(othersBuilder) ? "" : "-") + qualifier);
            return new Qualifiers(density, othersBuilder.toString());

        private Qualifiers(Density density, String others) {
            this.density = density;
            this.others = others;

     * Takes a list of image files (as paths), and a target density (mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi), and
     * returns a list of files which can be safely left out when building an APK for phones with that
     * screen density. That APK will run on other screens as well but look worse due to scaling.
     * <p>
     * Each combination of non-density qualifiers is processed separately. For example, if we have
     * {@code drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-xhdpi, drawable-hdpi-ro}, for a target of {@code
     * mdpi}, we'll be keeping {@code drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi-ro}.
     * @param candidates list of paths to image files
     * @param targetDensities densities we want to keep
     * @param canDownscale do we have access to an image scaler
     * @return set of files to remove
    static Set<Path> filterByDensity(Collection<Path> candidates, Set<ResourceFilters.Density> targetDensities,
            boolean canDownscale) {
        ImmutableSet.Builder<Path> removals = ImmutableSet.builder();

        Table<String, Density, Path> imageValues = HashBasedTable.create();

        // Create mappings for drawables. If candidate == "<base>/drawable-<dpi>-<other>/<filename>",
        // then we'll record a mapping of the form ("<base>/<filename>/<other>", "<dpi>") -> candidate.
        // For example:
        //                                    mdpi                               hdpi
        //                       --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // key: res/some.png/    |  res/drawable-mdpi/some.png          res/drawable-hdpi/some.png
        // key: res/some.png/fr  |  res/drawable-fr-hdpi/some.png
        for (Path candidate : candidates) {
            Qualifiers qualifiers = Qualifiers.from(candidate.getParent());

            String filename = candidate.getFileName().toString();
            Density density = qualifiers.density;
            String resDirectory = candidate.getParent().getParent().toString();
            String key = String.format("%s/%s/%s", resDirectory, filename, qualifiers.others);
            imageValues.put(key, density, candidate);

        for (String key : imageValues.rowKeySet()) {
            Map<Density, Path> options = imageValues.row(key);
            Set<Density> available = options.keySet();

            // This is to make sure we preserve the existing structure of drawable/ files.
            Set<Density> targets = targetDensities;
            if (available.contains(Density.NO_QUALIFIER) && !available.contains(Density.MDPI)) {
                targets = Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.transform(targetDensities,
                        input -> (input == Density.MDPI) ? Density.NO_QUALIFIER : input));

            // We intend to keep all available targeted densities.
            Set<Density> toKeep = Sets.newHashSet(Sets.intersection(available, targets));

            // Make sure we have a decent fit for the largest target density.
            Density largestTarget = Density.ORDERING.max(targets);
            if (!available.contains(largestTarget)) {
                Density fallback = null;
                // Downscaling nine-patch drawables would require extra logic, not doing that yet.
                if (canDownscale && !options.values().iterator().next().toString().endsWith(".9.png")) {
                    // Highest possible quality, because we'll downscale it.
                    fallback = Density.ORDERING.max(available);
                } else {
                    // We want to minimize size, so we'll go for the smallest available density that's
                    // still larger than the missing one and, missing that, for the largest available.
                    for (Density candidate : Density.ORDERING.reverse().sortedCopy(available)) {
                        if (fallback == null ||, largestTarget) > 0) {
                            fallback = candidate;

            // Mark remaining densities for removal.
            for (Density density : Sets.difference(available, toKeep)) {


     * Given a list of paths of available drawables, and a target screen density, returns a
     * {@link} that fails for drawables of a different
     * density, whenever they can be safely removed.
     * @param candidates list of available drawables
     * @param targetDensities set of e.g. {@code "mdpi"}, {@code "ldpi"} etc.
     * @param canDownscale if no exact match is available, retain the highest quality
     * @return a predicate as above
    public static Predicate<Path> createImageDensityFilter(Collection<Path> candidates,
            Set<ResourceFilters.Density> targetDensities, boolean canDownscale) {
        final Set<Path> pathsToRemove = filterByDensity(candidates, targetDensities, canDownscale);
        return path -> !pathsToRemove.contains(path);

    private static String getResourceType(Path resourceFolder) {
        String parts[] = resourceFolder.getFileName().toString().split("-");
        return parts[0];

    private static Path getResourceFolder(Path resourceFile) {
        for (int i = 0; i < resourceFile.getNameCount(); i++) {
            Path part = resourceFile.getName(i);
            if (SUPPORTED_RESOURCE_DIRECTORIES.contains(getResourceType(part))) {
                return resourceFile.subpath(0, i + 1);
        throw new HumanReadableException("Resource file at %s is not in a valid resource folder.  See "
                + " "
                + "for a list of valid resource folders.", resourceFile);

     * Given a set of target densities, returns a {@link Predicate} that fails for any non-drawable
     * resource of a different density.  Special consideration exists for the default density
     * ({@link Density#NO_QUALIFIER} when the target does not exists.
    public static Predicate<Path> createDensityFilter(final ProjectFilesystem filesystem,
            final Set<Density> targetDensities) {
        return resourceFile -> {
            final Path resourceFolder = getResourceFolder(resourceFile);
            if (resourceFolder.getFileName().toString().startsWith("drawable")) {
                // Drawables are handled independently, so do not do anything with them.
                return true;
            Density density = Qualifiers.from(resourceFolder).density;

            // We should include the resource in these situations:
            // * it is one of the target densities
            // * this is a "values" resource, which we include the fallback and any targets so we do not
            //   have to parse the XML to determine if there are differences.
            // * there is no resource at any one of the target densities, and this is the fallback.
            if (targetDensities.contains(density)) {
                return true;

            if (density.equals(Density.NO_QUALIFIER)) {
                final String resourceType = getResourceType(resourceFolder);
                return resourceType.equals("values") || FluentIterable.from(targetDensities).anyMatch(target -> {
                    Path targetResourceFile = resourceFolder
                            .resolveSibling(String.format("%s-%s", resourceType, target))
                    return !filesystem.exists(targetResourceFile);
            return false;