Java tutorial
/* * soapui, copyright (C) 2006 * * SoapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * SoapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at */ package; import; import java.util.Map; import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation; import javax.wsdl.Message; import javax.wsdl.Part; import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeader; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaGlobalElement; import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject; import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlInterface; import; import; import; import; import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Interface; import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Operation; import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Request; import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.RequestBuilder; import com.eviware.soapui.settings.WsdlSettings; import; /** * Builds SOAP requests according to WSDL/XSD definitions * * @author Ole.Matzura */ public class SoapRequestBuilder implements RequestBuilder { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SoapRequestBuilder.class); private WsdlContext wsdlContext; private WsdlInterface iface; public SoapRequestBuilder(WsdlInterface iface) throws Exception { this.iface = iface; this.wsdlContext = iface.getWsdlContext(); } public SoapRequestBuilder(WsdlContext wsdlContext) { this.wsdlContext = wsdlContext; } public Interface getInterface() { return iface; } public Request buildRequest(Operation operation, Map params) { return null; } public String buildSoapRequest(BindingOperation bindingOperation, boolean buildOptional) throws Exception { boolean inputSoapEncoded = WsdlUtils.isInputSoapEncoded(bindingOperation); SampleXmlUtil xmlGenerator = new SampleXmlUtil(inputSoapEncoded); xmlGenerator.setIgnoreOptional(!buildOptional); XmlObject object = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance(); XmlCursor cursor = object.newCursor(); cursor.toNextToken(); cursor.beginElement(wsdlContext.getSoapVersion().getEnvelopeQName()); if (inputSoapEncoded) { cursor.insertNamespace("xsi", Constants.XSI_NS); cursor.insertNamespace("xsd", Constants.XSD_NS); } cursor.toFirstChild(); cursor.beginElement(wsdlContext.getSoapVersion().getBodyQName()); cursor.toFirstChild(); if (WsdlUtils.isRpc(wsdlContext.getDefinition(), bindingOperation)) { buildRpcRequest(bindingOperation, cursor, xmlGenerator); } else { buildDocumentRequest(bindingOperation, cursor, xmlGenerator); } addHeaders(bindingOperation, cursor, xmlGenerator); cursor.dispose(); try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); XmlUtils.serializePretty(object, writer); return writer.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return object.xmlText(); } } private void buildMultipartRequest(BindingOperation bindingOperation, XmlCursor cursor, SampleXmlUtil xmlGenerator) throws Exception { buildDocumentRequest(bindingOperation, cursor, xmlGenerator); } private void addHeaders(BindingOperation bindingOperation, XmlCursor cursor, SampleXmlUtil xmlGenerator) throws Exception { ExtensibilityElement[] headers = WsdlUtils.getExtensiblityElements( bindingOperation.getBindingInput().getExtensibilityElements(), SOAPHeader.class); // reposition cursor.toStartDoc(); cursor.toChild(wsdlContext.getSoapVersion().getEnvelopeQName()); cursor.toFirstChild(); cursor.beginElement(wsdlContext.getSoapVersion().getHeaderQName()); cursor.toFirstChild(); for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { SOAPHeader header = (SOAPHeader) headers[i]; Message message = wsdlContext.getDefinition().getMessage(header.getMessage()); if (message == null) { log.error("Missing message for header: " + header.getMessage()); continue; } Part part = message.getPart(header.getPart()); if (part != null) createElementForPart(part, cursor, xmlGenerator); else log.error("Missing part for header; " + header.getPart()); } } private void createElementForPart(Part part, XmlCursor cursor, SampleXmlUtil xmlGenerator) throws Exception { QName elementName = part.getElementName(); QName typeName = part.getTypeName(); if (elementName != null) { cursor.beginElement(elementName); if (wsdlContext.hasSchemaTypes()) { SchemaGlobalElement elm = wsdlContext.getSchemaTypeLoader().findElement(elementName); if (elm != null) { cursor.toFirstChild(); xmlGenerator.createSampleForType(elm.getType(), cursor); } else log.error("Could not find element [" + elementName + "] specified in part [" + part.getName() + "]"); } cursor.toParent(); } else { cursor.beginElement(new QName(wsdlContext.getDefinition().getTargetNamespace(), part.getName())); if (typeName != null && wsdlContext.hasSchemaTypes()) { SchemaType type = wsdlContext.getSchemaTypeLoader().findType(typeName); if (type != null) { cursor.toFirstChild(); xmlGenerator.createSampleForType(type, cursor); } else log.error("Could not find type [" + typeName + "] specified in part [" + part.getName() + "]"); } cursor.toParent(); } } private void buildDocumentRequest(BindingOperation bindingOperation, XmlCursor cursor, SampleXmlUtil xmlGenerator) throws Exception { Part[] parts = WsdlUtils.getInputParts(bindingOperation); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (!WsdlUtils.isAttachmentInputPart(parts[i], bindingOperation)) { XmlCursor c = cursor.newCursor(); c.toLastChild(); createElementForPart(parts[i], c, xmlGenerator); c.dispose(); } } } private void buildRpcRequest(BindingOperation bindingOperation, XmlCursor cursor, SampleXmlUtil xmlGenerator) throws Exception { // rpc requests use the operation name as root element SOAPBody body = (SOAPBody) WsdlUtils.getExtensiblityElement( bindingOperation.getBindingInput().getExtensibilityElements(), SOAPBody.class); String ns = wsdlContext.getDefinition().getTargetNamespace(); if (body != null && body.getNamespaceURI() != null) ns = body.getNamespaceURI(); else log.warn("missing namespace on soapbind:body, using targetNamespace instead (BP violation)"); cursor.beginElement(new QName(ns, bindingOperation.getName())); if (xmlGenerator.isSoapEnc()) cursor.insertAttributeWithValue( new QName(wsdlContext.getSoapVersion().getEnvelopeNamespace(), "encodingStyle"), wsdlContext.getSoapVersion().getEncodingNamespace()); Part[] inputParts = WsdlUtils.getInputParts(bindingOperation); for (int i = 0; i < inputParts.length; i++) { Part part = inputParts[i]; if (WsdlUtils.isAttachmentInputPart(part, bindingOperation)) { if (iface.getSettings().getBoolean(WsdlSettings.ATTACHMENT_PARTS)) { XmlCursor c = cursor.newCursor(); c.toLastChild(); c.beginElement(part.getName()); c.insertAttributeWithValue("href", part.getName() + "Attachment"); c.dispose(); } } else { if (wsdlContext.hasSchemaTypes()) { QName typeName = part.getTypeName(); if (typeName != null) { SchemaType type = wsdlContext.findType(typeName); if (type != null) { XmlCursor c = cursor.newCursor(); c.toLastChild(); c.insertElement(part.getName()); c.toPrevToken(); xmlGenerator.createSampleForType(type, c); c.dispose(); } else log.warn("Failed to find type [" + typeName + "]"); } else { SchemaGlobalElement element = wsdlContext.getSchemaTypeLoader() .findElement(part.getElementName()); if (element != null) { XmlCursor c = cursor.newCursor(); c.toLastChild(); c.insertElement(element.getName()); c.toPrevToken(); xmlGenerator.createSampleForType(element.getType(), c); c.dispose(); } else log.warn("Failed to find element [" + part.getElementName() + "]"); } } } } } public void setWsdlContext(WsdlContext wsdlContext) { this.wsdlContext = wsdlContext; } public void setInterface(WsdlInterface iface) { this.iface = iface; } }