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 * Copyright (c) Eurelis. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Use is subject to license terms. Redistribution and use in
 * source and binary forms, with or without modification, are not permitted without prior written permission of Eurelis.

package com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import org.opencms.file.CmsFile;
import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
import org.opencms.file.CmsProject;
import org.opencms.file.CmsRequestContext;
import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;

import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.ui.Messages;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.CmsUtil;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.ErrorFormatter;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.FileWriter;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.ModuleSharedVariables;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.StringChecker;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.availableworkflows.AvailableWorkflowCollectorFactory;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.availableworkflows.I_AvailableWorkflowCollector;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.toolobjects.DescriptionContainer;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.toolobjects.HistoricElement;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.toolobjects.WorkflowDisplayContainer;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.toolobjects.WorkflowKey;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.toolobjects.WorkflowPropertyContainer;
import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.toolobjects.WorkflowPropertyContainerElement;
import com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet;
import com.opensymphony.user.DuplicateEntityException;
import com.opensymphony.user.EntityNotFoundException;
import com.opensymphony.user.ImmutableException;
import com.opensymphony.user.User;
import com.opensymphony.user.UserManager;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.FactoryException;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidActionException;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidEntryStateException;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidInputException;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidRoleException;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.StoreException;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.Workflow;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.basic.BasicWorkflow;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.config.Configuration;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.config.DefaultConfiguration;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.WorkflowDescriptor;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.query.FieldExpression;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.query.WorkflowExpressionQuery;

 * This class implements some method to interface OSWorkflow with OpenCMS.
 * @author Sbastien Bianco
public abstract class A_OSWorkflowManager {

    /** The log object for this class. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(A_OSWorkflowManager.class);

    /** The name of the file that will content the list of workflows */
    protected static final String WORKFLOWLIST_FILENAME = "workflows.xml";

     * The name of the repository where will be created the all required file for OSWorkflow (relative to WEB-INF
     * repository of the web-app)
    protected static final String WORKFLOWLIST_REPOSITORYPATH = "classes";

     * The path of the OSWorkflows config file in the RFS of OpenCMS relatively to the WEB-INF repository of the web-app
     * filepath (RFS).
    protected static final String OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_RFSFILEPATH = "classes"
            + ModuleSharedVariables.SYSTEM_FILE_SEPARATOR + "osworkflow.xml";

     * The XPath of the property to update in the OSWorkflow config file
    protected static final String OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_PROPERTYTOUPDATE_XPATH = "/osworkflow/factory/property[@key=\"resource\"]";

     * The parent XPath of the property to update in the OSWorkflow config file
    protected static final String OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_PROPERTYTOUPDATE_PARENT_XPATH = "/osworkflow/factory";

     * The name of the attribute of the property to update in the OSWorkflow config file

     * The name of the property to update in the OSWorkflow config file
    protected static final String OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_PROPERTYTOUPDATE_TAGNAME = "property";

     * The value of the key of the required value to update in the OSWorkflow config file
    protected static final String OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_PROPERTYTOUPDATE_VALUE = "resource";

     * The name of the default user of OSWorkflow
    protected static final String OSWORKFLOW_DEFAULTUSERNAME = "defaultUser";

     * The default String to use as comment if action are done automatically
    protected static final String OSWORKFLOW_AUTOACTION_COMMENT = "";

     * The default String to use as owner if action are done automatically
    protected static final String OSWORKFLOW_AUTOACTION_OWNER = "Wf Engine";

     * The base system path
    protected static final String NO_FILE_PATH = "NO_FILES";

     * The admin object that allows to go through VFS and open files
    protected CmsObject _cmsAdminObj = null;
     * The Configuration of OSWorkflow
    protected Configuration _osWorkflowConfig;
     * The WorkflowConfigManager
     * name="_workflowConfigManager"
     * @uml.associationEnd
    protected WorkflowConfigManager _workflowConfigManager;

     * Private default constructor so as to diseable the creation of the object from another class
    protected A_OSWorkflowManager() {

        // initialise the Admin Object that will permit to go though the VFS
        this._cmsAdminObj = CmsUtil.getAdminCmsObject();

        // update the list of available workflows

        // Initialize the list of rights files
        _workflowConfigManager = WorkflowConfigManager.getInstance();

        // load OSWorkflow

        // create the default user
        try {
        } catch (DuplicateEntityException e) {
        } catch (ImmutableException e) {

     * This method load OSWorkflow. So as to perform this functionality, the system :
     * <ol>
     * <li>Create a copy of each known Workflows Description in the RFS</li>
     * <li>Create the configuration file with the list of thoses workflows</li>
     * <li>Update the config file of OsWorkflows with the URL of the file generated in step 2</li>
     * <li>Load OSWorkflow with the URL of the updated config file</li>
     * </ol>
    protected void loadOSWorkflow() {

        // create the repository that will content all files

        // Create a copy of each known Workflows Description in the RFS

        try {
            // Create the configuration file with the list of thoses workflows
            String generatedFilePath = this.createWorkflowsListFile();

            // Update the config file of OsWorkflows with the URL of the file
            // generated in step 2
            String updatedConfigFilepath = this.updateOSWorkflowConfigFile(generatedFilePath);

            // Load OSWorkflow with configFile

        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (CmsException e) {
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
        } catch (FactoryException e) {


     * Load OsWorkflow with the the config File.
     * @param updatedConfigFilepath
     *            the path of the config File
     * @throws MalformedURLException
     *             this exception can be thrown if the given paramter cannot be successfully converted into an URL
     * @throws FactoryException
     *             this exception can be thrown if the loading of OSWorkflow config file generate trouble
    private void loadOSWorkflowWithConfigFile(String updatedConfigFilepath)
            throws FactoryException, MalformedURLException {

        // initialize the configuration object of OSWorkflow
        this._osWorkflowConfig = new DefaultConfiguration();
        File f = new File(updatedConfigFilepath);
        // load config file

                "list of registered workflows"));


     * Get the list of available workflows and create a copy of the workflow description file.<br/>
     * The RFS path of each workflow description path will be updated.
    private void createCopyOfWorkflowsDescriptionFile() {

        // get the list of available workflows
        I_AvailableWorkflowCollector availableWorkflowCollector = AvailableWorkflowCollectorFactory.getInstance();
        List<DescriptionContainer> collectedWorkflows = availableWorkflowCollector.getListOfAvailableWorkflows();

        try {
            // switch the context to Offline project so as to go though the
            // entire list of files
            CmsRequestContext cmsContext = this._cmsAdminObj.getRequestContext();
            CmsProject offlineProject = this._cmsAdminObj.readProject("Offline");
        } catch (CmsException e) {
                    "The admin object cannot switch to project Offline. Not published workflowlist file will not be into account ! ");

         * For each file generate the copy of the VFS description file content
        Iterator<DescriptionContainer> collectedWorkflowsIterator = collectedWorkflows.iterator();
        while (collectedWorkflowsIterator.hasNext()) {

            try {
                DescriptionContainer instanceOfWorkflow =;

                // get the UUID of the file
                String pathOfDescriptionFile = instanceOfWorkflow.get_workflowFilePath();

                // get the OpenCMS Resource thanks UUID
                CmsResource descriptionFileResource = this._cmsAdminObj.readResource(pathOfDescriptionFile);
                if (descriptionFileResource.isFile()) {

                    // Read the file
                    CmsFile resourceToRead = this._cmsAdminObj.readFile(descriptionFileResource);
                    byte[] fileContent = resourceToRead.getContents();

                    String filePath = getRepositoryPath() + ModuleSharedVariables.SYSTEM_FILE_SEPARATOR
                            + descriptionFileResource.getName();

                    // copy the file content
                    FileWriter.writeFile(filePath, new String(fileContent));

                    // update the RFS filepath

                    // LOGGER.debug( "WF | instanceOfWorkflow =
                    // "+instanceOfWorkflow);

                } else {
                    LOGGER.warn("A collected instance (" + instanceOfWorkflow.get_title()
                            + ") has an UUID of the description file path that doesn't correspond to a file ("
                            + instanceOfWorkflow.get_workflowFilePath() + " - "
                            + instanceOfWorkflow.get_workflowFileUuid() + ")");

            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            } catch (CmsException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {


     * Create the file with list of available workflows so as to load OSWorkflow.
     * @return the filepath of the generated file
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an error occurs during the write of the generated file
    private String createWorkflowsListFile() throws IOException {

        // get the list of available workflows
        I_AvailableWorkflowCollector availableWorkflowCollector = AvailableWorkflowCollectorFactory.getInstance();
        List<DescriptionContainer> collectedWorkflow = availableWorkflowCollector.getListOfAvailableWorkflows();

        // check result size
        if (collectedWorkflow.size() == 0) {
                    "There is no workflow available. Please create a file with type \"workflowlist\" and publish it.");

        // initialize filecontent
        String fileContent = "<workflows>";

        // generate file content
        Iterator<DescriptionContainer> collectedWorkflowIterator = collectedWorkflow.iterator();
        while (collectedWorkflowIterator.hasNext()) {
            DescriptionContainer instance =;
            if (instance.get_realFilePathOfDescriptionFile() != null) {
                File realFile = new File(instance.get_realFilePathOfDescriptionFile());

                fileContent += "\n\t<workflow name=\"" + instance.get_title() + "\" type=\"resource\" location=\""
                        + realFile.getName() + "\"/>";
            } else {
                LOGGER.warn("The Workflow " + instance.get_title() + "has no associated RFS filepath.");

        // end file content
        fileContent += "\n</workflows>";

        // write file content
        String generatedFilePath = this.getRepositoryPath() + ModuleSharedVariables.SYSTEM_FILE_SEPARATOR
                + WORKFLOWLIST_FILENAME;
        FileWriter.writeFile(generatedFilePath, fileContent);

        // return the path of the generated file
        return generatedFilePath;

     * Get the OpenCMS RFS OSWorkflow configuration file and update it with the given filepath.
     * @param listOfWorkflowsFilepath
     *            the path of the file containing the list of available workflow descriptions
     * @return the path in RFS of the updated file
     * @throws DocumentException
     *             this exception is thrown if an error occurs during the parsing of the document
     * @throws IOException
     *             this exception is thrown if a problem occurs during overwriting of the config file
    private String updateOSWorkflowConfigFile(String listOfWorkflowsFilepath)
            throws CmsException, DocumentException, IOException {

        // get file path
        String configFilePath = this.getWebINFPath() + ModuleSharedVariables.SYSTEM_FILE_SEPARATOR

        File listOfWorkflowsFile = new File(listOfWorkflowsFilepath);
        // Load Jdom parser
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        Document document =;
        Node propertyNode = document.selectSingleNode(OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_PROPERTYTOUPDATE_XPATH);
        if (propertyNode != null) {
            if (propertyNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                // convert Node into element
                Element propertyElement = (Element) propertyNode;

                // update the Attribute
                Attribute valueAttribute = propertyElement


            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("the node with Xpath " + OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_PROPERTYTOUPDATE_XPATH + " in the file "
                        + configFilePath + " doesn't correspond to an element");

        } else {
            Node parentNode = document.selectSingleNode(OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_PROPERTYTOUPDATE_PARENT_XPATH);
            if (parentNode != null) {

                if (parentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    // convert Node into element
                    Element parentElement = (Element) parentNode;

                    // add new property
                    Element propertyElement = parentElement.addElement("property");

                    // add attributs
                    propertyElement.addAttribute("key", "resource");
                    propertyElement.addAttribute("value", listOfWorkflowsFile.toURI().toString());

                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("the node with Xpath " + OSWORKFLOWCONFIGFILE_PROPERTYTOUPDATE_XPATH
                            + " in the file " + configFilePath + " doesn't correspond to an element");

            } else {
                        + " in the file " + configFilePath + " has not been found.");

         * Get a string of the resulting file

        // creating of a buffer that will collect result
        ByteArrayOutputStream xmlContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        // Pretty print the document to xmlContent
        OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(xmlContent, format);

        // get the config file content as a String
        String documentContent = new String(xmlContent.toByteArray());

         * Overwrite the config file
        FileWriter.writeFile(configFilePath, documentContent);

        return configFilePath;

     * Get the RFS path of the repository where will be stored all file required to load OSWorkflow. This path is
     * calculated relativly to the OpenCMS package filepath (RFS).
     * @return the formated repository path
    private String getRepositoryPath() {

        return this.getWebINFPath() + ModuleSharedVariables.SYSTEM_FILE_SEPARATOR + WORKFLOWLIST_REPOSITORYPATH;

     * Get the RFS path of the repository WEB-INF of the current Web-App
     * @return the formated repository path
    private String getWebINFPath() {

        String rfsPackageFilepath = OpenCms.getSystemInfo().getPackagesRfsPath();
        File packageRepository = new File(rfsPackageFilepath);
        String webInfPath = packageRepository.getParent();

        return webInfPath;

     * OSWorkflow required a user so as to create instance of workflows. But we doesn't want use the OSWorkflow User
     * system. So, a default user will be created and use to manage workflows.
     * @throws ImmutableException
     *             this error can be thrown if an error occurs during the creation of the default user
     * @throws DuplicateEntityException
     *             this error can be thrown if an error occurs during the creation of the default user (it already
     *             exists)
    protected void createDefaultUser() throws DuplicateEntityException, ImmutableException {

        // get OSWorkflow User manager
        UserManager um = UserManager.getInstance();

        if (um != null) {
            User newuser = null;
            try {
                // try to access the default user
            } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
                // if this user doesn't exist, then create it
                newuser = um.createUser(OSWORKFLOW_DEFAULTUSERNAME);

        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("The UserManager of OSWorkflow cannot be acceded");


     * The list of parameters of a workflow
     * @param workflowKey
     *            The key of the workflow
     * @return the List of parameters corresponding to this workflow, <i>Empty list</i> if the workflow has no
     *         parameters
    public List<Parameter> getListOfParameters(WorkflowKey workflowKey) {
        return this._workflowConfigManager.getListOfParameters(workflowKey);

     * Get the title of a stored workflow
     * @param workflowKey
     *            the key of the workflow
     * @return the title of the workflow corresponding to this key
    public String getTitleOfWorkflow(WorkflowKey workflowKey) {
        return AvailableWorkflowCollectorFactory.getInstance().get_mapOfAvailableWorkflows().get(workflowKey)

     * The map of the workflows loaded by OSWorkflows, filtered accordint to the user rights
     * @param cmsRequestContext
     *            The context of the request so as to get an access to current user
     * @param pathFile
     *            path of the selected file/folder
     * @return the map of available workflows, <b>Empty map</b> if a problem occurs (see log for details)
    public synchronized Map<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer> getMapOfAccessibleWorkflows(
            CmsRequestContext cmsRequestContext, List<String> fileList) {
        I_AvailableWorkflowCollector collector = AvailableWorkflowCollectorFactory.getInstance();

        // get the map of all workflows
        Map<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer> availableWorkflows = collector.get_mapOfAvailableWorkflows();

        try {
            // get the list of loaded workflows
            String[] arrayOfLoadedWorkflows = _osWorkflowConfig.getWorkflowNames();

            // Put the loaded workflows in the list of available workflows
            Map<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer> results = new HashMap<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer>();
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfLoadedWorkflows.length; i++) {
                WorkflowKey key = collector.getKeyOfWorkflowWithTitle(arrayOfLoadedWorkflows[i]);
                // check write rights (to get the accessible workflows and
                // create it)
                 * if (this.hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(key, cmsRequestContext, fileList)) {
                if (this.hasCreateRightOnWorkflow(key, cmsRequestContext, fileList)) {
                    results.put(key, availableWorkflows.get(key));
            return results;
        } catch (FactoryException e) {
            return new HashMap<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer>();

     * The map of the workflows loaded by OSWorkflows (without any filter)
     * @return the map of available workflows, <b>Empty map</b> if a problem occurs (see log for details)
    public synchronized Map<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer> getMapOfAllAccessibleWorkflows() {
        I_AvailableWorkflowCollector collector = AvailableWorkflowCollectorFactory.getInstance();

        // get the map of all workflows
        Map<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer> availableWorkflows = collector.get_mapOfAvailableWorkflows();

        try {
            // get the list of loaded workflows
            if (_osWorkflowConfig != null) {
                String[] arrayOfLoadedWorkflows = _osWorkflowConfig.getWorkflowNames();

                // Put the loaded workflows in the list of available workflows
                Map<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer> results = new HashMap<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer>();
                for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfLoadedWorkflows.length; i++) {
                    WorkflowKey key = collector.getKeyOfWorkflowWithTitle(arrayOfLoadedWorkflows[i]);
                    results.put(key, availableWorkflows.get(key));
                return results;
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("WF | The object _osWorflowConfig is null !");
                return new HashMap<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer>();

        } catch (FactoryException e) {
            return new HashMap<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer>();

     * The map of the workflows loaded by OSWorkflows
     * @param cmsRequestContext
     *            The context of the request so as to get an access to current user
     * @param pathFile
     *            path of the selected file/folder
     * @return the map of available workflows, <b>Empty map</b> if a problem occurs (see log for details)
    public synchronized Map<WorkflowKey, DescriptionContainer> getMapOfAccessibleWorkflows(
            CmsRequestContext cmsRequestContext, String filePath) {

        // create a list from the single file
        List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>();

        // call the method that use a list of String
        return this.getMapOfAccessibleWorkflows(cmsRequestContext, fileList);

     * Get the property container associated to an instance of workflow
     * @param workflowInstanceID
     *            the ID of the instance of workflow
     * @param workflow
     *            the workflow object that allows accessing parameters
     * @return the required container, <b>null</b> if a problem occurs (please see log for details)
    protected synchronized WorkflowPropertyContainer getPropertyContainer(Workflow workflow,
            long workflowInstanceID) {
        PropertySet ps = workflow.getPropertySet(workflowInstanceID);
        WorkflowPropertyContainer workflowPropertyContainer = null;
        if (ps != null) {

            try {
                String object = (String) ps.getObject(ModuleSharedVariables.WORKFLOWPROPERTY_VARIABLENAME);
                if (object != null) {
                    workflowPropertyContainer = new WorkflowPropertyContainer(object);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("WF | The object associated to the property of the workflow with ID = "
                            + workflowInstanceID + " is null.");

            } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("No property set is associated with the workflow with instanceID = " + workflowInstanceID);
        return workflowPropertyContainer;

     * Get the list of files associated to an instance of workflow
     * @param instanceID
     *            the id of the instance of workflow
     * @param cmsObject
     *            the object currently associated to the dialog
     * @return the list of the path of the associated files, an <i>empty list</i> if a problem occurs or if no files are
     *         associated
    public synchronized List<String> getListOfFiles(long instanceID, CmsObject cmsObject) {

        // Create the workflow object that permit to access informations
        Workflow workflow = new BasicWorkflow(OSWORKFLOW_DEFAULTUSERNAME);

        // get the property container
        WorkflowPropertyContainer wfPropertyContainer = this.getPropertyContainer(workflow, instanceID);

        List<String> listOfFiles = null;

        // check and return result
        if (wfPropertyContainer != null && wfPropertyContainer.get_listOfAssociatedFile() != null) {
            listOfFiles = wfPropertyContainer.get_listOfAssociatedFile();
        } else {
            listOfFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

        return this.filterListOfFilesAccordingToUserRights(listOfFiles, cmsObject);

     * Get the list of files where the files that the current user doesn't have access right doesn't appears
     * @param listOfFiles
     *            the list of file to check
     * @param cmsObject
     *            the object currently associated to the dialog
     * @return the list of files to display according to the current user rights
    protected abstract List<String> filterListOfFilesAccordingToUserRights(List<String> listOfFiles,
            CmsObject cmsObject);

     * Get the map of ongoing workflows to display with the all associated informations
     * @param cmsObject
     *            the object currently associated to the dialog
     * @return the map of all informations to display
    public synchronized Map<String, WorkflowDisplayContainer> getOngoingWorkflows(CmsObject cmsObject) {

        Map<String, WorkflowDisplayContainer> result = new HashMap<String, WorkflowDisplayContainer>();

        // Get the list of all workflows name available
        try {
            String[] listOfWorkflowNames = _osWorkflowConfig.getWorkflowNames();

             * For each workflow name, collect the list of instance and store them in the map of result (a TreeMap, so
             * the resulting list of workflows will be ordered)
            Map<Long, Long> mapOfCollectedWorkflows = new TreeMap<Long, Long>();

            for (int i = 0; i < listOfWorkflowNames.length; i++) {
                // prepare the query to get all stored workflows with a
                // given name of workflow
                WorkflowExpressionQuery query = new WorkflowExpressionQuery(
                        new FieldExpression(FieldExpression.NAME, // Check
                                // the
                                // Name (of
                                // the
                                // workflow)
                                // field
                                FieldExpression.ENTRY, // Look in the current
                                // steps context
                                FieldExpression.EQUALS, // check equality
                                listOfWorkflowNames[i])); // the equality

                // Get the result of the request
                List<Long> resultingList = this._osWorkflowConfig.getWorkflowStore().query(query);

                // store the list of result in the map
                Iterator<Long> resultingListIterator = resultingList.iterator();
                while (resultingListIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Long osWorkflowInstanceID =;
                    mapOfCollectedWorkflows.put(osWorkflowInstanceID, osWorkflowInstanceID);

            // Treat the list of oSWorkflow so as to collect the required
            // information to display
            Iterator<Long> workflowInstanceIDIterator = mapOfCollectedWorkflows.values().iterator();
            Workflow workflow = new BasicWorkflow(OSWORKFLOW_DEFAULTUSERNAME);
            while (workflowInstanceIDIterator.hasNext()) {
                Long instanceID =;
                WorkflowPropertyContainer propertyContainer = this.getPropertyContainer(workflow, instanceID);

                if (propertyContainer != null) {
                    // check if the current user is the owner
                    if (this.checkOwner(propertyContainer, cmsObject.getRequestContext().currentUser().getName())) {
                        WorkflowDisplayContainer displayContainer = this
                                .collectInformationOfInstanceID(instanceID.longValue(), false, cmsObject);
                        result.put(instanceID.toString(), displayContainer);
                    } else {
                        if (this.hasReadRightOnWorkflow(new WorkflowKey(workflow.getWorkflowName(instanceID), true),
                                cmsObject.getRequestContext(), propertyContainer)) {
                            WorkflowDisplayContainer displayContainer = this
                                    .collectInformationOfInstanceID(instanceID.longValue(), false, cmsObject);
                            result.put(instanceID.toString(), displayContainer);
                        } else {
                  "The user " + cmsObject.getRequestContext().currentUser().getName()
                                    + " has no read rights on workflow with ID = " + instanceID + " ("
                                    + workflow.getWorkflowName(instanceID) + ")");
                } else {
                     * LOGGER .debug("WF | The propertyContainer associated to the instance " + instanceID + " is
                     * null.");

        } catch (StoreException e) {
        } catch (FactoryException e) {

        return result;

     * Collect the data that need to be displayed
     * @param instanceID
     *            the Id if the instance of workflow
     * @param collectAll
     *            if this parameter is set to <i>true</i> then all historic steps, actions and labels are collected.
     * @param cmsObject
     *            the object currently associated to the dialog
     * @return a container with all the required data
    public synchronized WorkflowDisplayContainer collectInformationOfInstanceID(long instanceID, boolean collectAll,
            CmsObject cmsObject) {

        // Create the result object
        WorkflowDisplayContainer result = new WorkflowDisplayContainer();

        // Create the workflow object that permit to access informations
        Workflow workflow = new BasicWorkflow(OSWORKFLOW_DEFAULTUSERNAME);

        // set the name of the workflow
        String workflowName = workflow.getWorkflowName(instanceID);

        // get the workflow descriptor associated to this workflow and the
        // property set container
        WorkflowDescriptor wd = workflow.getWorkflowDescriptor(workflowName);
        WorkflowPropertyContainer workflowPropertyContainer = this.getPropertyContainer(workflow, instanceID);

         * Set the property store in the workflowPropertyContainer
        if (workflowPropertyContainer != null) {

            // set the owner (= creator)

            // set the instance name

            // Check that the user has read right on following informations
            // or is the owner of this workflow
            if (this.checkOwner(workflowPropertyContainer, cmsObject.getRequestContext().currentUser().getName())
                    || this.hasReadRightOnWorkflow(new WorkflowKey(workflowName, true),
                            cmsObject.getRequestContext(), workflowPropertyContainer)) {

                // filter the list of file to not display unallowed file
                List<String> filteredFiles = this.getListOfFiles(instanceID, cmsObject);

                // set the list of parameters

                // set list of selected files

                // set the number of files

                // get the number of actions done
                int indexOfLastActions = workflowPropertyContainer.getNumberOfActions() - 1;

                if (indexOfLastActions >= 0) {
                    // set the last action informations

                 * Set the state of the workflow and the list of available actions
                // get the list of available actions
                // => Check if the user has rights.
                List<Integer> availablesActionsList = this.getAvailableActionsForUser(workflow, instanceID,
                        cmsObject.getRequestContext(), workflowPropertyContainer);

                // if the user have write rights
                if (availablesActionsList != null) {

                    // Collect the name of the following steps
                    String[] followingStepNames = new String[availablesActionsList.size()];
                    int[] availablesActions = new int[availablesActionsList.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < availablesActionsList.size(); i++) {
                        availablesActions[i] = availablesActionsList.get(i).intValue();
                        //try to get the view text of action. If none, get the name of the action
                        followingStepNames[i] = wd.getAction(availablesActions[i]).getView();
                        if (!StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(followingStepNames[i])) {
                            followingStepNames[i] = wd.getAction(availablesActions[i]).getName();
                } else {
                    result.set_followingStepsNames(new String[0]);
                    result.set_followingSteps(new int[0]);


                // set if the workflow is ended or not (if there is available
                // action or
                // not)
                        workflow.getAvailableActions(instanceID, new HashMap()).length == 0 ? true : false);

                 * Set the list of historic
                if (collectAll) {
                    // int stepIndex = 0;
                    // /*
                    // * Get all steps
                    // */
                    // List<Step> historicSteps = workflow
                    // .getHistorySteps(instanceID);
                    // //
                    // historicSteps.addAll(workflow.getCurrentSteps(instanceID));
                    // /*
                    // * Fill each Historical element
                    // */
                    // Iterator<Step> historicStepsIterator = historicSteps
                    // .iterator();
                    // while (historicStepsIterator.hasNext()) {
                    // Step step =;
                    // // store HistoricalElement
                    // result.addHistoricalElement(this
                    // .collectHistoricElement(step, wd,
                    // workflowPropertyContainer, stepIndex,
                    // instanceID));
                    // stepIndex++;
                    // }

                    result.set_historic(this.collectAllHistoricElement(wd, workflowPropertyContainer, instanceID));


            } else {
                 *"The user " + cmsObject.getRequestContext().currentUser().getName() + " has no read right
                 * on workflow " + workflowName);
                String noReadAccess = Messages.getMessages(Messages.GUI_ERROR_READRIGHTDENY_0,


        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("No property " + ModuleSharedVariables.WORKFLOWPROPERTY_VARIABLENAME
                    + " has been stored for the workflow with ID " + instanceID);

        return result;

     * Collect all the required data for an Historic Element
     * @param wd
     *            the current workflow descriptor
     * @param workflowPropertyContainer
     *            the current workflow property container
     * @param instanceID
     *            the id of the current instance of workflow
     * @return the list of HistoricElement that could be displayed
    private synchronized List<HistoricElement> collectAllHistoricElement(WorkflowDescriptor wd,
            WorkflowPropertyContainer workflowPropertyContainer, long instanceID) {

        List<HistoricElement> result = new ArrayList<HistoricElement>();
        List<WorkflowPropertyContainerElement> historicElements = workflowPropertyContainer.get_listOfElements();

        if (historicElements != null) {

             * Create HistoricalElement object from workflowPropertyContainerElement
            Iterator<WorkflowPropertyContainerElement> historicElementsIterator = historicElements.iterator();
            while (historicElementsIterator.hasNext()) {
                WorkflowPropertyContainerElement containerElement =;

                // create the object that will store the collected Element
                HistoricElement historicElement = new HistoricElement();

                // set Owner
                String owner = containerElement.get_cmsUserUUID();
                historicElement.set_owner(owner == null ? OSWORKFLOW_AUTOACTION_OWNER : owner);

                // set Comment
                String comment = containerElement.get_comment();
                historicElement.set_comment(comment == null ? OSWORKFLOW_AUTOACTION_COMMENT : comment);

                // set last action name(LAN). If the LAN is
                // null, then
                // use the stepName
                String lan = containerElement.get_actionName();
                historicElement.set_lastActionName(lan == null ? historicElement.get_stepName() : lan);

                // set isAutomatic

                // set date
                historicElement.set_actionDate(new Date(containerElement.get_actionDate()));

                // store the element in the list of result


        return result;


    // /**
    // * Collect all the required data for an Historic Element
    // *
    // * @param step
    // * The step of the workflow corresponding to this element
    // * @param wd
    // * the current workflow descriptor
    // * @param workflowPropertyContainer
    // * the current workflow property container
    // * @param stepIndex
    // * the index of the step
    // * @param instanceID
    // * the id of the current instance of workflow
    // * @return an HistoricElement that could be displayed
    // */
    // private synchronized HistoricElement collectHistoricElement(Step step,
    // WorkflowDescriptor wd,
    // WorkflowPropertyContainer workflowPropertyContainer, int stepIndex,
    // long instanceID) {
    // HistoricElement historicElement = new HistoricElement();
    // // Store step name
    // ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = wd.getAction(step.getActionId());
    // if (actionDescriptor != null) {
    // historicElement.set_stepName(actionDescriptor.getName());
    // }
    // // store dates
    // historicElement.set_startingDate(step.getStartDate());
    // historicElement.set_endingDate(step.getFinishDate());
    // // store status
    // historicElement.set_status(step.getStatus());
    // //st
    // // store owner and comment
    // if (workflowPropertyContainer != null) {
    // try {
    // // set Owner
    // String owner = workflowPropertyContainer.getOwner(stepIndex);
    // historicElement
    // .set_owner(owner == null ? OSWORKFLOW_AUTOACTION_OWNER
    // : owner);
    // // set Comment
    // String comment = workflowPropertyContainer
    // .getComment(stepIndex);
    // historicElement
    // .set_comment(comment == null ? OSWORKFLOW_AUTOACTION_COMMENT
    // : comment);
    // // set last action name(LAN). If the LAN is
    // // null, then
    // // use the stepName
    // String lan = workflowPropertyContainer.getActionName(stepIndex);
    // historicElement
    // .set_lastActionName(lan == null ? historicElement
    // .get_stepName() : lan);
    // } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
    // LOGGER
    // .warn("Try to access element "
    // + stepIndex
    // + " in the workfowPropertyContainer associated to the workflow with
    // instance "
    // + instanceID + ", but this index doesn't exist");
    // }
    // }
    // return historicElement;
    // }

     * Get the list of action that the current user is allowed to do
     * @param workflow
     *            the workflow object (to access instance informations)
     * @param instanceID
     *            the workflow instance ID
     * @param cmsRequestContext
     *            The context of the request so as to get an access to current user
     * @param propertyContainer
     *            the property container of the instance of workflow
     * @return <ul>
     *         <li>list of available actions</li>
     *         <li><i>empty list</i> if there is no available workflow</li>
     *         <li><b>null</b> if the user has no write rights</li>
     *         </ul>
    protected synchronized List<Integer> getAvailableActionsForUser(Workflow workflow, long instanceID,
            CmsRequestContext cmsRequestContext, WorkflowPropertyContainer propertyContainer) {

        // get all available actions for the instance of workflow
        int[] allAvailableActions = workflow.getAvailableActions(instanceID, new HashMap());

        // Create the list of result
        List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        // if the user has write rights then add available actions else return
        // null
        if (this.hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(new WorkflowKey(workflow.getWorkflowName(instanceID), true),
                cmsRequestContext, propertyContainer)) {
            // copy available actions in the list
            for (int i = 0; i < allAvailableActions.length; i++) {
                result.add(new Integer(allAvailableActions[i]));
            return result;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Execute an action on the given workflow
     * @param actionID
     *            the ID of the action
     * @param userName
     *            the name of the user that will execute the action
     * @param workflowID
     *            the instance of the workflow on which the action must be executed
     * @param comment
     *            the associated comment
     * @param cmsObject
     *            the cmsObject that can be required for functions during execution
    public synchronized void executeAction(int actionID, String userName, long workflowID, String comment,
            CmsObject cmsObject) {

        // Create the workflow object that permit to access informations
        Workflow workflow = new BasicWorkflow(OSWORKFLOW_DEFAULTUSERNAME);

        // get the workflowName
        String workflowName = workflow.getWorkflowName(workflowID);

        try {
             * update the property
            // get the workflow descriptor associated to this workflow and
            // the property set container
            WorkflowPropertyContainer workflowPropertyContainer = this.getPropertyContainer(workflow, workflowID);

            if (workflowPropertyContainer != null) {
                 * Execute the action
                List<String> listOfFiles = null;
                List<Parameter> initialParameters = null;
                if (workflowPropertyContainer != null) {
                    // Get the list of files associated to the instance so as to
                    // give them as parameter of functions that must be executed
                    listOfFiles = workflowPropertyContainer.get_listOfAssociatedFile();
                    // also get the list of initial parameters
                    initialParameters = workflowPropertyContainer.get_parameters();
                } else {
                    listOfFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
                    initialParameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>();

                // create the map of inputs use for the different functions
                Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_ASSOCIATEDFILELIST, listOfFiles);
                inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_CMSOBJECT, cmsObject);
                inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_INITIALPARAMETERS, initialParameters);
                inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_COMMENT, comment);

                // Check if the user as write right before doing operation
                if (this.hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(new WorkflowKey(workflowName, true), cmsObject.getRequestContext(),
                        workflowPropertyContainer)) {
                    // execute the action
                    workflow.doAction(workflowID, actionID, inputs);
                } else {
          "The user " + cmsObject.getRequestContext().currentUser().getName()
                            + " cannot execute action on instance of " + workflowName);
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("WF | the WorkflowPropertyContainer associated to workflow with instance " + workflowID
                        + " is null.");

        } catch (InvalidInputException e) {
        } catch (WorkflowException e) {


     * Delete an instance of workflow (ended)<br>
     * <font color="red"><b><u>WARNING: </u></b></font> This function is not implemented (delete is not a basic function
     * of OSWorkflow)
     * @param cms
     *            the cmsObject that can be required for functions during initialization
     * @param workflowID
     *            the ID of the workflow to delete
    public synchronized void deleteWorkflow(CmsObject cmsObject, long workflowID) {
        // Create the workflow object that permit to access informations
        Workflow workflow = new BasicWorkflow(OSWORKFLOW_DEFAULTUSERNAME);

        // get the workflowName
        String workflowName = workflow.getWorkflowName(workflowID);

        // get the workflow descriptor associated to this workflow and
        // the property set container
        WorkflowPropertyContainer workflowPropertyContainer = this.getPropertyContainer(workflow, workflowID);

        if (workflowPropertyContainer != null) {

            // Check if the user as write right before doing operation
            if (this.hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(new WorkflowKey(workflowName, true), cmsObject.getRequestContext(),
                    workflowPropertyContainer)) {

                // TODO Delete an instance of Workflow !

            } else {
      "The user " + cmsObject.getRequestContext().currentUser().getName()
                        + " cannot execute action on instance of " + workflowName);
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("WF | the WorkflowPropertyContainer associated to workflow with instance " + workflowID
                    + " is null.");


     * This method create and initialize the new instance of workflow
     * @param instanceWorkflowName
     *            the name associated to this instance of workflow
     * @param workflowName
     *            the name of the workflow to create
     * @param openCmsUserUUID
     *            the UUID of the OpenCMS User that required the workflow creation
     * @param comment
     *            the comment associated to this creation
     * @param listOfFiles
     *            the list of resources associated to this instance of workflow
     * @param cmsObject
     *            the cmsObject that can be required for functions during initialization
     * @param parameters
     *            The list of initial parameters of the request
    public synchronized void createInstanceOfWorkflow(String workflowName, String instanceWorkflowName,
            String openCmsUserUUID, String comment, List<String> listOfFiles, CmsObject cmsObject,
            List<Parameter> parameters) {

        // check if the user has write right
         * if (this.hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(new WorkflowKey(workflowName, true), cmsObject.getRequestContext(),
         * listOfFiles)) {
        if (this.hasCreateRightOnWorkflow(new WorkflowKey(workflowName, true), cmsObject.getRequestContext(),
                listOfFiles)) {

            // Create map of inputs for initialization
            Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_ASSOCIATEDFILELIST, listOfFiles);
            inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_CMSOBJECT, cmsObject);

            inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_INITIALPARAMETERS, parameters);

            inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_COMMENT, comment);

            inputs.put(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_INSTANCENAME, instanceWorkflowName);

            Workflow workflow = new BasicWorkflow(OSWORKFLOW_DEFAULTUSERNAME);
            try {

                // initialize the workflow
                workflow.initialize(workflowName, 1, inputs);

            } catch (InvalidActionException e) {
            } catch (InvalidRoleException e) {
            } catch (InvalidInputException e) {
            } catch (InvalidEntryStateException e) {
            } catch (WorkflowException e) {
        } else {
  "The user " + cmsObject.getRequestContext().currentUser().getName()
                    + " cannot create instance of " + workflowName);

     * Get the parent path of a list of file. It is assumed in this method that all files are in the same repository.
     * @param listOfFiles
     *            The list of files to get the parent folder of
     * @return the list of parent folder of the list of files, <b>empty list</b> if the list of files is empty.
    protected List<String> getParentPath(List<String> listOfFiles) {

        // the list of result Doublon will be avoid
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.size(); i++) {
            String firstPath = listOfFiles.get(i);
            if (firstPath != null) {
                String parentPath = this.getParentPath(firstPath);
                if (parentPath != null && !result.contains(parentPath)) {
        return result;

     * Get the parent path of a file.
     * @param filePath
     *            The file to get the parent folder of
     * @return the parent folder of the file.
    protected String getParentPath(String filePath) {
        String parentPath = CmsResource.getParentFolder(filePath);

        // if the given file parent is "/", the getParentFolder method return
        // null
        return (parentPath == null) ? "/" : parentPath;

     * Check if the current user has right to see this workflow
     * @param key
     *            the key of the workflow
     * @param cmsRequestContext
     *            the request context
     * @param propertyContainer
     *            the property container of the instance of workflow
     * @return <i>true</i> if the user is allow to see the workflow, <i>false</i> otherwise.
    protected boolean hasReadRightOnWorkflow(WorkflowKey key, CmsRequestContext cmsRequestContext,
            WorkflowPropertyContainer propertyContainer) {

        List<String> initiallySelectedFiles = propertyContainer.getListOfInitiallyAssociatedFiles();
        List<String> parentFolders = this.getParentPath(initiallySelectedFiles);
        if (parentFolders == null || parentFolders.isEmpty())
            return this.hasReadRightOnWorkflow(key, cmsRequestContext, NO_FILE_PATH, propertyContainer);
        if (parentFolders != null && key != null && cmsRequestContext.currentUser() != null) {
            boolean result = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < parentFolders.size(); i++) {
                result &= this.hasReadRightOnWorkflow(key, cmsRequestContext, parentFolders.get(i),
                if (!result) {
            return result;
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("WF | A blocking null value has been found : \n\tkey = " + key + "\n\tuser = "
                    + cmsRequestContext.currentUser() + "\n"
                    + ErrorFormatter.formatList(parentFolders, "parentFolders"));
            return false;


     * Check if the current user has right to see this workflow
     * @param key
     *            the key of the workflow
     * @param cmsRequestContext
     *            the request context
     * @param propertyContainer
     *            the property container of the instance of workflow
     * @return <i>true</i> if the user is allow to see the workflow, <i>false</i> otherwise.
    protected boolean hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(WorkflowKey key, CmsRequestContext cmsRequestContext,
            WorkflowPropertyContainer propertyContainer) {
        List<String> initiallySelectedFiles = propertyContainer.getListOfInitiallyAssociatedFiles();
        List<String> parentFolders = this.getParentPath(initiallySelectedFiles);
        if (parentFolders == null || parentFolders.isEmpty())
            return this.hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(key, cmsRequestContext, NO_FILE_PATH, propertyContainer);
        if (parentFolders != null && key != null && cmsRequestContext.currentUser() != null) {
            boolean result = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < parentFolders.size(); i++) {
                result &= this.hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(key, cmsRequestContext, parentFolders.get(i),
                if (!result) {
            return result;
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("WF | A blocking null value has been found : \n\tkey = " + key + "\n\tuser = "
                    + cmsRequestContext.currentUser() + "\n"
                    + ErrorFormatter.formatList(parentFolders, "parentFolders"));
            return false;

     * Check if the current user has right to see this workflow
     * @param key
     *            the key of the workflow
     * @param cmsRequestContext
     *            the request context
     * @param parentFolder
     *            the path of file
     * @param propertyContainer
     *            the property container of the instance of workflow
     * @return <i>true</i> if the user is allow to see the workflow, <i>false</i> otherwise.
    protected abstract boolean hasReadRightOnWorkflow(WorkflowKey key, CmsRequestContext cmsRequestContext,
            String parentFolder, WorkflowPropertyContainer propertyContainer);

     * Check if the current user has right to see this workflow
     * @param key
     *            the key of the workflow
     * @param cmsRequestContext
     *            the request context
     * @param parentFolder
     *            the path of file
     * @param propertyContainer
     *            the property container of the instance of workflow
     * @return <i>true</i> if the user is allow to see the workflow, <i>false</i> otherwise.
    protected abstract boolean hasWriteRightOnWorkflow(WorkflowKey key, CmsRequestContext cmsRequestContext,
            String parentFolder, WorkflowPropertyContainer propertyContainer);

     * Check that the current user is the owner of the workplace. If this method return true, the own workflows of the
     * creator will be displayed whatever its rights.
     * @param propertyContainer
     *            the container of the property of the workflow
     * @param name
     *            the name of the current user
     * @return <i>true</i> if the user is the owner of the instance of workflow, <i>false</i> otherwise
    protected abstract boolean checkOwner(WorkflowPropertyContainer propertyContainer, String name);

     * Check if the current user has right to create this workflow
     * @param key
     *            the key of the workflow
     * @param cmsRequestContext
     *            the request context
     * @param listOfFiles
     *            the list of initially selected files
     * @return <i>true</i> if the user is allow to see the workflow, <i>false</i> otherwise.
    protected abstract boolean hasCreateRightOnWorkflow(WorkflowKey key, CmsRequestContext cmsRequestContext,
            List<String> fileList);
