Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Evolveum * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ModelAuthorizationAction; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ModelInteractionService; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.context.ModelContext; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.context.ModelElementContext; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.util.DeputyUtils; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.util.ModelContextUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.SystemObjectCache; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.LensFocusContext; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.LensProjectionContext; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.*; import; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.polystring.PolyString; import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.api.RepositoryService; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.DeltaConvertor; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.ObjectTreeDeltas; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.ResourceShadowDiscriminator; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.SchemaConstants; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ObjectTypeUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.OidUtil; import; import; import; import; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskManager; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.*; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.LoggingUtils; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.Trace; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.TraceManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.*; import com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ObjectDeltaType; import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException; import org.activiti.engine.TaskService; import org.activiti.engine.form.FormProperty; import org.activiti.engine.task.IdentityLink; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import java.util.*; import; import static; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.ObjectTreeDeltas.fromObjectTreeDeltasType; import static org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils.addIgnoreNull; /** * @author mederly */ @Component public class MiscDataUtil { private static final transient Trace LOGGER = TraceManager.getTrace(MiscDataUtil.class); @Autowired @Qualifier("cacheRepositoryService") private RepositoryService repositoryService; @Autowired private PrismContext prismContext; @Autowired private TaskManager taskManager; @Autowired private SecurityEnforcer securityEnforcer; @Autowired private SecurityContextManager securityContextManager; @Autowired private WfConfiguration wfConfiguration; @Autowired private ActivitiEngine activitiEngine; @Autowired private BaseModelInvocationProcessingHelper baseModelInvocationProcessingHelper; public static ObjectReferenceType toObjectReferenceType(LightweightObjectRef ref) { if (ref != null) { return ref.toObjectReferenceType(); } else { return null; } } //region ========================================================================== Miscellaneous public PrismObject<UserType> getUserByOid(String oid, OperationResult result) { if (oid == null) { return null; } try { return repositoryService.getObject(UserType.class, oid, null, result); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // there should be a note in result by now LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't get user {} details because it couldn't be found", e, oid); return null; } catch (SchemaException e) { // there should be a note in result by now LoggingUtils.logUnexpectedException(LOGGER, "Couldn't get user {} details due to schema exception", e, oid); return null; } } // returns oid when user cannot be retrieved public String getUserNameByOid(String oid, OperationResult result) { try { PrismObject<UserType> user = repositoryService.getObject(UserType.class, oid, null, result); return user.asObjectable().getName().getOrig(); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // there should be a note in result by now LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't get user {} details because it couldn't be found", e, oid); return oid; } catch (SchemaException e) { // there should be a note in result by now LoggingUtils.logUnexpectedException(LOGGER, "Couldn't get user {} details due to schema exception", e, oid); return oid; } } public ObjectDelta getFocusPrimaryDelta(WfContextType workflowContext, boolean mayBeNull) throws JAXBException, SchemaException { ObjectDeltaType objectDeltaType = getFocusPrimaryObjectDeltaType(workflowContext, mayBeNull); return objectDeltaType != null ? DeltaConvertor.createObjectDelta(objectDeltaType, prismContext) : null; } // mayBeNull=false means that the corresponding variable must be present (not that focus must be non-null) // TODO: review/correct this! public ObjectDeltaType getFocusPrimaryObjectDeltaType(WfContextType workflowContext, boolean mayBeNull) throws JAXBException, SchemaException { ObjectTreeDeltasType deltas = getObjectTreeDeltaType(workflowContext, mayBeNull); return deltas != null ? deltas.getFocusPrimaryDelta() : null; } public ObjectTreeDeltasType getObjectTreeDeltaType(WfContextType workflowContext, boolean mayBeNull) throws SchemaException { WfProcessorSpecificStateType state = workflowContext.getProcessorSpecificState(); if (mayBeNull && state == null) { return null; } if (!(state instanceof WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType but got " + state); } return ((WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) state).getDeltasToProcess(); } public static String serializeObjectToXml(PrismObject<? extends ObjectType> object) { return serializeObjectToXml(object, object.getPrismContext()); } public static String serializeObjectToXml(PrismObject<? extends ObjectType> object, PrismContext prismContext) { try { return prismContext.serializeObjectToString(object, PrismContext.LANG_XML); } catch (SchemaException e) { throw new SystemException("Couldn't serialize a PrismObject " + object + " into XML", e); } } public static String serializeContainerableToXml(Containerable containerable, PrismContext prismContext) { try { PrismContainerValue value = containerable.asPrismContainerValue(); return prismContext.xmlSerializer().serialize(value, value.getContainer().getElementName()); } catch (SchemaException e) { throw new SystemException("Couldn't serialize a Containerable " + containerable + " into XML", e); } } public static ObjectType deserializeObjectFromXml(String xml, PrismContext prismContext) { try { return (ObjectType) prismContext.parserFor(xml).xml().parse().asObjectable(); } catch (SchemaException e) { throw new SystemException("Couldn't deserialize a PrismObject from XML", e); } } // public static PrismContainer deserializeContainerFromXml(String xml, PrismContext prismContext) { // try { // return prismContext.processorFor(xml).xml().unmarshallContainer(null); // TODO will 'null' work? // } catch (SchemaException e) { // throw new SystemException("Couldn't deserialize a Containerable from XML", e); // } // } public void resolveAssignmentTargetReferences(PrismObject<? extends UserType> object, OperationResult result) { for (AssignmentType assignmentType : object.asObjectable().getAssignment()) { if (assignmentType.getTarget() == null && assignmentType.getTargetRef() != null) { PrismObject<? extends ObjectType> target = null; try { target = repositoryService.getObject(ObjectType.class, assignmentType.getTargetRef().getOid(), null, result); assignmentType.setTarget(target.asObjectable()); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't resolve assignment " + assignmentType, e); } catch (SchemaException e) { LoggingUtils.logUnexpectedException(LOGGER, "Couldn't resolve assignment " + assignmentType, e); } } } } /** * Retrieves focus object name from the model context. */ public static String getFocusObjectName(ModelContext<? extends ObjectType> modelContext) { ObjectType object = getFocusObjectNewOrOld(modelContext); return object.getName() != null ? object.getName().getOrig() : null; } public static String getFocusObjectOid(ModelContext<?> modelContext) { ModelElementContext<?> fc = modelContext.getFocusContext(); if (fc.getObjectNew() != null && fc.getObjectNew().getOid() != null) { return fc.getObjectNew().getOid(); } else if (fc.getObjectOld() != null && fc.getObjectOld().getOid() != null) { return fc.getObjectOld().getOid(); } else { return null; } } public static ObjectType getFocusObjectNewOrOld(ModelContext<? extends ObjectType> modelContext) { ModelElementContext<? extends ObjectType> fc = modelContext.getFocusContext(); PrismObject<? extends ObjectType> prism = fc.getObjectNew() != null ? fc.getObjectNew() : fc.getObjectOld(); if (prism == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No object (new or old) in model context"); } return prism.asObjectable(); } public Task getShadowTask(Map<String, Object> variables, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { String oid = (String) variables.get(CommonProcessVariableNames.VARIABLE_MIDPOINT_TASK_OID); if (oid != null) { return taskManager.getTask(oid, result); } else { return null; } } @NotNull public static String refToString(@NotNull ObjectReferenceType ref) { return (ref.getType() != null ? ref.getType().getLocalPart() : UserType.COMPLEX_TYPE.getLocalPart()) + CommonProcessVariableNames.TYPE_NAME_SEPARATOR + ref.getOid(); } public static List<String> refsToStrings(@NotNull Collection<ObjectReferenceType> refs) { return -> refToString(r)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } @NotNull public static List<String> prismRefsToStrings(Collection<PrismReferenceValue> refs) { List<String> rv = new ArrayList<>(); for (PrismReferenceValue ref : refs) { addIgnoreNull(rv, refToString(ObjectTypeUtil.createObjectRef(ref))); } return rv; } @NotNull public static ObjectReferenceType stringToRef(@NotNull String s) { String[] parts = s.split(CommonProcessVariableNames.TYPE_NAME_SEPARATOR); if (parts.length == 0 || parts.length > 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect reference string representation: " + s); } else if (parts.length == 1) { return new ObjectReferenceType().oid(parts[0]).type(UserType.COMPLEX_TYPE); } else { // TODO support namespaces other than c: QName type = StringUtils.isEmpty(parts[0]) ? UserType.COMPLEX_TYPE : new QName(SchemaConstants.NS_C, parts[0]); return new ObjectReferenceType().oid(parts[1]).type(type); } } public enum RequestedOperation { COMPLETE(ModelAuthorizationAction.COMPLETE_ALL_WORK_ITEMS, null), DELEGATE( ModelAuthorizationAction.DELEGATE_ALL_WORK_ITEMS, ModelAuthorizationAction.DELEGATE_OWN_WORK_ITEMS); ModelAuthorizationAction actionAll, actionOwn; RequestedOperation(ModelAuthorizationAction actionAll, ModelAuthorizationAction actionOwn) { this.actionAll = actionAll; this.actionOwn = actionOwn; } } public boolean isAuthorized(WorkItemType workItem, RequestedOperation operation, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException { MidPointPrincipal principal; try { principal = securityContextManager.getPrincipal(); } catch (SecurityViolationException e) { return false; } if (principal.getOid() == null) { return false; } try { if (securityEnforcer.isAuthorized(operation.actionAll.getUrl(), null, AuthorizationParameters.EMPTY, null, task, result)) { return true; } if (operation.actionOwn != null && !securityEnforcer.isAuthorized(operation.actionOwn.getUrl(), null, AuthorizationParameters.EMPTY, null, task, result)) { return false; } } catch (SchemaException e) { throw new SystemException(e.getMessage(), e); } for (ObjectReferenceType assignee : workItem.getAssigneeRef()) { if (isEqualOrDeputyOf(principal, assignee.getOid())) { return true; } } return isAmongCandidates(principal, workItem.getExternalId()); } public boolean isEqualOrDeputyOf(MidPointPrincipal principal, String eligibleUserOid) { return principal.getOid().equals(eligibleUserOid) || DeputyUtils.isDelegationPresent(principal.getUser(), eligibleUserOid); } public WfConfigurationType getWorkflowConfiguration(SystemObjectCache systemObjectCache, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException { PrismObject<SystemConfigurationType> systemConfiguration = systemObjectCache.getSystemConfiguration(result); if (systemConfiguration == null) { return null; } return systemConfiguration.asObjectable().getWorkflowConfiguration(); } // principal != null, principal.getOid() != null, principal.getUser() != null private boolean isAmongCandidates(MidPointPrincipal principal, String taskId) { String currentUserOid = principal.getOid(); List<IdentityLink> identityLinks; try { TaskService taskService = activitiEngine.getTaskService(); // working around activiti bug, see MID-3799.6 (the NPE when task does not exist) org.activiti.engine.task.Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().taskId(taskId).singleResult(); if (task == null) { return false; } identityLinks = taskService.getIdentityLinksForTask(taskId); } catch (ActivitiException e) { throw new SystemException( "Couldn't determine user authorization, because the task candidate users and groups couldn't be retrieved: " + e.getMessage(), e); } for (IdentityLink identityLink : identityLinks) { if (identityLink.getUserId() != null && identityLink.getUserId().equals(currentUserOid)) { return true; } if (identityLink.getGroupId() != null) { if (isMemberOfActivitiGroup(principal.getUser(), identityLink.getGroupId())) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isAuthorizedToClaim(WorkItemType workItem) { return isAuthorizedToClaim(workItem.getExternalId()); } public boolean isAuthorizedToClaim(String taskId) { MidPointPrincipal principal; try { principal = securityContextManager.getPrincipal(); } catch (SecurityViolationException e) { return false; } String currentUserOid = principal.getOid(); if (currentUserOid == null) { return false; } return isAmongCandidates(principal, taskId); } // todo move to something activiti-related public static Map<String, FormProperty> formPropertiesAsMap(List<FormProperty> properties) { Map<String, FormProperty> retval = new HashMap<>(); for (FormProperty property : properties) { retval.put(property.getId(), property); } return retval; } public boolean isMemberOfActivitiGroup(UserType userType, String activitiGroupId) { ObjectReferenceType groupRef = stringToRef(activitiGroupId); return userType.getRoleMembershipRef().stream().anyMatch(ref -> matches(groupRef, ref)) || userType.getDelegatedRef().stream().anyMatch(ref -> matches(groupRef, ref)); } public boolean matches(ObjectReferenceType groupRef, ObjectReferenceType targetRef) { return (ObjectTypeUtil.isMembershipRelation(targetRef.getRelation())) // TODO reconsider if we allow managers here && targetRef.getOid().equals(groupRef.getOid()); } public PrismObject resolveObjectReference(ObjectReferenceType ref, OperationResult result) { return resolveObjectReference(ref, false, result); } public PrismObject resolveAndStoreObjectReference(ObjectReferenceType ref, OperationResult result) { return resolveObjectReference(ref, true, result); } public void resolveAndStoreObjectReferences(@NotNull Collection<ObjectReferenceType> references, OperationResult result) { references.forEach(ref -> resolveObjectReference(ref, true, result)); } private PrismObject resolveObjectReference(ObjectReferenceType ref, boolean storeBack, OperationResult result) { if (ref == null) { return null; } if (ref.asReferenceValue().getObject() != null) { return ref.asReferenceValue().getObject(); } try { PrismObject object = repositoryService.getObject( (Class) prismContext.getSchemaRegistry().getCompileTimeClass(ref.getType()), ref.getOid(), null, result); if (storeBack) { ref.asReferenceValue().setObject(object); } return object; } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // there should be a note in result by now LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't get reference {} details because it couldn't be found", e, ref); return null; } catch (SchemaException e) { // there should be a note in result by now LoggingUtils.logUnexpectedException(LOGGER, "Couldn't get reference {} details due to schema exception", e, ref); return null; } } public ObjectReferenceType resolveObjectReferenceName(ObjectReferenceType ref, OperationResult result) { if (ref == null || ref.getTargetName() != null) { return ref; } PrismObject<?> object; if (ref.asReferenceValue().getObject() != null) { object = ref.asReferenceValue().getObject(); } else { object = resolveObjectReference(ref, result); if (object == null) { return ref; } } ref = ref.clone(); ref.setTargetName(PolyString.toPolyStringType(object.getName())); return ref; } public void generateFocusOidIfNeeded(ModelContext<?> modelContext, ObjectDelta<? extends ObjectType> change) { if (modelContext.getFocusContext().getOid() != null) { return; } String newOid = OidUtil.generateOid(); LOGGER.trace("This is ADD operation with no focus OID provided. Generated new OID to be used: {}", newOid); if (change.getChangeType() != ADD) { throw new IllegalStateException("Change type is not ADD for no-oid focus situation: " + change); } else if (change.getObjectToAdd() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Object to add is null for change: " + change); } else if (change.getObjectToAdd().getOid() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Object to add has already an OID present: " + change); } change.getObjectToAdd().setOid(newOid); ((LensFocusContext<?>) modelContext.getFocusContext()).setOid(newOid); } public void generateProjectionOidIfNeeded(ModelContext<?> modelContext, ShadowType shadow, ResourceShadowDiscriminator rsd) { if (shadow.getOid() != null) { return; } String newOid = OidUtil.generateOid(); LOGGER.trace("This is ADD operation with no shadow OID for {} provided. Generated new OID to be used: {}", rsd, newOid); shadow.setOid(newOid); LensProjectionContext projCtx = ((LensProjectionContext) modelContext.findProjectionContext(rsd)); if (projCtx == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No projection context for " + rsd + " could be found"); } else if (projCtx.getOid() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No projection context for " + rsd + " has already an OID: " + projCtx.getOid()); } projCtx.setOid(newOid); } // TODO move somewhere else? public ChangesByState getChangesByStateForChild(TaskType childTask, TaskType rootTask, ModelInteractionService modelInteractionService, PrismContext prismContext, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { ChangesByState rv = new ChangesByState(prismContext); final WfContextType wfc = childTask.getWorkflowContext(); if (wfc != null && wfc.getProcessInstanceId() != null) { Boolean isApproved = ApprovalUtils.approvalBooleanValueFromUri(wfc.getOutcome()); if (isApproved == null) { if (wfc.getEndTimestamp() == null) { recordChangesWaitingToBeApproved(rv, wfc, prismContext); } else { recordChangesCanceled(rv, wfc, prismContext); } } else if (isApproved) { if (rootTask.getModelOperationContext() != null) { // this is "execute after all approvals" if (rootTask.getModelOperationContext().getState() == ModelStateType.FINAL) { recordResultingChanges(rv.getApplied(), wfc, prismContext); } else if (!containsHandler(rootTask, WfPrepareRootOperationTaskHandler.HANDLER_URI)) { recordResultingChanges(rv.getBeingApplied(), wfc, prismContext); } else { recordResultingChanges(rv.getWaitingToBeApplied(), wfc, prismContext); } } else { // "execute immediately" if (childTask.getModelOperationContext() == null || childTask.getModelOperationContext().getState() == ModelStateType.FINAL) { recordResultingChanges(rv.getApplied(), wfc, prismContext); } else if (!containsHandler(childTask, WfPrepareChildOperationTaskHandler.HANDLER_URI)) { recordResultingChanges(rv.getBeingApplied(), wfc, prismContext); } else { recordResultingChanges(rv.getWaitingToBeApplied(), wfc, prismContext); } } } else { recordChangesRejected(rv, wfc, prismContext); } } return rv; } // TODO move somewhere else? public ChangesByState getChangesByStateForRoot(TaskType rootTask, ModelInteractionService modelInteractionService, PrismContext prismContext, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { ChangesByState rv = new ChangesByState(prismContext); recordChanges(rv, rootTask.getModelOperationContext(), modelInteractionService, task, result); for (TaskType subtask : rootTask.getSubtask()) { recordChanges(rv, subtask.getModelOperationContext(), modelInteractionService, task, result); final WfContextType wfc = subtask.getWorkflowContext(); if (wfc != null && wfc.getProcessInstanceId() != null) { Boolean isApproved = ApprovalUtils.approvalBooleanValueFromUri(wfc.getOutcome()); if (isApproved == null) { if (wfc.getEndTimestamp() == null) { recordChangesWaitingToBeApproved(rv, wfc, prismContext); } else { recordChangesCanceled(rv, wfc, prismContext); } } else if (isApproved) { recordChangesApprovedIfNeeded(rv, subtask, rootTask, prismContext); } else { recordChangesRejected(rv, wfc, prismContext); } } } return rv; } private void recordChangesApprovedIfNeeded(ChangesByState rv, TaskType subtask, TaskType rootTask, PrismContext prismContext) throws SchemaException { if (!containsHandler(rootTask, WfPrepareRootOperationTaskHandler.HANDLER_URI) && !containsHandler(subtask, WfPrepareChildOperationTaskHandler.HANDLER_URI)) { return; // these changes were already incorporated into one of model contexts } if (subtask.getWorkflowContext().getProcessorSpecificState() instanceof WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) { WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType ps = (WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) subtask.getWorkflowContext() .getProcessorSpecificState(); rv.getWaitingToBeApplied().merge(fromObjectTreeDeltasType(ps.getResultingDeltas(), prismContext)); } } private boolean containsHandler(TaskType taskType, String handlerUri) { if (handlerUri.equals(taskType.getHandlerUri())) { return true; } if (taskType.getOtherHandlersUriStack() == null) { return false; } for (UriStackEntry uriStackEntry : taskType.getOtherHandlersUriStack().getUriStackEntry()) { if (handlerUri.equals(uriStackEntry.getHandlerUri())) { return true; } } return false; } private <O extends ObjectType> void recordChanges(ChangesByState rv, LensContextType modelOperationContext, ModelInteractionService modelInteractionService, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException { if (modelOperationContext == null) { return; } ModelContext<O> modelContext = ModelContextUtil.unwrapModelContext(modelOperationContext, modelInteractionService, task, result); ObjectTreeDeltas<O> deltas = baseModelInvocationProcessingHelper .extractTreeDeltasFromModelContext(modelContext); ObjectTreeDeltas<O> target; switch (modelContext.getState()) { case INITIAL: case PRIMARY: target = rv.getWaitingToBeApplied(); break; case SECONDARY: target = rv.getBeingApplied(); break; case EXECUTION: // TODO reconsider this after EXECUTION and POSTEXECUTION states are really used case POSTEXECUTION: case FINAL: target = rv.getApplied(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal model state: " + modelContext.getState()); } target.merge(deltas); } protected void recordChangesWaitingToBeApproved(ChangesByState rv, WfContextType wfc, PrismContext prismContext) throws SchemaException { if (wfc.getProcessorSpecificState() instanceof WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) { WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType ps = (WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) wfc .getProcessorSpecificState(); rv.getWaitingToBeApproved().merge(fromObjectTreeDeltasType(ps.getDeltasToProcess(), prismContext)); } } protected void recordChangesCanceled(ChangesByState rv, WfContextType wfc, PrismContext prismContext) throws SchemaException { if (wfc.getProcessorSpecificState() instanceof WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) { WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType ps = (WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) wfc .getProcessorSpecificState(); rv.getCanceled().merge(fromObjectTreeDeltasType(ps.getDeltasToProcess(), prismContext)); } } private void recordChangesRejected(ChangesByState rv, WfContextType wfc, PrismContext prismContext) throws SchemaException { if (wfc.getProcessorSpecificState() instanceof WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) { WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType ps = (WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) wfc .getProcessorSpecificState(); if (ObjectTreeDeltas.isEmpty(ps.getResultingDeltas())) { rv.getRejected().merge(fromObjectTreeDeltasType(ps.getDeltasToProcess(), prismContext)); } else { // it's actually hard to decide what to display as 'rejected' - because the delta was partly approved // however, this situation will not currently occur } } } private void recordResultingChanges(ObjectTreeDeltas<?> target, WfContextType wfc, PrismContext prismContext) throws SchemaException { if (wfc.getProcessorSpecificState() instanceof WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) { WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType ps = (WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType) wfc .getProcessorSpecificState(); target.merge(fromObjectTreeDeltasType(ps.getResultingDeltas(), prismContext)); } } }