Source code

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 * Copyright 2016 Ethan Ruffing
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.ethanruffing.preferenceabstraction;

import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.FileConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

 * This class provides a layer of abstraction over the possible methods for
 * storing preference data. It will give priority first to a local preferences
 * file, then to such a file in the user's home directory, and finally, to
 * preferences stored in the system preference structure.
 * <p>
 * Note: Per convention, preferences are separated by package. Therefore,
 * preferences for multiple classes in the same package will be stored together,
 * and may overwrite one another.
 * <p>
 * Note that the only format currently supported for file-based storage is XML.
 * @author Ethan Ruffing
 * @since 2016-02-17
public class AutoPreferences implements IPreferences {
    private Class<?> prefsFor;
    private FileConfiguration fileConfig;
    private Preferences prefs;
    private ConfigurationType configType;

     * Constructs a new preferences tracker for the given class, defaulting to
     * the system's native preferences storage system if no higher priority type
     * is found. Defaults to look for an XML file.
     * @param c The class for which the preferences are to be stored.
     * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown if an error occurs while loading
     *                                the configuration file.
    public AutoPreferences(Class<?> c) throws ConfigurationException {
        prefs = null;
        fileConfig = null;
        if (new File(c.getPackage().getName() + ".xml").exists()) {
            setup(c, ConfigurationType.LOCAL);
        } else if (new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), c.getPackage().getName() + ".xml").exists()) {
            setup(c, ConfigurationType.HOME);
        } else {
            setup(c, ConfigurationType.SYSTEM);

     * Constructs a new preferences tracker for the given class, forcing use of
     * the specified storage system. Defaults to using an XML file if using
     * file-based storage.
     * @param c          The class for which the preferences are to be stored.
     * @param configType The storage system to use for the preferences.
     * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown if an error occurs while loading
     *                                the configuration file.
    public AutoPreferences(Class<?> c, ConfigurationType configType) throws ConfigurationException {
        prefs = null;
        fileConfig = null;
        setup(c, configType);

     * Sets this up for the given class, forcing use of the specified storage
     * system. Defaults to using an XML file if using file-based storage.
     * @param c          The class for which the preferences are to be stored.
     * @param configType The storage system to use for the preferences.
     * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown if an error occurs while loading
     *                                the configuration file.
    private void setup(Class<?> c, ConfigurationType configType) throws ConfigurationException {
        prefsFor = c;
        this.configType = configType;
        switch (configType) {
        case LOCAL:
            fileConfig = new XMLConfiguration(new File(c.getPackage().getName() + ".xml"));
            ((XMLConfiguration) fileConfig).setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true);
        case HOME:
            fileConfig = new XMLConfiguration(
                    new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "." + c.getPackage().getName() + ".xml"));
            ((XMLConfiguration) fileConfig).setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true);
        case SYSTEM:
            prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(c);

     * Migrates the settings to a new storage location.
     * @param destination The type of configuration that the preferences should
     *                    be moved to.
     * @return The converted preference store.
     * @throws PreferenceMigrationException Thrown if an error occurs while
     *                                      migrating the preferences.
    public AutoPreferences convert(ConfigurationType destination) throws PreferenceMigrationException {
        try {
            AutoPreferences ap = new AutoPreferences(prefsFor, destination);
            getKeys().forEach(key -> ap.put(key, getString(key, "")));
            return ap;
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            throw new PreferenceMigrationException(e);

     * Deletes all preferences stored for the class.
    public void clear() {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM) {
            try {
            } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
        } else {

     * Produces a list of all stored keys.
     * @return A list of keys for all preferences currently stored.
    public List<String> getKeys() {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM) {
            try {
                return Arrays.asList(prefs.keys());
            } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
                return new ArrayList<String>();
        } else {
            return IteratorUtils.toList(fileConfig.getKeys());

     * Stores a boolean in the preferences, overwriting any identically-named
     * properties.
     * @param key   The key to store the boolean under.
     * @param value The boolean to store.
    public void put(String key, boolean value) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            prefs.putBoolean(key, value);
            fileConfig.setProperty(key, value);

     * Stores a byte array in the preferences, overwriting any identically-named
     * properties.
     * @param key   The key to store the byte array under.
     * @param value The byte array to store.
    public void put(String key, byte[] value) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            prefs.putByteArray(key, value);
            fileConfig.setProperty(key, value);

     * Stores a double in the preferences, overwriting any identically-named
     * properties.
     * @param key   The key to store the double under.
     * @param value The double to store.
    public void put(String key, double value) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            prefs.putDouble(key, value);
            fileConfig.setProperty(key, value);

     * Stores a float in the preferences, overwriting any identically-named
     * properties.
     * @param key   The key to store the float under.
     * @param value The float to store.
    public void put(String key, float value) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            prefs.putFloat(key, value);
            fileConfig.setProperty(key, value);

     * Stores an integer in the preferences, overwriting any identically-named
     * properties.
     * @param key   The key to store the int under.
     * @param value The int to store.
    public void put(String key, int value) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            prefs.putInt(key, value);
            fileConfig.setProperty(key, value);

     * Stores a long in the preferences, overwriting any identically-named
     * properties.
     * @param key   The key to store the long under.
     * @param value The long to store.
    public void put(String key, long value) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            prefs.putLong(key, value);
            fileConfig.setProperty(key, value);

     * Stores any object in the preferences, overwriting any identically-named
     * properties.
     * <p>
     * Note: Do not abuse this method. Many backends are not intended for
     * storing large data chunks and can be severely inhibited by doing so.
     * @param key   The key to store the object under.
     * @param value The object to store.
    public void put(String key, Object value) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM) {
            // Translate to a byte array.
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ObjectOutput out = null;
            try {
                out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
                put(key, bos.toByteArray());
            } catch (IOException e) {
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (out != null) {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    // ignore close exception
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    // ignore close exception
        } else {
            fileConfig.setProperty(key, value);

     * Stores a string in the preferences, overwriting any identically-named
     * properties.
     * @param key   The key to store the string under.
     * @param value The string to store.
    public void put(String key, String value) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            prefs.put(key, value);
            fileConfig.setProperty(key, value);

     * Reads the stored value for an <code>boolean</code> preference.
     * @param key The key that the preference is stored under.
     * @param def The default value to return if a setting is not found for the
     *            given key.
     * @return The value stored for the preference, or the default value on
     * failure.
    public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean def) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            return prefs.getBoolean(key, def);
            return fileConfig.getBoolean(key, def);

     * Reads the stored value for an <code>double</code> preference.
     * @param key The key that the preference is stored under.
     * @param def The default value to return if a setting is not found for the
     *            given key.
     * @return The value stored for the preference, or the default value on
     * failure.
    public double getDouble(String key, double def) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            return prefs.getDouble(key, def);
            return fileConfig.getDouble(key, def);

     * Reads the stored value for an <code>float</code> preference.
     * @param key The key that the preference is stored under.
     * @param def The default value to return if a setting is not found for the
     *            given key.
     * @return The value stored for the preference, or the default value on
     * failure.
    public float getFloat(String key, float def) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            return prefs.getFloat(key, def);
            return fileConfig.getFloat(key, def);

     * Reads the stored value for an <code>int</code> preference.
     * @param key The key that the preference is stored under.
     * @param def The default value to return if a setting is not found for the
     *            given key.
     * @return The value stored for the preference, or the default value on
     * failure.
    public int getInt(String key, int def) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            return prefs.getInt(key, def);
            return fileConfig.getInt(key, def);

     * Reads the stored value for a <code>long</code> preference.
     * @param key The key that the preference is stored under.
     * @param def The default value to return if a setting is not found for the
     *            given key.
     * @return The value stored for the preference, or the default value on
     * failure.
    public long getLong(String key, long def) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            return prefs.getLong(key, def);
            return fileConfig.getLong(key, def);

     * Reads the stored value for a String preference.
     * @param key The key that the preference is stored under.
     * @param def The default value to return if a setting is not found for the
     *            given key.
     * @return The value stored for the preference, or the default value on
     * failure.
    public String getString(String key, String def) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM)
            return prefs.get(key, def);
            return fileConfig.getString(key, def);

     * Reads the stored value for an Object preference.
     * @param key The key that the preference is stored under.
     * @param def The default value to return if a setting is not found for the
     *            given key.
     * @return The value stored for the preference, or the default value on
     * failure.
    public Object getObject(String key, Object def) {
        if (configType == ConfigurationType.SYSTEM) {
            byte[] inArr = prefs.getByteArray(key, null);
            if (inArr == null)
                return def;

            ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(inArr);
            ObjectInput in = null;
            try {
                in = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
                return in.readObject();
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {
                return def;
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    // ignore close exception
                try {
                    if (in != null) {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    // ignore close exception
        } else {
            Object val = fileConfig.getProperty(key);
            if (val == null)
                return def;
                return val;