Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 Seedcube LLC. All Rights Reserved. * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Seedcube("Confidential Information"). You shall not * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Seedcube. * * CHANGE HISTORY * ================================================================================== * Oct 21, 2010 - mmanimaran created the file. * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import com.eventattend.portal.dto.FaceBookDTO; import com.eventattend.portal.dto.LinkedInDTO; import com.eventattend.portal.dto.ProfileDTO; import com.eventattend.portal.dto.ResultDTO; import com.eventattend.portal.exceptions.EventPortalException; import com.eventattend.portal.socialmedia.util.SocialMediaKeys; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Class Description * * @version 1.0 * @author mmanimaran * @Date Oct 21, 2010 * * Copyright 2015-2016 Seedcube LLC. All Rights Reserved. * This software is the proprietary information of Seedcube LLC. * Use is subject to license terms. */ public class FaceBookBL extends BusinessLayer { //visiontssrv //private static final String API_KEY = "10511c6c70d52eaeb3b961cae9c94f8c"; //private static final String API_SECRET = "11c61914df8ffc200c7a25263882568a"; //EVENT PORCH //private static final String API_KEY = "35da82b9e7418dc5c3a10267b1c0812f"; //private static final String API_SECRET = "00d5cce69386b945539e78a7b7000bfe"; //CHECK PORTAL //private static final String API_KEY = "621c6a40f9a1d794080e10b9cf94c793"; //private static final String API_SECRET = "fbb4d1ce3acca01efbd1364695e16ec3"; private static final String API_KEY = SocialMediaKeys.FACEBOOK_API_KEY; private static final String API_SECRET = SocialMediaKeys.FACEBOOK_API_SECRET; private static final String AUTH_URL = "" + API_KEY + "&v=1.0&req_perms=read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access,sms,email,user_location"; EnumSet<ProfileField> fields = EnumSet.of(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; public FaceBookDTO initialiseFaceBook(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) throws EventPortalException { boolean isFaceBookConnected = false; String authUrl = null; String profileId = null; String adminProfileId = null; Object accessToken = null; Object adminAccessToken = null; if (faceBookDTO != null) { profileId = faceBookDTO.getProfileId(); accessToken = getAccessToken(profileId); if (accessToken != null) { //isFaceBookConnected = testFaceBook(accessToken.toString()); isFaceBookConnected = true; if (isFaceBookConnected) { faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); faceBookDTO.setAccessToken(accessToken); } else { faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); faceBookDTO.setAuthUrl(AUTH_URL); } } else { faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); faceBookDTO.setAuthUrl(AUTH_URL); } if (!profileId.equals(adminProfileId)) { adminAccessToken = getAccessToken(adminProfileId); faceBookDTO.setAdminAccessToken(adminAccessToken); } else { faceBookDTO.setAdminAccessToken(accessToken); } } else { faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); faceBookDTO.setAuthUrl(AUTH_URL); } return faceBookDTO; } public FaceBookDTO publicProfile(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) { FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; userClient = getUserClient((String) faceBookDTO.getAccessToken()); EnumSet<ProfileField> fields1 = EnumSet.of(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; long facebookUserID = Long.parseLong(faceBookDTO.getProfileId()); JSONArray jsonArray = null; List currentUser = new ArrayList(); currentUser.add(facebookUserID); try { faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); jsonArray = userClient.users_getInfo(currentUser, fields1); try { JSONObject obj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0); faceBookDTO = getUserDetails(obj, faceBookDTO); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FacebookException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return faceBookDTO; } public FaceBookDTO checkAlreadyFriend(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) { FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; JSONArray jsonArray = null; userClient = getUserClient((String) faceBookDTO.getAccessToken()); String friendId = faceBookDTO.getProfileId(); System.out.println("Facebook friendId>>> " + friendId); // faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); faceBookDTO.setProfileId(friendId); try { jsonArray = userClient.friends_get(); } catch (FacebookException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { try { Object uId = (Object) jsonArray.get(i); System.out.println("Facebook>>> " + uId); if ((uId.toString()).equals(friendId)) { System.out.println(friendId + " FB Already a Friend !"); faceBookDTO.setAlreadyFriends(true); } System.out.println(">> " + uId); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return faceBookDTO; } public FaceBookDTO inviteFriend(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) { FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; boolean inviteStatus = false; userClient = getUserClient((String) faceBookDTO.getAccessToken()); String friendId = faceBookDTO.getProfileId(); System.out.println("Facebook inviteFriend >>> " + friendId); try { JSONObject jsonObject = userClient.notifications_get(); JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("friend_requests"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { try { Object uId = (Object) jsonArray.get(i); if (uId.toString().equals(friendId)) { System.out.println("Has Already invite you & Accept request in FB >>> " + friendId); inviteStatus = true; } else { inviteStatus = false; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FacebookException e) { inviteStatus = false; e.printStackTrace(); } faceBookDTO.setFriendAlreadyReqYou(inviteStatus); return faceBookDTO; } /*public FaceBookDTO inviteFriend(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO){ FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; boolean inviteStatus = false; userClient = getUserClient((String) faceBookDTO.getAccessToken()); String friendId=faceBookDTO.getProfileId(); System.out.println("Facebook inviteFriend >>> "+friendId); String emailHash = generateEmailHash(""); System.out.println("emailHash >>> "+emailHash); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("email_hashes",emailHash ); //map.put("account_url ", ""+friendId); map.put("account_id", friendId); Collection<Map<String, String>> accounts = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); accounts.add(map); try { userClient.connect_registerUsers(accounts); inviteStatus = true; } catch (FacebookException e) { inviteStatus = false; e.printStackTrace(); } faceBookDTO.setInviteFriend(inviteStatus); return faceBookDTO; }*/ public static String generateEmailHash(String email) { email = email.trim().toLowerCase(); CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); crc.update(email.getBytes()); String md5 = MD5(email); return crc.getValue() + "_" + md5; } private static String MD5(String email) { String md5val = ""; String[] args = { email }; MessageDigest algorithm = null; try { algorithm = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { System.out.println("Cannot find digest algorithm"); System.exit(1); } for (String arg : args) { byte[] defaultBytes = arg.getBytes(); algorithm.reset(); algorithm.update(defaultBytes); byte messageDigest[] = algorithm.digest(); StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < messageDigest.length; i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & messageDigest[i]); if (hex.length() == 1) { hexString.append('0'); } hexString.append(hex); } md5val = hexString.toString(); System.out.println("MD5 (" + arg + ") = " + md5val); } return md5val; } private List personFBFriendsProfile(FacebookJsonRestClient userClient, long userId) { JSONArray jsonArray = null; List friendsList = null; List friendsIds = null; friendsIds = new ArrayList(); JSONObject jsonObject = null; try { jsonArray = userClient.friends_get(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { try { Object uId = (Object) jsonArray.get(i); userId = Long.parseLong(uId.toString()); friendsIds.add(userId); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } jsonArray = userClient.users_getInfo(friendsIds, fields); friendsList = personFBFriendsList(jsonArray); } catch (FacebookException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return friendsList; } public List personFBFriendsList(JSONArray jsonArray) { List friendsList = null; JSONObject jsonObject = null; friendsList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { try { jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); // getUserDetails(jsonObject); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return friendsList; } private FaceBookDTO getUserDetails(JSONObject jsonObject, FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) { JSONArray jsonArray = null; JSONObject jsonObjectLocation = null; System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); try { if (jsonObject != null) { System.out.println("UId=> " + jsonObject.getString("uid")); if (jsonObject.getString("profile_url") != null) { faceBookDTO.setProfileUrl(jsonObject.getString("profile_url")); System.out.println("PROFILE_URL=> " + jsonObject.getString("profile_url")); } if (jsonObject.getString("name") != null) { System.out.println("Name=> " + jsonObject.getString("name")); faceBookDTO.setName(jsonObject.getString("name")); } if (jsonObject.getString("first_name") != null) { System.out.println("First Name=> " + jsonObject.getString("first_name")); } if (jsonObject.getString("last_name") != null) { System.out.println("Last Name=> " + jsonObject.getString("last_name")); } if (jsonObject.getString("birthday") != null && (!jsonObject.getString("birthday").equals("null"))) { System.out.println("BIRTHDAY=> " + jsonObject.getString("birthday")); } if (jsonObject.getString("about_me") != null && (!jsonObject.getString("about_me").equals("null"))) { System.out.println("About Me=> " + jsonObject.getString("about_me")); } if (jsonObject.getString("movies") != null && (!jsonObject.getString("movies").equals("null"))) { System.out.println("MOVIES=> " + jsonObject.getString("movies")); } if (jsonObject.getString("status") != null && (!jsonObject.getString("status").equals("null"))) { System.out.println("Status=> " + jsonObject.getString("status")); } if (jsonObject.getString("relationship_status") != null) { System.out.println("RELATIONSHIP_STATUS=> " + jsonObject.getString("relationship_status")); } if (jsonObject.getString("locale") != null) { System.out.println("LOCALE=> " + jsonObject.getString("locale")); } if (jsonObject.getString("wall_count") != null) { System.out.println("WALL_COUNT=> " + jsonObject.getString("wall_count")); } if (jsonObject.getString("quotes") != null) { System.out.println("QUOTES=> " + jsonObject.getString("quotes")); } if (jsonObject.getString("pic") != null) { System.out.println("PIC=> " + jsonObject.getString("pic")); faceBookDTO.setProfileImg(jsonObject.getString("pic")); } if (jsonObject.getString("pic_big") != null) { System.out.println("PIC_BIG=> " + jsonObject.getString("pic_big")); faceBookDTO.setProfileBigImg(jsonObject.getString("pic_big")); } if (jsonObject.getString("activities") != null) { System.out.println("ACTIVITIES=> " + jsonObject.getString("activities")); } if (jsonObject.getString("hometown_location") != null) { System.out.println("HOMETOWN_LOCATION=> " + jsonObject.getString("hometown_location")); } if (jsonObject.getString("hs_info") != null) { System.out.println("hs_info=> " + jsonObject.getString("hs_info")); } if (jsonObject.getString("education_history") != null) { String edu = jsonObject.getString("education_history"); Collection coll = new ArrayList(); JSONObject myString = new JSONObject().put(edu, coll); System.out.println("EDUCATION_HISTORY=> " + jsonObject.getString("education_history")); } if (jsonObject.getString("work_history") != null) { System.out.println("WORK_HISTORY=> " + jsonObject.getString("work_history")); } if (jsonObject.getString("affiliations") != null) { System.out.println("WORK_HISTORY=> " + jsonObject.getString("affiliations")); } if (jsonObject.getString("email_hashes") != null) { System.out.println("EMAIL_HASHES=> " + jsonObject.getString("email_hashes")); } if (jsonObject.getString("interests") != null) { System.out.println("INTERESTS=> " + jsonObject.getString("interests")); } if (jsonObject.getString("current_location") != null) { if (!jsonObject.getString("current_location").equals("null")) { jsonObjectLocation = jsonObject.getJSONObject("current_location"); // System.out.println("ObjectLocation=> "+jsonObjectLocation); } else { } } else { } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return faceBookDTO; } public boolean testFaceBook(String accessToken) { boolean result = false; FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; JSONArray jsonArray = null; ProfileDTO profileDTO = null; try { userClient = getUserClient(accessToken); profileDTO = getUserProfile(userClient); System.out.println("Welcome " + profileDTO.getFirstName() + " " + profileDTO.getLastName() + " to FaceBook! You are successfully connected."); result = true; } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println("Unable to connect to FaceBook..!"); e1.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public FaceBookDTO getFaceBookDetails(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) throws EventPortalException { FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; ProfileDTO profileDTO = null; List friendsList = null; String accessToken = null; int friendsCount = 0; if (faceBookDTO != null) { accessToken = (String) faceBookDTO.getAccessToken(); if (accessToken != null) { userClient = getUserClient(accessToken); profileDTO = getUserProfile(userClient); friendsList = getFriendsProfile(userClient); friendsCount = friendsCount(userClient); faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); faceBookDTO.setProfileDTO(profileDTO); faceBookDTO.setFriendsList(friendsList); faceBookDTO.setFriendsCount(String.valueOf(friendsCount)); } } return faceBookDTO; } /** * @param faceBookDTO * @return */ public FaceBookDTO addToken(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) throws EventPortalException { boolean addStatus = false; String profileId = null; String faceBookId = null; Object authToken = null; Object accessToken = null; String profileURL = null; FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; if (faceBookDTO != null) { profileId = faceBookDTO.getProfileId(); authToken = faceBookDTO.getAuthToken(); accessToken = getUserSession((String) authToken); if (accessToken != null) { Keys keys = new Keys(); keys.setHiddenObject("FACEBOOK"); keys.setFaceBookAccessToken(accessToken); keys.setProfileId(profileId); addStatus = keys.saveAccessToken(keys); if (addStatus) { //accessToken = getAccessToken(profileId); //faceBookId = getProfileId(accessToken.toString()); profileURL = getPublicProfile(accessToken.toString()); userClient = getUserClient((String) accessToken); ProfileDTO profileDTO = getUserProfile(userClient); addStatus = updatePublicProfile(profileDTO.getProfileId(), profileURL, profileDTO.getFaceBookImgUrl(), profileId); faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); faceBookDTO.setAccessToken(accessToken); faceBookDTO.setAddStatus(addStatus); } } } return faceBookDTO; } public String getUserSession(String authToken) { String authSession = null; FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; userClient = new FacebookJsonRestClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET); try { authSession = userClient.auth_getSession(authToken); } catch (FacebookException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return authSession; } public String getAccessToken(String profileId) throws EventPortalException { Collection accessTokenCollection = null; String accessToken = null; Keys keys = null; keys = new Keys(); keys.setProfileId(profileId); accessTokenCollection = keys.getAccessToken(keys); Iterator iter1 = accessTokenCollection.iterator(); if (iter1 != null) { while (iter1.hasNext()) { keys = (Keys); accessToken = (String) keys.getFaceBookAccessToken(); } } return accessToken; } public int friendsCount(FacebookJsonRestClient userClient) { int friendsCount = 0; JSONArray arrayObj; try { arrayObj = (JSONArray) userClient.friends_get(); friendsCount = arrayObj.length(); } catch (FacebookException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return friendsCount; } /** * @param userClient * @return * @throws EventPortalException */ private ProfileDTO getUserProfile(FacebookJsonRestClient userClient) throws EventPortalException { JSONArray jsonArray = null; ProfileDTO profileDTO = null; List currentUser = new ArrayList(); EnumSet<ProfileField> fields1 = EnumSet.of(,,,,,,,; try { Long facebookUserID = userClient.users_getLoggedInUser(); currentUser.add(facebookUserID); jsonArray = userClient.users_getInfo(currentUser, fields1); try { JSONObject obj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0); profileDTO = getUserData(obj); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FacebookException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); throw new EventPortalException("Facebook Session Invalid"); } return profileDTO; } private ProfileDTO getUserData(JSONObject jsonObject) { JSONArray jsonArray = null; JSONObject jsonObjectLocation = null; ProfileDTO profileDTO = null; try { if (jsonObject != null) { profileDTO = new ProfileDTO(); profileDTO.setProfileId(jsonObject.getString("uid")); profileDTO.setFirstName(jsonObject.getString("first_name")); profileDTO.setLastName(jsonObject.getString("last_name")); profileDTO.setFaceBookImgUrl(jsonObject.getString("pic")); if (jsonObject.getString("current_location") != null) { if (!jsonObject.getString("current_location").equals("null")) { jsonObjectLocation = jsonObject.getJSONObject("current_location"); //profileDTO.setLocation(getLocation(jsonObjectLocation)); } else { //profileDTO.setLocation(""); } } else { //profileDTO.setLocation(""); } //profileDTO.setFaceBookId(jsonObject.getString("profile_url")); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return profileDTO; } public FacebookJsonRestClient getUserClient(String authSession) { FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; userClient = new FacebookJsonRestClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET, authSession); return userClient; } public String getLocation(JSONObject jsonObject) { String location = ""; String city = ""; String state = ""; String country = ""; try { //JSONObject obj = jsonObject.getJSONObject(0); city = jsonObject.getString("city"); state = jsonObject.getString("state"); country = jsonObject.getString("country"); location = city + ", " + state + ", " + country; } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return location; } public boolean updatePublicProfile(String faceBookId, String profileURL, String faceBookImgUrl, String profileId) throws EventPortalException { boolean result = false; SocialMedia socialMedia = new SocialMedia(); socialMedia.setSmProfileId(profileId); socialMedia.setFaceBookId(faceBookId); socialMedia.setFaceBookProfileUrl(profileURL); socialMedia.setFaceBookImgUrl(faceBookImgUrl); socialMedia.setHiddenObject("FACEBOOK"); socialMedia.setFbAllowFriendsToConnect("N"); socialMedia.setFbAllowFriendsToPost("N"); result = socialMedia.updateSocialMediaProfile(socialMedia); return result; } public String getProfileId(String accessToken) { String profileId = null; FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; JSONArray jsonArray = null; ProfileDTO profileDTO = null; try { userClient = getUserClient(accessToken); profileDTO = getUserProfile(userClient); profileId = profileDTO.getProfileId(); } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println("Unable to connect to FaceBook..!"); e1.printStackTrace(); } return profileId; } public String getPublicProfile(String accessToken) { String profileURL = null; FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; JSONArray jsonArray = null; ProfileDTO profileDTO = null; try { userClient = getUserClient(accessToken); profileDTO = getUserProfile(userClient); //profileURL = profileDTO.getFaceBookId(); if (profileURL == null) { //profileURL = ""+profileDTO.getProfileId(); profileURL = "" + profileDTO.getFirstName() + "-" + profileDTO.getLastName() + "/" + profileDTO.getProfileId(); // } } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println("Unable to connect to FaceBook..!"); e1.printStackTrace(); } return profileURL; } /** * @param faceBookDTO * @return */ public ResultDTO shareMsgInFaceBook(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) { ResultDTO resultDTO = null; boolean resultSts = false; String shareMessage = null; boolean isShareMsg = false; Object accessToken = null; resultDTO = new ResultDTO(); FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; if (faceBookDTO != null) { isShareMsg = faceBookDTO.isShareMsg(); if (isShareMsg) { shareMessage = faceBookDTO.getShareComment(); accessToken = faceBookDTO.getAccessToken(); if (accessToken != null) { userClient = getUserClient(accessToken.toString()); resultSts = shareMsg(userClient, shareMessage, null, null); } } } resultDTO.setResultStatus(resultSts); return resultDTO; } public boolean shareMsg(FacebookJsonRestClient userClient, String message, Attachment attachment, Collection actionLinks) { boolean resultSts = false; long userId = 0; long targetId = 0; try { userId = userClient.users_getLoggedInUser(); targetId = userId; userClient.stream_publish(message, attachment, actionLinks, targetId, userId); resultSts = true; } catch (FacebookException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return resultSts; } /** * @param userClient * @return */ private List getFriendsProfile(FacebookJsonRestClient userClient) { JSONArray jsonArray = null; List friendsList = null; List friendsIds = null; FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO = null; friendsIds = new ArrayList(); JSONObject jsonObject = null; long userId = 0; try { userId = userClient.users_getLoggedInUser(); jsonArray = userClient.friends_get(userId); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { try { Object uId = (Object) jsonArray.get(i); userId = Long.parseLong(uId.toString()); friendsIds.add(userId); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } jsonArray = userClient.users_getInfo(friendsIds, fields); friendsList = getFriendsList(jsonArray); } catch (FacebookException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return friendsList; } public List getFriendsList(JSONArray jsonArray) { List friendsList = null; JSONObject jsonObject = null; ProfileDTO profileDTO = null; friendsList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { try { jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); profileDTO = getUserData(jsonObject); friendsList.add(profileDTO); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return friendsList; } //Unused Methods public FaceBookDTO initialiseFaceBook1(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) throws EventPortalException { FacebookJsonRestClient frc = null; frc = new FacebookJsonRestClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET); String token = null; String authUrl = null; try { token = frc.auth_createToken(); } catch (FacebookException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } authUrl = "" + API_KEY + "&v=1.0" + "&auth_token=" + token; authUrl = "" + API_KEY + "&connect_display=popup" + "&v=1.0" + "&next=views/faceBook_connect.jsf" + "&cancel_url=" + "&fbconnect=true" + "&return_session=true" + "&session_key_only=true" + "&req_perms=read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access,sms,email,user_location"; faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); faceBookDTO.setAuthUrl(authUrl); return faceBookDTO; } public boolean userFriends(String authSession) { boolean resultSts = false; FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; userClient = new FacebookJsonRestClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET, authSession); JSONArray arrayObj; try { arrayObj = (JSONArray) userClient.friends_get(); System.out.println(arrayObj); resultSts = true; } catch (FacebookException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return resultSts; } /** * @param faceBookDTO * @return * @throws EventPortalException */ public ProfileDTO getUserDetails(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) throws EventPortalException { FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; String accessToken = null; ProfileDTO profileDTO = null; if (faceBookDTO != null) { accessToken = (String) faceBookDTO.getAccessToken(); if (accessToken != null) { userClient = getUserClient(accessToken); profileDTO = getUserProfile(userClient); //faceBookDTO = new FaceBookDTO(); //faceBookDTO.setProfileDTO(profileDTO); } } return profileDTO; } public List getFriendsProfileList(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) { Object accessToken = null; FacebookJsonRestClient userClient = null; List friendsList = null; if (faceBookDTO != null) { accessToken = faceBookDTO.getAccessToken(); if (accessToken != null) { userClient = getUserClient(accessToken.toString()); friendsList = getFriendsProfile(userClient); } } return friendsList; } public FaceBookDTO deleteToken(FaceBookDTO faceBookDTO) throws EventPortalException { String profileId = null; try { profileId = faceBookDTO.getProfileId(); Keys keys = new Keys(); keys.setHiddenObject("FACEBOOK"); keys.setProfileId(profileId); boolean retSts = keys.deleteAccessToken(keys); if (retSts) { retSts = updatePublicProfile(null, null, null, profileId); faceBookDTO.setAuthUrl(AUTH_URL); faceBookDTO.setDeleteStatus(retSts); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return faceBookDTO; } }