Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009-2012 Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * Please contact Eucalyptus Systems, Inc., 6755 Hollister Ave., Goleta * CA 93117, USA or visit if you need * additional information or have any questions. ************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import org.hibernate.CacheMode; import org.hibernate.ScrollMode; import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import com.eucalyptus.entities.Entities; import; import com.eucalyptus.reporting.domain.ReportingAccount; import com.eucalyptus.reporting.domain.ReportingAccountDao; import com.eucalyptus.reporting.domain.ReportingUser; import com.eucalyptus.reporting.domain.ReportingUserDao; import com.eucalyptus.reporting.event_store.ReportingEventSupport; import; import; import; /** * */ public abstract class AbstractArtGenerator implements ArtGenerator { protected static final String TIMESTAMP_MS = "timestampMs"; protected ReportingUser getUserById(final String userId) { return ReportingUserDao.getInstance().getReportingUser(userId); } protected ReportingAccount getAccountById(final String accountId) { return ReportingAccountDao.getInstance().getReportingAccount(accountId); } protected ReportingUser getUserById(final Map<String, ReportingUser> reportingUsersById, final String userId) { ReportingUser reportingUser; if (reportingUsersById.containsKey(userId)) { reportingUser = reportingUsersById.get(userId); } else { reportingUser = getUserById(userId); reportingUsersById.put(userId, reportingUser); } return reportingUser; } protected String getAccountNameById(final Map<String, String> accountNamesById, final String accountId) { String accountName; if (accountNamesById.containsKey(accountId)) { accountName = accountNamesById.get(accountId); } else { final ReportingAccount account = getAccountById(accountId); accountName = account == null ? null : account.getName(); accountNamesById.put(accountId, accountName); } return accountName; } protected Criterion between(final Long beginInclusive, final Long endExclusive) { return Restrictions.conjunction().add(, beginInclusive)) .add(before(endExclusive)); } protected Criterion before(final Long endExclusive) { return, endExclusive); } protected <KT, ET extends ReportingEventSupport> Predicate<ET> buildTimestampMap(final ReportArtEntity report, final Map<KT, List<Long>> keyToTimesMap, final Function<ET, KT> keyBuilder) { return new Predicate<ET>() { @Override public boolean apply(final ET event) { if (event.getTimestampMs() <= report.getEndMs()) { final KT key = keyBuilder.apply(event); List<Long> endTimes = keyToTimesMap.get(key); if (endTimes == null) { endTimes = Lists.newArrayList(event.getTimestampMs()); keyToTimesMap.put(key, endTimes); } else { endTimes.add(event.getTimestampMs()); } Collections.sort(endTimes); } else { return false; // end of relevant data } return true; } }; } protected <KT> Long findTimeAfter(final Map<KT, List<Long>> keyToEndTimesMap, final KT key, final Long startTime) { Long timeAfter = Long.MAX_VALUE; final List<Long> endTimesForKey = keyToEndTimesMap.get(key); if (endTimesForKey != null) { for (final Long endTime : endTimesForKey) { if (endTime > startTime) { timeAfter = endTime; break; } } } return timeAfter; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <ET> void foreach(final Class<ET> eventClass, final Criterion criterion, final boolean ascending, final Predicate<? super ET> callback) { final EntityTransaction transaction = Entities.get(eventClass); ScrollableResults results = null; try { results = Entities.createCriteria(eventClass).setReadOnly(true).setCacheable(false) .setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE).setFetchSize(100).add(criterion) .addOrder(ascending ? Order.asc(TIMESTAMP_MS) : Order.desc(TIMESTAMP_MS)) .scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); while ( { final ET event = (ET) results.get(0); if (!callback.apply(event)) { break; } Entities.evict(event); } } finally { if (results != null) try { results.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } transaction.rollback(); } } }