Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.etest.dao; import com.etest.connection.DBConnection; import com.etest.connection.ErrorDBNotification; import com.etest.model.CellItem; import com.etest.model.TQAnswerKey; import com.etest.model.TQCoverage; import com.etest.model.TQItems; import com.etest.model.TopicCoverage; import com.etest.service.ItemKeyService; import com.etest.service.SyllabusService; import com.etest.serviceprovider.ItemKeyServiceImpl; import com.etest.serviceprovider.SyllabusServiceImpl; import com.etest.utilities.CommonUtilities; import; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * * @author jetdario */ public class TQCoverageDAO { SyllabusService ss = new SyllabusServiceImpl(); ItemKeyService k = new ItemKeyServiceImpl(); public static int getBloomsClassId(String bloomsClass) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; int bloomsClassId = 0; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT BloomsClassID FROM blooms_taxonomy " + "WHERE BloomsClass = '" + bloomsClass + "' "); while ( { bloomsClassId = CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("BloomsClassID")); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return bloomsClassId; } public static List<CellItem> getItemIdByBloomClassId(Grid grid) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<CellItem> cellItemIdList = new ArrayList<>(); try { int syllabusId = 0; Collection c = grid.getContainerDataSource().getItemIds(); Iterator iterator = c.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Item item = grid.getContainerDataSource().getItem(; Collection x = item.getItemPropertyIds(); Iterator it = x.iterator(); Object propertyId; while (it.hasNext()) { propertyId =; if (propertyId.toString().equals("Topic")) { syllabusId = SyllabusDAO .getSyllabusIdByTopic(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); } if (propertyId.toString().contains("Pick")) { if (propertyId.toString().equals("Re-U(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 1 " + "AND Analyzed = 0 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Re-A(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 1 " + "AND Analyzed = 1 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Un-U(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 2 " + "AND Analyzed = 0 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Un-A(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 2 " + "AND Analyzed = 1 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Ap-U(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 3 " + "AND Analyzed = 0 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Ap-A(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 3 " + "AND Analyzed = 1 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("An-U(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 4 " + "AND Analyzed = 0 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("An-A(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 4 " + "AND Analyzed = 1 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Ev-U(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 5 " + "AND Analyzed = 0 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Ev-A(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 5 " + "AND Analyzed = 1 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Cr-U(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 6 " + "AND Analyzed = 0 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } if (propertyId.toString().equals("Cr-A(Pick)")) { if (item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() != null) { int limit = CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue().toString()); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + "s.SyllabusID AS SyllabusID, " + "ci.CellItemId AS CellItemID " + "FROM syllabus s " + "INNER JOIN cell_cases cc ON s.SyllabusID = cc.SyllabusID " + "INNER JOIN cell_items ci ON cc.CellCaseID = ci.CellCaseID " + "WHERE ci.CellItemStatus = 0 " + "AND s.SyllabusID = '" + syllabusId + "' " + "AND BloomsClassID = 6 " + "AND Analyzed = 1 " + "ORDER BY RAND() " + "LIMIT " + limit + " "); while ( { CellItem ci = new CellItem(); ci.setCellItemId( CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); cellItemIdList.add(ci); } } } } } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return cellItemIdList; } public static boolean insertNewTQCoverage(TopicCoverage coverage, TQItems items, Map<Integer, List<TQAnswerKey>> cellCaseItemKey, Grid grid) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); PreparedStatement tqCoverage = null; PreparedStatement topicCoverage = null; PreparedStatement tqCases = null; PreparedStatement tqItems = null; PreparedStatement tqAnswerKey = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean result = false; try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); tqCoverage = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO tq_coverage SET " + "ExamTitle = ?, " + "CurriculumID = ?, " + "TeamTeachID = ?, " + "DateCreated = now(), " + "TotalHoursCoverage = ?, " + "TotalItems = ? "); tqCoverage.setString(1, coverage.getExamTitle()); tqCoverage.setInt(2, coverage.getCurriculumId()); tqCoverage.setInt(3, coverage.getTeamTeachId()); tqCoverage.setDouble(4, coverage.getTotalHoursCoverage()); tqCoverage.setInt(5, coverage.getTotalItems()); tqCoverage.executeUpdate(); int tqCoverageId = 0; stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT last_insert_id() AS TqCoverageID FROM tq_coverage "); while ( { tqCoverageId = CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("TqCoverageID")); } Collection c = grid.getContainerDataSource().getItemIds(); Iterator iterator = c.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Item item = grid.getContainerDataSource().getItem(; topicCoverage = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO topic_coverage SET " + "TqCoverageID = ?, " + "SyllabusID = ?, " + "HoursSpent = ?, " + "Proportion = ?, " + "RememberU = ?, " + "RememberA = ?, " + "UnderstandU = ?, " + "UnderstandA = ?, " + "ApplyU = ?, " + "ApplyA = ?, " + "AnalyzeU = ?, " + "AnalyzeA = ?, " + "EvaluateU = ?, " + "EvaluateA = ?, " + "CreateU = ?, " + "CreateA = ?, " + "TotalItemsRequired = ? "); topicCoverage.setInt(1, tqCoverageId); topicCoverage.setInt(2, coverage.getSyllabusId()); topicCoverage.setDouble(3, (double) item.getItemProperty("Hrs Spent").getValue()); topicCoverage.setDouble(4, (double) item.getItemProperty("Proportion(%)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(5, (item.getItemProperty("Re-U(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Re-U(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(6, (item.getItemProperty("Re-A(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Re-A(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(7, (item.getItemProperty("Un-U(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Un-U(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(8, (item.getItemProperty("Un-A(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Un-A(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(9, (item.getItemProperty("Ap-U(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Ap-U(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(10, (item.getItemProperty("Ap-A(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Ap-A(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(11, (item.getItemProperty("An-U(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("An-U(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(12, (item.getItemProperty("An-A(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("An-A(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(13, (item.getItemProperty("Ev-U(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Ev-U(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(14, (item.getItemProperty("Ev-A(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Ev-A(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(15, (item.getItemProperty("Cr-U(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Cr-U(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setInt(16, (item.getItemProperty("Cr-A(Pick)").getValue() == null) ? 0 : (int) item.getItemProperty("Cr-A(Pick)").getValue()); topicCoverage.setDouble(17, (double) item.getItemProperty("Max Items").getValue()); topicCoverage.executeUpdate(); } Map<Integer, List<TQAnswerKey>> testMap = cellCaseItemKey; for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<TQAnswerKey>> entrySet : testMap.entrySet()) { Object cellCaseId = entrySet.getKey(); tqCases = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO tq_cases SET " + "TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + ", " + "CellCaseID = " + cellCaseId + " "); tqCases.executeUpdate(); int tqCaseId = 0; stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT last_insert_id() AS TqCaseId FROM tq_cases "); while ( { tqCaseId = CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("TqCaseId")); } List<TQAnswerKey> answerKeyList = entrySet.getValue(); for (TQAnswerKey t : answerKeyList) { tqItems = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO tq_items SET " + "TqCaseID = ?, " + "CellItemID = ?, " + "ItemKeyID = ? "); tqItems.setInt(1, tqCaseId); tqItems.setInt(2, t.getCellItemId()); tqItems.setInt(3, t.getItemKeyId()); tqItems.executeUpdate(); int tqItemId = 0; stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT last_insert_id() AS TqCaseId FROM tq_cases "); while ( { tqItemId = CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("TqCaseId")); } tqAnswerKey = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO tq_answer_key SET " + "TqItemID = ?, " + "ItemNo = ?, " + "Answer = ? "); tqAnswerKey.setInt(1, tqItemId); tqAnswerKey.setInt(2, t.getItemNo()); tqAnswerKey.setString(3, t.getAnswer()); tqAnswerKey.executeUpdate(); tqItems = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO key_log_use SET " + "ItemKeyID = ?, " + "DateUsed = now(), " + "TqCoverageID = ? "); tqItems.setInt(1, t.getItemKeyId()); tqItems.setInt(2, tqCoverageId); tqItems.executeUpdate(); if (ItemKeyDAO.isItemKeyInKeyLogUse(t.getItemKeyId())) { tqItems = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE key_log_use " + "SET UsedItemKey = 1 " + "WHERE ItemKeyID = " + t.getItemKeyId() + " " + "ORDER BY DateUsed ASC LIMIT 1 "); tqItems.executeUpdate(); } } } pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO system_logs SET " + "UserID = ?, " + "EntryDateTime = now(), " + "Activity = ? "); pstmt.setInt(1, CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("userId").toString())); pstmt.setString(2, "New TQ Coverage was created with Exam Title: " + coverage.getExamTitle()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); result = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException ex1) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex1.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1); } ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { tqCoverage.close(); topicCoverage.close(); tqCases.close(); tqItems.close(); stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return result; } public static List<TQCoverage> getAllTQCoverage() { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<TQCoverage> tqCoverageList = new ArrayList<>(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM tq_coverage "); while ( { TQCoverage tqc = new TQCoverage(); tqc.setTqCoverageId(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("TqCoverageID"))); tqc.setExamTitle(rs.getString("ExamTitle")); tqc.setCurriculumId(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CurriculumID"))); tqc.setDateCreated(CommonUtilities.parsingDateWithTime(rs.getString("DateCreated"))); tqc.setTotalHoursCoverage( CommonUtilities.convertStringToDouble(rs.getString("TotalHoursCoverage"))); tqc.setTotalItems(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("TotalItems"))); tqc.setStatus(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("Status"))); tqc.setAnalyzed(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("Analyzed"))); tqCoverageList.add(tqc); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return tqCoverageList; } public static Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> getTQCoverage(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement cases = null; Statement items = null; ResultSet rsCases = null; ResultSet rsItems = null; Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> tqCoverage = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, Integer> itemsAndKeys; int tqCaseId; try { cases = conn.createStatement(); rsCases = cases.executeQuery( "SELECT TQCaseID, CellCaseID FROM tq_cases " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " "); while ( { // tqCaseId = CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rsCases.getString("TqCaseID")); itemsAndKeys = new HashMap<>(); items = conn.createStatement(); rsItems = items.executeQuery("SELECT CellItemID, ItemKeyID FROM tq_items " + "WHERE TqCaseID = " + CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rsCases.getString("TqCaseID")) + " "); while ( { itemsAndKeys.put(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rsItems.getString("CellItemID")), CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rsItems.getString("ItemKeyID"))); } tqCoverage.put(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rsCases.getString("CellCaseID")), itemsAndKeys); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { cases.close(); items.close(); rsCases.close(); rsItems.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return tqCoverage; } public static boolean approveTQCoverage(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; boolean result = false; try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE tq_coverage " + "SET Status = 1 " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " "); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO system_logs SET " + "UserID = ?, " + "EntryDateTime = now(), " + "Activity = ? "); pstmt.setInt(1, CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("userId").toString())); pstmt.setString(2, "Approved TQ Coverage with TqCoverageID #" + tqCoverageId); pstmt.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); result = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { pstmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return result; } public static boolean isTQCoverageApproved(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean result = false; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt .executeQuery("SELECT Status FROM tq_coverage " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " "); while ( { if (rs.getString("Status").equals("1")) { result = true; } } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return result; } public static boolean deleteTQCoverage(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; boolean result = false; try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); pstmt = conn .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM tq_coverage " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " "); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO system_logs SET " + "UserID = ?, " + "EntryDateTime = now(), " + "Activity = ? "); pstmt.setInt(1, CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("userId").toString())); pstmt.setString(2, "Removed TQ Coverage with TqCoverageID #" + tqCoverageId); pstmt.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); result = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { pstmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return result; } public static List<TQAnswerKey> getTQCoverageAnswerKey(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<TQAnswerKey> tqAnswerKeyList = new ArrayList<>(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CellItemID, ItemNo, Answer FROM tq_coverage_answer " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " " + "ORDER BY ItemNo ASC "); while ( { TQAnswerKey t = new TQAnswerKey(); t.setCellItemId(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); t.setItemNo(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("ItemNo"))); t.setAnswer(CommonUtilities.escapeSingleQuote(rs.getString("Answer"))); tqAnswerKeyList.add(t); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return tqAnswerKeyList; } public static List<Integer> getCellItemIdByTQCoverageId(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<Integer> itemIds = new ArrayList<>(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CellItemID FROM tq_coverage_answer " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " " + "ORDER BY ItemNo ASC "); while ( { itemIds.add(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CellItemID"))); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return itemIds; } public static String getAnswerByCellItemId(int tqCoverageId, int cellItemId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String answer = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT Answer FROM tq_coverage_answer " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " " + "AND CellItemID = " + cellItemId + " "); while ( { answer = CommonUtilities.escapeSingleQuote(rs.getString("Answer")); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return answer; } public static TQCoverage getTQCoverageById(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; TQCoverage tqCoverage = new TQCoverage(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT c.CurriculumID AS CurriculumID,c.CurrSubject, tc.ExamTitle, tc.DateCreated, tc.TqCoverageID " + "FROM tq_coverage tc INNER JOIN curriculum c ON tc.CurriculumID = c.CurriculumID " + "WHERE tc.TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " "); while ( { tqCoverage.setCurriculumId(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CurriculumID"))); tqCoverage.setSubject(rs.getString("c.CurrSubject")); tqCoverage.setExamTitle(rs.getString("tc.ExamTitle")); tqCoverage.setDateCreated(CommonUtilities.parsingDateWithTime(rs.getString("tc.DateCreated"))); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return tqCoverage; } public static boolean saveItemAnalysis(Grid grid, int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; boolean result = false; try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); Collection c = grid.getContainerDataSource().getItemIds(); Iterator iterator = c.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Item item = grid.getContainerDataSource().getItem(; Collection x = item.getItemPropertyIds(); Iterator it = x.iterator(); Object propertyId; while (it.hasNext()) { propertyId =; if (propertyId.equals("itemId")) { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT Analyzed FROM cell_items " + "WHERE CellItemID = " + item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() + " "); while ( { if (rs.getString("Analyzed").equals("0")) { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE cell_items SET " + "DifficultIndex = ?, " + "DiscriminationIndex = ?, " + "Analyzed = ? " + "WHERE CellItemID = " + item.getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue() + " "); pstmt.setDouble(1, CommonUtilities.convertStringToDouble( item.getItemProperty("difficulty index").getValue().toString())); pstmt.setDouble(2, CommonUtilities.convertStringToDouble( item.getItemProperty("discrimination index").getValue().toString())); pstmt.setInt(3, 1); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } } pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE tq_coverage SET " + "Analyzed = 1 " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " "); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } } } pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO system_logs SET " + "UserID = ?, " + "EntryDateTime = now(), " + "Activity = ? "); pstmt.setInt(1, CommonUtilities .convertStringToInt(VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("userId").toString())); pstmt.setString(2, "New Item Analysis was performed with TqCoverageID #" + tqCoverageId); pstmt.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); result = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException ex1) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex1.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1); } ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); pstmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return result; } public static String getTqCoverageTicketNo(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String ticketNo = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT get_tq_ticket_no(" + tqCoverageId + ") AS TqCoverageTicketNo "); while ( { ticketNo = rs.getString("TqCoverageTicketNo"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return ticketNo; } public static List<TQCoverage> getApprovedTqCoverageByCurriculumId(int curriculumId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<TQCoverage> tqCoverageList = new ArrayList<>(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM tq_coverage " + "WHERE Status = 1 " + "AND CurriculumID = " + curriculumId + " "); while ( { TQCoverage tqc = new TQCoverage(); tqc.setTqCoverageId(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("TqCoverageID"))); tqc.setExamTitle(rs.getString("ExamTitle")); tqc.setCurriculumId(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("CurriculumID"))); tqc.setDateCreated(CommonUtilities.parsingDateWithTime(rs.getString("DateCreated"))); tqc.setTotalHoursCoverage( CommonUtilities.convertStringToDouble(rs.getString("TotalHoursCoverage"))); tqc.setTotalItems(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("TotalItems"))); tqc.setStatus(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("Status"))); tqc.setAnalyzed(CommonUtilities.convertStringToInt(rs.getString("Analyzed"))); tqCoverageList.add(tqc); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return tqCoverageList; } public static boolean isTQCoverageAnalyzed(int tqCoverageId) { Connection conn = DBConnection.connectToDB(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean result = false; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT Analyzed FROM tq_coverage " + "WHERE TqCoverageID = " + tqCoverageId + " "); while ( { if (rs.getString("Analyzed").equals("1")) { result = true; } } } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { ErrorDBNotification.showLoggedErrorOnWindow(ex.toString()); Logger.getLogger(TQCoverageDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return result; } }