Java tutorial
package; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; public class Scenario extends Page { LinkedList<CFRow> rowList = new LinkedList<CFRow>(); boolean sc1 = true; int clientLE; int spouseLE; final static int MAX_COLS = 18; String heading = "Estimate of Net Worth and Estate Distribution - Scenario 1 As is (in 000's)"; String heading2 = "Estimate of Net Worth and Estate Distribution - Scenario 2 Recommended (in 000's)"; public Scenario(Document document, PdfWriter writer) { super(document, writer); } public void setTableFontandSize(PageTable table) { table.setTableFont("arial.ttf"); table.setTableFontBold("arialbd.ttf"); table.setTableFontItalic("ariali.ttf"); table.setTableFontBoldItalic("arialbi.ttf"); table.setFontSize(9); table.setPaddingBottom(_1_32TH + _1_64TH); } public float[] calcWidths(float baseWidths[], float tableWidth) { float widths[] = new float[baseWidths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) { widths[i] = baseWidths[i] / tableWidth; } return widths; } public Rectangle doRow(String rowInfo[], float widths[], Rectangle rct, int colCount) { String row[][] = new String[1][]; PageTable t = getTable(rct, colCount); setTableFontandSize(t); t.setColumnWidths(widths); row[0] = rowInfo; t.buildTableEx(row); t.drawTable(); Rectangle r = t.getResultRect(); return r; } public String[] initStringArray(int cols) { String a[] = new String[cols]; for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) a[i] = ""; return a; } public String[] genHeaderStyle(CFRow r) { return r.getStyle(); } public String genColStyle(CFCol c) { return c.getColStyle(); } public float[] initWidths(int colCount) { float w[] = new float[colCount]; w[0] = _1_4TH; w[1] = _1_4TH; w[2] = _1_4TH; w[3] = 72; // 1 inch float colw = ((11.f) / (colCount - 4)) * 72; for (int i = 4; i < colCount; i++) { w[i] = colw; } return w; } public String[] fiscalYearList() { String list[] = initStringArray(MAX_COLS); String style = "[colspan=4,align=right,bold=1][][][]"; list[0] = "End of Fiscal Year #"; for (int i = 4; i < (MAX_COLS - 2); i++) { list[i] = Integer.toString(i - 3); } if (userInfo.isSingle()) { // Single client double cAge = userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(); int cYear = (int) Math.floor(cAge); if (cYear > 10) { list[14] = Integer.toString(cYear); list[15] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getFinalDeath()); } else { list[14] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getFinalDeath()); } } else { double cAge = userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(); double sAge = userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy(); int firstYear = (int) Math.floor(Math.min(cAge, sAge)); int secondYear = (int) Math.floor(Math.max(cAge, sAge)); int idx = 14; if (firstYear > 10) { list[idx++] = Integer.toString(firstYear); } if (secondYear > 10) { list[idx++] = Integer.toString(secondYear); } list[idx] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getFinalDeath()); } for (int i = 4; i < (MAX_COLS - 1); i++) { style += "[bold=1,align=right,ptsize=9]"; } list[MAX_COLS - 1] = style; return list; } public String[] leList() { String list[] = initStringArray(MAX_COLS); StringBuffer style = new StringBuffer(""); int color =; for (int i = 1; i < MAX_COLS - 1; i++) { style.append("[align=right,ptsize=7,color=" + Integer.toString(color) + "]"); } if (userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() > 10) { list[13] = Character.toString(userInfo.getClientFirstName().charAt(0)); } else { int idx = (int) Math.floor(userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() + 3); list[idx] = Character.toString(userInfo.getClientFirstName().charAt(0)); } if (!userInfo.isSingle()) { if (userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy() > 10) { if (userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy() == userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy()) { list[13] += "/" + Character.toString(userInfo.getSpouseFirstName().charAt(0)); } else if (userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy() < userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy()) { list[14] = list[13]; // We already set this above list[14] = Character.toString(userInfo.getSpouseFirstName().charAt(0)); } else { list[14] = Character.toString(userInfo.getSpouseFirstName().charAt(0)); } } } list[17] = style.toString(); return list; } public String[] agesList() { String list[] = new String[MAX_COLS]; StringBuffer style = new StringBuffer("[colspan=4,align=right,ptsize=7][][][]"); int cAge = userInfo.getClientAge(); int sAge = userInfo.getSpouseAge(); if (!userInfo.isSingle()) { list[0] = "Ages: (" + userInfo.getClientFirstName() + "/" + userInfo.getSpouseFirstName() + ")"; } else { list[0] = "Age: (" + userInfo.getClientFirstName() + ")"; } for (int i = 4; i < MAX_COLS - 2; i++) { int sa = sAge + (i - 4); int ca = cAge + (i - 4); if (userInfo.isSingle()) { list[i] = Integer.toString(ca); } else { list[i] = Integer.toString(ca) + "/" + Integer.toString(sa); } style.append("[ptsize=7,align=right]"); } if (userInfo.isSingle()) { if (userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() > 10) { list[14] = Integer.toString(cAge + userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() - 1); style.append("[ptsize=7,align=right]"); } list[15] = Integer.toString(cAge + userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1); style.append("[ptsize=7,align=right]"); } else { int cle = userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(); int sle = userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy(); int f1 = (int) Math.floor(Math.min(cle, sle)); int f2 = (int) Math.floor(Math.max(cle, sle)); int idx = 14; if (f1 > 10) { list[idx++] = Integer.toString(cAge + f1 - 1) + "/" + Integer.toString(sAge + f1 - 1); style.append("[ptsize=7,align=right]"); } if (f2 > 10) { list[idx++] = Integer.toString(cAge + f2 - 1) + "/" + Integer.toString(sAge + f2 - 1); style.append("[ptsize=7,align=right]"); } list[idx] = Integer.toString(cAge + userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1) + "/" + Integer.toString(sAge + userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1); style.append("[ptsize=7,align=right]"); } list[MAX_COLS - 1] = style.toString(); return list; } public Rectangle placeHeading() { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(document.getPageSize()); BaseFont font = PageUtils.LoadFont("GARA.TTF"); rect.setBottom(rect.getTop() - (72 * .6f)); HeadingText ht = new HeadingText(this.writer); rect.setBottom(rect.getBottom() - (72 * .33f)); ht.setColor(57, 57, 57); ht.setCapsColor(98, 98, 98); if (sc1) ht.display(rect, 12f, font, 3f, heading, HeadingText.DHT_CENTER); else ht.display(rect, 12f, font, 3f, heading2, HeadingText.DHT_CENTER); rect.setTop(rect.getBottom() - _1_8TH); rect.setBottom(prctFull.getBottom()); rect.setLeft(_1_2TH); rect.setRight(rect.getLeft() + (11.f * 72)); PageBorder pb = new PageBorder(writer); pb.setLicense(userInfo.getPlannerFirstName() + " " + userInfo.getPlannerLastName()); pb.drawNoBorder(document, Integer.toString(pageNum)); try { Rectangle rct = new Rectangle(document.getPageSize()); float iconBase = (.75f * 72); // This is the base of the icons on // the page Image icon = Image.getInstance(Locations.getImageLocation() + "pawn.png"); // Image box = Image.getInstance(Locations.ImageLocation() + // "blueBOX.png"); icon.scalePercent(23); float scale = .23f; float iconLeft = (icon.getWidth() / 2) * scale; // Adjust the top rct.setTop(rct.getTop()); // Place the Icon icon.setAbsolutePosition((.5f * 72) - iconLeft, rct.getTop() - iconBase); document.add(icon); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } drawLifeExp(); return rect; } public void drawLifeExp() { PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); char c = userInfo.getClientFirstName().charAt(0); char s = ' '; if (!userInfo.isSingle()) { s = userInfo.getSpouseFirstName().charAt(0); } String cText = Character.toString(c) + ":" + userInfo.getClientFirstName() + " actuarial life expectancy - " + Integer.toString(userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy()) + " years"; String sText = Character.toString(s) + ":" + userInfo.getSpouseFirstName() + " actuarial life expectancy - " + Integer.toString(userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy()) + " years"; try { BaseFont font = BaseFont.createFont(Locations.getFontLocation() + "times.ttf", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(font, 8); cb.setRGBColorFill(255, 0, 0); cb.setTextMatrix(72 * .5f, .5f * 72); cb.showText(cText); cb.endText(); if (!userInfo.isSingle()) { cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(font, 8); cb.setRGBColorFill(255, 0, 0); cb.setTextMatrix(72 * .5f, .35f * 72); cb.showText(sText); cb.endText(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error printing Life Expectancy"); } } public String[] buildRow(CFRow row, int colCount) { int i = 0; row.reset(); CFCol col; String styleList[] = initStringArray(40); String pdfRow[] = initStringArray(colCount); String tempRow[] = initStringArray(40); StringBuffer style = new StringBuffer(""); String hdr[] = genHeaderStyle(row); while ((col = row.getCol()) != null && i < 40) { styleList[i] = genColStyle(col); tempRow[i++] = col.getStrValue(); } style.append(hdr[4]); pdfRow[0] = hdr[0]; pdfRow[1] = hdr[1]; pdfRow[2] = hdr[2]; pdfRow[3] = hdr[3]; i = 4; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[j]; style.append(styleList[j]); } if (userInfo.isSingle()) { if (userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() > 10) { pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() - 1]; style.append(styleList[userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() - 1]); } pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1]; style.append(styleList[userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1]); } else { int cle = userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(); int sle = userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy(); int f1 = (int) Math.floor(Math.min(cle, sle)); int f2 = (int) Math.floor(Math.max(cle, sle)); int idx = i; if (f1 > 10) { pdfRow[idx++] = tempRow[f1 - 1]; style.append(styleList[f1 - 1]); } if (f2 > 10) { pdfRow[idx++] = tempRow[f2 - 1]; style.append(styleList[f2 - 1]); } pdfRow[idx] = tempRow[userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1]; style.append(styleList[userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1]); } pdfRow[colCount - 1] = style.toString(); return pdfRow; } public void page1() { float tallest = 0; int colCount = MAX_COLS; CFRow continueRow = null; float baseWidths[] = initWidths(colCount - 1); float widths[] = calcWidths(baseWidths, 11f * 72); drawHeader(userInfo.getClientHeading(), ""); Rectangle agt = placeHeading(); Rectangle rct = new Rectangle(prctFull); rct.setLeft(_1_4TH); rct.setRight(rct.getLeft() + 756); Rectangle r = doRow(leList(), widths, agt, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(agesList(), widths, rct, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(fiscalYearList(), widths, rct, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); tallest = tallest < r.getHeight() ? r.getHeight() : tallest; for (CFRow row : rowList) { boolean flag = false; if (row.getColNumber() == 0 && row.getIndentLevel() == 0) { continueRow = row; } do { flag = false; String pdfRow[] = buildRow(row, colCount); if (row.isNewPage()) { newPage(); drawHeader(userInfo.getClientHeading(), ""); agt = placeHeading(); //rct = new Rectangle(prctFull); rct.setLeft(_1_4TH); rct.setRight(rct.getLeft() + 756); r = doRow(leList(), widths, agt, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(agesList(), widths, rct, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(fiscalYearList(), widths, rct, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); tallest = tallest < r.getHeight() ? r.getHeight() : tallest; if (continueRow != null) { if (!row.equals(continueRow)) { row = continueRow; row.setHeader(row.getHeader() + " (cont.)"); flag = true; } } } r = doRow(pdfRow, widths, rct, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); tallest = tallest < r.getHeight() ? r.getHeight() : tallest; } while (flag == true); } } public Rectangle nextPage(float[] widths) { newPage(); String user = userInfo.getClientHeading(); drawHeader(user, ""); Rectangle agt = placeHeading(); Rectangle rct = new Rectangle(prctFull); rct.setLeft(_1_4TH); rct.setRight(rct.getLeft() + 756); Rectangle r = null; r = doRow(leList(), widths, agt, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(agesList(), widths, rct, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(fiscalYearList(), widths, rct, 17); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); return rct; } public void draw() { page1(); } public void setRowList(LinkedList<CFRow> rowList) { this.rowList = rowList; } public boolean isSc1() { return sc1; } public void setSc1(boolean sc1) { this.sc1 = sc1; } }