Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Eurelis. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL - Use is subject to license terms. Redistribution and use in * source and binary forms, with or without modification, are not permitted without prior written permission of Eurelis. */ /** * */ package com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.functions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.opencms.file.CmsObject; import org.opencms.file.CmsProperty; import org.opencms.file.CmsResource; import org.opencms.file.CmsUser; import org.opencms.mail.CmsMailHost; import org.opencms.main.CmsException; import org.opencms.main.CmsLog; import org.opencms.main.OpenCms; import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.moduleconfiguration.ModuleConfigurationLoader; import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.ErrorFormatter; import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.ModuleSharedVariables; import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.OpenCmsEasyAccess; import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.util.StringChecker; import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.OSWorkflowManager; import com.eurelis.opencms.workflows.workflows.Parameter; import com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet; import com.opensymphony.workflow.Workflow; import com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException; import com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.WorkflowDescriptor; import com.opensymphony.workflow.spi.WorkflowEntry; /** * This class implement a individual action that can be use during a workflow. <br/> * This function notify by email that an action is required.<br/> * <br/> * The required parameters to use this function is : * <ol> * <li><b>The list of files:</b> This list must be stored in the transcientVar map with the key * {@link ModuleSharedVariables#FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_ASSOCIATEDFILELIST} (done by * {@link OSWorkflowManager#createInstanceOfWorkflow(String, String, String, List, CmsObject)})</li> * <li><b>The CmsOject instance:</b> This object must be stored in the transcientVar map with the key * {@link ModuleSharedVariables#FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_CMSOBJECT} (done by * {@link OSWorkflowManager#createInstanceOfWorkflow(String, String, String, List, CmsObject)})</li> * <li><b>The receivers:</b> This value is indicated in the description of the workflow as parameter, and so will be * stored in the Map args (cf {@link EmailNotificationFunction#PARAM_RECEIVERS})</li> * <li><b>The message body of the email:</b> This value is indicated in the description of the workflow as parameter, * and so will be stored in the Map args (cf {@link EmailNotificationFunction#PARAM_EMAIL_BODY}). This parameter is * optionnal. If it is not set, a default message will be used</li> * </ol> * <br/> * The receiver value is a list of email separated with a ";". It could also be * <ul> * <li><b>a cms property</b>. In that case, use "opencms:NameOfTheProperty" to set the name of the property to look for. * Be careful, the value of the property <b>MUST BE</b> the name (login) of a user that have a valid email. <br/> * </li> * <li><b>a workflow parameter</b>. In that case, use "parameter:NameOfTheParameter" to set the name of the parameter to * look for. Be careful, the value of the parameter <b>MUST BE</b> a list of OpenCms login (split with ";") that have a * valid email.</li> * <li><b>a workflow instance property</b>. In that case, use "instance:NameOfTheProperty" to set the name of the * property to look for. The only property currently available is "author".</li> * </ul> * <u>Example:</u>;;opencms:reviewer;parameter:receivers;instance:author<br/> * <br/> * The message body can contains some keywords that will be converted into there value : * <ul> * <li>"[[initialcomment]]" : the comment entered when created the instance of WF</li> * <li>"[[lastcomment]]" : the last comment entered</li> * <li>"[[lastlastcomment]]" : the comment entered two actions before</li> * <li>"[[creator]]" : the login of the one who created the instance of WF</li> * <li>"[[lastactor]]" : the actor of the last action</li> * <li>"[[lastlastactor]]" : the actor of the action done two action before</li> * </ul> * * @author Sbastien Bianco */ public class EmailNotificationFunction extends EurelisWorkflowFunction { /** * This class implement a Thread dedicated to the mail sending * * @author Sbastien Bianco */ private class SendThread extends Thread { /** * The properties object containing informations for smtp */ private Properties _props = null; /** * The email address of the receiver */ private String _receiver = ""; /** * The sender of the mail */ private String _sender = ""; /** * The email subject */ private String _subject = ""; /** * The email content */ private String _content = ""; /** * @param props * @param receiver * @param sender * @param subject * @param content */ public SendThread(Properties props, String receiver, String sender, String subject, String content) { super(); this._props = props; this._receiver = receiver; this._sender = sender; this._subject = subject; this._content = content; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Thread#run() */ @Override public void run() { try { Session s = Session.getInstance(_props, null); InternetAddress from = new InternetAddress(_sender); InternetAddress to = new InternetAddress(_receiver); MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(s); message.setFrom(from); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, to); message.setSubject(_subject); message.setText(_content); Transport.send(message); } catch (MessagingException e) { LOGGER.warn( "The notification message has not be sent to " + _receiver + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } } } /** The log object for this class. */ private static final Log LOGGER = CmsLog.getLog(EmailNotificationFunction.class); /** * The name of property to look for in the map args to get the list of receivers */ private static final String PARAM_RECEIVERS = "receivers"; /** * The name of property to look for in the map args to get the body of the email */ private static final String PARAM_EMAIL_BODY = "email_body"; /** * The name of property to look for in the map args to get the body of the email */ private static final String PARAM_EMAIL_SUBJECT = "email_subject"; /** * The default text to use as email body */ private static final String DEFAULT_EMAIL_BODY = ""; /** * The String use in given email addresses to indicate that it is a OpenCms property to treat */ private static final String OPENCMSPROPERTY_STARTSTRING = "opencms:"; /** * The String use in given email addresses to indicate that it is a workflow property to treat */ private static final String WORKFLOWPROPERTY_STARTSTRING = "instance:"; /** * The String use in given email addresses to indicate that it is a workflow parameter to treat */ private static final String WORKFLOWPARAMETER_STARTSTRING = "parameter:"; /** * The Regex of a valid email */ private static final String EMAIL_PATTERN = "^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)+$"; /** * The subject of the mail send as notification */ private static final String DEFAULT_EMAIL_SUBJET = "[EurelisWorkflow] A workflow required your intervention..."; /** * The default sender use in the field from of notification */ private static final String MAIL_DEFAULTSENDER = ""; /** * the keyword author */ private static final String KEYWORD_AUTHOR = "[[creator]]"; /** * the keyword lastactor */ private static final String KEYWORD_LASTACTOR = "[[lastactor]]"; /** * the keyword lastlastactor */ private static final String KEYWORD_LASTLASTACTOR = "[[lastlastactor]]"; /** * the keyword comment */ private static final String KEYWORD_COMMENT = "[[initialcomment]]"; /** * the keyword lastcomment */ private static final String KEYWORD_LASTCOMMENT = "[[lastcomment]]"; /** * the keyword lastlastcomment */ private static final String KEYWORD_LASTLASTCOMMENT = "[[lastlastcomment]]"; /** * The property author */ private static final String PROPERTY_AUTHOR = "author"; /** * The body of the email. */ private String _email_body = DEFAULT_EMAIL_BODY; /** * The subject of the email. */ private String _email_subject = DEFAULT_EMAIL_SUBJET; /** * The map that associated for each reviewer the list of files relative to the reviewer */ private Map<String, List<String>> _resourcesPerReviewer = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); /** * Execute this function * * @param transientVars * Variables that will not be persisted. These include inputs given in the {@link Workflow#initialize} * and {@link Workflow#doAction} method calls. There are a number of special variable names: * <ul> * <li><code>entry</code>: (object type: {@link com.opensymphony.workflow.spi.WorkflowEntry}) The * workflow instance * <li><code>context</code>: (object type: {@link com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowContext}). The * workflow context. * <li><code>actionId</code>: The Integer ID of the current action that was take (if applicable). * <li><code>currentSteps</code>: A Collection of the current steps in the workflow instance. * <li><code>store</code>: The {@link com.opensymphony.workflow.spi.WorkflowStore}. * <li><code>descriptor</code>: The {@link com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.WorkflowDescriptor}. * </ul> * Also, any variable set as a {@link com.opensymphony.workflow.Register}), will also be available in the * transient map, no matter what. These transient variables only last through the method call that they * were invoked in, such as {@link Workflow#initialize} and {@link Workflow#doAction}. * @param args * The properties for this function invocation. Properties are created from arg nested elements within * the xml, an arg element takes in a name attribute which is the properties key, and the CDATA text * contents of the element map to the property value. * @param ps * The persistent variables that are associated with the current instance of the workflow. Any change * made to the propertyset are persisted to the propertyset implementation's persistent store. * @see com.opensymphony.workflow.FunctionProvider#execute(java.util.Map, java.util.Map, * com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet) */ public void executeFunction(Map transientVars, Map args, PropertySet ps) throws WorkflowException { // Get the workflow object WorkflowEntry workflow = (WorkflowEntry) transientVars .get(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_ENTRY); // get the workflow descriptor WorkflowDescriptor descriptor = (WorkflowDescriptor) transientVars .get(ModuleSharedVariables.FUNCTION_INPUTARGUMENT_DESCRIPTOR); // get the subject and the body of the email String entered_body = (String) args.get(PARAM_EMAIL_BODY); if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(entered_body)) { //LOGGER.debug("WF | entered body = " + entered_body); _email_body = this.treatEmailBody(entered_body.trim()); } String entered_subject = (String) args.get(PARAM_EMAIL_SUBJECT); if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(entered_subject)) { _email_subject = entered_subject.trim(); } // Get the list of receiver encoded in a String String receiverString = ((String) args.get(PARAM_RECEIVERS)).trim(); if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(receiverString)) { List<String> receivers = this.extractListOfReceivers(receiverString, _cmsObject, _associatedFiles); /* * get smtp */ String smtp = ((CmsMailHost) OpenCms.getSystemInfo().getMailSettings().getMailHosts().get(0)) .getHostname(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", smtp); /* * Send emails */ Iterator<String> emailsIterator = receivers.iterator(); while (emailsIterator.hasNext()) { String email =; try { this.sendEmail(props, email, this._email_subject, this.generateEmailText(email, _associatedFiles, workflow, descriptor), MAIL_DEFAULTSENDER); } catch (MessagingException e) { LOGGER.warn( "The notification message has not be sent to " + email + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } } } else { LOGGER.warn("The function " + this.getClass().getName() + " doesn't receive a valid parameter " + PARAM_RECEIVERS); } } /** * This method check the content of the email body entered by user to check some keywords. This keywords are changed * into the value it represents. * * @param email_body * @return the email body with converted special values */ private String treatEmailBody(String email_body) { String str = email_body; //LOGGER.debug("WF | (avant) email_body = " + email_body); if (_propertyContainer != null) { // replace author if (str.contains(KEYWORD_AUTHOR)) { str = str.replaceAll(convertToRegex(KEYWORD_AUTHOR), _propertyContainer.getCreator()); } // replace last actor if (str.contains(KEYWORD_LASTACTOR)) { str = str.replaceAll(convertToRegex(KEYWORD_LASTACTOR), _propertyContainer.getOwner(_propertyContainer.getNumberOfActions() - 1)); } // replace last last actor if (str.contains(KEYWORD_LASTLASTACTOR)) { str = str.replaceAll(convertToRegex(KEYWORD_LASTLASTACTOR), _propertyContainer.getOwner(_propertyContainer.getNumberOfActions() - 2)); } // replace comment if (str.contains(KEYWORD_COMMENT)) { str = str.replaceAll(convertToRegex(KEYWORD_COMMENT), _propertyContainer.getComment(0)); } // replace lastcomment if (str.contains(KEYWORD_LASTCOMMENT)) { str = str.replaceAll(convertToRegex(KEYWORD_LASTCOMMENT), _propertyContainer.getComment(_propertyContainer.getNumberOfActions() - 1)); } // replace lastlastcomment if (str.contains(KEYWORD_LASTLASTCOMMENT)) { str = str.replaceAll(convertToRegex(KEYWORD_LASTLASTCOMMENT), _propertyContainer.getComment(_propertyContainer.getNumberOfActions() - 2)); } } else {"The property container is null"); } //LOGGER.debug("WF | (apres) email_body = " + str); return str; } /** * Convert the key word into a regex (protect regex special char with \) * * @param keyword * the keyword to convert * @return the corresponding regex */ private String convertToRegex(String keyword) { String str = keyword; char charToReplace[] = new char[] { '$', '[', ']', '{', '}' }; for (int i = 0; i < charToReplace.length; i++) { if (str.contains(charToReplace[i] + "")) { str = replaceChar(str, charToReplace[i]); } //LOGGER.debug("WF | "+i+" str = " + str); } return str.toString(); } /** * Replace a character in the string buffer * * @param buffer * the string buffer to change * @param character * the character to update * @return the modified string buffer */ private String replaceChar(String buffer, char character) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) { if (buffer.charAt(i) == character) { result.append("\\" + character); } else { result.append(buffer.charAt(i)); } } return result.toString(); } /** * Send notification message * * @param props * the propery object containing configuration of smtp * @param email * the email address to send to * @param defaultSender * the address to set in "from" field * @param subject * the subject of the notification * @param mailContent * the content of the notification * @throws MessagingException * if a problem occurs during sending process */ private void sendEmail(Properties props, String email, String subject, String mailContent, String defaultSender) throws MessagingException { // LOGGER.debug("WF | send email to : "+email); new SendThread(props, email, defaultSender, subject, mailContent).start(); } /** * Generate the content of the notification mail * * @param email * the email address of receiver * @param descriptor * the workflow descriptor object * @param workflow * the workflow entry object * @param listOfFiles * the list of files associated to this action * @return the text content of the message to send */ private String generateEmailText(String email, List<String> listOfFiles, WorkflowEntry workflow, WorkflowDescriptor descriptor) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(this._email_body)) { result.append(this._email_body + "\n\n"); result.append("-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); } result.append("The workflow #" + workflow.getId() + " (" + descriptor.getName() + ") require action.\n"); // display list of files if (listOfFiles.size() > 0) { result.append("The files concerned by this action are :"); Iterator<String> listOfFilesIterator = listOfFiles.iterator(); while (listOfFilesIterator.hasNext()) { result.append("\n\t- " +; } } result.append("\n"); result.append("This message has been automatically sent by an engine, please do not reply to this email"); return result.toString(); } /** * Extract the list of receivers from the given recieverString that contains the list of address email concatened * with a ";". It contains also some opencms properties name that need to be collected and converted into email * address thanks opencms user manager. * * @param receiverString * the list of receiver "encoded" * @param cmsObject * the cmsObject that will allow to get some information into openCms * @param listOfFiles * the list of files associated to the workflow * @return the list of email address of receivers, an <i>Empty list</i> if none address are valid */ private List<String> extractListOfReceivers(String receiverString, CmsObject cmsObject, List<String> listOfFiles) { // get all sub string (remove separator) String[] arrayOfEmails = receiverString .split(ModuleConfigurationLoader.getConfiguration().WORKFLOW_RIGHTCONFIGFILE_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR); /* * Treat each email and check that it is a valid email. If not, check that it's not a property. In the case that * is a property, treat it to get the email address contained into opencms account manager. */ for (int addressIndex = 0; addressIndex < arrayOfEmails.length; addressIndex++) { String emailAddress = arrayOfEmails[addressIndex]; // remove the "return" if there is one if (emailAddress.startsWith("\n")) { emailAddress = emailAddress.substring(1); } // check that it is not a opencms property (kw = opencms) else if (emailAddress.startsWith(OPENCMSPROPERTY_STARTSTRING)) { this.extractEmailAddressFromProperty( emailAddress.trim().substring(OPENCMSPROPERTY_STARTSTRING.length()), cmsObject, listOfFiles); } // check that it is not a workfklow property (kw = instance) else if (emailAddress.startsWith(WORKFLOWPROPERTY_STARTSTRING)) { this.extractEmailAddressFromWorkflowProperty( emailAddress.trim().substring(WORKFLOWPROPERTY_STARTSTRING.length()), cmsObject); } // check that it is not a workfklow parameter (kw = parameter) else if (emailAddress.startsWith(WORKFLOWPARAMETER_STARTSTRING)) { this.extractEmailAddressFromParameter( emailAddress.trim().substring(WORKFLOWPARAMETER_STARTSTRING.length()), cmsObject); } else { // check that it is a valid email address if (Pattern.matches(EMAIL_PATTERN, emailAddress)) { // add associated files to the reviewer this.addResourcesInMap(emailAddress, listOfFiles); } else { LOGGER.warn("The email address " + emailAddress + " is not valid."); } } } return new ArrayList<String>(_resourcesPerReviewer.keySet()); } /** * Extract the email from a property * * @param propertyName * the name of the property to consider * @param cmsObject * the cmsObject that will allow to get some information into openCms * @return the list of email address corresponding to the parameter */ private List<String> extractEmailAddressFromWorkflowProperty(String propertyName, CmsObject cmsObject) { List<String> collectedEmails = new ArrayList<String>(); if (this._propertyContainer != null) { if (this._propertyContainer.get_listOfElements() != null || !this._propertyContainer.get_listOfElements().isEmpty()) { if (propertyName.equalsIgnoreCase(PROPERTY_AUTHOR)) { String creator = this._propertyContainer.getCreator(); // Get the email value from account manager String email = this.getEmailAddressFromAccountManager(creator, cmsObject); if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(email)) { // add email in the list of result collectedEmails.add(email); // add resources in the map of resources per reviewer this.addResourceInMap(email, ""); } } else { LOGGER.warn("The property with name " + WORKFLOWPROPERTY_STARTSTRING + propertyName + " is not yet supported"); } } else { LOGGER.warn("The property container do not contain any historic elements"); } } else { LOGGER.warn("The property container do not contain any parameter"); } return collectedEmails; } /** * Extract the email from a parameter (suppose to be a list of OpenCms login split with ";") * * @param parameterName * the name of the parameter to consider * @param cmsObject * the cmsObject that will allow to get some information into openCms * @return the list of email address corresponding to the parameter */ private List<String> extractEmailAddressFromParameter(String parameterName, CmsObject cmsObject) { List<String> collectedEmails = new ArrayList<String>(); if (this._propertyContainer != null) { if (this._propertyContainer.get_parameters() != null && !this._propertyContainer.get_parameters().isEmpty()) { // get the value of parameter Parameter parameter = this._propertyContainer.get_parameters(parameterName); if (parameter != null) { Object parameterValue = parameter.get_value(); // check value if (parameterValue instanceof String) { String listOfEmails = (String) parameterValue; if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(listOfEmails)) { String[] arrayOfEmail = listOfEmails.split(ModuleConfigurationLoader .getConfiguration().WORKFLOW_RIGHTCONFIGFILE_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR); for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfEmail.length; i++) { // Get the email value from account manager String email = this.getEmailAddressFromAccountManager(arrayOfEmail[i], cmsObject); if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(email)) { // add email in the list of result collectedEmails.add(email); // add resources in the map of resources per reviewer this.addResourceInMap(email, ""); } } } else { LOGGER.warn("The parameter " + parameterName + " contains an empty String"); } } else { LOGGER.warn( "The parameter " + parameterName + " has not been found in the list of paremeters"); } } else { LOGGER.warn("The parameter " + parameterName + " has not been found in the list of paremeters"); } } else { LOGGER.warn("The property container do not contain any parameter"); } } else { LOGGER.warn("No property container has been found for the instance of WF"); } return collectedEmails; } /** * Get the email from a given property using the Opencms account manager * * @param propertyName * the name of the property * @param cmsObject * cmsObject the cmsObject that will allow to get some information into openCms * @param listOfFiles * the list of files associated to the workflow * @return the list of email address corresponding to the login given as value of the property, <i>empty list</i> if * any problem occurs (see logs for more details) */ private List<String> extractEmailAddressFromProperty(String propertyName, CmsObject cmsObject, List<String> listOfFiles) { List<String> collectedEmails = new ArrayList<String>(); /* * collect property for each files */ Iterator<String> listOfFilesIterator = listOfFiles.iterator(); while (listOfFilesIterator.hasNext()) { String filePath =; CmsResource resource = OpenCmsEasyAccess.getResource(filePath); if (resource != null) { // get the property object CmsProperty propertyObject = OpenCmsEasyAccess.getProperty(propertyName, resource); // check Property if (propertyObject != null) { String propertyValue = propertyObject.getValue(); if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(propertyValue)) { // Get the email value from account manager String email = this.getEmailAddressFromAccountManager(propertyValue, cmsObject); if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(email)) { // add email in the list of result collectedEmails.add(email); // add resources in the map of resources per reviewer this.addResourceInMap(email, filePath); } } else { LOGGER.warn("The property " + propertyName + " for " + filePath + " has an invalid value"); } } else { LOGGER.warn("The property " + propertyName + " has not been found for " + filePath); } } else { LOGGER.warn("The resource " + filePath + " has not been found"); } } return collectedEmails; } /** * Contact the account manager of open cms to get the email of the reviewer * * @param reviewerName * the login of the reviewer * @param cmsObject * cmsObject the cmsObject that will allow to get some information into openCms * @return the required email, <b>null</b> if any problem occurs (see logs for details)s */ private String getEmailAddressFromAccountManager(String reviewerName, CmsObject cmsObject) { // List list = OpenCms.getOrgUnitManager().getUsers(obj, "/", true); try { if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(reviewerName)) { CmsUser userObject = cmsObject.readUser(reviewerName); String email = userObject.getEmail().trim(); // Check that the email is valid if (StringChecker.isNotNullOrEmpty(email) && Pattern.matches(EMAIL_PATTERN, email)) { return email; } else return null; } } catch (CmsException e) { LOGGER.error(ErrorFormatter.formatException(e)); } return null; } /** * Add a new Value in the map _resourcePerReviewer * * @param emailAddress * the email address of the reviewer * @param resourcePath * the file path associated */ private void addResourceInMap(String emailAddress, String resourcePath) { // get the list of associated file if the email address is already in // the map if (_resourcesPerReviewer.containsKey(emailAddress)) { List<String> registeredPath = _resourcesPerReviewer.get(emailAddress); // check value to avoid double if (!registeredPath.contains(resourcePath)) { registeredPath.add(resourcePath); } } else { // create a new entry in the map ArrayList<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>(); newList.add(resourcePath); _resourcesPerReviewer.put(emailAddress, newList); } } /** * Add a new Value in the map _resourcePerReviewer * * @param emailAddress * the email address of the reviewer * @param listOfFiles * the list of files associated */ private void addResourcesInMap(String emailAddress, List<String> listOfFiles) { // get the list of associated file if the email address is already in // the map if (_resourcesPerReviewer.containsKey(emailAddress)) { List<String> registeredPath = _resourcesPerReviewer.get(emailAddress); /* * Copy the content of the list of files and check value to avoid double */ Iterator<String> listOfFilesIterator = listOfFiles.iterator(); while (listOfFilesIterator.hasNext()) { String filePath =; if (!registeredPath.contains(filePath)) { registeredPath.add(filePath); } } } else { /* * Copy the list of files */ ArrayList<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<String> listOfFilesIterator = listOfFiles.iterator(); while (listOfFilesIterator.hasNext()) { String filePath =; if (!newList.contains(filePath)) { newList.add(filePath); } // create a new entry in the map _resourcesPerReviewer.put(emailAddress, newList); } } } }