Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010 Facebook, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import android.Manifest;
import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Messenger;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.webkit.CookieSyncManager;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

 * Main Facebook object for interacting with the Facebook developer API.
 * Provides methods to log in and log out a user, make requests using the REST
 * and Graph APIs, and start user interface interactions with the API (such as
 * pop-ups promoting for credentials, permissions, stream posts, etc.)
 * @author  Jim Brusstar (,
 *          Yariv Sadan (,
 *          Luke Shepard (
public class Facebook {

    // Strings used in the authorization flow
    public static final String REDIRECT_URI = "fbconnect://success";
    public static final String CANCEL_URI = "fbconnect://cancel";
    public static final String TOKEN = "access_token";
    public static final String EXPIRES = "expires_in";
    public static final String SINGLE_SIGN_ON_DISABLED = "service_disabled";

    public static final Uri ATTRIBUTION_ID_CONTENT_URI = Uri
    public static final String ATTRIBUTION_ID_COLUMN_NAME = "aid";

    private static final String ATTRIBUTION_PREFERENCES = "com.facebook.sdk.attributionTracking";
    private static final String PUBLISH_ACTIVITY_PATH = "%s/activities";
    private static final String MOBILE_INSTALL_EVENT = "MOBILE_APP_INSTALL";
    private static final String SUPPORTS_ATTRIBUTION = "supports_attribution";
    private static final String APPLICATION_FIELDS = "fields";
    private static final String ANALYTICS_EVENT = "event";
    private static final String ATTRIBUTION_KEY = "attribution";

    public static final int FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH = -1;

    private static final String LOGIN = "oauth";

    // Used as default activityCode by authorize(). See authorize() below.
    private static final int DEFAULT_AUTH_ACTIVITY_CODE = 32665;

    // Facebook server endpoints: may be modified in a subclass for testing
    protected static String DIALOG_BASE_URL = "";
    protected static String GRAPH_BASE_URL = "";
    protected static String RESTSERVER_URL = "";

    private String mAccessToken = null;
    private long mLastAccessUpdate = 0;
    private long mAccessExpires = 0;
    private String mAppId;

    private Activity mAuthActivity;
    private String[] mAuthPermissions;
    private int mAuthActivityCode;
    private DialogListener mAuthDialogListener;

    // If the last time we extended the access token was more than 24 hours ago
    // we try to refresh the access token again.
    final private long REFRESH_TOKEN_BARRIER = 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L;

    private boolean shouldAutoPublishInstall = true;
    private AutoPublishAsyncTask mAutoPublishAsyncTask = null;

     * Constructor for Facebook object.
     * @param appId
     *          Your Facebook application ID. Found at
    public Facebook(String appId) {
        if (appId == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify your application ID when instantiating "
                    + "a Facebook object. See README for details.");
        mAppId = appId;

     * Default authorize method. Grants only basic permissions.
     * See authorize() below for @params.
    public void authorize(Activity activity, final DialogListener listener) {
        authorize(activity, new String[] {}, DEFAULT_AUTH_ACTIVITY_CODE, listener);

     * Authorize method that grants custom permissions.
     * See authorize() below for @params.
    public void authorize(Activity activity, String[] permissions, final DialogListener listener) {
        authorize(activity, permissions, DEFAULT_AUTH_ACTIVITY_CODE, listener);

     * Full authorize method.
     * Starts either an Activity or a dialog which prompts the user to log in to
     * Facebook and grant the requested permissions to the given application.
     * This method will, when possible, use Facebook's single sign-on for
     * Android to obtain an access token. This involves proxying a call through
     * the Facebook for Android stand-alone application, which will handle the
     * authentication flow, and return an OAuth access token for making API
     * calls.
     * Because this process will not be available for all users, if single
     * sign-on is not possible, this method will automatically fall back to the
     * OAuth 2.0 User-Agent flow. In this flow, the user credentials are handled
     * by Facebook in an embedded WebView, not by the client application. As
     * such, the dialog makes a network request and renders HTML content rather
     * than a native UI. The access token is retrieved from a redirect to a
     * special URL that the WebView handles.
     * Note that User credentials could be handled natively using the OAuth 2.0
     * Username and Password Flow, but this is not supported by this SDK.
     * See and
     * for more details.
     * Note that this method is asynchronous and the callback will be invoked in
     * the original calling thread (not in a background thread).
     * Also note that requests may be made to the API without calling authorize
     * first, in which case only public information is returned.
     * IMPORTANT: Note that single sign-on authentication will not function
     * correctly if you do not include a call to the authorizeCallback() method
     * in your onActivityResult() function! Please see below for more
     * information. single sign-on may be disabled by passing FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH
     * as the activityCode parameter in your call to authorize().
     * @param activity
     *            The Android activity in which we want to display the
     *            authorization dialog.
     * @param applicationId
     *            The Facebook application identifier e.g. "350685531728"
     * @param permissions
     *            A list of permissions required for this application: e.g.
     *            "read_stream", "publish_stream", "offline_access", etc. see
     *            This parameter should not be null -- if you do not require any
     *            permissions, then pass in an empty String array.
     * @param activityCode
     *            Single sign-on requires an activity result to be called back
     *            to the client application -- if you are waiting on other
     *            activities to return data, pass a custom activity code here to
     *            avoid collisions. If you would like to force the use of legacy
     *            dialog-based authorization, pass FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH for this
     *            parameter. Otherwise just omit this parameter and Facebook
     *            will use a suitable default. See
     *              app/Activity.html for more information.
     * @param listener
     *            Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
     *            the authentication dialog has completed, failed, or been
     *            canceled.
    public void authorize(Activity activity, String[] permissions, int activityCode,
            final DialogListener listener) {

        boolean singleSignOnStarted = false;

        mAuthDialogListener = listener;

        // fire off an auto-attribution publish if appropriate.

        // Prefer single sign-on, where available.
        if (activityCode >= 0) {
            singleSignOnStarted = startSingleSignOn(activity, mAppId, permissions, activityCode);
        // Otherwise fall back to traditional dialog.
        if (!singleSignOnStarted) {
            startDialogAuth(activity, permissions);

     * Internal method to handle single sign-on backend for authorize().
     * @param activity
     *            The Android Activity that will parent the ProxyAuth Activity.
     * @param applicationId
     *            The Facebook application identifier.
     * @param permissions
     *            A list of permissions required for this application. If you do
     *            not require any permissions, pass an empty String array.
     * @param activityCode
     *            Activity code to uniquely identify the result Intent in the
     *            callback.
    private boolean startSingleSignOn(Activity activity, String applicationId, String[] permissions,
            int activityCode) {
        boolean didSucceed = true;
        Intent intent = new Intent();

        intent.setClassName("com.facebook.katana", "com.facebook.katana.ProxyAuth");
        intent.putExtra("client_id", applicationId);
        if (permissions.length > 0) {
            intent.putExtra("scope", TextUtils.join(",", permissions));

        // Verify that the application whose package name is
        // com.facebook.katana.ProxyAuth
        // has the expected FB app signature.
        if (!validateActivityIntent(activity, intent)) {
            return false;

        mAuthActivity = activity;
        mAuthPermissions = permissions;
        mAuthActivityCode = activityCode;
        try {
            activity.startActivityForResult(intent, activityCode);
        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
            didSucceed = false;

        return didSucceed;

     * Helper to validate an activity intent by resolving and checking the
     * provider's package signature.
     * @param context
     * @param intent
     * @return true if the service intent resolution happens successfully and the
     *    signatures match.
    private boolean validateActivityIntent(Context context, Intent intent) {
        ResolveInfo resolveInfo = context.getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intent, 0);
        if (resolveInfo == null) {
            return false;

        return validateAppSignatureForPackage(context, resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName);

     * Helper to validate a service intent by resolving and checking the
     * provider's package signature.
     * @param context
     * @param intent
     * @return true if the service intent resolution happens successfully and the
     *    signatures match.
    private boolean validateServiceIntent(Context context, Intent intent) {
        ResolveInfo resolveInfo = context.getPackageManager().resolveService(intent, 0);
        if (resolveInfo == null) {
            return false;

        return validateAppSignatureForPackage(context, resolveInfo.serviceInfo.packageName);

     * Query the signature for the application that would be invoked by the
     * given intent and verify that it matches the FB application's signature.
     * @param context
     * @param packageName
     * @return true if the app's signature matches the expected signature.
    private boolean validateAppSignatureForPackage(Context context, String packageName) {

        PackageInfo packageInfo;
        try {
            packageInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
        } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
            return false;

        for (Signature signature : packageInfo.signatures) {
            if (signature.toCharsString().equals(FB_APP_SIGNATURE)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Internal method to handle dialog-based authentication backend for
     * authorize().
     * @param activity
     *            The Android Activity that will parent the auth dialog.
     * @param applicationId
     *            The Facebook application identifier.
     * @param permissions
     *            A list of permissions required for this application. If you do
     *            not require any permissions, pass an empty String array.
    private void startDialogAuth(Activity activity, String[] permissions) {
        Bundle params = new Bundle();
        if (permissions.length > 0) {
            params.putString("scope", TextUtils.join(",", permissions));
        dialog(activity, LOGIN, params, new DialogListener() {

            public void onComplete(Bundle values) {
                // ensure any cookies set by the dialog are saved
                if (isSessionValid()) {
                            "Login Success! access_token=" + getAccessToken() + " expires=" + getAccessExpires());
                } else {
                    mAuthDialogListener.onFacebookError(new FacebookError("Failed to receive access token."));

            public void onError(DialogError error) {
                Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login failed: " + error);

            public void onFacebookError(FacebookError error) {
                Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login failed: " + error);

            public void onCancel() {
                Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login canceled");

     * IMPORTANT: This method must be invoked at the top of the calling
     * activity's onActivityResult() function or Facebook authentication will
     * not function properly!
     * If your calling activity does not currently implement onActivityResult(),
     * you must implement it and include a call to this method if you intend to
     * use the authorize() method in this SDK.
     * For more information, see
     *   Activity.html#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
    public void authorizeCallback(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        if (requestCode == mAuthActivityCode) {

            // Successfully redirected.
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {

                // Check OAuth 2.0/2.10 error code.
                String error = data.getStringExtra("error");
                if (error == null) {
                    error = data.getStringExtra("error_type");

                // A Facebook error occurred.
                if (error != null) {
                    if (error.equals(SINGLE_SIGN_ON_DISABLED) || error.equals("AndroidAuthKillSwitchException")) {
                                "Hosted auth currently " + "disabled. Retrying dialog auth...");
                        startDialogAuth(mAuthActivity, mAuthPermissions);
                    } else if (error.equals("access_denied") || error.equals("OAuthAccessDeniedException")) {
                        Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login canceled by user.");
                    } else {
                        String description = data.getStringExtra("error_description");
                        if (description != null) {
                            error = error + ":" + description;
                        Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login failed: " + error);
                        mAuthDialogListener.onFacebookError(new FacebookError(error));

                    // No errors.
                } else {
                    if (isSessionValid()) {
                        Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login Success! access_token=" + getAccessToken()
                                + " expires=" + getAccessExpires());
                    } else {
                        mAuthDialogListener.onFacebookError(new FacebookError("Failed to receive access token."));

                // An error occurred before we could be redirected.
            } else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {

                // An Android error occured.
                if (data != null) {
                    Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login failed: " + data.getStringExtra("error"));
                    mAuthDialogListener.onError(new DialogError(data.getStringExtra("error"),
                            data.getIntExtra("error_code", -1), data.getStringExtra("failing_url")));

                    // User pressed the 'back' button.
                } else {
                    Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login canceled by user.");

     * Refresh OAuth access token method. Binds to Facebook for Android
     * stand-alone application application to refresh the access token. This
     * method tries to connect to the Facebook App which will handle the
     * authentication flow, and return a new OAuth access token. This method
     * will automatically replace the old token with a new one. Note that this
     * method is asynchronous and the callback will be invoked in the original
     * calling thread (not in a background thread).
     * @param context
     *            The Android Context that will be used to bind to the Facebook
     *            RefreshToken Service
     * @param serviceListener
     *            Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
     *            the refresh request has completed or failed (can be null). In
     *            case of a success a new token can be found inside the result
     *            Bundle under Facebook.ACCESS_TOKEN key.
     * @return true if the binding to the RefreshToken Service was created
    public boolean extendAccessToken(Context context, ServiceListener serviceListener) {
        Intent intent = new Intent();

        intent.setClassName("com.facebook.katana", "com.facebook.katana.platform.TokenRefreshService");

        // Verify that the application whose package name is
        // com.facebook.katana
        // has the expected FB app signature.
        if (!validateServiceIntent(context, intent)) {
            return false;

        return context.bindService(intent, new TokenRefreshServiceConnection(context, serviceListener),

    * Calls extendAccessToken if shouldExtendAccessToken returns true.
    * @return the same value as extendAccessToken if the the token requires
    *           refreshing, true otherwise
    public boolean extendAccessTokenIfNeeded(Context context, ServiceListener serviceListener) {
        if (shouldExtendAccessToken()) {
            return extendAccessToken(context, serviceListener);
        return true;

     * Check if the access token requires refreshing. 
     * @return true if the last time a new token was obtained was over 24 hours ago.
    public boolean shouldExtendAccessToken() {
        return isSessionValid() && (System.currentTimeMillis() - mLastAccessUpdate >= REFRESH_TOKEN_BARRIER);

     * Handles connection to the token refresh service (this service is a part
     * of Facebook App).
    private class TokenRefreshServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection {

        final Messenger messageReceiver = new Messenger(new Handler() {
            public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
                String token = msg.getData().getString(TOKEN);
                long expiresAt = msg.getData().getLong(EXPIRES) * 1000L;

                // To avoid confusion we should return the expiration time in
                // the same format as the getAccessExpires() function - that
                // is in milliseconds.
                Bundle resultBundle = (Bundle) msg.getData().clone();
                resultBundle.putLong(EXPIRES, expiresAt);

                if (token != null) {
                    if (serviceListener != null) {
                } else if (serviceListener != null) { // extract errors only if client wants them
                    String error = msg.getData().getString("error");
                    if (msg.getData().containsKey("error_code")) {
                        int errorCode = msg.getData().getInt("error_code");
                        serviceListener.onFacebookError(new FacebookError(error, null, errorCode));
                    } else {
                        serviceListener.onError(new Error(error != null ? error : "Unknown service error"));

                // The refreshToken function should be called rarely,
                // so there is no point in keeping the binding open.

        final ServiceListener serviceListener;
        final Context applicationsContext;

        Messenger messageSender = null;

        public TokenRefreshServiceConnection(Context applicationsContext, ServiceListener serviceListener) {
            this.applicationsContext = applicationsContext;
            this.serviceListener = serviceListener;

        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {
            messageSender = new Messenger(service);

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName arg) {
            serviceListener.onError(new Error("Service disconnected"));
            // We returned an error so there's no point in
            // keeping the binding open.

        private void refreshToken() {
            Bundle requestData = new Bundle();
            requestData.putString(TOKEN, mAccessToken);

            Message request = Message.obtain();
            request.replyTo = messageReceiver;

            try {
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                serviceListener.onError(new Error("Service connection error"));

     * Invalidate the current user session by removing the access token in
     * memory, clearing the browser cookie, and calling auth.expireSession
     * through the API.
     * Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not
     * call it in a UI thread.
     * @param context
     *            The Android context in which the logout should be called: it
     *            should be the same context in which the login occurred in
     *            order to clear any stored cookies
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws MalformedURLException
     * @return JSON string representation of the auth.expireSession response
     *            ("true" if successful)
    public String logout(Context context) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
        Bundle b = new Bundle();
        b.putString("method", "auth.expireSession");
        String response = request(b);
        return response;

     * Make a request to Facebook's old (pre-graph) API with the given
     * parameters. One of the parameter keys must be "method" and its value
     * should be a valid REST server API method.
     * See
     * Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not
     * call it in a UI thread.
     * Example:
     * <code>
     *  Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
     *  parameters.putString("method", "auth.expireSession");
     *  String response = request(parameters);
     * </code>
     * @param parameters
     *            Key-value pairs of parameters to the request. Refer to the
     *            documentation: one of the parameters must be "method".
     * @throws IOException
     *            if a network error occurs
     * @throws MalformedURLException
     *            if accessing an invalid endpoint
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *            if one of the parameters is not "method"
     * @return JSON string representation of the response
    public String request(Bundle parameters) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
        if (!parameters.containsKey("method")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "API method must be specified. " + "(parameters must contain key \"method\" and value). See"
                            + "");
        return request(null, parameters, "GET");

     * Make a request to the Facebook Graph API without any parameters.
     * See
     * Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not
     * call it in a UI thread.
     * @param graphPath
     *            Path to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data
     *            about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me",
     *            which will fetch
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws MalformedURLException
     * @return JSON string representation of the response
    public String request(String graphPath) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
        return request(graphPath, new Bundle(), "GET");

     * Make a request to the Facebook Graph API with the given string parameters
     * using an HTTP GET (default method).
     * See
     * Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not
     * call it in a UI thread.
     * @param graphPath
     *            Path to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data
     *            about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me",
     *            which will fetch
     * @param parameters
     *            key-value string parameters, e.g. the path "search" with
     *            parameters "q" : "facebook" would produce a query for the
     *            following graph resource:
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws MalformedURLException
     * @return JSON string representation of the response
    public String request(String graphPath, Bundle parameters) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
        return request(graphPath, parameters, "GET");

     * Synchronously make a request to the Facebook Graph API with the given
     * HTTP method and string parameters. Note that binary data parameters
     * (e.g. pictures) are not yet supported by this helper function.
     * See
     * Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not
     * call it in a UI thread.
     * @param graphPath
     *            Path to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data
     *            about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me",
     *            which will fetch
     * @param params
     *            Key-value string parameters, e.g. the path "search" with
     *            parameters {"q" : "facebook"} would produce a query for the
     *            following graph resource:
     * @param httpMethod
     *            http verb, e.g. "GET", "POST", "DELETE"
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws MalformedURLException
     * @return JSON string representation of the response
    public String request(String graphPath, Bundle params, String httpMethod)
            throws FileNotFoundException, MalformedURLException, IOException {
        params.putString("format", "json");
        if (isSessionValid()) {
            params.putString(TOKEN, getAccessToken());
        String url = (graphPath != null) ? GRAPH_BASE_URL + graphPath : RESTSERVER_URL;
        return Util.openUrl(url, httpMethod, params);

     * Generate a UI dialog for the request action in the given Android context.
     * Note that this method is asynchronous and the callback will be invoked in
     * the original calling thread (not in a background thread).
     * @param context
     *            The Android context in which we will generate this dialog.
     * @param action
     *            String representation of the desired method: e.g. "login",
     *            "stream.publish", ...
     * @param listener
     *            Callback interface to notify the application when the dialog
     *            has completed.
    public void dialog(Context context, String action, DialogListener listener) {
        dialog(context, action, new Bundle(), listener);

     * Generate a UI dialog for the request action in the given Android context
     * with the provided parameters.
     * Note that this method is asynchronous and the callback will be invoked in
     * the original calling thread (not in a background thread).
     * @param context
     *            The Android context in which we will generate this dialog.
     * @param action
     *            String representation of the desired method: e.g. "feed" ...
     * @param parameters
     *            String key-value pairs to be passed as URL parameters.
     * @param listener
     *            Callback interface to notify the application when the dialog
     *            has completed.
    public void dialog(Context context, String action, Bundle parameters, final DialogListener listener) {

        String endpoint = DIALOG_BASE_URL + action;
        parameters.putString("display", "touch");
        parameters.putString("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URI);

        if (action.equals(LOGIN)) {
            parameters.putString("type", "user_agent");
            parameters.putString("client_id", mAppId);
        } else {
            parameters.putString("app_id", mAppId);

        if (isSessionValid()) {
            parameters.putString(TOKEN, getAccessToken());
        String url = endpoint + "?" + Util.encodeUrl(parameters);
        if (context
                .checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.INTERNET) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            Util.showAlert(context, "Error", "Application requires permission to access the Internet");
        } else {
            new FbDialog(context, url, listener).show();

     * @return boolean - whether this object has an non-expired session token
    public boolean isSessionValid() {
        return (getAccessToken() != null)
                && ((getAccessExpires() == 0) || (System.currentTimeMillis() < getAccessExpires()));

     * Retrieve the OAuth 2.0 access token for API access: treat with care.
     * Returns null if no session exists.
     * @return String - access token
    public String getAccessToken() {
        return mAccessToken;

     * Retrieve the current session's expiration time (in milliseconds since
     * Unix epoch), or 0 if the session doesn't expire or doesn't exist.
     * @return long - session expiration time
    public long getAccessExpires() {
        return mAccessExpires;

     * Retrieve the last time the token was updated (in milliseconds since
     * the Unix epoch), or 0 if the token has not been set.
     * @return long - timestamp of the last token update.
    public long getLastAccessUpdate() {
        return mLastAccessUpdate;

     * Restore the token, expiration time, and last update time from cached values.
     * These should be values obtained from getAccessToken(), getAccessExpires, and
     * getLastAccessUpdate() respectively.
     * @param accessToken - access token
     * @param accessExpires - access token expiration time
     * @param lastAccessUpdate - timestamp of the last token update
    public void setTokenFromCache(String accessToken, long accessExpires, long lastAccessUpdate) {
        mAccessToken = accessToken;
        mAccessExpires = accessExpires;
        mLastAccessUpdate = lastAccessUpdate;

     * Set the OAuth 2.0 access token for API access.
     * @param token - access token
    public void setAccessToken(String token) {
        mAccessToken = token;
        mLastAccessUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Set the current session's expiration time (in milliseconds since Unix
     * epoch), or 0 if the session doesn't expire.
     * @param time - timestamp in milliseconds
    public void setAccessExpires(long time) {
        mAccessExpires = time;

     * Set the current session's duration (in seconds since Unix epoch), or "0"
     * if session doesn't expire.
     * @param expiresIn
     *            - duration in seconds (or 0 if the session doesn't expire)
    public void setAccessExpiresIn(String expiresIn) {
        if (expiresIn != null) {
            long expires = expiresIn.equals("0") ? 0
                    : System.currentTimeMillis() + Long.parseLong(expiresIn) * 1000L;

    public String getAppId() {
        return mAppId;

    public void setAppId(String appId) {
        mAppId = appId;

     * Get Attribution ID for app install conversion tracking.
     * @param contentResolver
     * @return Attribution ID that will be used for conversion tracking. It will be null only if
     *         the user has not installed or logged in to the Facebook app.
    public static String getAttributionId(ContentResolver contentResolver) {
        String[] projection = { ATTRIBUTION_ID_COLUMN_NAME };
        Cursor c = contentResolver.query(ATTRIBUTION_ID_CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null);
        if (c == null || !c.moveToFirst()) {
            return null;
        String attributionId = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(ATTRIBUTION_ID_COLUMN_NAME));

        return attributionId;

     * Get the auto install publish setting.  If true, an install event will be published during authorize(), unless
     * it has occurred previously or the app does not have install attribution enabled on the application's developer
     * config page.
     * @return
    public boolean getShouldAutoPublishInstall() {
        return shouldAutoPublishInstall;

     * Sets whether auto publishing of installs will occur.
     * @param value
    public void setShouldAutoPublishInstall(boolean value) {
        shouldAutoPublishInstall = value;

     * Manually publish install attribution to the facebook graph.  Internally handles tracking repeat calls to prevent
     * multiple installs being published to the graph.
     * @param context
     * @return returns false on error.  Applications should retry until true is returned.  Safe to call again after
     * true is returned.
    public boolean publishInstall(final Context context) {
        try {
            // copy the application id to guarantee thread safety..
            String applicationId = mAppId;
            if (applicationId != null) {
                publishInstall(this, applicationId, context);
                return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // if there was an error, fall through to the failure case.
            Util.logd("Facebook-publish", e.getMessage());
        return false;

     * This function does the heavy lifting of publishing an install.
     * @param fb
     * @param applicationId
     * @param context
     * @throws Exception
    private static void publishInstall(final Facebook fb, final String applicationId, final Context context)
            throws JSONException, FacebookError, MalformedURLException, IOException {

        String attributionId = Facebook.getAttributionId(context.getContentResolver());
        SharedPreferences preferences = context.getSharedPreferences(ATTRIBUTION_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        String pingKey = applicationId + "ping";
        long lastPing = preferences.getLong(pingKey, 0);
        if (lastPing == 0 && attributionId != null) {
            Bundle supportsAttributionParams = new Bundle();
            supportsAttributionParams.putString(APPLICATION_FIELDS, SUPPORTS_ATTRIBUTION);
            JSONObject supportResponse = Util.parseJson(fb.request(applicationId, supportsAttributionParams));
            Object doesSupportAttribution = (Boolean) supportResponse.get(SUPPORTS_ATTRIBUTION);

            if (!(doesSupportAttribution instanceof Boolean)) {
                throw new JSONException(String.format("%s contains %s instead of a Boolean", SUPPORTS_ATTRIBUTION,

            if ((Boolean) doesSupportAttribution) {
                Bundle publishParams = new Bundle();
                publishParams.putString(ANALYTICS_EVENT, MOBILE_INSTALL_EVENT);
                publishParams.putString(ATTRIBUTION_KEY, attributionId);

                String publishUrl = String.format(PUBLISH_ACTIVITY_PATH, applicationId);

                fb.request(publishUrl, publishParams, "POST");

                // denote success since no error threw from the post.
                SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
                editor.putLong(pingKey, System.currentTimeMillis());

    void autoPublishAsync(final Context context) {
        AutoPublishAsyncTask asyncTask = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            if (mAutoPublishAsyncTask == null && getShouldAutoPublishInstall()) {
                // copy the application id to guarantee thread safety against our container.
                String applicationId = Facebook.this.mAppId;

                // skip publish if we don't have an application id.
                if (applicationId != null) {
                    asyncTask = mAutoPublishAsyncTask = new AutoPublishAsyncTask(applicationId, context);

        if (asyncTask != null) {

     * Async implementation to allow auto publishing to not block the ui thread.
    private class AutoPublishAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
        private final String mApplicationId;
        private final Context mApplicationContext;

        public AutoPublishAsyncTask(String applicationId, Context context) {
            mApplicationId = applicationId;
            mApplicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();

        protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
            try {
                Facebook.publishInstall(Facebook.this, mApplicationId, mApplicationContext);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Util.logd("Facebook-publish", e.getMessage());
            return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
            // always clear out the publisher to allow other invocations.
            synchronized (Facebook.this) {
                mAutoPublishAsyncTask = null;

     * Callback interface for dialog requests.
    public static interface DialogListener {

         * Called when a dialog completes.
         * Executed by the thread that initiated the dialog.
         * @param values
         *            Key-value string pairs extracted from the response.
        public void onComplete(Bundle values);

         * Called when a Facebook responds to a dialog with an error.
         * Executed by the thread that initiated the dialog.
        public void onFacebookError(FacebookError e);

         * Called when a dialog has an error.
         * Executed by the thread that initiated the dialog.
        public void onError(DialogError e);

         * Called when a dialog is canceled by the user.
         * Executed by the thread that initiated the dialog.
        public void onCancel();


     * Callback interface for service requests.
    public static interface ServiceListener {

         * Called when a service request completes.
         * @param values
         *            Key-value string pairs extracted from the response.
        public void onComplete(Bundle values);

         * Called when a Facebook server responds to the request with an error.
        public void onFacebookError(FacebookError e);

         * Called when a Facebook Service responds to the request with an error.
        public void onError(Error e);


    public static final String FB_APP_SIGNATURE = "30820268308201d102044a9c4610300d06092a864886f70d0101040500307a310"
            + "b3009060355040613025553310b30090603550408130243413112301006035504"
            + "07130950616c6f20416c746f31183016060355040a130f46616365626f6f6b204"
            + "d6f62696c653111300f060355040b130846616365626f6f6b311d301b06035504"
            + "03131446616365626f6f6b20436f72706f726174696f6e3020170d30393038333"
            + "13231353231365a180f32303530303932353231353231365a307a310b30090603"
            + "55040613025553310b30090603550408130243413112301006035504071309506"
            + "16c6f20416c746f31183016060355040a130f46616365626f6f6b204d6f62696c"
            + "653111300f060355040b130846616365626f6f6b311d301b06035504031314466"
            + "16365626f6f6b20436f72706f726174696f6e30819f300d06092a864886f70d01"
            + "0101050003818d0030818902818100c207d51df8eb8c97d93ba0c8c1002c928fa"
            + "b00dc1b42fca5e66e99cc3023ed2d214d822bc59e8e35ddcf5f44c7ae8ade50d7"
            + "e0c434f500e6c131f4a2834f987fc46406115de2018ebbb0d5a3c261bd97581cc"
            + "fef76afc7135a6d59e8855ecd7eacc8f8737e794c60a761c536b72b11fac8e603"
            + "f5da1a2d54aa103b8a13c0dbc10203010001300d06092a864886f70d010104050"
            + "0038181005ee9be8bcbb250648d3b741290a82a1c9dc2e76a0af2f2228f1d9f9c"
            + "4007529c446a70175c5a900d5141812866db46be6559e2141616483998211f4a6"
            + "73149fb2232a10d247663b26a9031e15f84bc1c74d141ff98a02d76f85b2c8ab2"
            + "571b6469b232d8e768a7f7ca04f7abe4a775615916c07940656b58717457b42bd" + "928a2";
