Java tutorial
/* * (c) Copyright Reserved EVRYTHNG Limited 2016. All rights reserved. * Use of this material is subject to license. * Copying and unauthorised use of this material strictly prohibited. */ package; import com.evrythng.api.wrapper.param.FilterQueryParamValue; import com.evrythng.api.wrapper.param.IdsQueryParamValue; import com.evrythng.commons.domain.SortOrder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.evrythng.thng.commons.config.ApiConfiguration; import com.evrythng.thng.commons.config.ApiConfiguration.QueryKeyword; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HeaderElement; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.pcollections.PVector; import org.pcollections.TreePVector; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Entry-point command builder for the EVRYTHNG API. * * @author Pedro De Almeida (almeidap) */ public final class EvrythngApiBuilder { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EvrythngApiBuilder.class); /** * Protected constructor, use one of the static methods to obtain an * instance. */ private EvrythngApiBuilder() { } /** * Creates a {@link CheckedBuilder} for executing a {@code POST} request. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param data the content data that will be associated with the POST request * @param responseStatus the expected {@link HttpResponse} status * @param responseType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link CheckedBuilder} */ public static <T> Builder<T> post(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Object data, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<T> responseType) { return new CheckedBuilder<>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpPost(data), uri, responseStatus, responseType); } /** * Creates a {@link CheckedBuilder} for executing a file upload via a {@code POST} * request. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param file file * @param responseStatus the expected response {@link Status} * @param responseType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link CheckedBuilder} */ public static <T> Builder<T> postMultipart(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final File file, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<T> responseType) { return new CheckedBuilder<>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpPostMultipart(file), uri, responseStatus, responseType, null); } /** * Creates a {@link CheckedBuilder} for executing a file upload via a {@code PUT} * request. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param file file * @param responseStatus the expected response {@link Status} * @param responseType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link CheckedBuilder} */ public static <T> Builder<T> putMultipart(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final File file, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<T> responseType) { return new CheckedBuilder<>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpPutMultipart(file), uri, responseStatus, responseType, null); } public static Builder<AcceptedResourceResponse> postAsynchronously(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Object data, final Pattern extractor) { return new CheckedBuilder<AcceptedResourceResponse>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpPost(data), uri, Status.ACCEPTED, new TypeReference<AcceptedResourceResponse>() { }) { @Override public AcceptedResourceResponse execute() throws EvrythngException { // Perform request (response status code will be automatically checked): HttpResponse response = request(); String location = null; Header header = response.getFirstHeader("location"); String id = null; if (header != null) { location = header.getValue(); if (location != null) { Matcher match = extractor.matcher(location); if (match.matches() && match.groupCount() > 0) { id =; } } } return new AcceptedResourceResponse(id, location); } }; } /** * Creates a {@link Builder} for executing a {@code GET} request. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param responseStatus the expected {@link HttpResponse} status * @param returnType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ public static <T> Builder<T> get(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<T> returnType) { return new CheckedBuilder<>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpGet(), uri, responseStatus, returnType); } static <T> IteratorBuilder<T> iterate(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<List<T>> pageType) { return new IteratorBuilder<>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpGet(), uri, responseStatus, pageType); } private static class IteratorBuilder<T> extends UncheckedBuilder<Iterator<PVector<T>>> { private static final URLCodec CODEC = new URLCodec(); private final String apiKey; private final Status responseStatus; private final TypeReference<List<T>> pageType; private IteratorBuilder(final String apiKey, final MethodBuilder<?> methodBuilder, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<List<T>> pageType) { super(apiKey, methodBuilder, uri, responseStatus, pageType); this.apiKey = apiKey; this.responseStatus = responseStatus; this.pageType = pageType; } @Override public final Iterator<PVector<T>> execute() throws EvrythngException { return new RemotePagingIterator(); } private final class RemotePagingIterator extends AbstractIterator<PVector<T>> { private URI nextPageURI; private RemotePagingIterator() { this.nextPageURI = getCommand().uri(); } @SuppressWarnings("ReturnOfCollectionOrArrayField") @Override protected final PVector<T> computeNext() { if (nextPageURI == null) { return endOfData(); } TypedResponseWithEntity<List<T>> response = EvrythngApiBuilder .get(apiKey, nextPageURI, responseStatus, pageType).executeWithResponse(); nextPageURI = nextPageURI(response); return response.entity() != null ? TreePVector.from(response.entity()) : TreePVector.<T>empty(); } private URI nextPageURI(final TypedResponseWithEntity<List<T>> response) { String nextPageLink = null; Header link = response.response().getFirstHeader("Link"); if (link != null) { for (HeaderElement linkValue : link.getElements()) { NameValuePair rel = linkValue.getParameterByName("rel"); if (rel != null && "next".equals(rel.getValue())) { nextPageLink = linkValue.getName(); nextPageLink = nextPageLink.substring(1, nextPageLink.length() - 1); } } } return nextPageLink != null ? toURI(nextPageLink) : null; } private URI toURI(final String unEncodedRawURI) { try { return URI.create(CODEC.decode(unEncodedRawURI)); } catch (DecoderException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } } } /** * Creates a {@link Builder} for executing a {@code PUT} request. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param data the content data that will be associated with the POST request * @param responseStatus the expected {@link HttpResponse} status * @param returnType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ public static <T> Builder<T> put(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Object data, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<T> returnType) { return new CheckedBuilder<>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpPut(data), uri, responseStatus, returnType); } /** * Create a {@link Builder} for executing a {@code PUT} request, expecting * no result payload. But a * {@link ApiConfiguration#HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT} header which * contains the amount of document updated. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param data the content data that will be associated with the PUT request * @param responseStatus the expected {@link HttpResponse} status. More likely 204 No * Content * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ public static Builder<Long> putMultiple(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Object data, final Status responseStatus) { return new CheckedBuilder<Long>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpPut(data), uri, responseStatus, new TypeReference<Long>() { }) { @Override public Long execute() throws EvrythngException { // Perform request (response status code will be automatically checked): HttpResponse response = request(); Header header = response.getFirstHeader(ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT); Long result = null; if (header != null) { try { result = Long.parseLong(header.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logger.warn("Invalid numeric value in header {} : {}", ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT, header.getValue()); } } return result; } }; } /** * Creates a {@link Builder} for executing a {@code DELETE} request. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param responseStatus the expected {@link HttpResponse} status * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ public static Builder<Boolean> delete(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus) { return new CheckedBuilder<Boolean>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpDelete(), uri, responseStatus, new TypeReference<Boolean>() { }) { /** * {@code true} if the request has been successfully executed (i.e. * returned response status code equals {@link Status#OK}), * {@code false} otherwise */ @Override public Boolean execute() throws EvrythngException { // Perform request (response status code will be automatically checked): return request() != null; } }; } /** * Creates a {@link Builder} for executing a bulk {@code DELETE} request, * and wrap the X-result-count header as a integer response. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param responseStatus the expected {@link HttpResponse} status * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ public static Builder<Long> deleteMultiple(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus) { return new CheckedBuilder<Long>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpDelete(), uri, responseStatus, new TypeReference<Long>() { }) { @Override public Long execute() throws EvrythngException { // Perform request (response status code will be automatically checked): HttpResponse response = request(); Header header = response.getFirstHeader(ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT); Long result = null; if (header != null) { try { result = Long.parseLong(header.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logger.warn("Invalid numeric value in header {} : {}", ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT, header.getValue()); } } return result; } }; } // static <T> Builder<AcceptedResourceResponse> postAsynchronously(final String apiKey, final URI uri, final Object data, final Pattern pattern, final String mqttUrl, final String topic, final Class<T> notificationClass, final MqttCallback<T> callback) { // // return new MqttListenerBuilder<>(apiKey, HttpMethodBuilder.httpPost(data), uri, Status.ACCEPTED, pattern, mqttUrl, topic, notificationClass, callback); // } // // public interface MqttCallback<T> { // // void apply(T notified); // } // // private static final class MqttListenerBuilder<T> extends Builder<AcceptedResourceResponse> { // // private final Pattern idLocationExtractor; // private final String topic; // private final String mqttUrl; // private final String apiKey; // private final Class<T> notificationClass; // private final MqttCallback<T> callback; // // private MqttListenerBuilder(final String apiKey, final MethodBuilder<?> methodBuilder, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus, final Pattern idLocationExtractor, final String mqttUrl, final String topic, final Class<T> notificationClass, final MqttCallback<T> callback) { // // super(apiKey, methodBuilder, uri, responseStatus, new TypeReference<AcceptedResourceResponse>() {}); // this.idLocationExtractor = idLocationExtractor; // this.topic = topic; // this.mqttUrl = mqttUrl; // this.apiKey = apiKey; // this.notificationClass = notificationClass; // this.callback = callback; // } // // @Override // public AcceptedResourceResponse execute() throws EvrythngException { // // // Perform request (response status code will be automatically checked): // // TODO _MS_ get project // String projectId = null; // HttpResponse response = request(); // String location = null; // Header header = response.getFirstHeader("location"); // String id = null; // if (header != null) { // location = header.getValue(); // if (location != null) { // Matcher match = idLocationExtractor.matcher(location); // if (match.matches() && match.groupCount() > 0) { // id =; // } // } // } // try { // final MqttClient client = mqttClient(mqttUrl, apiKey, projectId); // client.subscribe(topic); // // TODO _MS_ introduce type // client.setCallback(new org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttCallback() { // // @Override // public void connectionLost(final Throwable cause) { // // throw new RuntimeException("MQTT connection lost", cause); // } // // @Override // public void messageArrived(final String topic, final MqttMessage message) throws Exception { // // T notified = JSONUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(message.getPayload(), notificationClass); // client.unsubscribe(topic); // client.disconnect(); // callback.apply(notified); // } // // @Override // public void deliveryComplete(final IMqttDeliveryToken token) { // // } // }); // } catch (MqttException e) { // // TODO _MS_ create exception type // throw new RuntimeException("Failed to subscribe through MQTT", e); // } // return new AcceptedResourceResponse(id, location); // } // } // // private static MqttClient mqttClient(final String url, final String apiKey, final String projectId) throws MqttException { // // String clientId = MqttClient.generateClientId(); // String username = "authorization"; // MqttClient client = new EVTMqttClient(url, clientId, projectId); // MqttConnectOptions options = new MqttConnectOptions(); // options.setUserName(username); // options.setPassword(apiKey.toCharArray()); // options.setCleanSession(true); // client.connect(options); // return client; // } // // private static final class EVTMqttClient extends MqttClient { // // private final String projectId; // // private EVTMqttClient(final String serverURI, final String clientId, final String projectId) throws MqttException { // // super(serverURI, clientId); // this.projectId = projectId; // } // // @Override // public void subscribe(final String[] topicFilters, final int[] qos) throws MqttException { // // if (projectId != null) { // for (int i = 0; i < topicFilters.length; i++) { // topicFilters[i] += "?project=" + projectId; // } // } // super.subscribe(topicFilters, qos); // } // } /** * Default command builder for the EVRYTHNG API. * * @author Pedro De Almeida (almeidap) */ public static class CheckedBuilder<T> extends ApiCommandBuilder<T, CheckedBuilder<T>> implements Builder<T> { /** * Private constructor, use {@link EvrythngApiBuilder} static methods * for creating a {@link CheckedBuilder}. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param methodBuilder the {@link MethodBuilder} used for creating the * request * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param responseStatus the expected response {@link Status} * @param responseType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to */ private CheckedBuilder(final String apiKey, final MethodBuilder<?> methodBuilder, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<T> responseType) { this(apiKey, methodBuilder, uri, responseStatus, responseType, ApiConfiguration.HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE); } /** * Private constructor, use {@link EvrythngApiBuilder} static methods * for creating a {@link CheckedBuilder}. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param methodBuilder the {@link MethodBuilder} used for creating the * request * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param responseStatus the expected response {@link Status} * @param responseType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to * @param contentType content type */ private CheckedBuilder(final String apiKey, final MethodBuilder<?> methodBuilder, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<T> responseType, final String contentType) { super(methodBuilder, uri, responseStatus, responseType); // Define required API metainformation: // header("Content-Type", ApiConfiguration.HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentType != null) { header("Content-Type", contentType); } header("Accept", ApiConfiguration.HTTP_ACCEPT_TYPE); apiKey(apiKey); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> apiKey(final String apiKey) { return header(ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, apiKey); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> search(final String pattern) { return queryParam(QSearchQueryParamValue.pattern(pattern)); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> withScopes(final boolean withScopes) { return queryParam(WithScopesQueryParamValue.NAME, String.valueOf(withScopes)); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> withPagination(final int page, final int perPage) { return page(page).perPage(perPage); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> page(final int page) { return queryParam(; } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> perPage(final int perPage) { return queryParam(PerPageQueryParamValue.perPage(perPage)); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> from(final long from) { return queryParam(FromQueryParamValue.from(String.valueOf(from))); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> from(final String from) { return queryParam(FromQueryParamValue.from(from)); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> from(final QueryKeyword queryKeyword) { return queryParam(FromQueryParamValue.from(queryKeyword.toString())); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> to(final long to) { return queryParam(; } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> to(final String to) { return queryParam(; } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> to(final QueryKeyword queryKeyword) { return queryParam(; } @Override @Deprecated public CheckedBuilder<T> app(final String appId) { return this; } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> userScope(final Iterable<String> scope) { return queryParam(UserScopeQueryParamValue.valueOf(StringUtils.join(scope, ','))); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> userScopeAll() { return queryParam(ScopeQueryParamValue.valueOf(QueryKeyword.ALL.toString())); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> ids(final List<String> ids) { return queryParamList(IdsQueryParamValue.NAME, ids); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> filter(final String filter) { return queryParam(FilterQueryParamValue.NAME, filter); } @Override public CheckedBuilder<T> project(final String projectId) { return queryParam(ProjectQueryParamValue.project(projectId)); } @Override @Deprecated public int count() throws EvrythngException { logger.debug("Counting total number of elements: [header={}]", ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT); Header xResultCountHeader = getCommand().head(ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT); return Integer.valueOf(xResultCountHeader.getValue()); } @Override public Result<T> list() throws EvrythngException { if (getCommand().getMethod() != Method.GET) { throw new EvrythngClientException("The list() method is only available for GET requests."); } logger.debug("Call list. For type : {}", getCommand().getResponseType().getType()); // Issue the command "manually" to get the response object. TypedResponseWithEntity<T> bundle = getCommand().bundle(); HttpResponse response = bundle.response(); Utils.assertStatus(response, getCommand().getExpectedResponseStatus()); T ret = bundle.entity(); // Parse the total result count. Header header = response.getFirstHeader(ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT); long n; if (header == null) { throw new EvrythngClientException( "The response contains no " + ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT + " header."); } try { n = Long.parseLong(header.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new EvrythngClientException("The response's " + ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT + " header could not be parsed."); } logger.debug("Total number of items: {}", n); return new Result<>(ret, n); } // TODO: check usefulness & validity of this! @Override public String jsonp(final String callback) throws EvrythngException { // Add JSONP callback to query parameters list: queryParam(CallbackQueryParamValue.callback(callback)); // Retrieve response entity content: String jsonp = getCommand().content(); // Remove callback to avoid conflicts on future requests: queryParam(CallbackQueryParamValue.empty()); return jsonp; } } public interface Builder<TYPE> { /** * Class to hold the results and the total count. */ class Result<R> { private R result; private long totalCount; public Result(final R result, final long totalCount) { this.result = result; this.totalCount = totalCount; } public R getResult() { return result; } public long getTotalCount() { return totalCount; } } TypedResponseWithEntity<TYPE> executeWithResponse() throws EvrythngException; /** * Sets a query parameter or removes it if {@code value} equals {@code null} * * @param name the query parameter name * @param value the query parameter value * * @return the current {@link Builder} instance */ Builder<TYPE> queryParam(String name, String value); Builder<TYPE> placeHolder(Boolean placeHolder); /** * Sets a query parameter or removes it if the {@code value} equals * {@code null}. * * @param qpv the name and the value of the query parameter. * * @return the current {@link Builder} instance */ Builder<TYPE> queryParam(QueryParamValue qpv); /** * Sets a multi-valued query parameter or removes it if {@code value} equals * {@code null}. * * @param name parameter name * @param value parameter values or {@code null} * * @return the current {@link Builder} instance */ Builder<TYPE> queryParam(String name, List<String> value); /** * Sets a multi-valued query parameter or removes it if {@code value} equals * {@code null}. * * @param name parameter name * @param values parameter values or {@code null} * * @return the current {@link Builder} instance */ Builder<TYPE> queryParamList(String name, List<String> values); /** * Sets a multi-valued query parameter or removes it if {@code value} equals * {@code null}. * * @param name parameter name * @param values parameter values or {@code null} * * @return the current {@link Builder} instance */ Builder<TYPE> queryParamList(String name, String... values); /** * Sets the provided query parametes. * * @param params a map name/value entries * * @return the current {@link Builder} instance * * @see #queryParam(String, String) */ Builder<TYPE> queryParams(Map<String, String> params); /** * Sets a request header or removes it if {@code value} equals {@code null}. * * @param name request header name * @param value the request header value * * @return the current {@link Builder} instance */ Builder<TYPE> header(String name, String value); /** * Sets the value of the {@code Accept} HTTP header. * * @param mediaType a valid media type for the {@code Accept} HTTP header * * @return the current {@link Builder} instance */ Builder<TYPE> accept(String mediaType); /** * Executes the current command and maps the {@link HttpResponse} entity to * {@code T} specified by {@link ApiCommand#responseType}. * * @return the {@link HttpResponse} entity mapped to {@code T} * * @see ApiCommand#execute() */ TYPE execute() throws EvrythngException; /** * Executes the current command and returns the {@link HttpResponse} entity * content as {@link String}. * * @return the {@link HttpResponse} entity content as {@link String} * * @see ApiCommand#content() */ String content() throws EvrythngException; /** * Executes the current command and returns the native {@link HttpResponse}. * * @return the {@link HttpResponse} resulting from the request * * @see ApiCommand#request() */ HttpResponse request() throws EvrythngException; /** * Executes the current command and returns the {@link HttpResponse} content * {@link InputStream}. * * @return the {@link InputStream} of the {@link HttpResponse} * * @see ApiCommand#stream() */ InputStream stream() throws EvrythngException; /** * @return {@link ApiCommand} instance */ ApiCommand<TYPE> getCommand(); /** * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> apiKey(String apiKey); /** * @param pattern "{@value QSearchQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} * * @see QSearchQueryParamValue */ Builder<TYPE> search(String pattern); /** * @param sortOrder "{@value SortOrderQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} * * @see SortOrderQueryParamValue */ Builder<TYPE> sortOrder(SortOrder sortOrder); /** * @param withScopes "{@value WithScopesQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} * * @see WithScopesQueryParamValue */ Builder<TYPE> withScopes(boolean withScopes); /** * Combines page and perPage methods. * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> withPagination(int page, int perPage); /** * @param page "{@value PageQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> page(int page); /** * @param perPage "{@value PerPageQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> perPage(int perPage); /** * @param from "{@value FromQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> from(long from); /** * @param from "{@value FromQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> from(String from); /** * @param queryKeyword "{@value FromQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> from(QueryKeyword queryKeyword); /** * @param to "{@value ToQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> to(long to); /** * @param to "{@value ToQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> to(String to); /** * @param queryKeyword "{@value ToQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> to(QueryKeyword queryKeyword); /** * Does nothing. App query parameter is not used anymore. * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} * * @deprecated Use {@value ProjectQueryParamValue#NAME} project to scope a request on a project. */ @Deprecated // TODO _MS_ remove! Builder<TYPE> app(String appId); /** * @param scope "{@value UserScopeQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> userScope(Iterable<String> scope); /** * Adds "{@value ScopeQueryParamValue#NAME}" query param with value {@link QueryKeyword#ALL} * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> userScopeAll(); /** * @param ids "{@value IdsQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> ids(List<String> ids); /** * @param filter "{@value FilterQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> filter(String filter); /** * @param projectId "{@value ProjectQueryParamValue#NAME}" query parameter value * * @return an EVRYTHNG API-ready {@link Builder} */ Builder<TYPE> project(String projectId); /** * Counts the <strong>total</strong> number of elements if the current * command was executed as a {@code HEAD} request. * * @return the <strong>total</strong> number of elements matching the * current request * * @see ApiCommand#head(String) */ @Deprecated // TODO _MS_ remove! int count() throws EvrythngException; /** * Executes the requests and returns a result object. The result objects * contains the actual object and the total count for the paginated * list. This method can only be used in the context of a paginated * result set, otherwise an exception is thrown. * * @return result object */ Result<TYPE> list() throws EvrythngException; /** * Executes the current command by requesting JSONP in the * {@link HttpResponse} entity. * <p> * * @param callback the name of the callback function * * @return the {@link HttpResponse} entity in the form of JSONP content */ // TODO: check usefulness & validity of this! String jsonp(String callback) throws EvrythngException; } public static class UncheckedBuilder<T> extends UncheckedApiCommandBuilder<T, UncheckedBuilder<T>> { /** * Private constructor, use {@link EvrythngApiBuilder} static methods * for creating a {@link Builder}. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param methodBuilder the {@link MethodBuilder} used for creating the * request * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param responseStatus the expected response {@link Status} * @param responseType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to */ private <X> UncheckedBuilder(final String apiKey, final MethodBuilder<?> methodBuilder, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<X> responseType) { this(apiKey, methodBuilder, uri, responseStatus, responseType, ApiConfiguration.HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE); } /** * Private constructor, use {@link EvrythngApiBuilder} static methods * for creating a {@link Builder}. * * @param apiKey the authorization token for accessing the EVRYTHNG API * @param methodBuilder the {@link MethodBuilder} used for creating the * request * @param uri the {@link URI} holding the absolute URL * @param responseStatus the expected response {@link Status} * @param responseType the native type to which the {@link HttpResponse} will be * mapped to * @param contentType content type */ private <X> UncheckedBuilder(final String apiKey, final MethodBuilder<?> methodBuilder, final URI uri, final Status responseStatus, final TypeReference<X> responseType, final String contentType) { super(methodBuilder, uri, responseStatus, responseType); // Define required API metainformation: // header("Content-Type", ApiConfiguration.HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentType != null) { header("Content-Type", contentType); } header("Accept", ApiConfiguration.HTTP_ACCEPT_TYPE); apiKey(apiKey); } public <X> TypedResponseWithEntity<X> executeWithResponse() throws EvrythngException { return (TypedResponseWithEntity<X>) getCommand().bundle(); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> apiKey(final String apiKey) { return header(ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, apiKey); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> search(final String pattern) { return queryParam(QSearchQueryParamValue.pattern(pattern)); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> withScopes(final boolean withScopes) { return queryParam(WithScopesQueryParamValue.NAME, String.valueOf(withScopes)); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> withPagination(final int page, final int perPage) { return page(page).perPage(perPage); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> page(final int page) { return queryParam(; } public UncheckedBuilder<T> perPage(final int perPage) { return queryParam(PerPageQueryParamValue.perPage(perPage)); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> from(final long from) { return queryParam(FromQueryParamValue.from(String.valueOf(from))); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> from(final String from) { return queryParam(FromQueryParamValue.from(from)); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> from(final QueryKeyword queryKeyword) { return queryParam(FromQueryParamValue.from(queryKeyword.toString())); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> to(final long to) { return queryParam(; } public UncheckedBuilder<T> to(final String to) { return queryParam(; } public UncheckedBuilder<T> to(final QueryKeyword queryKeyword) { return queryParam(; } @Deprecated public UncheckedBuilder<T> app(final String appId) { return this; } public UncheckedBuilder<T> userScope(final Iterable<String> scope) { return queryParam(UserScopeQueryParamValue.valueOf(StringUtils.join(scope, ','))); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> userScopeAll() { return queryParam(ScopeQueryParamValue.valueOf(QueryKeyword.ALL.toString())); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> ids(final List<String> ids) { return queryParamList(IdsQueryParamValue.NAME, ids); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> filter(final String filter) { return queryParam(FilterQueryParamValue.NAME, filter); } public UncheckedBuilder<T> project(final String projectId) { return queryParam(ProjectQueryParamValue.project(projectId)); } @Deprecated public int count() throws EvrythngException { logger.debug("Counting total number of elements: [header={}]", ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT); Header xResultCountHeader = getCommand().head(ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT); return Integer.valueOf(xResultCountHeader.getValue()); } public Builder.Result<T> list() throws EvrythngException { if (getCommand().getMethod() != Method.GET) { throw new EvrythngClientException("The list() method is only available for GET requests."); } logger.debug("Call list. For type : {}", getCommand().getResponseType().getType()); // Issue the command "manually" to get the response object. ApiCommand<T> command = getCommand(); TypedResponseWithEntity<T> bundle = command.bundle(); HttpResponse response = bundle.response(); Utils.assertStatus(response, getCommand().getExpectedResponseStatus()); T ret = bundle.entity(); // Parse the total result count. Header header = response.getFirstHeader(ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT); long n; if (header == null) { throw new EvrythngClientException( "The response contains no " + ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT + " header."); } try { n = Long.parseLong(header.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new EvrythngClientException("The response's " + ApiConfiguration.HTTP_HEADER_RESULT_COUNT + " header could not be parsed."); } logger.debug("Total number of items: {}", n); return new Builder.Result<>(ret, n); } // TODO: check usefulness & validity of this! public String jsonp(final String callback) throws EvrythngException { // Add JSONP callback to query parameters list: queryParam(CallbackQueryParamValue.callback(callback)); // Retrieve response entity content: String jsonp = getCommand().content(); // Remove callback to avoid conflicts on future requests: queryParam(CallbackQueryParamValue.empty()); return jsonp; } UncheckedBuilder<T> sortOrder(final SortOrder sortOrder) { return queryParam(SortOrderQueryParamValue.NAME, sortOrder.direction().name()); } } }