Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Evolveum * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.Containerable; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.Objectable; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismConstants; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismContainerDefinition; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObject; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObjectDefinition; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismProperty; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismPropertyDefinition; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReferenceValue; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.match.PolyStringNormMatchingRule; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.match.PolyStringOrigMatchingRule; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.polystring.PolyString; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.AndFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.EqualFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ExistsFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.GreaterFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.InOidFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.LessFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectPaging; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectQuery; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.OrFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.OrgFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.QueryJaxbConvertor; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.RefFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.SubstringFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.TypeFilter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.builder.QueryBuilder; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.schema.SchemaRegistry; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.util.PrismTestUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xml.XmlTypeConverter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query.QueryException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query.RQuery; import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query2.QueryEngine2; import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query2.RQueryImpl; import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.type.XMLGregorianCalendarType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.MidPointPrismContextFactory; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.MidPointConstants; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.ObjectTypes; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ObjectQueryUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ObjectTypeUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DOMUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.PrettyPrinter; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.Trace; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.TraceManager; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AbstractRoleType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCampaignType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCaseType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationDecisionType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ActivationStatusType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ActivationType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AssignmentType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ConnectorType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.FocusType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.GenericObjectType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.MetadataType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.OrgType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ReportOutputType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ReportType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.RoleType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ShadowType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.TaskExecutionStatusType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.TaskType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.TriggerType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.UserType; import com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.query_3.QueryType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.testng.AssertJUnit; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismConstants.T_ID; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismConstants.T_PARENT; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.OrderDirection.ASCENDING; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.OrderDirection.DESCENDING; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCampaignStateType.IN_REVIEW_STAGE; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCampaignType.F_STATE; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCaseType.F_CURRENT_STAGE_NUMBER; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCaseType.F_DECISION; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCaseType.F_REVIEWER_REF; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCaseType.F_REVIEW_DEADLINE; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationCaseType.F_REVIEW_REQUESTED_TIMESTAMP; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationDecisionType.F_RESPONSE; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationDecisionType.F_STAGE_NUMBER; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AccessCertificationResponseType.NO_RESPONSE; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AssignmentType.F_CONSTRUCTION; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ConstructionType.F_RESOURCE_REF; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.FocusType.F_ASSIGNMENT; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.MetadataType.F_CREATE_APPROVER_REF; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.MetadataType.F_CREATOR_REF; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectType.F_EXTENSION; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectType.F_METADATA; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectType.F_NAME; import static com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.TriggerType.F_TIMESTAMP; /** * @author lazyman * @author mederly */ @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "../../../../../ctx-test.xml" }) @DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS) public class QueryInterpreter2Test extends BaseSQLRepoTest { private static final Trace LOGGER = TraceManager.getTrace(QueryInterpreter2Test.class); private static final File TEST_DIR = new File("./src/test/resources/query"); private static final QName SKIP_AUTOGENERATION = new QName("", "skipAutogeneration"); @BeforeSuite public void setup() throws SchemaException, SAXException, IOException { PrettyPrinter.setDefaultNamespacePrefix(MidPointConstants.NS_MIDPOINT_PUBLIC_PREFIX); PrismTestUtil.resetPrismContext(MidPointPrismContextFactory.FACTORY); } @BeforeClass public void beforeClass() throws Exception { super.beforeClass(); PrismTestUtil.resetPrismContext(MidPointPrismContextFactory.FACTORY); List<PrismObject<? extends Objectable>> objects = prismContext .parseObjects(new File(FOLDER_BASIC, "objects.xml")); OperationResult result = new OperationResult("add objects"); for (PrismObject object : objects) { repositoryService.addObject(object, null, result); } result.recomputeStatus(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(result.isSuccess()); } @Test public void test001QueryNameNorm() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: Equal (name, "asdf", PolyStringNorm) */ ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(F_NAME) .eqPoly("asdf", "asdf").matchingNorm().build(); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " = :norm"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test002QueryNameOrig() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: Equal (name, "asdf", PolyStringOrig) */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(F_NAME, UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringOrigMatchingRule.NAME, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(F_NAME) .eqPoly("asdf", "asdf").matchingOrig().build(); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " = :orig"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test003QueryNameStrict() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: Equal (name, "asdf", PolyStringOrig) */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(F_NAME, UserType.class, prismContext, null, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(F_NAME) .eqPoly("asdf", "asdf").build(); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " ( = :orig and = :norm )"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test010QueryOrganizationNorm() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: Equal (organization, "asdf", PolyStringNorm) */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringNormMatchingRule.NAME, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION) .eqPoly("asdf", "asdf").matchingNorm().build(); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.organization o\n" + "where\n" + " o.norm = :norm"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test011QueryOrganizationOrig() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: Equal (organization, "asdf", PolyStringOrig) */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringOrigMatchingRule.NAME, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION) .eqPoly("asdf", "asdf").matchingOrig().build(); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.organization o\n" + "where\n" + " o.orig = :orig"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test012QueryOrganizationStrict() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: Equal (organization, "asdf") */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, null, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION) .eqPoly("asdf", "asdf").matchingStrict().build(); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.organization o\n" + "where\n" + " ( o.orig = :orig and o.norm = :norm )"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test020QueryTwoOrganizationsNormAnd() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * UserType: And (Equal (organization, 'asdf', PolyStringNorm), * Equal (organization, 'ghjk', PolyStringNorm)) */ ObjectFilter filter = AndFilter.createAnd( EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringNormMatchingRule.NAME, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")), EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringNormMatchingRule.NAME, new PolyString("ghjk", "ghjk"))); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION) .eqPoly("asdf", "asdf").matchingNorm().and().item(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION) .eqPoly("ghjk", "ghjk").matchingNorm().build(); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.organization o\n" + " left join u.organization o2\n" + "where\n" + " ( o.norm = :norm and o2.norm = :norm2 )"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test021QueryTwoOrganizationsStrictOr() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * UserType: Or (Equal (organization, 'asdf'), * Equal (organization, 'ghjk')) */ ObjectFilter filter = OrFilter.createOr( EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, null, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")), EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, null, new PolyString("ghjk", "ghjk"))); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION) .eqPoly("asdf", "asdf").or().item(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION).eqPoly("ghjk", "ghjk").build(); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.organization o\n" + " left join u.organization o2\n" + "where\n" + " ( ( o.orig = :orig and o.norm = :norm ) or\n" + " ( o2.orig = :orig2 and o2.norm = :norm2 ) )"; // NOTE: this could be implemented more efficiently by using only one join... or the query itself can be formulated // via In filter (when available) or Exists filter (also, when available) String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test025QueryOrganizationOrigPolymorphic() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### object: Equal (organization, "asdf", PolyStringOrig) */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringOrigMatchingRule.NAME, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject, o.stringsCount, o.longsCount, o.datesCount, o.referencesCount, o.polysCount, o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + " left join o.organization o2\n" + "where\n" + " o2.orig = :orig"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test030QueryTaskDependent() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### task: Equal (dependent, "123456") */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(TaskType.F_DEPENDENT, TaskType.class, prismContext, null, "123456"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String expected = "select\n" + " t.fullObject, t.stringsCount, t.longsCount, t.datesCount, t.referencesCount, t.polysCount, t.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RTask t\n" + " left join t.dependent d\n" + "where\n" + " d = :d"; String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, TaskType.class, query); assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test(expectedExceptions = QueryException.class) public void test040QueryClob() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_DESCRIPTION, UserType.class, prismContext, null, "aaa"); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(UserType.F_DESCRIPTION) .eq("aaa").build(); //should throw exception, because description is lob and can't be queried getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test050QueryEnum() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### task: Equal (executionStatus, WAITING) */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(TaskType.F_EXECUTION_STATUS, TaskType.class, prismContext, null, TaskExecutionStatusType.WAITING); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, TaskType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " t.fullObject,\n" + " t.stringsCount,\n" + " t.longsCount,\n" + " t.datesCount,\n" + " t.referencesCount,\n" + " t.polysCount,\n" + " t.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RTask t\n" + "where\n" + " t.executionStatus = :executionStatus\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test060QueryEnabled() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### task: Equal (activation/administrativeStatus, ENABLED) * ==> from RUser u where u.activation.administrativeStatus = */ String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-user-by-enabled.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " u.activation.administrativeStatus = :administrativeStatus\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test070QueryGenericLong() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### generic: And (Equal (name, "generic object", PolyStringNorm), * Equal (c:extension/p:intType, 123)) * ==> from RGenericObject g * left join g.longs l (l.ownerType = and = '') * where * = 'generic object' and * l.value = 123 */ String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, GenericObjectType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-and-generic.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " g.fullObject, g.stringsCount, g.longsCount, g.datesCount, g.referencesCount, g.polysCount, g.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RGenericObject g\n" + " left join g.longs l with ( l.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + "where\n" + " ( = :norm and l.value = :value )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test071QueryGenericLongTwice() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(GenericObjectType.class, prismContext).item(F_NAME) .eqPoly("generic object", "generic object").matchingNorm().and() .item(F_EXTENSION, new QName("intType")).ge(100).and().item(F_EXTENSION, new QName("intType")) .lt(200).and().item(F_EXTENSION, new QName("longType")).eq(335).build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, GenericObjectType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " g.fullObject, g.stringsCount, g.longsCount, g.datesCount, g.referencesCount, g.polysCount, g.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RGenericObject g\n" + " left join g.longs l with ( l.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + " left join g.longs l2 with ( l2.ownerType = :ownerType2 and = :name2 )\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " = :norm and\n" + " l.value >= :value and\n" + " l.value < :value2 and\n" + " l2.value = :value3\n" + " )"; // note l and l2 cannot be merged as they point to different extension properties (intType, longType) assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test072QueryAccountByAttribute() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ShadowType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-account-by-attribute.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " s.fullObject, s.stringsCount, s.longsCount, s.datesCount, s.referencesCount, s.polysCount, s.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RShadow s\n" + " left join s.strings s2 with ( s2.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + "where\n" + " s2.value = :value\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test074QueryAccountByAttributeAndExtensionValue() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ShadowType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-account-by-attribute-and-extension-value.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " s.fullObject, s.stringsCount, s.longsCount, s.datesCount, s.referencesCount, s.polysCount, s.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RShadow s\n" + " left join s.strings s2 with ( s2.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + " left join s.longs l with ( l.ownerType = :ownerType2 and = :name2 )\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " s2.value = :value and\n" + " l.value = :value2\n" + " )"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test076QueryOrComposite() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### shadow: * Or ( * Equal (intent, "some account type"), * Equal (attributes/f:foo, "foo value"), * Equal (extension/p:stringType, "uid=test,dc=example,dc=com"), * Ref (resourceRef, d0db5be9-cb93-401f-b6c1-86ffffe4cd5e)) * * ==> from RShadow r left join r.strings s1 where * r.intent = 'some account type' or * (s1.ownerType = RObjectExtensionType.ATTRIBUTES and = '' and s1.value = 'foo value') or * (s1.ownerType = RObjectExtensionType.EXTENSION and = '' and s1.value = 'uid=test,dc=example,dc=com') or * (r.resourceRef.targetOid = 'd0db5be9-cb93-401f-b6c1-86ffffe4cd5e' and r.resourceRef.relation = '#' and r.resourceRef.type = '...#ResourceType') * * [If we used AND instead of OR, this SHOULD BE left join r.strings s1, left join r.strings s2] */ String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ShadowType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-or-composite.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " s.fullObject, s.stringsCount, s.longsCount, s.datesCount, s.referencesCount, s.polysCount, s.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RShadow s\n" + " left join s.strings s2 with ( s2.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + " left join s.strings s3 with ( s3.ownerType = :ownerType2 and = :name2 )\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " s.intent = :intent or\n" + " s2.value = :value or\n" + " s3.value = :value2 or\n" + " (\n" + " s.resourceRef.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " s.resourceRef.relation = :relation and\n" + " s.resourceRef.type = :type\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; /* ownerType = ATTRIBUTES ( name = value = foo value ownerType2 = name2 = value2 = uid=test,dc=example,dc=com intent = some account type targetOid = d0db5be9-cb93-401f-b6c1-86ffffe4cd5e relation = # type = */ assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test080QueryExistsAssignment() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### UserType: Exists (assignment, Equal (activation/administrativeStatus = Enabled)) */ ExistsFilter filter = ExistsFilter.createExists(new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT), UserType.class, prismContext, EqualFilter.createEqual( new ItemPath(AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATUS), AssignmentType.class, prismContext, null, ActivationStatusType.ENABLED)); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); query0.setPaging(ObjectPaging.createPaging(F_NAME, ASCENDING)); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).exists(F_ASSIGNMENT) .item(AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATUS) .eq(ActivationStatusType.ENABLED).asc(F_NAME).build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + "where\n" + " a.activation.administrativeStatus = :administrativeStatus\n" + "order by asc\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test100QueryObjectByName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### object: Equal (name, "cpt. Jack Sparrow") * Order by name, ASC * * ==> from RObject o where name.orig = 'cpt. Jack Sparrow' and name.norm = 'cpt jack sparrow' * order by name.orig asc */ EqualFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(F_NAME, ObjectType.class, prismContext, null, new PolyString("cpt. Jack Sparrow", "cpt jack sparrow")); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); query.setPaging(ObjectPaging.createPaging(null, null, F_NAME, ASCENDING)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " = :orig and\n" + " = :norm\n" + " )\n" + "order by asc\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test110QueryUserByFullName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-user-by-fullName.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " u.fullName.norm = :norm\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test112QueryUserSubstringFullName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-user-substring-fullName.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " lower(u.fullName.norm) like :norm"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test114QueryUserByName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-user-by-name.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " = :norm"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test120QueryConnectorByType() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ConnectorType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-connector-by-type.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " c.fullObject,\n" + " c.stringsCount,\n" + " c.longsCount,\n" + " c.datesCount,\n" + " c.referencesCount,\n" + " c.polysCount,\n" + " c.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RConnector c\n" + "where\n" + " c.connectorType = :connectorType\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test130QueryAccountByAttributesAndResourceRef() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ShadowType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-account-by-attributes-and-resource-ref.xml")); String expected = "select\n" + " s.fullObject,\n" + " s.stringsCount,\n" + " s.longsCount,\n" + " s.datesCount,\n" + " s.referencesCount,\n" + " s.polysCount,\n" + " s.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RShadow s\n" + " left join s.strings s2 with ( s2.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " s.resourceRef.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " s.resourceRef.relation = :relation and\n" + " s.resourceRef.type = :type\n" + " ) and\n" + " s2.value = :value\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test140QueryUserAccountRef() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: Ref (linkRef, 123) * * ==> select from RUser u left join u.linkRef l where * l.targetOid = '123' and l.relation = '#' */ RefFilter filter = RefFilter.createReferenceEqual(UserType.F_LINK_REF, UserType.class, prismContext, "123"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); // ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext) // .item(UserType.F_LINK_REF).ref("123") // .build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.linkRef l\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " l.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " l.relation = :relation\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test150QueryUserAssignmentTargetRef() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: Ref (assignment/targetRef, '123', RoleType) * * ==> select from RUser u left join u.assignments a where * a.assignmentOwner = RAssignmentOwner.FOCUS and * a.targetRef.targetOid = '123' and * a.targetRef.relation = '#' and * a.targetRef.type = RObjectType.ROLE */ ObjectReferenceType ort = new ObjectReferenceType(); ort.setOid("123"); ort.setType(RoleType.COMPLEX_TYPE); RefFilter filter = RefFilter.createReferenceEqual( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_TARGET_REF), UserType.class, prismContext, ort.asReferenceValue()); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter)); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " a.targetRef.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " a.targetRef.relation = :relation and\n" + " a.targetRef.type = :type\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test160QueryTrigger() throws Exception { final Date NOW = new Date(); Session session = open(); try { XMLGregorianCalendar thisScanTimestamp = XmlTypeConverter.createXMLGregorianCalendar(NOW.getTime()); SchemaRegistry registry = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry(); PrismObjectDefinition objectDef = registry.findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(ObjectType.class); ItemPath triggerPath = new ItemPath(ObjectType.F_TRIGGER, F_TIMESTAMP); ObjectFilter filter = LessFilter.createLess(triggerPath, objectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject, o.stringsCount, o.longsCount, o.datesCount, o.referencesCount, o.polysCount, o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + " left join o.trigger t\n" + "where\n" + " t.timestamp <= :timestamp\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test162QueryTriggerBeforeAfter() throws Exception { final Date NOW = new Date(); Session session = open(); try { XMLGregorianCalendar lastScanTimestamp = XmlTypeConverter.createXMLGregorianCalendar(NOW.getTime()); XMLGregorianCalendar thisScanTimestamp = XmlTypeConverter.createXMLGregorianCalendar(NOW.getTime()); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(ObjectType.class, prismContext).exists(ObjectType.F_TRIGGER) .block().item(F_TIMESTAMP).gt(lastScanTimestamp).and().item(F_TIMESTAMP).le(thisScanTimestamp) .endBlock().build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject, o.stringsCount, o.longsCount, o.datesCount, o.referencesCount, o.polysCount, o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + " left join o.trigger t\n" + "where\n" + " ( t.timestamp > :timestamp and t.timestamp <= :timestamp2 )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test170QueryAssignmentActivationAdministrativeStatus() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { SchemaRegistry registry = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry(); PrismObjectDefinition objectDef = registry.findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); ItemPath activationPath = new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATUS); ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(activationPath, objectDef, ActivationStatusType.ENABLED); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + "where\n" + " a.activation.administrativeStatus = :administrativeStatus\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test180QueryInducementActivationAdministrativeStatus() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### role: Equal (inducement/activation/administrativeStatus, ENABLED) * * ==> select from RRole r left join r.assignments a where * a.assignmentOwner = RAssignmentOwner.ABSTRACT_ROLE and <--- this differentiates inducements from assignments * a.activation.administrativeStatus = RActivationStatus.ENABLED */ SchemaRegistry registry = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry(); PrismObjectDefinition objectDef = registry.findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(RoleType.class); ItemPath activationPath = new ItemPath(RoleType.F_INDUCEMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATUS); ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(activationPath, objectDef, ActivationStatusType.ENABLED); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, RoleType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " r.fullObject,\n" + " r.stringsCount,\n" + " r.longsCount,\n" + " r.datesCount,\n" + " r.referencesCount,\n" + " r.polysCount,\n" + " r.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RRole r\n" + " left join r.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + "where\n" + " a.activation.administrativeStatus = :administrativeStatus\n"; // assignmentOwner = assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test182QueryInducementAndAssignmentActivationAdministrativeStatus() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### Role: Or (Equal (assignment/activation/administrativeStatus, RActivationStatus.ENABLED), * Equal (inducement/activation/administrativeStatus, RActivationStatus.ENABLED)) */ SchemaRegistry registry = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry(); PrismObjectDefinition objectDef = registry.findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(RoleType.class); //filter1 ItemPath activationPath1 = new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATUS); ObjectFilter filter1 = EqualFilter.createEqual(activationPath1, objectDef, ActivationStatusType.ENABLED); //filter2 ItemPath activationPath2 = new ItemPath(RoleType.F_INDUCEMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATUS); ObjectFilter filter2 = EqualFilter.createEqual(activationPath2, objectDef, ActivationStatusType.ENABLED); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(OrFilter.createOr(filter1, filter2)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, RoleType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " r.fullObject,\n" + " r.stringsCount,\n" + " r.longsCount,\n" + " r.datesCount,\n" + " r.referencesCount,\n" + " r.polysCount,\n" + " r.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RRole r\n" + " left join r.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + " left join r.assignments a2 with a2.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner2\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " a.activation.administrativeStatus = :administrativeStatus or\n" + " a2.activation.administrativeStatus = :administrativeStatus2\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test190QueryUserByActivationDouble() throws Exception { Date NOW = new Date(); Session session = open(); try { /* * ### user: And (Equal (activation/administrativeStatus, RActivationStatus.ENABLED), * Equal (activation/validFrom, '...')) * * ==> select u from RUser u where u.activation.administrativeStatus = RActivationStatus.ENABLED and * u.activation.validFrom = ... */ SchemaRegistry registry = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry(); PrismObjectDefinition objectDef = registry.findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); ObjectFilter filter1 = EqualFilter.createEqual( new ItemPath(AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATUS), objectDef, ActivationStatusType.ENABLED); ObjectFilter filter2 = EqualFilter.createEqual( new ItemPath(AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), objectDef, XmlTypeConverter.createXMLGregorianCalendar(NOW.getTime())); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(AndFilter.createAnd(filter1, filter2)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " u.activation.administrativeStatus = :administrativeStatus and\n" + " u.activation.validFrom = :validFrom\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test200QueryTriggerTimestampDoubleWrong() throws Exception { final Date NOW = new Date(); Session session = open(); try { XMLGregorianCalendar thisScanTimestamp = XmlTypeConverter.createXMLGregorianCalendar(NOW.getTime()); SchemaRegistry registry = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry(); PrismObjectDefinition objectDef = registry.findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(ObjectType.class); ItemPath triggerPath = new ItemPath(ObjectType.F_TRIGGER, F_TIMESTAMP); ObjectFilter greater = GreaterFilter.createGreater(triggerPath, objectDef, thisScanTimestamp, false); ObjectFilter lesser = LessFilter.createLess(triggerPath, objectDef, thisScanTimestamp, false); AndFilter and = AndFilter.createAnd(greater, lesser);; ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(and); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, query); // correct translation but the filter is wrong: we need to point to THE SAME timestamp -> i.e. ForValue should be used here String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject, o.stringsCount, o.longsCount, o.datesCount, o.referencesCount, o.polysCount, o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + " left join o.trigger t\n" + " left join o.trigger t2\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " t.timestamp > :timestamp and\n" + " t2.timestamp < :timestamp2\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test300CountObjectOrderByName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(F_NAME, UserType.class, prismContext, null, new PolyString("cpt. Jack Sparrow", "cpt jack sparrow")); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter, ObjectPaging.createPaging(F_NAME, ASCENDING)); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(F_NAME) .eqPoly("cpt. Jack Sparrow", "cpt jack sparrow").asc(F_NAME).build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query, true); String expected = "select\n" + " count(*)\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " = :orig and\n" + " = :norm\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test310CountObjectOrderByNameWithoutFilter() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectPaging paging = ObjectPaging.createPaging(null, null, F_NAME, ASCENDING); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(null, paging); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, query, true); String expected = "select\n" + " count(*)\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n"; // ordering does not make sense here assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } /** * Q{AND: (EQUALS: parent, PPV(null)),PAGING: O: 0,M: 5,BY: name, D:ASCENDING, * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test320CountTaskOrderByName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(TaskType.F_PARENT, TaskType.class, prismContext, null); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); query.setPaging(ObjectPaging.createPaging(null, null, F_NAME, ASCENDING)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, TaskType.class, query, true); String expected = "select\n" + " count(*)\n" + "from\n" + " RTask t\n" + "where\n" + " t.parent is null"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test330InOidTest() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(ObjectType.class, prismContext).id("1", "2").build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + "where\n" + " o.oid in :oid\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test335OwnerInOidTest() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext) .ownerId("1", "2").build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + "where\n" + " a.ownerOid in :ownerOid"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test340QueryOrgTreeFindOrgs() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { OrgFilter orgFilter = OrgFilter.createOrg("some oid", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(orgFilter); query0.setPaging(ObjectPaging.createPaging(null, null, F_NAME, ASCENDING)); query0.setUseNewQueryInterpreter(true); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(OrgType.class, prismContext).isDirectChildOf("some oid") .asc(ObjectType.F_NAME).build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, OrgType.class, query); OperationResult result = new OperationResult("query org structure"); repositoryService.searchObjects(OrgType.class, query, null, result); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " ROrg o\n" + "where\n" + " o.oid in (select ref.ownerOid from RObjectReference ref where ref.referenceType = and ref.targetOid = :orgOid)\n" + "order by asc\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test345QueryOrgAllLevels() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(OrgType.class, prismContext) .isChildOf(new PrismReferenceValue("123")).asc(ObjectType.F_NAME).build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, OrgType.class, query); OperationResult result = new OperationResult("query org structure"); repositoryService.searchObjects(OrgType.class, query, null, result); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " ROrg o\n" + "where\n" + " o.oid in (select ref.ownerOid from RObjectReference ref where ref.referenceType = and ref.targetOid in (select descendantOid from ROrgClosure where ancestorOid = :orgOid))\n" + "order by asc"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test348QueryRoots() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(OrgType.class, prismContext).isRoot().asc(ObjectType.F_NAME) .build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, OrgType.class, query); OperationResult result = new OperationResult("query org structure"); repositoryService.searchObjects(OrgType.class, query, null, result); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " ROrg o\n" + "where\n" + " o.oid in (select descendantOid from ROrgClosure group by descendantOid having count(descendantOid) = 1)\n" + "order by asc"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } // @Test // public void asdf() throws Exception { // Session session = open(); // try { // Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RUser.class, "u"); // Criteria a = main.createCriteria("assignments", "a"); // a.add(Restrictions.eq("a.assignmentOwner", RAssignmentOwner.FOCUS)); // Criteria e = a.createCriteria("a.extension"); // // Criteria s = e.createCriteria("strings", "s"); // // Conjunction c2 = Restrictions.conjunction(); // c2.add(Restrictions.eq("s.extensionType", RAssignmentExtensionType.EXTENSION)); // c2.add(Restrictions.eq("", new QName("", "foo"))); // c2.add(Restrictions.eq("s.value", "uid=jbond,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")); // // Conjunction c1 = Restrictions.conjunction(); // c1.add(Restrictions.eq("a.targetRef.targetOid", "1234")); // c1.add(Restrictions.eq("a.targetRef.type", RObjectType.ORG)); // // main.add(Restrictions.and(c1, c2)); // // main.setProjection("u.fullObject")); // // String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); //">>> >>> {}", expected); // } finally { // close(session); // } // } @Test public void test400ActivationQueryWrong() throws Exception { PrismObjectDefinition<UserType> focusObjectDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); XMLGregorianCalendar thisScanTimestamp = XMLGregorianCalendarType.asXMLGregorianCalendar(new Date()); OrFilter filter = OrFilter.createOr( LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true), LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true), LessFilter.createLess( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true), LessFilter.createLess( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(FocusType.class, prismContext) .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM).le(thisScanTimestamp).or() .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO).le(thisScanTimestamp).or() .item(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM).le(thisScanTimestamp) .or().item(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO) .le(thisScanTimestamp).build(); Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + " left join u.assignments a2 with a2.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner2\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " u.activation.validFrom <= :validFrom or\n" + " u.activation.validTo <= :validTo or\n" + " a.activation.validFrom <= :validFrom2 or\n" + " a2.activation.validTo <= :validTo2\n" + " )\n"; // correct translation but probably not what the requester wants (use Exists instead) assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } // this one uses Exists to refer to the same value of assignment @Test public void test405ActivationQueryCorrect() throws Exception { PrismObjectDefinition<UserType> focusObjectDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); PrismContainerDefinition<AssignmentType> assignmentDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findContainerDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(AssignmentType.class); XMLGregorianCalendar thisScanTimestamp = XMLGregorianCalendarType.asXMLGregorianCalendar(new Date()); OrFilter filter = OrFilter.createOr( LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true), LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true), ExistsFilter.createExists(new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT), focusObjectDef, OrFilter.createOr( LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), assignmentDef, thisScanTimestamp, true), LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), assignmentDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)))); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(FocusType.class, prismContext) .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM).le(thisScanTimestamp).or() .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO).le(thisScanTimestamp).or() .exists(F_ASSIGNMENT).block().item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM) .le(thisScanTimestamp).or().item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO) .le(thisScanTimestamp).endBlock().build(); Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " u.activation.validFrom <= :validFrom or\n" + " u.activation.validTo <= :validTo or\n" + " ( a.activation.validFrom <= :validFrom2 or\n" + " a.activation.validTo <= :validTo2 )\n" + " )\n"; // correct translation but probably not what the requester wants (use ForValue instead) assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test410ActivationQueryWrong() throws Exception { PrismObjectDefinition<UserType> focusObjectDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); XMLGregorianCalendar lastScanTimestamp = XMLGregorianCalendarType.asXMLGregorianCalendar(new Date()); XMLGregorianCalendar thisScanTimestamp = XMLGregorianCalendarType.asXMLGregorianCalendar(new Date()); OrFilter filter = OrFilter.createOr(AndFilter.createAnd( GreaterFilter.createGreater(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, lastScanTimestamp, false), LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)), AndFilter.createAnd( GreaterFilter.createGreater(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, lastScanTimestamp, false), LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)), AndFilter .createAnd( GreaterFilter.createGreater( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, lastScanTimestamp, false), LessFilter.createLess( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)), AndFilter .createAnd( GreaterFilter.createGreater( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, lastScanTimestamp, false), LessFilter.createLess( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true))); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(FocusType.class, prismContext).block() .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM).gt(lastScanTimestamp).and() .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM).le(thisScanTimestamp).endBlock().or() .block().item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO).gt(lastScanTimestamp).and() .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO).le(thisScanTimestamp).endBlock().or() .block().item(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM) .gt(lastScanTimestamp).and() .item(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM).le(thisScanTimestamp) .endBlock().or().block().item(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO) .gt(lastScanTimestamp).and() .item(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO).le(thisScanTimestamp) .endBlock().build(); //QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext); Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + " left join u.assignments a2 with a2.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner2\n" + " left join u.assignments a3 with a3.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner3\n" + " left join u.assignments a4 with a4.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner4\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " u.activation.validFrom > :validFrom and\n" + " u.activation.validFrom <= :validFrom2\n" + " ) or\n" + " (\n" + " u.activation.validTo > :validTo and\n" + " u.activation.validTo <= :validTo2\n" + " ) or\n" + " (\n" + " a.activation.validFrom > :validFrom3 and\n" + " a2.activation.validFrom <= :validFrom4\n" + " ) or\n" + " (\n" + " a3.activation.validTo > :validTo3 and\n" + " a4.activation.validTo <= :validTo4\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } // this one uses Exists to refer to the same value of assignment @Test public void test415ActivationQueryCorrect() throws Exception { PrismObjectDefinition<UserType> focusObjectDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); PrismContainerDefinition<AssignmentType> assignmentDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findContainerDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(AssignmentType.class); XMLGregorianCalendar lastScanTimestamp = XMLGregorianCalendarType.asXMLGregorianCalendar(new Date()); XMLGregorianCalendar thisScanTimestamp = XMLGregorianCalendarType.asXMLGregorianCalendar(new Date()); OrFilter filter = OrFilter.createOr(AndFilter.createAnd( GreaterFilter.createGreater(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, lastScanTimestamp, false), LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)), AndFilter.createAnd( GreaterFilter.createGreater(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, lastScanTimestamp, false), LessFilter.createLess(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), focusObjectDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)), AndFilter .createAnd( ExistsFilter.createExists(new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT), focusObjectDef, OrFilter.createOr( AndFilter.createAnd( GreaterFilter.createGreater( new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), assignmentDef, lastScanTimestamp, false), LessFilter.createLess( new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM), assignmentDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)), AndFilter.createAnd( GreaterFilter.createGreater( new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), assignmentDef, lastScanTimestamp, false), LessFilter.createLess( new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO), assignmentDef, thisScanTimestamp, true)))))); ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(FocusType.class, prismContext).block() .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM).gt(lastScanTimestamp).and() .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM).le(thisScanTimestamp).endBlock().or() .block().item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO).gt(lastScanTimestamp).and() .item(FocusType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO).le(thisScanTimestamp).endBlock().or() .exists(F_ASSIGNMENT).block().item(AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM) .gt(lastScanTimestamp).and().item(AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_FROM) .le(thisScanTimestamp).or().item(AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO) .gt(lastScanTimestamp).and().item(AssignmentType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_VALID_TO) .le(thisScanTimestamp).endBlock().build(); Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " u.activation.validFrom > :validFrom and\n" + " u.activation.validFrom <= :validFrom2\n" + " ) or\n" + " (\n" + " u.activation.validTo > :validTo and\n" + " u.activation.validTo <= :validTo2\n" + " ) or\n" + " ( (\n" + " a.activation.validFrom > :validFrom3 and\n" + " a.activation.validFrom <= :validFrom4\n" + " ) or\n" + " (\n" + " a.activation.validTo > :validTo3 and\n" + " a.activation.validTo <= :validTo4\n" + " )\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; // TODO rewrite with ForValue assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test500OrgQuery() throws Exception { File objects = new File("src/test/resources/orgstruct/org-monkey-island.xml"); OperationResult opResult = new OperationResult("test500OrgQuery"); List<PrismObject<? extends Objectable>> orgStruct = prismContext.parseObjects(objects); for (PrismObject<? extends Objectable> o : orgStruct) { repositoryService.addObject((PrismObject<ObjectType>) o, null, opResult); } opResult.computeStatusIfUnknown(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(opResult.isSuccess()); checkQueryResult(ObjectType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000001", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL, 4); checkQueryResult(UserType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000001", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL, 1); checkQueryResult(OrgType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000001", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL, 3); checkQueryResult(OrgType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000001", OrgFilter.Scope.SUBTREE, 5); checkQueryResult(UserType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000001", OrgFilter.Scope.SUBTREE, 6); checkQueryResult(ObjectType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000001", OrgFilter.Scope.SUBTREE, 11); checkQueryResult(ObjectType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000006", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL, 4); checkQueryResult(UserType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000006", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL, 4); checkQueryResult(UserType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000006", OrgFilter.Scope.SUBTREE, 4); checkQueryResult(OrgType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000006", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL, 0); checkQueryResult(OrgType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-100000000006", OrgFilter.Scope.SUBTREE, 0); checkQueryResult(UserType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-200000000002", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL, 2); checkQueryResult(UserType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-200000000002", OrgFilter.Scope.SUBTREE, 2); checkQueryResult(UserType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-200000000001", OrgFilter.Scope.ONE_LEVEL, 1); checkQueryResult(UserType.class, "00000000-8888-6666-0000-200000000001", OrgFilter.Scope.SUBTREE, 1); } private <T extends ObjectType> void checkQueryResult(Class<T> type, String oid, OrgFilter.Scope scope, int count) throws Exception {"checkQueryResult"); OrgFilter orgFilter = OrgFilter.createOrg(oid, scope); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(orgFilter); query.setPaging(ObjectPaging.createPaging(null, null, F_NAME, ASCENDING)); query.setUseNewQueryInterpreter(true); OperationResult result = new OperationResult("checkQueryResult"); List<PrismObject<T>> objects = repositoryService.searchObjects(type, query, null, result); for (PrismObject object : objects) {"{}", object.getOid()); } int realCount = objects.size(); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Expected count doesn't match for searchObjects " + orgFilter, count, realCount); result.computeStatusIfUnknown(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(result.isSuccess()); realCount = repositoryService.countObjects(type, query, result); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Expected count doesn't match for countObjects " + orgFilter, count, realCount); result.computeStatusIfUnknown(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(result.isSuccess()); } @Test public void test510QueryNameAndOrg() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter eqFilter = EqualFilter.createEqual(F_NAME, ObjectType.class, prismContext, null, new PolyString("cpt. Jack Sparrow", "cpt jack sparrow")); OrgFilter orgFilter = OrgFilter.createOrg("12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(AndFilter.createAnd(eqFilter, orgFilter)); query.setPaging(ObjectPaging.createPaging(null, null, F_NAME, ASCENDING)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " = :orig and\n" + " = :norm\n" + " ) and\n" + " u.oid in (select ref.ownerOid from RObjectReference ref " + " where ref.referenceType = and " + " ref.targetOid in (select descendantOid from ROrgClosure where ancestorOid = :orgOid))\n" + " )\n" + "order by asc\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } // @Test // public void test520QueryEmployeeTypeAndOrgType() throws Exception { // Session session = open(); // // try { // EqualFilter nameFilter = EqualFilter.createEqual(ObjectType.F_NAME, ObjectType.class, prismContext, // null, new PolyString("cpt. Jack Sparrow", "cpt jack sparrow")); // // EqualFilter numberFilter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER, UserType.class, prismContext, // null, "123"); // // EqualsFilter orgTypeFilter = EqualsFilter.createEqual(OrgType.F_ORG_TYPE, OrgType.class, prismContext, // null, "orgtypevalue"); // // ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(OrFilter.createOr( // AndFilter.createAnd(nameFilter, numberFilter)//, //// orgTypeFilter // )); // query.setPaging(ObjectPaging.createPaging(null, null, ObjectType.F_NAME, OrderDirection.ASCENDING)); // // String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, query); // //"real query>\n{}", new Object[]{real}); // } finally { // close(session); // } // } @Test public void test530queryUserSubstringName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { SubstringFilter substring = SubstringFilter.createSubstring(F_NAME, ObjectType.class, prismContext, PolyStringOrigMatchingRule.NAME, "a"); substring.setAnchorStart(true); ObjectQuery objectQuery = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(substring); objectQuery.setUseNewQueryInterpreter(true); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, objectQuery); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + "where\n" + " like :orig\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); OperationResult result = new OperationResult("test530queryUserSubstringName"); int count = repositoryService.countObjects(ObjectType.class, objectQuery, result); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2, count); substring = SubstringFilter.createSubstring(F_NAME, ObjectType.class, prismContext, PolyStringOrigMatchingRule.NAME, "a"); objectQuery = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(substring); objectQuery.setUseNewQueryInterpreter(true); count = repositoryService.countObjects(ObjectType.class, objectQuery, result); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(19, count); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test540queryObjectClassTypeUser() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { TypeFilter type = TypeFilter.createType(UserType.COMPLEX_TYPE, null); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(type)); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + "where\n" + " o.objectTypeClass = :objectTypeClass\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test550queryObjectClassTypeAbstractRole() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { TypeFilter type = TypeFilter.createType(AbstractRoleType.COMPLEX_TYPE, null); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(type)); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + "where\n" + " o.objectTypeClass in :objectTypeClass"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test560queryMetadataTimestamp() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { XMLGregorianCalendar timeXml = XMLGregorianCalendarType.asXMLGregorianCalendar(new Date()); LessFilter less = LessFilter.createLess( new ItemPath(ReportOutputType.F_METADATA, MetadataType.F_CREATE_TIMESTAMP), ReportOutputType.class, prismContext, timeXml, true); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ReportOutputType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(less)); String expected = "select\n" + " r.fullObject,\n" + " r.stringsCount,\n" + " r.longsCount,\n" + " r.datesCount,\n" + " r.referencesCount,\n" + " r.polysCount,\n" + " r.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RReportOutput r\n" + "where\n" + " r.createTimestamp <= :createTimestamp"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test570queryObjectypeByTypeUserAndLocality() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter eq = EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(UserType.F_LOCALITY), UserType.class, prismContext, new PolyString("Caribbean", "caribbean")); TypeFilter type = TypeFilter.createType(UserType.COMPLEX_TYPE, eq); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(type)); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + // TODO - why not RUser here? we unnecessarily join all of RObject subtypes... "where\n" + " (\n" + " o.objectTypeClass = :objectTypeClass and\n" + " (\n" + " o.localityUser.orig = :orig and\n" + " o.localityUser.norm = :norm\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); checkQueryTypeAlias(hqlToSql(real), "m_user", "locality_orig", "locality_norm"); } finally { close(session); } } /** * This checks aliases, if they were generated correctly for query. Alias for table as "table" parameter * must be used for columns in "properties" parameter. * * @param query * @param table * @param properties */ private void checkQueryTypeAlias(String query, String table, String... properties) {"SQL generated = {}", query); String[] array = query.split(" "); String alias = null; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (table.equals(array[i])) { alias = array[i + 1]; break; } } AssertJUnit.assertNotNull(alias); for (String property : properties) { for (String token : array) { if (token.endsWith(property + "=?") && !token.startsWith(alias + ".")) {"Property '" + property + "' doesn't have proper alias '" + alias + "' in token '" + token + "'"); } } } } @Test public void test575QueryObjectypeByTypeOrgAndLocality() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter eq = EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(OrgType.F_LOCALITY), OrgType.class, prismContext, new PolyString("Caribbean", "caribbean")); TypeFilter type = TypeFilter.createType(OrgType.COMPLEX_TYPE, eq); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(type)); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " o.objectTypeClass = :objectTypeClass and\n" + " (\n" + " o.locality.orig = :orig and\n" + " o.locality.norm = :norm\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); checkQueryTypeAlias(hqlToSql(real), "m_org", "locality_orig", "locality_norm"); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test580QueryObjectypeByTypeAndExtensionAttribute() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter eq = EqualFilter.createEqual( new ItemPath(ObjectType.F_EXTENSION, new QName("", "weapon")), UserType.class, prismContext, "some weapon name"); TypeFilter type = TypeFilter.createType(UserType.COMPLEX_TYPE, eq); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(type)); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + " left join o.strings s with ( s.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " o.objectTypeClass = :objectTypeClass and\n" + " s.value = :value\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test590QueryObjectypeByTypeAndReference() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { RefFilter ref = RefFilter.createReferenceEqual(UserType.F_LINK_REF, UserType.class, prismContext, "123"); TypeFilter type = TypeFilter.createType(UserType.COMPLEX_TYPE, ref); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(type)); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + " left join o.linkRef l\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " o.objectTypeClass = :objectTypeClass and\n" + " (\n" + " l.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " l.relation = :relation\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test600QueryObjectypeByTypeComplex() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { // Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RObject.class, "o"); // ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList(); // addFullObjectProjectionList("o", projections, false); // main.setProjection(projections); // // Conjunction c1 = Restrictions.conjunction(); // c1.add(Restrictions.eq("o." + RObject.F_OBJECT_TYPE_CLASS, RObjectType.USER)); // Criterion e1 = Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq("o.localityUser.orig", "Caribbean"), // Restrictions.eq("o.localityUser.norm", "caribbean")); // Criterion e2 = Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq("o.localityUser.orig", "Adriatic"), // Restrictions.eq("o.localityUser.norm", "adriatic")); // c1.add(Restrictions.or(e1, e2)); // // Conjunction c2 = Restrictions.conjunction(); // c2.add(Restrictions.eq("o." + RObject.F_OBJECT_TYPE_CLASS, RObjectType.ORG)); // Criteria o1 = main.createCriteria("o.orgType", "o1", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); // c2.add(Restrictions.eq("o1.elements", "functional")); // // Criterion c3 = Restrictions.eq("o." + RObject.F_OBJECT_TYPE_CLASS, RObjectType.REPORT); // // main.add(Restrictions.or(c1, c2, c3)); // String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); EqualFilter eq1 = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_LOCALITY, UserType.class, prismContext, new PolyString("Caribbean", "caribbean")); EqualFilter eq2 = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_LOCALITY, UserType.class, prismContext, new PolyString("Adriatic", "adriatic")); TypeFilter type1 = TypeFilter.createType(UserType.COMPLEX_TYPE, OrFilter.createOr(eq1, eq2)); EqualFilter equal = EqualFilter.createEqual(OrgType.F_ORG_TYPE, OrgType.class, prismContext, "functional"); TypeFilter type2 = TypeFilter.createType(OrgType.COMPLEX_TYPE, equal); TypeFilter type3 = TypeFilter.createType(ReportType.COMPLEX_TYPE, null); OrFilter or = OrFilter.createOr(type1, type2, type3); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(or)); String expected = "select\n" + " o.fullObject,\n" + " o.stringsCount,\n" + " o.longsCount,\n" + " o.datesCount,\n" + " o.referencesCount,\n" + " o.polysCount,\n" + " o.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RObject o\n" + " left join o.orgType o2\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " o.objectTypeClass = :objectTypeClass and\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " o.localityUser.orig = :orig and\n" + " o.localityUser.norm = :norm\n" + " ) or\n" + " (\n" + " o.localityUser.orig = :orig2 and\n" + " o.localityUser.norm = :norm2\n" + " )\n" + " )\n" + " ) or\n" + " (\n" + " o.objectTypeClass = :objectTypeClass2 and\n" + " o2 = :o2\n" + " ) or\n" + " o.objectTypeClass = :objectTypeClass3\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test(expectedExceptions = QueryException.class) public void test610QueryGenericClob() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter eq = EqualFilter.createEqual( new ItemPath(ObjectType.F_EXTENSION, new QName("", "locations")), GenericObjectType.class, prismContext, null); getInterpretedQuery2(session, GenericObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(eq)); } catch (QueryException ex) {"Exception", ex); throw ex; } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test620QueryGenericString() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter eq = EqualFilter.createEqual( new ItemPath(ObjectType.F_EXTENSION, new QName("", "stringType")), GenericObjectType.class, prismContext, "asdf"); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, GenericObjectType.class, ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(eq)); String expected = "select\n" + " g.fullObject,\n" + " g.stringsCount,\n" + " g.longsCount,\n" + " g.datesCount,\n" + " g.referencesCount,\n" + " g.polysCount,\n" + " g.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RGenericObject g\n" + " left join g.strings s with ( s.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + "where\n" + " s.value = :value\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } // @Test(enabled = false) // public void atest100() throws Exception { // Session session = open(); // // try { // String expected = null;//HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); // // List<EqualFilter> secondaryEquals = new ArrayList<>(); // EqualFilter eq = EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstantsGenerated.ICF_S_UID), // new PrismPropertyDefinition(SchemaConstantsGenerated.ICF_S_UID, DOMUtil.XSD_STRING, prismContext), // "8daaeeae-f0c7-41c9-b258-2a3351aa8876"); // secondaryEquals.add(eq); // eq = EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstantsGenerated.ICF_S_NAME), // new PrismPropertyDefinition(SchemaConstantsGenerated.ICF_S_NAME, DOMUtil.XSD_STRING, prismContext), // "some-name"); // secondaryEquals.add(eq); // // OrFilter secondaryIdentifierFilter = OrFilter.createOr((List) secondaryEquals); // RefFilter ref = RefFilter.createReferenceEqual(ShadowType.F_RESOURCE_REF, ShadowType.class, // prismContext, "ef2bc95b-76e0-48e2-86d6-3d4f02d3e1a2"); // // AndFilter filter = AndFilter.createAnd(ref, secondaryIdentifierFilter); // ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); // LOGGER.debug("Query\n{}", query); // // QueryEngine engine = new QueryEngine(repositoryService.getConfiguration(), prismContext); // RQuery rQuery = engine.interpret(query, ShadowType.class, null, false, session); // RQueryCriteriaImpl rci = (RQueryCriteriaImpl) rQuery; // System.out.println(rci); // System.out.println(rci.getCriteria()); // //just test if DB will handle it or throws some exception // List l = rQuery.list(); //">>>>>>>>asdfasdfasdfasdf{}",l.size()); // // String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, ShadowType.class, query); // //"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", new Object[]{expected, real}); // AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected, real); // } finally { // close(session); // } // } @Test public void test630QueryGenericBoolean() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { EqualFilter eq = EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(ObjectType.F_EXTENSION, SKIP_AUTOGENERATION), GenericObjectType.class, prismContext, true); ObjectQuery objectQuery = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(eq); objectQuery.setUseNewQueryInterpreter(true); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, GenericObjectType.class, objectQuery); String expected = "select\n" + " g.fullObject,\n" + " g.stringsCount,\n" + " g.longsCount,\n" + " g.datesCount,\n" + " g.referencesCount,\n" + " g.polysCount,\n" + " g.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RGenericObject g\n" + " left join g.booleans b with ( b.ownerType = :ownerType and = :name )\n" + "where\n" + " b.value = :value\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); OperationResult result = new OperationResult("search"); List<PrismObject<GenericObjectType>> objects = repositoryService.searchObjects(GenericObjectType.class, objectQuery, null, result); result.computeStatus(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(result.isSuccess()); AssertJUnit.assertNotNull(objects); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1, objects.size()); PrismObject<GenericObjectType> obj = objects.get(0); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(obj.getCompileTimeClass().equals(GenericObjectType.class)); result = new OperationResult("count"); long count = repositoryService.countObjects(GenericObjectType.class, objectQuery, result); result.computeStatus(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(result.isSuccess()); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1, count); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test640queryAssignmentExtensionBoolean() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { SchemaRegistry registry = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry(); PrismObjectDefinition userDef = registry.findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); PrismContainerDefinition assignmentDef = userDef.findContainerDefinition(F_ASSIGNMENT); PrismPropertyDefinition propDef = assignmentDef.createPropertyDefinition(SKIP_AUTOGENERATION, DOMUtil.XSD_BOOLEAN); EqualFilter eq = EqualFilter.createEqual( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_EXTENSION, SKIP_AUTOGENERATION), propDef, null, true); ObjectQuery objectQuery = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(eq); objectQuery.setUseNewQueryInterpreter(true); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, objectQuery); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + " left join a.extension e\n" + " left join e.booleans b with = :name\n" + "where\n" + " b.value = :value"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); OperationResult result = new OperationResult("search"); List<PrismObject<UserType>> objects = repositoryService.searchObjects(UserType.class, objectQuery, null, result); result.computeStatus(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(result.isSuccess()); AssertJUnit.assertNotNull(objects); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1, objects.size()); PrismObject<UserType> obj = objects.get(0); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(obj.getCompileTimeClass().equals(UserType.class)); result = new OperationResult("count"); long count = repositoryService.countObjects(UserType.class, objectQuery, result); result.computeStatus(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(result.isSuccess()); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1, count); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test700QueryCertCaseAll() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, (ObjectQuery) null, false); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test710QueryCertCaseOwner() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { InOidFilter filter = InOidFilter.createOwnerHasOidIn("123456"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + "where\n" + " a.ownerOid in :ownerOid"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test720QueryCertCaseOwnerAndTarget() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { PrismContainerDefinition<AccessCertificationCaseType> caseDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findContainerDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(AccessCertificationCaseType.class); AndFilter filter = AndFilter.createAnd(InOidFilter.createOwnerHasOidIn("123456"), RefFilter.createReferenceEqual(new ItemPath(AccessCertificationCaseType.F_TARGET_REF), caseDef, "1234567890")); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " a.ownerOid in :ownerOid and\n" + " (\n" + " a.targetRef.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " a.targetRef.relation = :relation\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test730QueryCertCaseReviewer() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { PrismContainerDefinition<AccessCertificationCaseType> caseDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findContainerDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(AccessCertificationCaseType.class); ObjectFilter filter = RefFilter.createReferenceEqual(new ItemPath(F_REVIEWER_REF), caseDef, "1234567890"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join a.reviewerRef r\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " r.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " r.relation = :relation\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test735QueryCertCaseReviewerAndEnabled() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { PrismReferenceValue reviewerRef = ObjectTypeUtil.createObjectRef("1234567890", ObjectTypes.USER) .asReferenceValue(); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext) .item(F_REVIEWER_REF).ref(reviewerRef).and().item(F_CURRENT_STAGE_NUMBER).eq() .item(T_PARENT, AccessCertificationCampaignType.F_STAGE_NUMBER).build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join a.reviewerRef r\n" + " left join a.owner o\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " r.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " r.relation = :relation and\n" + " r.type = :type\n" + " ) and\n" + " (\n" + " a.currentStageNumber = o.stageNumber or\n" + " (\n" + " a.currentStageNumber is null and\n" + " o.stageNumber is null\n" + " )\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test745QueryCertCaseReviewerAndEnabledByDeadlineAndOidAsc() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { PrismReferenceValue reviewerRef = ObjectTypeUtil.createObjectRef("1234567890", ObjectTypes.USER) .asReferenceValue(); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext) .item(F_REVIEWER_REF).ref(reviewerRef).and().item(F_CURRENT_STAGE_NUMBER).eq() .item(T_PARENT, AccessCertificationCampaignType.F_STAGE_NUMBER).asc(F_REVIEW_DEADLINE).asc(T_ID) .build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join a.reviewerRef r\n" + " left join a.owner o\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " r.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " r.relation = :relation and\n" + " r.type = :type\n" + " ) and\n" + " (\n" + " a.currentStageNumber = o.stageNumber or\n" + " (\n" + " a.currentStageNumber is null and\n" + " o.stageNumber is null\n" + " )\n" + " )\n" + " )\n" + "order by a.reviewDeadline asc, asc\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test747QueryCertCaseReviewerAndEnabledByRequestedDesc() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { PrismReferenceValue reviewerRef = ObjectTypeUtil.createObjectRef("1234567890", ObjectTypes.USER) .asReferenceValue(); ItemPath statePath = new ItemPath(T_PARENT, F_STATE); PrismPropertyDefinition stateDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findComplexTypeDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(AccessCertificationCampaignType.class) .findPropertyDefinition(F_STATE); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext) .item(F_REVIEWER_REF).ref(reviewerRef).and().item(F_CURRENT_STAGE_NUMBER).eq() .item(T_PARENT, AccessCertificationCampaignType.F_STAGE_NUMBER).and().item(statePath, stateDef) .eq(IN_REVIEW_STAGE).desc(F_REVIEW_REQUESTED_TIMESTAMP).build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query, false); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join a.reviewerRef r\n" + " left join a.owner o\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " r.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " r.relation = :relation and\n" + " r.type = :type\n" + " ) and\n" + " (\n" + " a.currentStageNumber = o.stageNumber or\n" + " (\n" + " a.currentStageNumber is null and\n" + " o.stageNumber is null\n" + " )\n" + " ) and\n" + " o.state = :state\n" + " )\n" + "order by a.reviewRequestedTimestamp desc"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test750DereferenceLink() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### UserType: linkRef/@/name contains '' */ ObjectFilter filter = SubstringFilter.createSubstring( new ItemPath(UserType.F_LINK_REF, PrismConstants.T_OBJECT_REFERENCE, F_NAME), UserType.class, prismContext, ""); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.linkRef l\n" + " left join t\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " like :orig and\n" + " like :norm\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test752DereferenceLinkedResourceName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### UserType: linkRef/@/resourceRef/@/name contains 'CSV' (norm) */ ObjectFilter filter = SubstringFilter.createSubstring( new ItemPath(UserType.F_LINK_REF, PrismConstants.T_OBJECT_REFERENCE, ShadowType.F_RESOURCE_REF, PrismConstants.T_OBJECT_REFERENCE, F_NAME), UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringNormMatchingRule.NAME, "CSV"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.linkRef l\n" + " left join t\n" + " left join t2\n" + "where\n" + " like :norm\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class) // at this time public void test760DereferenceAssignedRoleType() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * This fails, as prism nor query interpreter expect that targetRef is RoleType/RRole. * Prism should implement something like "searching for proper root" when dereferencing "@". * QI should implement the proper root search not only at the query root, but always after a "@". * * ### UserType: assignment/targetRef/@/roleType */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter .createEqual( new ItemPath(F_ASSIGNMENT, AssignmentType.F_TARGET_REF, PrismConstants.T_OBJECT_REFERENCE, RoleType.F_ROLE_TYPE), UserType.class, prismContext, "type1"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test770CaseParentFilter() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### AccessCertificationCaseType: Equal(../name, 'Campaign 1') */ ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(T_PARENT, F_NAME), AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext, "Campaign 1"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join a.owner o\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " = :orig and\n" + " = :norm\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test800OrderBySingleton() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### UserType: order by activation/administrativeStatus */ ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(null, ObjectPaging.createPaging( new ItemPath(UserType.F_ACTIVATION, ActivationType.F_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATUS), ASCENDING)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "order by u.activation.administrativeStatus asc"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test810OrderByParentCampaignName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### AccessCertificationCaseType: (all), order by ../name desc */ ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery .createObjectQuery(ObjectPaging.createPaging(new ItemPath(T_PARENT, F_NAME), DESCENDING)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join a.owner o\n" + "order by desc\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test820OrderByTargetName() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### AccessCertificationCaseType: (all), order by targetRef/@/name */ ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery( ObjectPaging.createPaging(new ItemPath(AccessCertificationCaseType.F_TARGET_REF, PrismConstants.T_OBJECT_REFERENCE, F_NAME), ASCENDING)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join t\n" + "order by asc\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) // should fail, as Equals supports single-value right side only // TODO this should be perhaps checked in EqualFilter public void test900EqualsMultivalue() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### User: preferredLanguage = 'SK', 'HU' */ PrismObjectDefinition<UserType> userDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); PrismPropertyDefinition<String> prefLangDef = userDef .findPropertyDefinition(UserType.F_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE); PrismPropertyDefinition<String> multivalDef = new PrismPropertyDefinition<String>( UserType.F_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE, DOMUtil.XSD_STRING, prismContext); multivalDef.setMaxOccurs(-1); PrismProperty<String> multivalProperty = multivalDef.instantiate(); multivalProperty.addRealValue("SK"); multivalProperty.addRealValue("HU"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery( EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(UserType.F_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE), multivalProperty)); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); // assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test910PreferredLanguageEqualsCostCenter() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### User: preferredLanguage = costCenter */ ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery .createObjectQuery(EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(UserType.F_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE), UserType.class, prismContext, null, new ItemPath(UserType.F_COST_CENTER))); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject,\n" + " u.stringsCount,\n" + " u.longsCount,\n" + " u.datesCount,\n" + " u.referencesCount,\n" + " u.polysCount,\n" + " u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " u.preferredLanguage = u.costCenter or\n" + " (\n" + " u.preferredLanguage is null and\n" + " u.costCenter is null\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test(enabled = false) // different types of properties that are to be compared (polystring vs string in this case) are not supported yet public void test915OrganizationEqualsCostCenter() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### User: organization = costCenter */ ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery .createObjectQuery(EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION), UserType.class, prismContext, null, new ItemPath(UserType.F_COST_CENTER))); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); // assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test920DecisionsNotAnswered() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { /* * ### AccCertCase: Exists (decision: reviewerRef = XYZ and stage = ../stage and response is null or response = NO_RESPONSE) */ ObjectQuery query0 = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(ExistsFilter.createExists(new ItemPath(F_DECISION), AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext, AndFilter.createAnd( RefFilter.createReferenceEqual(AccessCertificationDecisionType.F_REVIEWER_REF, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext, "123456"), EqualFilter.createEqual(new ItemPath(F_STAGE_NUMBER), AccessCertificationDecisionType.class, prismContext, null, new ItemPath(T_PARENT, F_CURRENT_STAGE_NUMBER)), OrFilter.createOr( EqualFilter.createEqual(AccessCertificationDecisionType.F_RESPONSE, AccessCertificationDecisionType.class, prismContext, null), EqualFilter.createEqual(AccessCertificationDecisionType.F_RESPONSE, AccessCertificationDecisionType.class, prismContext, NO_RESPONSE))))); ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext) .exists(F_DECISION).block().item(AccessCertificationDecisionType.F_REVIEWER_REF).ref("123456") .and().item(F_STAGE_NUMBER).eq().item(T_PARENT, F_CURRENT_STAGE_NUMBER).and().block() .item(F_RESPONSE).isNull().or().item(F_RESPONSE).eq(NO_RESPONSE).endBlock().endBlock().build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join a.decision d\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " d.reviewerRef.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " d.reviewerRef.relation = :relation\n" + " ) and\n" + " (\n" + " d.stageNumber = a.currentStageNumber or\n" + " (\n" + " d.stageNumber is null and\n" + " a.currentStageNumber is null\n" + " )\n" + " ) and\n" + " (\n" + " d.response is null or\n" + " d.response = :response\n" + " )\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test925DecisionsNotAnsweredOrderBy() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(AccessCertificationCaseType.class, prismContext) .exists(F_DECISION).block().item(AccessCertificationDecisionType.F_REVIEWER_REF).ref("123456") .and().item(F_STAGE_NUMBER).eq().item(T_PARENT, F_CURRENT_STAGE_NUMBER).and().block() .item(F_RESPONSE).isNull().or().item(F_RESPONSE).eq(NO_RESPONSE).endBlock().endBlock() .asc(T_PARENT, F_NAME).asc(T_ID).asc(T_PARENT, T_ID).build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, AccessCertificationCaseType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " a.fullObject\n" + "from\n" + " RAccessCertificationCase a\n" + " left join a.decision d\n" + " left join a.owner o\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " (\n" + " d.reviewerRef.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " d.reviewerRef.relation = :relation\n" + " ) and\n" + " (\n" + " d.stageNumber = a.currentStageNumber or\n" + " (\n" + " d.stageNumber is null and\n" + " a.currentStageNumber is null\n" + " )\n" + " ) and\n" + " (\n" + " d.response is null or\n" + " d.response = :response\n" + " )\n" + " )\n" + "order by asc, asc, a.ownerOid asc\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test930ResourceRef() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext) .item(F_ASSIGNMENT, F_CONSTRUCTION, F_RESOURCE_REF).ref("1234567").build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.assignments a with a.assignmentOwner = :assignmentOwner\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " a.resourceRef.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " a.resourceRef.relation = :relation\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test932CreatorRef() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext).item(F_METADATA, F_CREATOR_REF) .ref("1234567").build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " u.creatorRef.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " u.creatorRef.relation = :relation\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } @Test public void test934CreateApproverRef() throws Exception { Session session = open(); try { ObjectQuery query = QueryBuilder.queryFor(UserType.class, prismContext) .item(F_METADATA, F_CREATE_APPROVER_REF).ref("1234567").build(); String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); String expected = "select\n" + " u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, u.longsCount, u.datesCount, u.referencesCount, u.polysCount, u.booleansCount\n" + "from\n" + " RUser u\n" + " left join u.createApproverRef c\n" + "where\n" + " (\n" + " c.targetOid = :targetOid and\n" + " c.relation = :relation\n" + " )\n"; assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } } // @Test // public void test930OrganizationEqualsCostCenter() throws Exception { // Session session = open(); // // try { // /* // * ### User: organization = costCenter // */ // ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery( // EqualFilter.createEqual( // new ItemPath(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION), // UserType.class, // prismContext, // null, // new ItemPath(UserType.F_COST_CENTER))); // // String real = getInterpretedQuery2(session, UserType.class, query); //// assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(expected, real); // } finally { // close(session); // } // } // TODO negative tests - order by entity, reference, any, collection // TODO implement checks for "order by" for non-singletons protected <T extends Containerable> String getInterpretedQuery2(Session session, Class<T> type, File file) throws Exception { return getInterpretedQuery2(session, type, file, false); } protected <T extends Containerable> String getInterpretedQuery2(Session session, Class<T> type, File file, boolean interpretCount) throws Exception { QueryType queryType = PrismTestUtil.parseAtomicValue(file, QueryType.COMPLEX_TYPE);"QUERY TYPE TO CONVERT : {}", ObjectQueryUtil.dump(queryType)); ObjectQuery query = null; try { query = QueryJaxbConvertor.createObjectQuery((Class) type, queryType, prismContext); // TODO } catch (Exception ex) {"error while converting query: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } return getInterpretedQuery2(session, type, query, interpretCount); } protected <T extends Containerable> String getInterpretedQuery2(Session session, Class<T> type, ObjectQuery query) throws Exception { return getInterpretedQuery2(session, type, query, false); } protected <T extends Containerable> String getInterpretedQuery2(Session session, Class<T> type, ObjectQuery query, boolean interpretCount) throws Exception { if (query != null) {"QUERY TYPE TO CONVERT :\n{}", (query.getFilter() != null ? query.getFilter().debugDump(3) : null)); } QueryEngine2 engine = new QueryEngine2(repositoryService.getConfiguration(), prismContext); RQuery rQuery = engine.interpret(query, type, null, interpretCount, session); //just test if DB will handle it or throws some exception if (interpretCount) { rQuery.uniqueResult(); } else { rQuery.list(); } return ((RQueryImpl) rQuery).getQuery().getQueryString(); } private void assertEqualsIgnoreWhitespace(String expected, String real) {"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", expected, real); String expNorm = StringUtils.normalizeSpace(expected); String realNorm = StringUtils.normalizeSpace(real); if (!expNorm.equals(realNorm)) { String m = "Generated query is not correct. Expected:\n" + expected + "\nActual:\n" + real + "\n\nNormalized versions:\n\n" + "Expected: " + expNorm + "\nActual: " + realNorm + "\n"; LOGGER.error("{}", m); throw new AssertionError(m); } } }