Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.example.ekanban.service; import com.example.ekanban.dto.PConsumption; import com.example.ekanban.dto.ProductCsv; import com.example.ekanban.dto.ProductDto; import com.example.ekanban.dto.ProductError; import com.example.ekanban.entity.*; import com.example.ekanban.enums.BinState; import com.example.ekanban.enums.ClassType; import com.example.ekanban.enums.KanbanType; import com.example.ekanban.enums.OrderState; import com.example.ekanban.exception.ProductDetailsNotValidException; import; import com.example.ekanban.respository.*; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import com.example.ekanban.util.Constants; import com.example.ekanban.util.CsvUtils; import com.example.ekanban.util.MiscUtil; import com.opencsv.CSVReader; import com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean; import com.opencsv.bean.HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy; import; import org.dozer.Mapper; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; @Service @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class ProductService { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProductService.class); private final ProductRepository productRepository; private final SectionRepository sectionRepository; private final SupplierRepository supplierRepository; @Autowired private CategoryRepository categoryRepository; @Autowired private SubCategoryRepository subCategoryRepository; @Autowired private ConsumptionRepositoryImpl consumptionRepository; @Autowired private OrderRepository orderRepository; @Autowired private UserRepository userRepository; private ProductConverter converter; private Mapper mapper; int i = -1; long totalMonthyConsumption; double commulativePercentage; @Autowired public ProductService(ProductRepository productRepository, SectionRepository sectionRepository, SupplierRepository supplierRepository) { this.productRepository = productRepository; this.sectionRepository = sectionRepository; this.supplierRepository = supplierRepository; } @Autowired public void setConverter(ProductConverter converter) { this.converter = converter; } @Autowired public void setMapper(Mapper mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } public ProductDto findOne(Long id, boolean initSections, boolean initSuupliers) { logger.debug("findOne(): id = {}", id); Product product = productRepository.findOne(id); if (product != null && initSections) { Hibernate.initialize(product.getSectionList()); } if (product != null && initSuupliers) { Hibernate.initialize(product.getSupplierList()); } return, ProductDto.class); } public List<ProductDto> findAll() { logger.debug("findAll()"); return productRepository.findAll().stream().map(product ->, ProductDto.class)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public Page<ProductDto> findPageBySubCategory(SubCategory subCategory, Pageable pageable) { logger.debug("findPageBySubCategory()"); Page<Product> page = productRepository.findBySubCategory(subCategory, pageable); page.forEach(p -> { Hibernate.initialize(p.getSectionList()); Hibernate.initialize(p.getSupplierList()); }); return; } public ProductDto findByName(String name) { logger.debug("findByName(): name = ", name); return, ProductDto.class); } public Boolean exists(Long id) { logger.debug("exists(): id = ", id); return productRepository.exists(id); } public Long count() { logger.debug("count()"); return productRepository.count(); } @Transactional public ProductDto save(Product product, List<Long> sections, List<Long> suppliers) { logger.debug("save()"); Set<Section> sectionList = new HashSet<>(); Set<Supplier> supplierList = new HashSet<>(); if (sections != null) { sections.forEach(secId -> { sectionList.add(sectionRepository.findOne(secId)); }); } if (suppliers != null) { suppliers.forEach(secId -> { supplierList.add(supplierRepository.findOne(secId)); }); } product.setSectionList(sectionList); product.setSupplierList(supplierList); product.setStkOnFloor(0L); product.setOrderedQty(0L); product =; return, ProductDto.class); } @Transactional public ProductDto update(Product product, List<Long> sections, List<Long> suppliers) { logger.debug("update()"); Product product2 = productRepository.findOne(product.getId()); map(product, product2); Set<Section> sectionList = product2.getSectionList(); sectionList.clear(); sections.forEach(secId -> { sectionList.add(sectionRepository.findOne(secId)); }); Set<Supplier> supplierList = product2.getSupplierList(); supplierList.clear(); suppliers.forEach(secId -> { supplierList.add(supplierRepository.findOne(secId)); }); return, ProductDto.class); } @Transactional public void delete(Long id) { logger.debug("delete(): id = {}", id); productRepository.delete(id); } @Transactional public void addProductsBatch(MultipartFile file) { logger.debug("addProductsBatch"); List<ProductCsv> list = null; //convert to csv string String output = null; try { if (file.getOriginalFilename().contains("xlsx")) { output = CsvUtils.fromXlsx(file.getInputStream()); } else if (file.getOriginalFilename().contains("xls")) { output = CsvUtils.fromXls(file.getInputStream()); } //logger.debug(output); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //Read as Bean from csv String CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new StringReader(output), ';'); HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy<ProductCsv> strategy = new HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy<>(); strategy.setType(ProductCsv.class); CsvToBean<ProductCsv> csvToBean = new CsvToBean<>(); list = csvToBean.parse(strategy, reader); //Validate Product Data validate(list); //convert from DTO to ENTITY List<Product> products = map(list);; } @Transactional public void sync(Boolean firstSync) { totalMonthyConsumption = 0L; commulativePercentage = 0.0; List<Product> products = productRepository.findAll(); Map<Long, PConsumption> consumptionMap = new HashedMap(); /*/////////Processing monthly consumption/////////*/ products.forEach(product -> { Long avgValue = consumptionRepository.findAvgConsumptionOfLastYear(product.getId()); consumptionMap.put(product.getId(), new PConsumption(product.getPrice().longValue() * avgValue)); totalMonthyConsumption += product.getPrice().longValue() * avgValue; }); //Sort on basis of consumption value descending Map<Long, PConsumption> sortedConsumptionMap = MiscUtil.sortByValueDesc(consumptionMap); //Calculate percentage contribution and commulative contribution sortedConsumptionMap.forEach((id, pConsumption) -> { double percent = (double) pConsumption.getMonthlyConsumption() / (double) totalMonthyConsumption; percent *= 100; pConsumption.setPercentage(percent); pConsumption.setCommulativePercentage(commulativePercentage + percent); commulativePercentage += percent; }); //Update product dynamically calculated values products.forEach(product -> { double cp = sortedConsumptionMap.get(product.getId()).getCommulativePercentage(); ClassType classType = cp <= 60 ? ClassType.CLASS_A : cp <= 80 ? ClassType.CLASS_B : ClassType.CLASS_C; product.setClassType(classType); ///////////////// KanbanType kanbanType = classType == ClassType.CLASS_A || classType == ClassType.CLASS_B ? KanbanType.N_BIN : KanbanType.TWO_BIN; product.setKanbanType(kanbanType); /////////////// Long maxValue = consumptionRepository.findMaxConsumptionOfLastYear(product.getId()); product.setDemand(maxValue / Constants.NO_OF_DAYS_IN_MONTH); /////////////////// long binQty = product.getDemand() > product.getMinOrderQty() ? product.getDemand() : product.getMinOrderQty(); if (product.getPacketSize().doubleValue() < 1.0) { binQty = (long) ((binQty / product.getPacketSize().doubleValue() + 1) * product.getPacketSize().doubleValue()); } else { binQty = (binQty / product.getPacketSize().longValue() + 1) * product.getPacketSize().longValue(); } product.setBinQty(binQty); int noOfBins = 2; if (classType != ClassType.CLASS_C) { int tat = product.getTimeOrdering() + product.getTimeProcurement() + product.getTimeTransporation() + product.getTimeBuffer(); noOfBins = (int) (product.getDemand() * tat / binQty + 2); } product.setNoOfBins(noOfBins); }); //Update Inventory if (firstSync) { User application = userRepository.findOne(1L); products.forEach(product -> { int noOfBins = product.getNoOfBins(); int binInStock = getNoOfBins(product.getStkOnFloor(), product.getBinQty()); Inventory inv = null; if (binInStock <= noOfBins) { //binInStock is less than NoOfBins, So add that number of bins in Stock for (int i = 0; i < binInStock; i++) { product.addInventory(new Inventory(i + 1, BinState.STORE)); } int binInOrder = getNoOfBins(product.getOrderedQty(), product.getBinQty()); if (binInStock + binInOrder <= noOfBins) { //binInStock+binInOrder is less than NoOfBins, So add binInOrder Bins in Ordered state StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = binInStock; i < binInStock + binInOrder; i++) { inv = new Inventory(i + 1, BinState.ORDERED); product.addInventory(inv); builder.append((i + 1)).append(","); } if (builder.length() >= 2) { builder.setLength(builder.length() - 1); Order(product, builder.toString(), new Date(), application, OrderState.ORDERED.getValue())); } if (noOfBins - (binInStock + binInOrder) > 0) { //noOfBins - (binInStock + binInOrder) > 0, means this diff Bins are pending orders for (int i = binInStock + binInOrder; i < noOfBins; i++) { product.addInventory(new Inventory(i + 1, BinState.PURCHASE)); } } } else { //binInStock+binInOrder is greater than NoOfBins, So add (noOfBins - binInStock) Bins in Ordered state, and stop furhter processing StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = binInStock; i < noOfBins; i++) { product.addInventory(new Inventory(i + 1, BinState.ORDERED)); builder.append((i + 1)).append(","); } if (builder.length() >= 2) { builder.setLength(builder.length() - 1); Order(product, builder.toString(), new Date(), application, OrderState.ORDERED.getValue())); } } } else { // //binInStock is greater than NoOfBins, So add noOfBins Bin in Stock and stop any further processing Since Stock is full for (int i = 0; i < noOfBins; i++) { product.addInventory(new Inventory(i + 1, BinState.STORE)); } } }); } else { products.forEach(product -> { int noOfInventory = product.getInventorySet().size(); //if inventory size for a product is less than no of bins, then no of bins got increased after sync. if (noOfInventory < product.getNoOfBins()) { for (int i = noOfInventory + 1; i <= product.getNoOfBins(); i++) { product.addInventory(new Inventory(i, BinState.PURCHASE)); } } }); } } private int getNoOfBins(Long value, Long binQty) { int result = (int) (value / binQty); int surplus = (int) (value % binQty); int roundValue = (int) (Constants.STK_ROUND_FRACTION * binQty.doubleValue()); result = surplus > roundValue ? result + 1 : result; return result; } private void validate(List<ProductCsv> productCsvList) { logger.debug("validating {} products ...", productCsvList.size()); List<ProductCsv> removeList = new ArrayList<>(); List<ProductError> errors = new ArrayList<>(); i = 2; productCsvList.forEach(p -> { if (p.getName() == null && p.getCategory() == null && p.getSubCategory() == null) { removeList.add(p); } else { if (p.getName() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("PRODUCT_NAME", i, "Product Name cannot be balnk.")); } if (p.getCategory() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("CATEGORY", i, "Product Category cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getSubCategory() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("SUB_CATEGORY", i, "Product SubCategory cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getPrice() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("PRICE", i, "Product Price cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getTimeOrdering() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("ORDERING_TIME", i, "Product Ordering time cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getTimeProcurement() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("PRODUCTION_TIME", i, "Product Production time cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getTimeTransporation() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("TRANSPORTATION_TIME", i, "Product Transportation time cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getTimeBuffer() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("BUFFER_TIME", i, "Product Buffer time cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getUomPurchase() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("UOM_PURCHASE", i, "Product Unit of Measurment (Purchase) cannot be blank" + ".")); } if (p.getUomConsumption() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("UOM_CONSUMPTION", i, "Product Unit of Measurment (Consumption) cannot be" + " blank.")); } if (p.getConversionFactor() == null) { errors.add( new ProductError("CONVERSION_FACTOR", i, "Product Conversion Factor cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getMinOrderQty() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("MIN_ORDER_QTY", i, "Product minimum order quantity cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getPacketSize() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("PACKET_SIZE", i, "Product packet size cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getItemCode() == null) { errors.add(new ProductError("ITEM_CODE", i, "Product Item Code cannot be blank.")); } if (p.getSupplierType() != null && !(p.getSupplierType().equals("LOCAL") || p.getSupplierType().equals("NON_LOCAL"))) { errors.add(new ProductError("SUPPLIER_TYPE", i, "Supplier type can have [LOCAL,NON_LOCAL] values")); } } i++; }); for (ProductCsv p : removeList) { productCsvList.remove(p); } if (errors.size() > 0) { throw new ProductDetailsNotValidException("Product details has errors.", errors); } } /** * Called by addProductsBatch() method to map from ProductCsv List to Product List * * @param list List of ProductCsv * @return List of Product */ private List<Product> map(List<ProductCsv> list) { List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>(); List<ProductError> errors = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> itemCodeList = new HashSet<>(); Map<String, Integer> mapMonth = MiscUtil.getMapMonth(); Set<String> months = mapMonth.keySet(); int currYear = MiscUtil.getCurrentYear(); int currMonth = MiscUtil.getCurrentMonth(); i = 2; list.forEach(productCsv -> { /*check packet value if it is zero*/ if (productCsv.getPacketSize().doubleValue() == 0) { errors.add(new ProductError("PACKET_SIZE", i, "Packet Size cannot be zero.")); } /*check price value if it is zero*/ if (productCsv.getPrice().doubleValue() == 0) { errors.add(new ProductError("PRICE", i, "Packet Size cannot be zero.")); } if (itemCodeList.contains(productCsv.getItemCode())) { errors.add(new ProductError("ITEM_CODE", i, productCsv.getItemCode() + " is duplicate Item Code.")); } itemCodeList.add(productCsv.getItemCode()); Product product =, Product.class); /*////////Mapping SubCategory////////////*/ SubCategory subCategory = subCategoryRepository.findByName(productCsv.getSubCategory().trim()); //If category of existing subcategory is not equal to category of coming product, report error if (subCategory != null && !subCategory.getCategory().getName().trim() .equalsIgnoreCase(productCsv.getCategory().trim())) { errors.add(new ProductError("SUB_CATEGORY", i, "Sub Category '" + subCategory.getName() + "' belongs to Category '" + productCsv.getCategory() + "' which can't belong to Category '" + subCategory.getCategory().getName() + "'.")); } else { //If SubCategory is null or category of existing subcategory is not equal to category of coming product,add new SubCategory if (subCategory == null) { Category category = categoryRepository.findByName(productCsv.getCategory().trim()); if (category == null) { category = Category(productCsv.getCategory().trim())); } subCategory = new SubCategory(productCsv.getSubCategory().trim()); subCategory.setCategory(category); subCategory =; } product.setSubCategory(subCategory); /*////////Mapping Suuplier////////////*/ if (productCsv.getSupplier() != null) { Supplier supplier = supplierRepository.findByName(productCsv.getSupplier().trim()); if (supplier == null) { supplier = Supplier(productCsv.getSupplier().trim(), productCsv.getContactPerson(), productCsv.getSupplierType())); } Set<Supplier> suppliers = new HashSet<>(); suppliers.add(supplier); product.setSupplierList(suppliers); } /*Set Total Lead Time*/ product.setTotalLeadTime(product.getTimeOrdering() + product.getTimeProcurement() + product.getTimeTransporation() + product.getTimeBuffer()); /*/////Adding Consumptions//////////*/ Consumption consumption; int mnth; Long value; for (String m : months) { mnth = mapMonth.get(m); value = getConsumptionForMonth(productCsv, m); if (value != null) { if (mnth <= currMonth) { consumption = new Consumption(currYear, mnth, value); } else { consumption = new Consumption(currYear - 1, mnth, value); } product.addConsumption(consumption); } } /*//////Setting stkOnFloor and orderedQty to zero if value is null*/ if (product.getStkOnFloor() == null) product.setStkOnFloor(0L); if (product.getOrderedQty() == null) product.setOrderedQty(0L); products.add(product); } i++; }); if (errors.size() > 0) { throw new ProductDetailsNotValidException("Product Details has errors", errors); } return products; } private Long getConsumptionForMonth(ProductCsv productCsv, String month) { switch (month) { case "JAN": return productCsv.getJan() != null ? productCsv.getJan().longValue() : null; case "FEB": return productCsv.getFeb() != null ? productCsv.getFeb().longValue() : null; case "MAR": return productCsv.getMar() != null ? productCsv.getMar().longValue() : null; case "APR": return productCsv.getApr() != null ? productCsv.getApr().longValue() : null; case "MAY": return productCsv.getMay() != null ? productCsv.getMay().longValue() : null; case "JUN": return productCsv.getJun() != null ? productCsv.getJun().longValue() : null; case "JUL": return productCsv.getJul() != null ? productCsv.getJul().longValue() : null; case "AUG": return productCsv.getAug() != null ? productCsv.getAug().longValue() : null; case "SEP": return productCsv.getSep() != null ? productCsv.getSep().longValue() : null; case "OCT": return productCsv.getOct() != null ? productCsv.getOct().longValue() : null; case "NOV": return productCsv.getNov() != null ? productCsv.getNov().longValue() : null; case "DEC": return productCsv.getDec() != null ? productCsv.getDec().longValue() : null; } return null; } /** * Called by Update method * * @param src New value that needs to be updated * @param dest Old Value from Repository */ private void map(Product src, Product dest) { if (src.getName() != null) dest.setName(src.getName()); if (src.getDescription() != null) dest.setDescription(src.getDescription()); if (src.getPrice() != null) dest.setPrice(src.getPrice()); if (src.getItemCode() != null) dest.setItemCode(src.getItemCode()); if (src.getTimeOrdering() != null) dest.setTimeOrdering(src.getTimeOrdering()); if (src.getTimeProcurement() != null) dest.setTimeProcurement(src.getTimeProcurement()); if (src.getTimeTransporation() != null) dest.setTimeTransporation(src.getTimeTransporation()); if (src.getTimeBuffer() != null) dest.setTimeBuffer(src.getTimeBuffer()); if (src.getUomPurchase() != null) dest.setUomPurchase(src.getUomPurchase()); if (src.getUomConsumption() != null) dest.setUomConsumption(src.getUomConsumption()); if (src.getConversionFactor() != null) dest.setConversionFactor(src.getConversionFactor()); if (src.getMinOrderQty() != null) dest.setMinOrderQty(src.getMinOrderQty()); if (src.getPacketSize() != null) dest.setPacketSize(src.getPacketSize()); if (src.getClassType() != null) dest.setClassType(src.getClassType()); if (src.getKanbanType() != null) dest.setKanbanType(src.getKanbanType()); if (src.getBinQty() != null) dest.setBinQty(src.getBinQty()); if (src.getNoOfBins() != null) dest.setNoOfBins(src.getNoOfBins()); if (src.getDemand() != null) dest.setDemand(src.getDemand()); } public Resource printBarcode(Long id, String bins) { Product product = productRepository.findOne(id); return MiscUtil.generateBarcodePdf(product, bins); } }