Java tutorial
package; import; import; import com.exlibris.core.infra.common.cache.SessionUtils; import com.exlibris.core.infra.common.exceptions.logging.ExLogger; import com.exlibris.core.infra.svc.api.CodeTablesResourceBundle; import com.exlibris.core.sdk.formatting.DublinCore; import com.exlibris.digitool.common.dnx.DNXConstants; import com.exlibris.digitool.common.dnx.DnxDocument; import com.exlibris.digitool.common.dnx.DnxRecordKey; import com.exlibris.digitool.common.dnx.DnxSection; import com.exlibris.digitool.common.dnx.DnxSectionRecord; import com.exlibris.dps.sdk.access.AccessException; import; import com.exlibris.dps.sdk.deposit.IEParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class MiradorViewerPreProcessor extends AbstractViewerPreProcessor { private ArrayList<String> filesPid = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList<String> origFilesPid = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList<String> pids = new ArrayList(); private HashMap<Integer, String> storageMap = null; private Properties prop; private String pid = null; private String repPid = null; private String origPid = null; private String origRepPid = null; private MiradorViewerPreProcessor.repType type = null; private String ext = ""; private String licentie = ""; private String entiteit = ""; private String progressBarMessage = null; private Db db = null; private static final ExLogger logger = ExLogger.getExLogger(MiradorViewerPreProcessor.class); private String iipservDir = " /operational_shared/tmp/delivery/MiradorViewerPreProcessor"; private String m2 = ""; private String iipserv = ""; // private final String m2 = ""; // private final String iipserv = ""; //private final String miradorserver = ""; private Writer output; public void init(DnxDocument dnx, Map<String, String> viewContext, HttpServletRequest request, String dvs, String ieParentId, String repParentId) throws AccessException { try { prop.load(new FileInputStream("")); iipservDir = prop.getProperty("iipservDir"); m2 = prop.getProperty("mirador"); iipserv = prop.getProperty("iipserv"); } catch (IOException e) {" not loaded"); throw new AccessException(); } //create oracle connection db = new Db(); storageMap = db.getStorageIds();"in MiradorViewerPP execute"); super.init(dnx, viewContext, request, dvs, ieParentId, repParentId); = this.origPid = getPid(); this.pids = db.getOtherPIDsOfEntity(; this.pids.add(0,; try { IEParser ieParser = getAccess().getIE(, null, null); this.repPid = this.origRepPid = db.getDerivativeHighPid(; if ((this.repPid = this.origRepPid = db.getDerivativeHighPid( == null) { this.repPid = this.origRepPid = db.getPreservation(; } gov.loc.mets.StructMapType[] structMapTypeArray = ieParser.getStructMapsByFileGrpId(this.repPid); for (gov.loc.mets.StructMapType structMapType : structMapTypeArray) { this.origFilesPid = ieParser.getFilesArray(structMapType); if (structMapType.getTYPE() .equals( { break; } } DnxDocument dnxie = ieParser.getIeDnx(); DnxSection dnxieS = dnxie.getSectionById(DNXConstants.ACCESSRIGHTSPOLICY.sectionId); List<DnxSectionRecord> dnxieSR = dnxieS.getRecordList(); for (DnxSectionRecord record : dnxieSR) { DnxRecordKey key = record.getKeyById(DNXConstants.ACCESSRIGHTSPOLICY.POLICYID.sectionKeyId); if (this.licentie.length() != 0) this.licentie += " - "; this.licentie += key.getValue(); } DnxSection dnxieS2 = dnxie.getSectionById(DNXConstants.GENERALIECHARACTERISTICS.sectionId); List<DnxSectionRecord> dnxieSR2 = dnxieS2.getRecordList(); for (DnxSectionRecord record : dnxieSR2) { DnxRecordKey key = record .getKeyById(DNXConstants.GENERALIECHARACTERISTICS.IEENTITYTYPE.sectionKeyId); if (this.entiteit.length() != 0) this.entiteit += " - "; this.entiteit += key.getValue().replace("_", " "); } this.ext = db.getFileExtension(this.origFilesPid.get(0)); if (this.ext.toUpperCase().equals( { this.type = MiradorViewerPreProcessor.repType.JP2; } else if (this.ext.toUpperCase().equals( { this.type = MiradorViewerPreProcessor.repType.TIFF; } else if (this.ext.toUpperCase().equals( { this.type = MiradorViewerPreProcessor.repType.TIFF; } else { logger.error("Error In Book Reader VPP - The viewer doesn't support the following ext:" + this.ext.toUpperCase(), new String[] { this.origPid }); throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error In Book Reader VPP - cannot retreive the files to view", e, new String[] { this.origPid }); throw new AccessException(); } } public void execute() throws Exception { boolean origPidFound = false; Map paramMap = getAccess().getViewerDataByDVS(getDvs()).getParameters(); // addHeaderIndexFile(); Iterator iterator = this.pids.iterator(); int filecntr = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { = (String); try { if (!updateNeeded( { if ( { origPidFound = true; IEParser ieParser = getAccess().getIE(this.origPid, null, null); DublinCore dc = ieParser.getIeDublinCore(); paramMap.put("ie_title", dc.getTitle()); } // addManifestToIndexFile(; continue; } if ((filecntr < 10) || (origPidFound == false)) { IEParser ieParser = getAccess().getIE(, null, null); if ((this.repPid = db.getDerivativeHighPid( == null) { this.repPid = db.getPreservation(; } gov.loc.mets.StructMapType[] structMapTypeArray = ieParser .getStructMapsByFileGrpId(this.repPid); for (gov.loc.mets.StructMapType structMapType : structMapTypeArray) { this.filesPid = ieParser.getFilesArray(structMapType); if (structMapType.getTYPE() .equals( { break; } } DublinCore dc = ieParser.getIeDublinCore(); this.ext = db.getFileExtension(this.filesPid.get(0)); if ((this.ext != null) && ((this.ext.toUpperCase() .equals( || (this.ext.toUpperCase().equals( { prepareImageFiles(dc.getTitle()); // addManifestToIndexFile(; if ( { origPidFound = true;"origPidFound=" + origPidFound); } filecntr = filecntr + 1;"filecntr=" + filecntr); } else { logger.warn("Book reader viewer pre processor doesn't support type: " + this.type + ", PID: " +, new String[0]); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error In Book Reader VPP - cannot retreive the files to view", e, new String[] { }); throw new AccessException(); } } // addFooterIndexFile(); //"addFooterIndexFile"); //String filePath = getAccess().exportFileStream((String)this.origFilesPid.get((this.origFilesPid.size())-1), MiradorViewerPreProcessor.class.getSimpleName(), this.ieParentId, this.repDirName, this.origRepPid + File.separator + (this.origFilesPid.size()-1)); //String directoryPath = filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf(String.valueOf(this.origFilesPid.size() - 1))); // String filePath = getAccess().exportFileStream((String)this.origFilesPid.get((this.origFilesPid.size())-1), MiradorViewerPreProcessor.class.getSimpleName(), this.ieParentId, this.repDirName, this.origRepPid + File.separator + (this.origFilesPid.size()-1)); // String directoryPath = filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf(String.valueOf(this.origFilesPid.size() - 1))); // String filePath = storageMap.get(db.getStorageid())+db.getInternalpath(); paramMap.put("ie_dvs", getDvs()); paramMap.put("entiteit", db.getEntityType()); paramMap.put("ie_pid", this.origPid); getAccess().setParametersByDVS(getDvs(), paramMap); getAccess().updateProgressBar(getDvs(), "", 100); // db.getFileLabel(this.origPid); // String fileDir = db.getInternalpath().substring(0,db.getInternalpath().lastIndexOf("/")) // getAccess().setFilePathByDVS(getDvs(), new SmartFilePath(directoryPath), this.origRepPid);"finished"); } private void prepareImageFiles(String title) throws Exception { String filePath = ""; JSONObject manifest = new JSONObject(); manifest.put("@context", ""); manifest.put("@id", "" + + "manifest.json"); // manifest.put( "@id", "http://" + +"manifest.json"); // manifest.put( "@id", "" + +"manifest.json"); manifest.put("@type", "sc:Manifest"); manifest.put("label", title); manifest.put("license", this.licentie); manifest.put("attribution", this.entiteit); JSONObject sequence = new JSONObject(); sequence.put("@id", m2 + "data/Pauls/rosetta/sequences/normal"); sequence.put("@type", "sc:Sequence"); sequence.put("label", "Current page order"); sequence.put("viewingDirection", "left-to-right"); sequence.put("viewingHint", "paged"); JSONArray sequences = new JSONArray(); JSONArray canvases = new JSONArray(); for (int index = 0; index < this.filesPid.size(); index++) { // filePath = getAccess().exportFileStream((String)this.filesPid.get(index), MiradorViewerPreProcessor.class.getSimpleName(), this.ieParentId, this.repDirName, this.repPid + File.separator + index); String label = db.getFileLabel(this.filesPid.get(index)); // String fullFileName = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("MiradorViewerPreProcessor")+("MiradorViewerPreProcessor").length()+1); // canvases.put(createManifestFile(label,fullFileName,this.filesPid.get(index),index)); if (db.getStorageid() > 0) { filePath = storageMap.get(db.getStorageid()) + db.getInternalpath(); setsymboliclink(filePath); canvases.put(createManifestFile(label, filePath, this.filesPid.get(index), index)); } updateProgressBar(index); } sequence.put("canvases", canvases); sequences.put(sequence); manifest.put("sequences", sequences); writeManifest(manifest,; } private void setsymboliclink(String filePath) { Process p; Process pp; Process ppp; String fileDir = filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("/")); String filename = filePath.substring(fileDir.length() + 1); String totalfiledir = iipservDir + fileDir; String totalfilename = totalfiledir + "/" + filename; try { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mkdir -p " + totalfiledir); p.waitFor(); p.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } // File newDirectory = new File(totalfiledir); // if (!newDirectory.exists() || !newDirectory.isDirectory()) { // logger.error(totalfiledir+ " bestaat niet."); // } else { // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cd"); //; try { // ppp = pb.start(); // ppp.waitFor(); pp = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ln -nfs " + filePath + " " + totalfilename); pp.waitFor();"exit: " + pp.exitValue()); pp.destroy(); // ppp.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } // } } private void updateProgressBar(int index) throws Exception { if (index % 10 == 0) { if (this.progressBarMessage == null) { Locale locale = new Locale(SessionUtils.getSessionLanguage()); ResourceBundle resourceBundle = CodeTablesResourceBundle.getDefaultBundle(locale); this.progressBarMessage = resourceBundle.getString("delivery.progressBar.bookReaderMessage"); } getAccess().updateProgressBar(getDvs(), this.progressBarMessage, Integer.valueOf(index * 100 / this.filesPid.size()).intValue()); } } private JSONObject createManifestFile(String label, String fullFilename, String filePid, int index) { JSONObject service = new JSONObject(); try { service.put("@context", ""); service.put("@id", iipserv + "/iipsrv.fcgi?iiif=" + fullFilename); service.put("profile", ""); JSONObject resource = new JSONObject(); resource.put("@id", iipserv + "/iipsrv.fcgi?iiif=" + fullFilename); resource.put("@type", "dctypes:Image"); resource.put("label", label); resource.put("service", service); JSONObject image = new JSONObject(); image.put("@id", m2 + "/data/Pauls/rosetta/resources/anno-1"); image.put("@type", "oa:Annotation"); image.put("motivation", "sc:painting"); image.put("resource", resource); image.put("on", m2 + "/data/Pauls/rosetta/canvas/canvas-" + index); JSONArray images = new JSONArray(); images.put(image); JSONObject canvas = new JSONObject(); canvas.put("@id", m2 + "/data/Pauls/rosetta/canvas/canvas-" + index); canvas.put("@type", "sc:Canvas"); canvas.put("label", label); db.getFileSize(filePid); canvas.put("height", db.getHoogte()); canvas.put("width", db.getBreedte()); canvas.put("images", images); return canvas; } catch (JSONException e) {; return null; } } public boolean updateNeeded(String pid) { Integer rosettaDatum = db.getModificationDate(pid); Integer manifestDatum = 0; boolean updNeeded = false; File file = new File("//operational_shared//mirador//" + pid + "manifest.json"); if (file.exists()) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); sdf.format(file.lastModified()); manifestDatum = Integer.valueOf(sdf.format(file.lastModified())); } updNeeded = rosettaDatum > manifestDatum ? true : false; return updNeeded; } public void writeManifest(JSONObject manifest, String pid) { try { // Writing to a file File file = new File("//operational_shared//mirador//" + pid + "manifest.json"); file.createNewFile(); FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file); fileWriter.write(manifest.toString()); fileWriter.flush(); fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private String readFile(String file) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line = null; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { stringBuilder.append(line); stringBuilder.append(ls); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } public void addHeaderIndexFile() { try { String data = "<script>$(function() {Mirador({\"id\": \"viewer\",\"currentWorkspaceType\": \"singleObject\",\"data\":["; File file = new File("//operational_shared//entities//" + db.getEntityType() + "manifest.html"); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } output = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter("//operational_shared//entities//" + db.getEntityType() + "manifest.html")); output.append(data); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void addManifestToIndexFile(String iePid) { try { if (!iePid.equals(this.origPid)) { output.append(","); } output.append("{ \"manifestUri\": \"" + m2 + "/manifest/" + iePid + "manifest.json\", \"location\": \"LIBIS\"}"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void addFooterIndexFile() { String indexFileWindowObjects = "],\"windowObjects\": [{\"loadedManifest\": \"" + m2 + "/manifest/" + "\"+loadedIePid+\"" + "manifest.json\",\"viewType\" : \"ImageView\"}]"; String indexFileFooter = "}); Mirador.viewer.activeWorkspace.slots[0].addItem(); }); </script>"; try { output.append(indexFileWindowObjects + indexFileFooter); output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static enum repType { JPEG, JPG, PDF, JP2, TIFF, TIF, PNG; } }