Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2010 mAPPn.Inc
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.example.common;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;

import com.example.codec.binary.Base64;
import com.example.codec.binary.DigestUtils;
import com.example.common.ApiAsyncTask.ApiRequestListener;
import com.example.session.Session;
import com.example.util.SecurityUtil;
import com.example.util.Utils;

import android.content.Context;

 * GfanMobile aMarket API utility class
 * @author
 * @date 2010-10-29
 * @since Version 0.4.0
public class MarketAPI {

    /** API host */
    public static final String API_BASE_URL =
            // real host
    // test host
    //        "";

    /** API */
    public static final String API_HOST_JAVA = API_BASE_URL + "market/api/";
    //      "";

    /** API*/
    public static final String API_UCENTER_HOST = API_BASE_URL
            // real host
            + "uc1/common/";
    // test host
    //        + "uc/common/";
    // TEST 
    //            "";

    public static final String BBS_SEARCH_API = "";
    //    "";

    // User Center URL HOST
    public static final String API_HOST_CLOUD = "";

    //  API URLS
    /* package */static final String[] API_URLS = {
            // ACTION_LOGIN
            API_UCENTER_HOST + "login",
            // ACTION_REGISTER
            API_UCENTER_HOST + "register",
            // ACTION_GET_COMMENTS
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getComments",
            // ACTION_ADD_COMMENT
            API_HOST_JAVA + "addComment",
            // ACTION_ADD_RATING
            API_HOST_JAVA + "addRating",
            API_BASE_URL + "sdk/pay/purchaseProduct",
            API_BASE_URL + "sdk/pay/getConsumeSum",
            // ACTION_SYNC_BUYLOG
            API_HOST_JAVA + "syncBuyLog",
            // ACTION_GET_MYRATING
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getMyRating",
            API_BASE_URL + "sdk/pay/getConsumeDetail",
            // ACTION_GET_TOPIC
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getTopic",
            // ACTION_SEARCH
            API_HOST_JAVA + "search",
            // ACTION_GET_PRODUCTS
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getProducts",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getRecommendProducts",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getProductDetail",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getDownloadUrl",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getHomeRecommend",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "checkNewVersion",
            // ACTION_GET_CATEGORY
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getCategory",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "checkUpgrade",
            // ACTION_BIND_ACCOUNT
            API_HOST_CLOUD + "?mo=cloud_phone&do=addDev",
            // ACTION_GET_BALANCE
            API_UCENTER_HOST + "query_balance",
            // ACTION_GET_PAY_LOG
            API_BASE_URL + "sdk/pay/chargeConsumeLog",
            // ACTION_CHARGE
            API_BASE_URL + "pay/szf/servlet/rechargeRequest",
            API_BASE_URL + "pay/szf/getCardConfigServlet",
            API_BASE_URL + "pay/szf/sdk/queryServlet",
            // ACTION_QUERY_CHARGE
            API_UCENTER_HOST + "query_charge_log_list",
            // ACTION_SYNC_APPS
            API_HOST_JAVA + "syncApps",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "checkNewSplash",
            // ACTION_UNBIND
            API_HOST_CLOUD + "?mo=cloud_phone&do=delDev&uid=",
            // ACTION_GET_DETAIL
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getDetail",
            API_BASE_URL + "pay/szf/servlet/",
            API_BASE_URL + "pay/szf/servlet/",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getKeywords",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getTopRecommend",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getRankByCategory",
            // ACTION_GET_GROW_FAST
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getGrowFast",
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getAllCategory",
            // ACTION_GET_REQUIRED
            API_HOST_JAVA + "getRequired",
            // ACTION_BBS_SEARCH
            BBS_SEARCH_API };

    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_LOGIN = 0;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_REGISTER = 1;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_COMMENTS = 2;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_ADD_COMMENT = 3;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_ADD_RATING = 4;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_PURCHASE_PRODUCT = 5;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_CONSUMESUM = 6;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_SYNC_BUYLOG = 7;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_MYRATING = 8;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_CONSUME_DETAIL = 9;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_TOPIC = 10;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_SEARCH = 11;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_PRODUCTS = 12;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_RECOMMEND_PRODUCTS = 13;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_PRODUCT_DETAIL = 14;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_DOWNLOAD_URL = 15;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_HOME_RECOMMEND = 16;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_CHECK_NEW_VERSION = 17;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_CATEGORY = 18;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_CHECK_UPGRADE = 19;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_BIND_ACCOUNT = 20;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_BALANCE = 21;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_PAY_LOG = 22;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_CHARGE = 23;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_SYNC_CARDINFO = 24;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_QUERY_CHARGE_BY_ORDERID = 25;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_QUERY_CHARGE = 26;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_SYNC_APPS = 27;
    /** SPLASH */
    public static final int ACTION_CHECK_NEW_SPLASH = 28;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_UNBIND = 29;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_DETAIL = 30;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_ALIPAY_ORDER_INFO = 31;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_QUERY_ALIPAY_RESULT = 32;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_SEARCH_KEYWORDS = 33;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_TOP_RECOMMEND = 34;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_RANK_BY_CATEGORY = 35;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_GROW_FAST = 36;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_ALL_CATEGORY = 37;
    /**  */
    public static final int ACTION_GET_REQUIRED = 38;
    /** BBS Search API */
    public static final int ACTION_BBS_SEARCH = 39;

     * Get Search Keywords API<br>
     * Default size is 10.
    public static void getSearchKeywords(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);

        params.put("size", 15);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_SEARCH_KEYWORDS, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getSearchFromBBS(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String keyword, int start,
            int size) {

        ArrayList<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("searchWord", keyword));
        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("startPosition", String.valueOf(start)));
        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("size", String.valueOf(size)));

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_BBS_SEARCH, handler, params).execute();

     * API<br>
    public static void getRequired(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);

        Session session = Session.get(context);

        params.put("platform", session.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", session.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", session.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_REQUIRED, handler, params).execute();

     * Get Home Page Top Recommends API<br>
     * Default size is 10.
    public static void getTopRecommend(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);

        Session session = Session.get(context);

        params.put("platform", session.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", session.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", session.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_TOP_RECOMMEND, handler, params).execute();

     * Get All Category API<br>
    public static void getAllCategory(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);

        Session session = Session.get(context);

        params.put("platform", session.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", session.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", session.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_ALL_CATEGORY, handler, params).execute();

     * Register API<br>
     * Do the register process, UserName, Password, Email must be provided.<br>
    public static void register(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String username, String password,
            String email) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);

        params.put("username", username);
        params.put("password", password);
        params.put("email", email);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_REGISTER, handler, params).execute();

    * Login API<br>
    * Do the login process, UserName, Password must be provided.<br>
    public static void login(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String username, String password) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);

        params.put("username", username);
        params.put("password", password);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_LOGIN, handler, params).execute();

     * Get Home Recommend API<br>
     * <br>
    public static void getHomeRecommend(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, int startPosition, int size) {

        Session session = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(5);
        params.put("size", size);
        params.put("start_position", startPosition);
        params.put("platform", session.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", session.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", session.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_HOME_RECOMMEND, handler, params).execute();

      * Get Rank By Category API<br>
      * <br>
    public static void getRankByCategory(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, int startPosition, int size,
            String category) {

        Session session = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(6);
        params.put("size", size);
        params.put("start_position", startPosition);
        params.put("category", category);
        params.put("platform", session.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", session.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", session.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_RANK_BY_CATEGORY, handler, params).execute();

     * Get Grow Fast API<br>
     * <br>
    public static void getGrowFast(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, int startPosition, int size) {

        Session session = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(5);
        params.put("size", size);
        params.put("start_position", startPosition);
        params.put("platform", session.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", session.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", session.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_GROW_FAST, handler, params).execute();

     * Bind user account with cloud authority
    public static void bindAccount(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
        params.put("uid", mSession.getUid());
        params.put("devid", mSession.getDeviceId());
        params.put("imei", mSession.getIMEI());
        params.put("phonemodel", mSession.getModel());
        // use new hudee system
        params.put("version", 2);
        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_BIND_ACCOUNT, handler, params).execute();

     * Unbind user account with cloud authority
    public static void unbindAccount(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_UNBIND, handler, null).execute();

    public static void getRecommendProducts(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String type, int size,
            int startPosition) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(6);
        params.put("type", type);
        params.put("size", size);
        params.put("start_position", startPosition);
        params.put("platform", mSession.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", mSession.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", mSession.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_RECOMMEND_PRODUCTS, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getCategory(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String categoryCode) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(5);
        params.put("local_version", -1);
        params.put("category_cord", categoryCode);
        params.put("platform", mSession.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", mSession.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", mSession.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_CATEGORY, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getProducts(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, int size, int startPosition,
            int orderBy, String categoryId) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(6);
        params.put("size", size);
        params.put("start_position", startPosition);
        params.put("platform", mSession.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", mSession.getScreenSize());
        params.put("orderby", orderBy);
        params.put("category_id", categoryId);
        params.put("match_type", mSession.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_PRODUCTS, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getComments(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String pId, int size,
            int startPosition) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);
        params.put("p_id", pId);
        params.put("size", size);
        params.put("start_position", startPosition);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_COMMENTS, handler, params).execute();

    /*   public static void charge(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler,
     String password, String type, CardInfo card) {
          Session mSession = Session.get(context);
          final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(7);
          params.put("user_id", mSession.getUid());
            SecurityUtil.encryptPassword(password, String.valueOf(mSession.getUid())));
          params.put("type", type);
          params.put("pay_type", card.payType);
          params.put("card_account", card.cardAccount);
          params.put("card_password", card.cardPassword);
          params.put("card_credit", card.cardCredit);
          new ApiAsyncTask(context, MarketAPI.ACTION_CHARGE, handler, params)

    public static void addComment(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String pId, String comment) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        String passwordEnc = SecurityUtil.encryptPassword(mSession.getPassword(), mSession.getUserName());
        String verifyCodeEnc = Utils.getUTF8String(Base64.encodeBase64(
                DigestUtils.md5(String.valueOf(mSession.getUserName()) + String.valueOf(pId) + passwordEnc)));

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);
        params.put("p_id", pId);
        params.put("uid", mSession.getUid());
        params.put("comment", comment);
        params.put("username", mSession.getUserName());
        params.put("password", passwordEnc);
        params.put("verify_code", verifyCodeEnc);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_ADD_COMMENT, handler, params).execute();

    public static void addRating(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String pId, int rating) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        String passwordEnc = SecurityUtil.encryptPassword(mSession.getPassword(), mSession.getUserName());
        String verifyCodeEnc = Utils.getUTF8String(Base64.encodeBase64(
                DigestUtils.md5(String.valueOf(mSession.getUserName()) + String.valueOf(pId) + passwordEnc)));
        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(6);
        params.put("p_id", pId);
        params.put("uid", mSession.getUid());
        params.put("rating", rating);
        params.put("username", mSession.getUserName());
        params.put("password", passwordEnc);
        params.put("verify_code", verifyCodeEnc);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_ADD_RATING, handler, params).execute();

    public static void purchaseProduct(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String pId, String password) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        String passwordEnc = SecurityUtil.encryptPassword(password, mSession.getUserName());
        String verifyCodeEnc = Utils.getUTF8String(Base64.encodeBase64(
                DigestUtils.md5(String.valueOf(mSession.getUserName()) + String.valueOf(pId) + passwordEnc)));

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
        params.put("pid", pId);
        params.put("username", mSession.getUserName());
        params.put("password", passwordEnc);
        params.put("verify_code", verifyCodeEnc);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, MarketAPI.ACTION_PURCHASE_PRODUCT, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getDownloadUrl(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String pId, String sourceType) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);
        params.put("p_id", pId);
        params.put("uid", mSession.getUid());
        params.put("source_type", sourceType);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, MarketAPI.ACTION_GET_DOWNLOAD_URL, handler, params).execute();

    public static void search(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, int size, int startPosition, int orderBy,
            String keyword) {

        Session session = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(7);
        params.put("size", size);
        params.put("start_position", startPosition);
        params.put("platform", session.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", session.getScreenSize());
        params.put("orderby", orderBy);
        params.put("keyword", keyword);
        params.put("match_type", session.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_SEARCH, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getProductDetailWithId(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, int localVersion,
            String pId, String sourceType) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);
        params.put("local_version", localVersion);
        params.put("p_id", pId);
        params.put("source_type", sourceType);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_PRODUCT_DETAIL, handler, params).execute();

     * ()
    public static void getProductDetailWithPackageName(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler,
            int localVersion, String packageName) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);
        params.put("local_version", localVersion);
        params.put("packagename", packageName);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, MarketAPI.ACTION_GET_DETAIL, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getConsumeSum(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String uId) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
        params.put("uid", uId);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_CONSUMESUM, handler, params).execute();

    public static void syncBuyLog(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
        params.put("uid", mSession.getUid());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_SYNC_BUYLOG, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getMyRating(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String pId) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);
        params.put("uid", mSession.getUid());
        params.put("p_id", pId);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_MYRATING, handler, params).execute();

    public static void queryChargeResult(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String orderId) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
        params.put("order_id", orderId);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_QUERY_CHARGE_BY_ORDERID, handler, params).execute();

    public static void syncCardInfo(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
        params.put("local_version", mSession.getCreditCardVersion());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_SYNC_CARDINFO, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getConsumeDetail(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String uid, String type) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);
        params.put("uid", uid);
        params.put("type", type);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_CONSUME_DETAIL, handler, params).execute();

    public static void getTopic(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
        params.put("platform", mSession.getOsVersion());
        params.put("screen_size", mSession.getScreenSize());
        params.put("match_type", mSession.isFilterApps());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_TOPIC, handler, params).execute();

    public static void checkUpdate(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
        params.put("package_name", mSession.getPackageName());
        params.put("version_code", mSession.getVersionCode());
        params.put("sdk_id", mSession.getCpid());
        params.put("type", mSession.getDebugType());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_CHECK_NEW_VERSION, handler, params).execute();

    public static void checkUpgrade(final Context context) {

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
        params.put("upgradeList", Utils.getInstalledApps(context));

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_CHECK_UPGRADE, new ApiRequestListener() {
            public void onSuccess(int method, Object obj) {
                // do nothing

            public void onError(int method, int statusCode) {
                // do nothing
                Utils.D("check upgrade fail : " + statusCode);
        }, params).execute();

     * */
    public static void getBalance(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {
        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
        params.put("uid", mSession.getUid());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_BALANCE, handler, params).execute();

     * */
    public static void getPayLog(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, int newStartPosition, int size) {
        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);
        params.put("uid", mSession.getUid());
        params.put("start_position", newStartPosition);
        params.put("size", size);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_PAY_LOG, handler, params).execute();

     * splash
     * */
    public static void checkNewSplash(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler) {

        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
        params.put("package_name", mSession.getPackageName());
        params.put("version_code", mSession.getVersionCode());
        params.put("sdk_id", mSession.getCpid());
        params.put("time", mSession.getSplashTime());

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_CHECK_NEW_SPLASH, handler, params).execute();

     * */
    public static void getAliPayOrder(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, int money, String productName,
            String productDesc) {
        Session mSession = Session.get(context);

        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
        params.put("uid", Utils.getInt(mSession.getUid()));
        params.put("money", money);
        params.put("productName", productName);
        params.put("productDesc", productDesc);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_GET_ALIPAY_ORDER_INFO, handler, params).execute();

    public static void queryAliPayResult(Context context, ApiRequestListener handler, String orderId) {
        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
        params.put("orderNo", orderId);

        new ApiAsyncTask(context, ACTION_QUERY_ALIPAY_RESULT, handler, params).execute();

    public static void submitAllInstalledApps(final Context context) {

        PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
        List<PackageInfo> packages = pm.getInstalledPackages(0);
        ArrayList<UpgradeInfo> appList = new ArrayList<UpgradeInfo>();
        for (PackageInfo info : packages) {
            UpgradeInfo app = new UpgradeInfo();
   = String.valueOf(info.applicationInfo.loadLabel(pm));
            app.versionName = info.versionName;
            app.versionCode = info.versionCode;
            app.pkgName = info.packageName;
        final HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
        params.put("appList", appList);
        new ApiAsyncTask(context, MarketAPI.ACTION_SYNC_APPS, null, params).execute();
