Java tutorial
/** * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2016 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ****************************************************************************** */ /* */ package com.exalttech.trex.ui.views.streams.viewer; import com.exalttech.trex.ui.models.PacketInfo; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.pcap4j.core.NotOpenException; import org.pcap4j.core.PcapHandle; import org.pcap4j.core.PcapNativeException; import org.pcap4j.core.Pcaps; import org.pcap4j.packet.Dot1qVlanTagPacket; import org.pcap4j.packet.EthernetPacket; import org.pcap4j.packet.IllegalRawDataException; import org.pcap4j.packet.IpV4Packet; import org.pcap4j.packet.Packet; import org.pcap4j.packet.TcpPacket; import org.pcap4j.packet.UdpPacket; /** * Parse the packet * * @author GeorgeKh */ public class PacketParser { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PacketParser.class.getName()); private static int total_octetes = 0; PacketInfo packetInfo = null; public PacketParser() { } /** * Format payload * * @param payLoad * @return */ static String formatPayLoad(String payLoad) { int line = 0; String dim; StringBuilder finalHex = new StringBuilder(); char[] arr = payLoad.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { line++; dim = ""; if (line == 16) { dim = "\n"; line = 0; } int nVal = (int) arr[i]; // Is character ISO control boolean bISO = Character.isISOControl(arr[i]); // Is Ignorable identifier boolean bIgnorable = Character.isIdentifierIgnorable(arr[i]); // Remove tab and other unwanted characters.. if (nVal == 9 || bISO || bIgnorable) { arr[i] = '.'; } else if (nVal > 255) { arr[i] = '.'; } if (arr[i] == '\n' || arr[i] == '\r' || arr[i] == ' ' || arr[i] == '\0') { finalHex.append('.').append(dim); } else { finalHex.append(arr[i]).append(dim); } } return finalHex.toString(); } /** * * @param fileName * @param packetInfo */ public void parseFile(String fileName, PacketInfo packetInfo) { Packet packet; try { this.packetInfo = packetInfo; total_octetes = 0; PcapHandle handle = Pcaps.openOffline(fileName); packet = handle.getNextPacketEx(); packetInfo.setPacket(packet); extractPacketInfo(packet); handle.close(); } catch (PcapNativeException | EOFException | TimeoutException | NotOpenException ex) { packet = null; LOG.warn("Failed to extract packet info from first try"); } if (packet == null) { try {"Attempting alternate method to read Pcap file"); byte[] pkt = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(fileName)); packet = EthernetPacket.newPacket(pkt, 0, pkt.length); extractPacketInfo(packet); } catch (IOException | IllegalRawDataException ex) { LOG.error("Failed to read Pcap file", ex); } } } /** * * @param packet * @param packetInfo */ public void parsePacket(Packet packet, PacketInfo packetInfo) { total_octetes = 0; this.packetInfo = packetInfo; extractPacketInfo(packet); } /** * Extract packet info * * @param packet * @return */ private PacketInfo extractPacketInfo(Packet packet) { if (packet != null) { packetInfo.setPacketHex(formatHex(DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(packet.getRawData()))); packetInfo.setPacketRawData(formatPayLoad(new String(packet.getRawData()))); } // defien whether packet has vlan or not if (packet.get(Dot1qVlanTagPacket.class) != null) { packetInfo.setVlanPacket(true); } // If the packet has Ethernet if (packet.get(EthernetPacket.class) != null) { packetInfo.setEthernetHex( getHeaderOffset(packet.get(EthernetPacket.class).getHeader().toHexString().toUpperCase())); packetInfo.setEthernetRawData(new String()); packetInfo.setDestMac(packet.get(EthernetPacket.class).getHeader().getDstAddr().toString()); packetInfo.setSrcMac(packet.get(EthernetPacket.class).getHeader().getSrcAddr().toString()); } // if the packet has IPV4 if (packet.get(IpV4Packet.class) != null) { packetInfo.setIpv4Hex( getHeaderOffset(packet.get(IpV4Packet.class).getHeader().toHexString().toUpperCase())); packetInfo.setIpv4RawData(new String()); packetInfo.setDestIpv4(packet.get(IpV4Packet.class).getHeader().getDstAddr().getHostAddress()); packetInfo.setSrcIpv4(packet.get(IpV4Packet.class).getHeader().getSrcAddr().getHostAddress()); } // if the packet has TCP if (packet.get(TcpPacket.class) != null) { packetInfo.setL4Name("TCP"); packetInfo .setL4Hex(getHeaderOffset(packet.get(TcpPacket.class).getHeader().toHexString().toUpperCase())); packetInfo.setL4RawData(new String()); if (packet.get(TcpPacket.class).getPayload() != null) { packetInfo.setPacketPayLoad(getHeaderOffset( spaceHex(Hex.encodeHexString(packet.get(TcpPacket.class).getPayload().getRawData())))); } else { packetInfo.setPacketPayLoad(null); } } // if the packet has UDP if (packet.get(UdpPacket.class) != null) { packetInfo.setL4Name("UDP"); packetInfo .setL4Hex(getHeaderOffset(packet.get(UdpPacket.class).getHeader().toHexString().toUpperCase())); packetInfo.setL4RawData(new String()); if (packet.get(UdpPacket.class).getPayload() != null) { packetInfo.setPacketPayLoad(getHeaderOffset( spaceHex(Hex.encodeHexString(packet.get(UdpPacket.class).getPayload().getRawData())))); } else { packetInfo.setPacketPayLoad(null); } } return packetInfo; } /** * Spacing the hex * * @param hexString * @return */ private String spaceHex(String hexString) { char[] hexChar = hexString.toCharArray(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hexChar.length; i++) { result.append(hexChar[i]); if (i % 2 != 0) { result.append(' '); } } return result.toString().trim().toUpperCase(); } /** * Format Hex * * @param hex * @return */ private String formatHex(String hex) { int block = 0, line = 0, small = 0, octets = 0; String[] chare = hex.split("(?!^)"); String dim; StringBuilder finalHex = new StringBuilder("0000 "); for (int i = 0; i < chare.length; i++) { block++; line++; small++; dim = ""; if (small == 2) { dim = " "; small = 0; octets++; } if (block == 8) { dim = " "; block = 0; } if (line == 32) { dim = "\n" + String.format("%04X", octets) + " "; line = 0; } finalHex.append(chare[i]).append(dim); } return finalHex.toString().toUpperCase(); } /** * Return header offset * * @param header * @return */ private String getHeaderOffset(String header) { int offset = total_octetes; String[] headerOctets = header.split(" "); total_octetes += headerOctets.length; return String.format("%04X", offset) + "-" + String.format("%04X", total_octetes) + " " + header; } }