Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Evolveum * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.ConsistencyCheckScope; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.Objectable; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.DeltaConvertor; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.CommunicationException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ConfigurationException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.*; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.model_context_3.LensElementContextType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.model_context_3.LensObjectDeltaOperationType; import com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ObjectDeltaType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import com.evolveum.midpoint.common.crypto.CryptoUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.context.ModelElementContext; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.context.SynchronizationPolicyDecision; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.ObjectDeltaObject; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismContext; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObject; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObjectDefinition; import; import; import; import; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ShadowUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException; /** * @author semancik * */ public abstract class LensElementContext<O extends ObjectType> implements ModelElementContext<O> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1649567559396392861L; private PrismObject<O> objectOld; private transient PrismObject<O> objectCurrent; private PrismObject<O> objectNew; private ObjectDelta<O> primaryDelta; private List<LensObjectDeltaOperation<O>> executedDeltas = new ArrayList<LensObjectDeltaOperation<O>>(); private Class<O> objectTypeClass; private String oid = null; private int iteration; private String iterationToken; /** * Initial intent regarding the account. It indicated what the initiator of the operation WANTS TO DO with the * context. * If set to null then the decision is left to "the engine". Null is also a typical value * when the context is created. It may be pre-set under some circumstances, e.g. if an account is being unlinked. */ private SynchronizationIntent synchronizationIntent; private transient boolean isFresh = false; private LensContext<? extends ObjectType> lensContext; private transient PrismObjectDefinition<O> objectDefinition = null; public LensElementContext(Class<O> objectTypeClass, LensContext<? extends ObjectType> lensContext) { super(); Validate.notNull(objectTypeClass, "Object class is null"); Validate.notNull(lensContext, "Lens context is null"); this.lensContext = lensContext; this.objectTypeClass = objectTypeClass; } public int getIteration() { return iteration; } public void setIteration(int iteration) { this.iteration = iteration; } public String getIterationToken() { return iterationToken; } public void setIterationToken(String iterationToken) { this.iterationToken = iterationToken; } public SynchronizationIntent getSynchronizationIntent() { return synchronizationIntent; } public void setSynchronizationIntent(SynchronizationIntent synchronizationIntent) { this.synchronizationIntent = synchronizationIntent; } public LensContext<? extends ObjectType> getLensContext() { return lensContext; } protected PrismContext getNotNullPrismContext() { return getLensContext().getNotNullPrismContext(); } @Override public Class<O> getObjectTypeClass() { return objectTypeClass; } public PrismContext getPrismContext() { return lensContext.getPrismContext(); } @Override public PrismObject<O> getObjectOld() { return objectOld; } public void setObjectOld(PrismObject<O> objectOld) { this.objectOld = objectOld; } public PrismObject<O> getObjectCurrent() { return objectCurrent; } public void setObjectCurrent(PrismObject<O> objectCurrent) { this.objectCurrent = objectCurrent; } public PrismObject<O> getObjectAny() { if (objectNew != null) { return objectNew; } if (objectCurrent != null) { return objectCurrent; } return objectOld; } /** * Sets current and possibly also old object. This method is used with * freshly loaded object. The object is set as current object. * If the old object was not initialized yet (and if it should be initialized) * then the object is also set as old object. */ public void setLoadedObject(PrismObject<O> object) { setObjectCurrent(object); if (objectOld == null && !isAdd()) { setObjectOld(object.clone()); } } @Override public PrismObject<O> getObjectNew() { return objectNew; } public void setObjectNew(PrismObject<O> objectNew) { this.objectNew = objectNew; } @Override public ObjectDelta<O> getPrimaryDelta() { return primaryDelta; } /** * As getPrimaryDelta() but caters for the possibility that an object already exists. * So, if the primary delta is ADD and object already exists, it should be changed somehow, * e.g. to MODIFY delta or to null. * * Actually, the question is what to do with the attribute values if changed to MODIFY. * (a) Should they become REPLACE item deltas? (b) ADD ones? * (c) Or should we compute a difference from objectCurrent to objectToAdd, hoping that * secondary deltas will re-add everything that might be unknowingly removed by this step? * (d) Or should we simply ignore ADD delta altogether, hoping that it was executed * so it need not be repeated? * * And, should not we report AlreadyExistingException instead? * * It seems that (c) i.e. reverting back to objectToAdd is not a good idea at all. For example, this * may erase linkRefs for good. * * For the time being let us proceed with (d), i.e. ignoring such a delta. * * TODO is this OK???? [med] * * @return */ public ObjectDelta<O> getFixedPrimaryDelta() { if (primaryDelta == null || !primaryDelta.isAdd() || objectCurrent == null) { return primaryDelta; // nothing to do } // Object does exist. Let's ignore the delta - see description above. return null; } public void setPrimaryDelta(ObjectDelta<O> primaryDelta) { this.primaryDelta = primaryDelta; } public void addPrimaryDelta(ObjectDelta<O> delta) throws SchemaException { if (primaryDelta == null) { primaryDelta = delta; } else { primaryDelta.merge(delta); } } public void swallowToPrimaryDelta(ItemDelta<?, ?> itemDelta) throws SchemaException { if (primaryDelta == null) { primaryDelta = new ObjectDelta<O>(getObjectTypeClass(), ChangeType.MODIFY, getPrismContext()); primaryDelta.setOid(oid); } primaryDelta.swallow(itemDelta); } public abstract void swallowToSecondaryDelta(ItemDelta<?, ?> itemDelta) throws SchemaException; public boolean isAdd() { if (ObjectDelta.isAdd(getPrimaryDelta())) { return true; } if (ObjectDelta.isAdd(getSecondaryDelta())) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isModify() { if (ObjectDelta.isModify(getPrimaryDelta())) { return true; } if (ObjectDelta.isModify(getSecondaryDelta())) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isDelete() { if (ObjectDelta.isDelete(getPrimaryDelta())) { return true; } if (ObjectDelta.isDelete(getSecondaryDelta())) { return true; } return false; } @Override public List<LensObjectDeltaOperation<O>> getExecutedDeltas() { return executedDeltas; } List<LensObjectDeltaOperation<O>> getExecutedDeltas(Boolean audited) { if (audited == null) { return executedDeltas; } List<LensObjectDeltaOperation<O>> deltas = new ArrayList<LensObjectDeltaOperation<O>>(); for (LensObjectDeltaOperation<O> delta : executedDeltas) { if (delta.isAudited() == audited) { deltas.add(delta); } } return deltas; } public void markExecutedDeltasAudited() { for (LensObjectDeltaOperation<O> executedDelta : executedDeltas) { executedDelta.setAudited(true); } } public void addToExecutedDeltas(LensObjectDeltaOperation<O> executedDelta) { executedDeltas.add(executedDelta.clone()); // must be cloned because e.g. for ADD deltas the object gets modified afterwards } /** * Returns user delta, both primary and secondary (merged together). * The returned object is (kind of) immutable. Changing it may do strange things (but most likely the changes will be lost). */ public ObjectDelta<O> getDelta() throws SchemaException { return ObjectDelta.union(primaryDelta, getSecondaryDelta()); } public ObjectDelta<O> getFixedDelta() throws SchemaException { return ObjectDelta.union(getFixedPrimaryDelta(), getSecondaryDelta()); } abstract public ObjectDeltaObject<O> getObjectDeltaObject() throws SchemaException; @Override public String getOid() { if (oid == null) { oid = determineOid(); } return oid; } public String determineOid() { if (getObjectOld() != null && getObjectOld().getOid() != null) { return getObjectOld().getOid(); } if (getObjectCurrent() != null && getObjectCurrent().getOid() != null) { return getObjectCurrent().getOid(); } if (getObjectNew() != null && getObjectNew().getOid() != null) { return getObjectNew().getOid(); } if (getPrimaryDelta() != null && getPrimaryDelta().getOid() != null) { return getPrimaryDelta().getOid(); } if (getSecondaryDelta() != null && getSecondaryDelta().getOid() != null) { return getSecondaryDelta().getOid(); } return null; } /** * Sets oid to the field but also to the deltas (if applicable). */ public void setOid(String oid) { this.oid = oid; if (primaryDelta != null) { primaryDelta.setOid(oid); } if (objectNew != null) { objectNew.setOid(oid); } } public PrismObjectDefinition<O> getObjectDefinition() { if (objectDefinition == null) { if (objectOld != null) { objectDefinition = objectOld.getDefinition(); } else if (objectCurrent != null) { objectDefinition = objectCurrent.getDefinition(); } else if (objectNew != null) { objectDefinition = objectNew.getDefinition(); } else { objectDefinition = getNotNullPrismContext().getSchemaRegistry() .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(getObjectTypeClass()); } } return objectDefinition; } public boolean isFresh() { return isFresh; } public void setFresh(boolean isFresh) { this.isFresh = isFresh; } public void recompute() throws SchemaException { PrismObject<O> base = objectCurrent; if (base == null) { base = objectOld; } ObjectDelta<O> delta = getDelta(); if (delta == null) { // No change objectNew = base; return; } objectNew = delta.computeChangedObject(base); } // /** // * Make the context as clean as new. Except for the executed deltas and other "traces" of // * what was already done and cannot be undone. Also the configuration items that were loaded may remain. // * This is used to restart the context computation but keep the trace of what was already done. // */ // public void reset() { // secondaryDelta = null; // isFresh = false; // } public void checkConsistence() { checkConsistence(null); } public void checkConsistence(String contextDesc) { if (getObjectOld() != null) { checkConsistence(getObjectOld(), "old " + getElementDesc(), contextDesc); } if (getObjectCurrent() != null) { checkConsistence(getObjectCurrent(), "current " + getElementDesc(), contextDesc); } if (primaryDelta != null) { checkConsistence(primaryDelta, false, getElementDesc() + " primary delta in " + this + (contextDesc == null ? "" : " in " + contextDesc)); } if (getObjectNew() != null) { checkConsistence(getObjectNew(), "new " + getElementDesc(), contextDesc); } } protected void checkConsistence(ObjectDelta<O> delta, boolean requireOid, String contextDesc) { try { delta.checkConsistence(requireOid, true, true, ConsistencyCheckScope.THOROUGH); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage() + "; in " + contextDesc, e); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage() + "; in " + contextDesc, e); } if (delta.isAdd()) { checkConsistence(delta.getObjectToAdd(), "add object", contextDesc); } } protected boolean isRequireSecondardyDeltaOid() { return primaryDelta == null; } protected void checkConsistence(PrismObject<O> object, String elementDesc, String contextDesc) { String desc = elementDesc + " in " + this + (contextDesc == null ? "" : " in " + contextDesc); try { object.checkConsistence(true, ConsistencyCheckScope.THOROUGH); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage() + "; in " + desc, e); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage() + "; in " + desc, e); } if (object.getDefinition() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No " + getElementDesc() + " definition " + desc); } O objectType = object.asObjectable(); if (objectType instanceof ShadowType) { ShadowUtil.checkConsistence((PrismObject<? extends ShadowType>) object, desc); } } /** * Cleans up the contexts by removing some of the working state. */ public abstract void cleanup(); public void normalize() { if (objectNew != null) { objectNew.normalize(); } if (objectOld != null) { objectOld.normalize(); } if (objectCurrent != null) { objectCurrent.normalize(); } if (primaryDelta != null) { primaryDelta.normalize(); } } public void adopt(PrismContext prismContext) throws SchemaException { if (objectNew != null) { prismContext.adopt(objectNew); } if (objectOld != null) { prismContext.adopt(objectOld); } if (objectCurrent != null) { prismContext.adopt(objectCurrent); } if (primaryDelta != null) { prismContext.adopt(primaryDelta); } // TODO: object definition? } public abstract LensElementContext<O> clone(LensContext<? extends ObjectType> lensContext); protected void copyValues(LensElementContext<O> clone, LensContext lensContext) { clone.lensContext = lensContext; // This is de-facto immutable clone.objectDefinition = this.objectDefinition; clone.objectNew = cloneObject(this.objectNew); clone.objectOld = cloneObject(this.objectOld); clone.objectCurrent = cloneObject(this.objectCurrent); clone.objectTypeClass = this.objectTypeClass; clone.oid = this.oid; clone.primaryDelta = cloneDelta(this.primaryDelta); clone.isFresh = this.isFresh; clone.iteration = this.iteration; clone.iterationToken = this.iterationToken; } protected ObjectDelta<O> cloneDelta(ObjectDelta<O> thisDelta) { if (thisDelta == null) { return null; } return thisDelta.clone(); } private PrismObject<O> cloneObject(PrismObject<O> thisObject) { if (thisObject == null) { return null; } return thisObject.clone(); } public void storeIntoLensElementContextType(LensElementContextType lensElementContextType) throws SchemaException { lensElementContextType.setObjectOld(objectOld != null ? objectOld.asObjectable() : null); lensElementContextType.setObjectNew(objectNew != null ? objectNew.asObjectable() : null); lensElementContextType .setPrimaryDelta(primaryDelta != null ? DeltaConvertor.toObjectDeltaType(primaryDelta) : null); for (LensObjectDeltaOperation executedDelta : executedDeltas) { lensElementContextType.getExecutedDeltas().add(executedDelta.toLensObjectDeltaOperationType()); } lensElementContextType.setObjectTypeClass(objectTypeClass != null ? objectTypeClass.getName() : null); lensElementContextType.setOid(oid); lensElementContextType.setIteration(iteration); lensElementContextType.setIterationToken(iterationToken); lensElementContextType.setSynchronizationIntent( synchronizationIntent != null ? synchronizationIntent.toSynchronizationIntentType() : null); } public void retrieveFromLensElementContextType(LensElementContextType lensElementContextType, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ConfigurationException, ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException { ObjectType objectTypeOld = lensElementContextType.getObjectOld(); this.objectOld = objectTypeOld != null ? objectTypeOld.asPrismObject() : null; fixProvisioningTypeInObject(this.objectOld, result); ObjectType objectTypeNew = lensElementContextType.getObjectNew(); this.objectNew = objectTypeNew != null ? objectTypeNew.asPrismObject() : null; fixProvisioningTypeInObject(this.objectNew, result); ObjectType object = objectTypeNew != null ? objectTypeNew : objectTypeOld; ObjectDeltaType primaryDeltaType = lensElementContextType.getPrimaryDelta(); this.primaryDelta = primaryDeltaType != null ? (ObjectDelta) DeltaConvertor.createObjectDelta(primaryDeltaType, lensContext.getPrismContext()) : null; fixProvisioningTypeInDelta(this.primaryDelta, object, result); for (LensObjectDeltaOperationType eDeltaOperationType : lensElementContextType.getExecutedDeltas()) { LensObjectDeltaOperation objectDeltaOperation = LensObjectDeltaOperation .fromLensObjectDeltaOperationType(eDeltaOperationType, lensContext.getPrismContext()); if (objectDeltaOperation.getObjectDelta() != null) { fixProvisioningTypeInDelta(objectDeltaOperation.getObjectDelta(), object, result); } this.executedDeltas.add(objectDeltaOperation); } this.oid = lensElementContextType.getOid(); this.iteration = lensElementContextType.getIteration() != null ? lensElementContextType.getIteration() : 0; this.iterationToken = lensElementContextType.getIterationToken(); this.synchronizationIntent = SynchronizationIntent .fromSynchronizationIntentType(lensElementContextType.getSynchronizationIntent()); // note: objectTypeClass is already converted (used in the constructor) } protected void fixProvisioningTypeInDelta(ObjectDelta<O> delta, Objectable object, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException { if (delta != null && delta.getObjectTypeClass() != null && (ShadowType.class.isAssignableFrom(delta.getObjectTypeClass()) || ResourceType.class.isAssignableFrom(delta.getObjectTypeClass()))) { lensContext.getProvisioningService().applyDefinition(delta, object, result); } } private void fixProvisioningTypeInObject(PrismObject<O> object, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException { if (object != null && object.getCompileTimeClass() != null && (ShadowType.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getCompileTimeClass()) || ResourceType.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getCompileTimeClass()))) { lensContext.getProvisioningService().applyDefinition(object, result); } } public void checkEncrypted() { if (objectNew != null) { CryptoUtil.checkEncrypted(objectNew); } if (objectOld != null) { CryptoUtil.checkEncrypted(objectOld); } if (objectCurrent != null) { CryptoUtil.checkEncrypted(objectCurrent); } if (primaryDelta != null) { CryptoUtil.checkEncrypted(primaryDelta); } } protected abstract String getElementDefaultDesc(); protected String getElementDesc() { PrismObject<O> object = getObjectNew(); if (object == null) { object = getObjectOld(); } if (object == null) { object = getObjectCurrent(); } if (object == null) { return getElementDefaultDesc(); } return object.toDebugType(); } protected String getDebugDumpTitle() { return StringUtils.capitalize(getElementDesc()); } protected String getDebugDumpTitle(String suffix) { return getDebugDumpTitle() + " " + suffix; } public abstract String getHumanReadableName(); }