Source code

Java tutorial


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package com.evothings.evothingsclient;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.StrictMode;
import android.util.Log;
import android.webkit.WebResourceResponse;
import android.webkit.WebView;

import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.OpenForReadResult;
import org.apache.cordova.*;
import org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine;
import org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView;
import org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewClient;

import org.json.*;

public class Evothings extends CordovaActivity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
            // Detect all manner of bad things.
            // This code is active only in debug builds.
            // Cordova does disk access; don't enable this check.
            StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder()
                    .setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder().detectAll().penaltyLog().penaltyDeath().build());

        // If the intent has a data string we load it.
        Intent intent = getIntent();
        if (isEvothingsIntent(intent)) {
        } else {
            // This is the original Cordova page loading code.
            // Set by <content src="index.html" /> in config.xml

    protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
        if (isEvothingsIntent(intent)) {
        } else {

    protected boolean isEvothingsIntent(Intent intent) {
        String url = intent.getDataString();
        if (null != url) {
            return url.startsWith("evothings:");
        } else {
            return false;

    protected void openEvothingsIntent(Intent intent) {
        // Get the URL string of the intent.
        String url = intent.getDataString();

        // Strip off "evothings" from the URL and replace with "http".
        url = "http" + url.substring(9);

        // Load the URL in the Cordova web view.
        this.appView.loadUrlIntoView(url, true);

       // For Cordova 3.1+ to 3.6. Not available in 4.0.
       protected CordovaWebViewClient makeWebViewClient(CordovaWebView webView)
          // If Android version is lover than HONEYCOMB we are toast
          // (loading of local Cordova files won't work in this case).
          return (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <
     ? new CordovaWebViewClient(this, webView)
     : new EvothingsWebViewClient(this, webView);

    // For Cordova 4.0+
    protected CordovaWebViewEngine makeWebViewEngine() {
        return new EvothingsWebViewEngine(this, preferences);

    public class EvothingsWebViewEngine extends SystemWebViewEngine {
        private Evothings mEvothings;

        public EvothingsWebViewEngine(Evothings evothings, CordovaPreferences preferences) {
            super(evothings, preferences);
            mEvothings = evothings;

        public void init(CordovaWebView parentWebView, CordovaInterface cordova, CordovaWebViewEngine.Client client,
                CordovaResourceApi resourceApi, PluginManager pluginManager,
                NativeToJsMessageQueue nativeToJsMessageQueue) {
            webView.setWebViewClient(new EvothingsWebViewClient(mEvothings, this));
            super.init(parentWebView, cordova, client, resourceApi, pluginManager, nativeToJsMessageQueue);
    // End Cordova 4.0+

    public class EvothingsWebViewClient extends SystemWebViewClient {
        // Contains the name of the active cached app, or null if no cached app is active.
        // "evocache:" URLs that don't match this name will not be allowed to load.
        private String mCachedApp;

        private Evothings mEvothings;

        // Contains the URL of the currently loaded page, or null if no page has yet loaded.
        private String mLoadedPage;

        public EvothingsWebViewClient(Evothings evothings, SystemWebViewEngine parentEngine) {
            mEvothings = evothings;

        public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(WebView view, String url) {
            //LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", "shouldInterceptRequest "+url);
            String localURL = getCordovaLocalFileURL(url);
            if (null != localURL) {
                return handleCordovaURL(view, Uri.parse(localURL), url);
            } else if (url.startsWith("evothings:")) {
                // Replace the 'evothings' protocol with 'http'.
                url = "http" + url.substring(9);
            // If we're running a cached app, limit access to the rest of the file system.
            else if (mCachedApp != null && url.startsWith("file:")) {
                if (!url.startsWith(mCachedApp)) {
                    LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", "evocache 404 (" + mCachedApp + ", " + url + ")");
                    return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "UTF-8", null); // Results in a 404.
            // prevent origins that aren't our own start page from accessing these resources.
            else if (url.startsWith("evocachemeta:")) {
                if (!ensureStartPage(url))
                    return null;
                if (url.equals("evocachemeta:app-list.json")) {
                    LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", "serving app-list.json...");
                    try {
                        return new WebResourceResponse("text/json", "UTF-8",
                                new ByteArrayInputStream(generateClientsAppListJson()));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // no need to do anything else here.
                } else {
                    LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", "evocachemeta unhandled: " + url);
                // TODO: add a command for removing apps.

            return null;

        private void createAppListJson(File file) {
            try {
                FileWriter w = new FileWriter(file);
            } catch (Exception e) {

        public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
            mLoadedPage = url;
            super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon);

        // returns true if the loaded page is the start page, false otherwise.
        private boolean ensureStartPage(String url) {
            if (mLoadedPage == null) {
                LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", "mLoadedPage null, " + url);
            if (mLoadedPage.equals(Config.getStartUrl())) {
                return true;
            } else {
                LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", "mLoadedPage " + mLoadedPage + ", " + url);
            return false;

        public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
            LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", "shouldOverrideUrlLoading " + url);
            String cacheRoot = mEvothings.getDir("evocache", MODE_PRIVATE).toURI().toString();
            mCachedApp = null;
            // Used by external apps to load things into Evothings Client.
            if (url.startsWith("evothings:")) {
                // Replace the 'evothings' protocol with 'http'.
                url = "http" + url.substring(9);
                appView.loadUrlIntoView(url, true);
                return true; // we handled it.
            // Load a cached app.
            else if (url.startsWith(cacheRoot)) {
                Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
                if (!uri.getHost().equals(uri.getAuthority())) {
                    LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", "evocache 400 (" + url + ")");
                    return false;
                // Tell future requests to load files only from this app.
                mCachedApp = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('/', cacheRoot.length()));
                LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", "mCachedApp: " + mCachedApp);
                return false; // shouldInterceptRequest will handle it.
            // Cache a new app or update a cached app.
            else if (url.startsWith("evocacheadd:")) {
                new EvoCacheAddThread(url).start();
                return true; // we'll handle it.
            // prevent origins that aren't our own start page from accessing these resources.
            else if (url.startsWith("evocachemeta:")) {
                if (!ensureStartPage(url))
                    return false;
                String metaUrl = url.substring("evocachemeta:".length());
                if (metaUrl.startsWith("delete/")) {
                    String deleteRequestAppIndex = metaUrl.substring("delete/".length());
                    new EvoCacheDeleteThread(deleteRequestAppIndex).start();
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                return false; // system handles it.

        class EvoCacheDeleteThread extends Thread {
            final String mIndex;

            EvoCacheDeleteThread(String i) {
                mIndex = i;

            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Fatal error, let's kill the app.
                    throw new Error(e);

        class EvoCacheAddThread extends Thread {
            final String mUrl;

            EvoCacheAddThread(String url) {
                mUrl = url;

            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Fatal error, let's kill the app.
                    throw new Error(e);

        void downloadCacheFile(File cacheRoot, String baseUrl, String appIndex, String url) throws Exception {
            LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", "downloadCacheFile(" + cacheRoot.toString() + ", " + baseUrl + ", "
                    + appIndex + ", " + url + ")");
            // we got a file, let's download it.
            int protocolIndex = url.indexOf("://");
            if (protocolIndex != -1 || url.startsWith("//")) {
                // absolute URL. TODO: try to read it as-is?
                String msg = "evocacheadd bad manifest file (" + url + ")";
                LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", msg);
                throw new Exception(msg);
            String fileUrl, filename;
            if (url.startsWith("/")) {
                // non-relative URL. remove the prefix slash to make it usable.
                filename = url.substring(1);
            } else {
                filename = url;
            fileUrl = baseUrl + filename;
            String subPath = appIndex + "/" + filename;

            // create the directory for the file.
            File file = new File(cacheRoot, subPath);
            File parent = file.getParentFile();
            if (!parent.isDirectory()) {
                String msg = "evocacheadd directory creation failed (" + url + ", " + parent.toString() + ")";
                LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", msg);
                throw new Exception(msg);

            // open the file for writing.
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);

            // open the remote file.
            InputStream fis = new URL(fileUrl).openConnection().getInputStream();

            // copy the file.
            fastCopy(fis, fos);


        // Thanks to Pavel Repin
        String utf8StreamToString( is) throws IOException {
            java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(is, "UTF-8").useDelimiter("\\A");
            String str = s.hasNext() ? : "";
            return str;

        void evoCacheAdd(String url) throws Exception {
            // Load the app list.
            JSONObject appList;
            JSONObject list = null;
            File cacheRoot = mEvothings.getDir("evocache", MODE_PRIVATE);
            File appListFile = new File(cacheRoot, "app-list.json");
            if (appListFile.exists()) {
                appList = new JSONObject(utf8StreamToString(new FileInputStream(appListFile)));
                list = appList.optJSONObject("apps");
            } else {
                appList = new JSONObject();
            if (list == null)
                list = new JSONObject();

            // Load the manifest.
            String manifestUrl = "http" + url.substring("evocacheadd".length());
            URL manifestURL = new URL(manifestUrl);
            String baseUrl = manifestUrl.substring(0, manifestUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            JSONObject manifest = new JSONObject(utf8StreamToString(manifestURL.openConnection().getInputStream()));
            String appName = manifest.getString("name");
            JSONArray files = manifest.getJSONArray("files");
            String startPage = manifest.getString("startPage");
            // todo: manifest.getString("startPage")

            // Construct the app's list entry, or load it if this is a previously cached app.
            int appIndex = appList.optInt("count", 0);
            JSONObject entry = list.optJSONObject(appName);
            if (entry == null) {
                // App was not previously cached. Construct a new entry.
                entry = new JSONObject();
                entry.put("index", appIndex);

                // Update counter.
                appList.put("count", appIndex);
            } else {
                // App was previously cached. Overwrite the existing entry.
                // Reuse the cache directory.
                appIndex = entry.getInt("index");

            entry.put("startPage", startPage);

            // TODO: remove all files in app's cache directory.

            // Download the app's files.
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length(); i++) {
                downloadCacheFile(cacheRoot, baseUrl, Integer.toString(appIndex), files.getString(i));

            // Update entry.
            list.put(appName, entry);

            // Save the app list.
            saveAppList(appList, list, appListFile);

            // Load the original client start-page. It should display the updated app list.
            appView.loadUrlIntoView(Config.getStartUrl(), true);

        void saveAppList(JSONObject appList, JSONObject list, File appListFile) throws Exception {
            appList.put("apps", list);
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(appListFile);
            String appListString = appList.toString();
            LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", "appListFile: " + appListFile.toString());
            LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", "appListString: " + appListString);
            LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", "wrote app-list.json.");

        void evoCacheDelete(String index) throws Exception {
            // Load the app list.
            JSONObject appList;
            JSONObject list = null;
            File cacheRoot = mEvothings.getDir("evocache", MODE_PRIVATE);
            File appListFile = new File(cacheRoot, "app-list.json");
            if (appListFile.exists()) {
                appList = new JSONObject(utf8StreamToString(new FileInputStream(appListFile)));
                list = appList.optJSONObject("apps");
            } else {
                appList = new JSONObject();
            if (list == null)
                list = new JSONObject();

            // Get the entry of the app to be deleted
            JSONObject entry = null;
            String appName = null;
            Iterator<String> keys = list.keys();
            while (keys.hasNext()) {
                appName =;
                JSONObject e = list.getJSONObject(appName);
                if (index.equals(e.getString("index"))) {
                    entry = e;
            if (entry == null) {
                throw new Exception("evocachedel: index not found (" + index + ")");

            LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", "deleting " + appName);

            // Delete the app's cache directory.
            File file = new File(cacheRoot, index);

            // Remove the entry from the list.

            // Save the app list.
            saveAppList(appList, list, appListFile);

            // Load the original client start-page. It should display the updated app list.
            appView.loadUrlIntoView(Config.getStartUrl(), true);

        void rmRecursive(File f) throws IOException {
            if (f.isDirectory()) {
                for (File c : f.listFiles())
            if (!f.delete())
                throw new IOException("Failed to delete file: " + f);

        // The client's app-list.json has a different format from the native one.
        byte[] generateClientsAppListJson() throws Exception {
            // Load the app list.
            JSONObject nativeList = null;
            File cacheRoot = mEvothings.getDir("evocache", MODE_PRIVATE);
            File appListFile = new File(cacheRoot, "app-list.json");
            if (appListFile.exists()) {
                String s = utf8StreamToString(new FileInputStream(appListFile));
                LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", s);
                JSONObject appList = new JSONObject(s);
                nativeList = appList.optJSONObject("apps");
            if (nativeList == null)
                nativeList = new JSONObject();

            // Convert each app in the list to client format.
            JSONObject clientList = new JSONObject();
            Iterator<String> keys = nativeList.keys();
            while (keys.hasNext()) {
                String name =;
                JSONObject nativeApp = nativeList.getJSONObject(name);
                String index = nativeApp.getString("index");
                String subPath = index + "/" + nativeApp.getString("startPage");
                File file = new File(cacheRoot, subPath);
                JSONObject clientApp = new JSONObject();
                clientApp.put("url", file.toURI().toString());
                clientApp.put("index", index);
                clientList.put(name, clientApp);
                //LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", name+": "+clientApp.toString());

            JSONObject clientAppList = new JSONObject();
            clientAppList.put("apps", clientList);
            //LOG.i("EvothingsWebViewClient", clientAppList.toString());
            return clientAppList.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");

         * Here we check for Cordova files and directories.
         * @return If the URL names an existing Cordova asset,
         * the local URL is returned. Otherwise null is returned.
        String getCordovaLocalFileURL(String url) {
            int i;

            i = url.indexOf("/cordova.js");
            if (-1 < i) {
                return "file:///android_asset/www" + url.substring(i);

            i = url.indexOf("/cordova_plugins.js");
            if (-1 < i) {
                return "file:///android_asset/www" + url.substring(i);

            i = url.indexOf("/plugins/");
            if (-1 < i) {
                return "file:///android_asset/www" + url.substring(i);

            // Not a Cordova file or directory.
            return null;

        WebResourceResponse handleCordovaURL(WebView view, Uri assetURI, String originalURL) {
            try {
                CordovaResourceApi resourceApi = appView.getResourceApi();

                String encoding = "UTF-8";
                OpenForReadResult result = resourceApi.openForRead(assetURI, true);
                return new WebResourceResponse(result.mimeType, encoding, result.inputStream);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                return null;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.e("EvothingsWebViewClient", "Error occurred while loading a file (returning a 404).", e);
                // Results in a 404.
                return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "UTF-8", null);

    private static void fastCopy(final InputStream src, final OutputStream dest) throws IOException {
        final ReadableByteChannel inputChannel = Channels.newChannel(src);
        final WritableByteChannel outputChannel = Channels.newChannel(dest);
        fastCopy2(inputChannel, outputChannel);

    private static void fastCopy2(final ReadableByteChannel src, final WritableByteChannel dest)
            throws IOException {
        final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(16 * 1024);

        while ( != -1) {


        while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {