Java tutorial
/* See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Esri Inc. licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import com.esri.gpt.framework.util.Val; import com.esri.gpt.server.csw.provider.components.OwsException; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.components.IOperationProvider; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.components.IProviderFactory; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.components.IResponseGenerator; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.components.OperationContext; import; import; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.util.BBoxContext; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.util.GeocodedAddress; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.util.GmlPos; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.util.ImageOutput; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.util.Output; import com.esri.gpt.server.openls.provider.util.Point; /** * Provides the Openls DetermineRoute operation. */ public class DetermineRouteProvider implements IOperationProvider { /** * class variables ========================================================= */ /** The Logger. */ private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DetermineRouteProvider.class.getName()); /** * constructors ============================================================ */ /** Default constructor */ public DetermineRouteProvider() { super(); } /** * methods ================================================================= */ /** * Executes a parsed operation request. * * @param context * the operation context * @throws Exception * if a processing exception occurs */ private void generateResponse(OperationContext context) throws Exception { // initialize LOGGER.finer("Executing xls:DetermineRoute request..."); IProviderFactory factory = context.getProviderFactory(); // generate the response IResponseGenerator generator = factory.makeResponseGenerator(context); if (generator == null) { String msg = "IProviderFactory.makeResponseGenerator: instantiation failed."; LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, msg); throw new OwsException(msg); } else { generator.generateResponse(context); } } /** * Handles a URL based request (HTTP GET). * * @param context * the operation context * @param request * the HTTP request * @throws Exception * if a processing exception occurs */ public void handleGet(OperationContext context, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { } /** * Handles an XML based request (normally HTTP POST). * * @param context * the operation context * @param root * the root node * @param xpath * an XPath to enable queries (properly configured with name * spaces) * @throws Exception */ public void handleXML(OperationContext context, Node root, XPath xpath) throws Exception { // initialize LOGGER.finer("Handling xls:DetermineRouteProvider request XML..."); String locator = "xls:DetermineRouteRequest"; // service and version are parsed by the parent RequestHandler Node ndReq = (Node) xpath.evaluate(locator, root, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndReq != null) { parseRequest(context, ndReq, xpath); } // TODO requestId try { executeRequest(context); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } generateResponse(context); } /** * * @param context * @param ndReq * @param xpath * @throws Exception */ private void parseRequest(OperationContext context, Node ndReq, XPath xpath) throws Exception { DetermineRouteParams routeParams = new DetermineRouteParams(); Node ndRoutePlan = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:RoutePlan", ndReq, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndRoutePlan != null) { RoutePlan routePlan = new RoutePlan(); Node ndRoutePreference = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:RoutePreference", ndRoutePlan, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndRoutePreference != null) { routePlan.setRoutePreference(ndRoutePreference.getTextContent()); } Node ndWayPointList = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:WayPointList", ndRoutePlan, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndWayPointList != null) { HashMap<String, Point> wayPointList = new HashMap<String, Point>(); Node ndStartPoint = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:StartPoint", ndWayPointList, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndStartPoint != null) { Node ndStartPOI = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:POI", ndStartPoint, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndStartPOI != null) { ndStartPoint = ndStartPOI; } Node ndStartPos = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:Position/gml:Point/gml:pos", ndStartPoint, XPathConstants.NODE); Point point = new Point(); if (ndStartPos != null) { String[] coords = ndStartPos.getTextContent().split(" "); point.setX(coords[0]); point.setY(coords[1]); } else { geocode(context, ndStartPoint, xpath, point); } wayPointList.put("start", point); } Node ndViaPoint = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:ViaPoint", ndWayPointList, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndViaPoint != null) { Node ndViaPOI = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:POI", ndStartPoint, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndViaPOI != null) { ndViaPoint = ndViaPOI; } Point point = new Point(); Node ndViaPos = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:Position/gml:Point/gml:pos", ndViaPoint, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndViaPos != null) { String[] coords = ndViaPos.getTextContent().split(" "); point.setX(coords[0]); point.setY(coords[1]); } else { geocode(context, ndViaPoint, xpath, point); } wayPointList.put("via", point); } Node ndEndPoint = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:EndPoint", ndWayPointList, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndEndPoint != null) { Node ndEndPOI = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:POI", ndEndPoint, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndEndPOI != null) { ndEndPoint = ndEndPOI; } Node ndEndPos = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:Position/gml:Point/gml:pos", ndEndPoint, XPathConstants.NODE); Point point = new Point(); if (ndEndPos != null) { String[] coords = ndEndPos.getTextContent().split(" "); point.setX(coords[0]); point.setY(coords[1]); } else { geocode(context, ndEndPoint, xpath, point); } wayPointList.put("end", point); } routePlan.setWayPointList(wayPointList); } Node ndAvoidList = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:AvoidList", ndRoutePlan, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndAvoidList != null) { Node ndAvoidPOI = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:POI", ndAvoidList, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndAvoidPOI != null) { ndAvoidList = ndAvoidPOI; } HashMap<String, Point> avoidPointList = new HashMap<String, Point>(); Node ndStartPos = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:Position/gml:Point/gml:pos", ndAvoidList, XPathConstants.NODE); Point point = new Point(); if (ndStartPos != null) { String[] coords = ndStartPos.getTextContent().split(" "); point.setX(coords[0]); point.setY(coords[1]); } else { geocode(context, ndAvoidList, xpath, point); } avoidPointList.put("avoid", point); routePlan.setAvoidPointList(avoidPointList); } routeParams.setRoutePlan(routePlan); } Node ndRouteInst = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:RouteInstructionsRequest", ndReq, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndRouteInst != null) { RouteInstructionsRequest routeInst = new RouteInstructionsRequest(); String format = (String) xpath.evaluate("@format", ndRouteInst, XPathConstants.STRING); String provideGeometry = (String) xpath.evaluate("@provideGeometry", ndRouteInst, XPathConstants.STRING); routeInst.setFormat(format); routeInst.setProvideGeometry(provideGeometry); routeParams.setRouteInstructions(routeInst); } Node ndRouteMap = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:RouteMapRequest", ndReq, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndRouteMap != null) { RouteMap routeMap = new RouteMap(); Node ndOutput = (Node) xpath.evaluate("xls:Output", ndRouteMap, XPathConstants.NODE); if (ndOutput != null) { ImageOutput imgOutput = new ImageOutput(); Output output = new Output(); String format = (String) xpath.evaluate("@format", ndOutput, XPathConstants.STRING); String width = (String) xpath.evaluate("@width", ndOutput, XPathConstants.STRING); String height = (String) xpath.evaluate("@height", ndOutput, XPathConstants.STRING); output.setFormat(format); output.setWidth(width); output.setHeight(height); imgOutput.setOutput(output); routeMap.setImageOutput(imgOutput); } routeParams.setRouteMap(routeMap); } context.getRequestOptions().setDetermineRouteParams(routeParams); } /** * Geocodes address * @param context * @param ndReq * @param xpath * @param point * @throws Exception */ private void geocode(OperationContext context, Node ndReq, XPath xpath, Point point) throws Exception { GeocodeProvider geocodeProvider = new GeocodeProvider(); GeocodeParams reqParams = new GeocodeParams(); geocodeProvider.parseRequest(reqParams, ndReq, xpath); try { ArrayList<GeocodedAddress> ga = geocodeProvider.executeRequest(context, reqParams); point.setX(ga.get(0).getX()); point.setY(ga.get(0).getY()); } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception(e); } } /** * Executes route request * @param context * @throws Throwable */ private void executeRequest(OperationContext context) throws Throwable { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); String srvCfg = context.getRequestContext().getApplicationConfiguration().getCatalogConfiguration() .getParameters().getValue("openls.determineRoute"); String srvCfgMapService = context.getRequestContext().getApplicationConfiguration() .getCatalogConfiguration().getParameters().getValue("openls.determineRoute.mapService"); DetermineRouteParams routeParams = context.getRequestOptions().getDetermineRouteParams(); RoutePlan rtPlan = routeParams.getRoutePlan(); HashMap<String, Point> barriers = rtPlan.getAvoidPointList(); GeocodedAddress[] avoidAddr = null; if (barriers != null) { avoidAddr = new GeocodedAddress[barriers.size()]; Set<String> keys = barriers.keySet(); Iterator<String> iter = keys.iterator(); int cnt = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; Point barrier = (Point) barriers.get(key); GeocodedAddress ga = new GeocodedAddress(); ga.setX(barrier.getX()); ga.setY(barrier.getY()); avoidAddr[cnt] = ga; cnt++; } } HashMap<String, Point> points = rtPlan.getWayPointList(); GeocodedAddress[] gcAddr = new GeocodedAddress[points.size()]; Point start = points.get("start"); GeocodedAddress gaStart = new GeocodedAddress(); gaStart.setX(start.getX()); gaStart.setY(start.getY()); gcAddr[0] = gaStart; Point via = points.get("via"); GeocodedAddress gaVia = new GeocodedAddress(); gaVia.setX(via.getX()); gaVia.setY(via.getY()); gcAddr[1] = gaVia; Point end = points.get("start"); GeocodedAddress gaEnd = new GeocodedAddress(); gaEnd.setX(end.getX()); gaEnd.setY(end.getY()); gcAddr[2] = gaEnd; String sRouteRequest = makeRouteRequest(gcAddr, avoidAddr); // SUBMIT THE REQUEST String sUrl = srvCfg + "/solve?" + sRouteRequest;"REQUEST=\n" + sUrl); URL url = new URL(sUrl); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); // Get the response String line = ""; String sResponse = ""; InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(isr); while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { sResponse += line; } rd.close(); url = null; DetermineRouteParams determineRouteParams = parseRouteResponse(sResponse); if (routeParams.getRouteInstructions().getFormat().equals("text/plain")) { // rte.setInstSwitch(true); } determineRouteParams.setRouteMap(routeParams.getRouteMap()); makeExportMapRequest(determineRouteParams, srvCfgMapService); context.getRequestOptions().setDetermineRouteParams(determineRouteParams); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();"PERFORMANCE: " + (t2 - t1) + " ms required to perform service"); } // // stops=-122.4079,+37.78356;+-122.404,+37.782&barriers=&outSR=4326&ignoreInvalidLocations=true& // accumulateAttributeNames=&impedanceAttributeName=Time&restrictionAttributeNames=OneWay,Avoid+Passenger+Ferries,Non-routeable+Segments& // attributeParameterValues=&restrictUTurns=esriNFSBAllowBacktrack&useHierarchy=true&returnDirections=true&returnRoutes=true&returnStops=false& // returnBarriers=false&directionsLanguage=en_US&outputLines=esriNAOutputLineTrueShapeWithMeasure&findBestSequence=false&preserveFirstStop=true& // preserveLastStop=true&useTimeWindows=false&startTime=& // outputGeometryPrecision=&outputGeometryPrecisionUnits=esriUnknownUnits&directionsTimeAttributeName=Time&directionsLengthUnits=esriNAUMiles&f=json /** * Builds route request string */ private String makeRouteRequest(GeocodedAddress[] gcAdd, GeocodedAddress[] avoidAdd) { StringBuffer req = new StringBuffer(); if (gcAdd.length > 0) { req.append("stops="); for (int i = 0; i < gcAdd.length; i++) { req.append(gcAdd[i].getX()).append(",").append(gcAdd[i].getY()).append(";"); } } if (avoidAdd != null && avoidAdd.length > 0) { req.append("&barriers="); for (int i = 0; i < avoidAdd.length; i++) { req.append(avoidAdd[i].getX()).append(",").append(avoidAdd[i].getY()).append(";"); } } req.append("&outSR=4326&ignoreInvalidLocations=true&").append( "accumulateAttributeNames=&impedanceAttributeName=Time&restrictionAttributeNames=OneWay,Avoid+Passenger+Ferries,Non-routeable+Segments&") .append("attributeParameterValues=&restrictUTurns=esriNFSBAllowBacktrack&useHierarchy=true&returnDirections=true&returnRoutes=true&returnStops=false&") .append("returnBarriers=false&directionsLanguage=en_US&outputLines=esriNAOutputLineTrueShapeWithMeasure&findBestSequence=false&preserveFirstStop=true&") .append("preserveLastStop=true&useTimeWindows=false&startTime=&") .append("outputGeometryPrecision=&outputGeometryPrecisionUnits=esriUnknownUnits&directionsTimeAttributeName=Time&directionsLengthUnits=esriNAUMiles&f=json"); return req.toString(); } /** * Parses route response * @param sResponse * @return * @throws Throwable */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private DetermineRouteParams parseRouteResponse(String sResponse) throws Throwable { DetermineRouteParams routeParams = null; try { routeParams = new DetermineRouteParams(); JSONObject jsonResp = new JSONObject(sResponse); String xResponse = "<?xml version='1.0'?><response>" + org.json.XML.toString(jsonResp) + "</response>";"XML from JSON = " + xResponse); RouteInstructionsList instList = new RouteInstructionsList(); String coords = ""; if (jsonResp != null) { JSONObject routes = jsonResp.getJSONObject("routes"); if (routes != null) { JSONArray routesFeatures = routes.getJSONArray("features"); JSONObject geometry = routesFeatures.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("geometry"); JSONArray paths = geometry.getJSONArray("paths").getJSONArray(0); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length(); i++) { GmlPos pos = new GmlPos(); pos.setPoint(paths.getString(i).replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(",", " ")); } } JSONArray directions = jsonResp.getJSONArray("directions"); JSONObject direction = directions.getJSONObject(0); if (directions != null) { JSONObject summary = direction.getJSONObject("summary"); RouteSummary rteSummary = new RouteSummary(); rteSummary.setTotalTime(summary.getString("totalTime")); rteSummary.setTotalDistance(summary.getString("totalLength")); rteSummary.setTotalDriveTime(summary.getString("totalDriveTime")); String routeName = direction.getString("routeName"); String desc = direction.getString("summary"); coords = summary.getString("envelope"); if (coords != null && !coords.equals("")) rteSummary.setBbox(new BBoxContext(coords)); JSONObject envelope = summary.getJSONObject("envelope"); String minx = envelope.getString("xmin"); String miny = envelope.getString("ymin"); String maxx = envelope.getString("xmax"); String maxy = envelope.getString("ymax"); rteSummary.setBbox(new BBoxContext(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)); if (rteSummary.getBbox() == null) rteSummary.setBbox(new BBoxContext(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)); JSONArray directionFeatures = direction.getJSONArray("features"); ArrayList<RouteInstruction> routeInstructionList = new ArrayList<RouteInstruction>(); for (int j = 0; j < directionFeatures.length(); j++) { JSONObject featuresArray = directionFeatures.getJSONObject(j); JSONObject attributes = featuresArray.getJSONObject("attributes"); String compressedGeom = featuresArray.getString("compressedGeometry"); RouteInstruction inst = new RouteInstruction(); inst.setDistance((attributes.getString("length"))); inst.setDuration(attributes.getString("time")); inst.setInstruction(attributes.getString("text")); // inst.(new BBoxContext()); routeInstructionList.add(inst); } instList.setRouteInstrunctionList(routeInstructionList); routeParams.setRouteSummary(rteSummary); routeParams.setRouteInstList(instList); } } } finally { } return routeParams; } /** * This method creates the export map request from a MapRequest object. * @param determineRouteParams * @param srvCfgMapService * @throws Throwable */ private void makeExportMapRequest(DetermineRouteParams determineRouteParams, String srvCfgMapService) throws Throwable { ImageOutput imgOutput = determineRouteParams.getRouteMap().getImageOutput(); Output output = imgOutput.getOutput(); determineRouteParams.getRouteMap().getImageOutput() .setBboxContext(determineRouteParams.getRouteSummary().getBbox()); // ISMapRequest request = (ISMapRequest) getRequest(); String requestParameters = ""; // m_version = request.getRequestVersion(); // m_srsName = request.getSrsName(); /* * use transparent background or not transparent = true | false */ /* * if (request.getTransparent() != null && * !request.getTransparent().equalsIgnoreCase("")) requestParameters += * "transparent=" + request.getTransparent().toLowerCase() + "&"; */ /* * set the output format format = png | png8 | png24 | jpg | pdf | bmp | * gif | svg | png32 */ requestParameters += "format=" + output.getFormat() + "&"; /* * set the output size size = <width>, <height> */ requestParameters += "size=" + output.getWidth() + "," + output.getHeight() + "&"; /* * set the output coordinate reference system imageSR = <wellknown id> */ /* * if (m_srsName != null && !m_srsName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { * routeReq.getBoundingBox().setBoxSrs( ((ISMapRequest) * getRequest()).getSrsName()); requestParameters += "imageSR=" + * m_srsName + "&"; } */ /* * set the coordinate reference system for the bounding box bboxSR = * <wellknown id> * * use imageSR if the bboxSR is not set */ if (imgOutput.getBboxContext() != null) requestParameters += "bboxSR=4326" // + // imgOutput.getBoundingBox().getBoxSrs() + "&"; else requestParameters += "bboxSR=4326&"; /* * set the bounding box bbox = <xmin>, <ymin>, <xmax>, <ymax> * * request may contain a bbox, a center point and scale, or a center * point and radius */ requestParameters += "bbox="; BBoxContext bbox = imgOutput.getBboxContext(); if (bbox != null) { if (bbox.getMinX() != 0.0 && bbox.getMaxY() != 0.0) { requestParameters += bbox.getMinX(); requestParameters += "," + bbox.getMinY(); requestParameters += "," + bbox.getMaxX(); requestParameters += "," + bbox.getMaxY(); } else { requestParameters += bbox.getMinX(); requestParameters += "," + bbox.getMinY(); requestParameters += "," + bbox.getMaxX(); requestParameters += "," + bbox.getMaxY(); } } /* * } else { // add else part for /* if (request.getCenterPoint() != null * && request.getScale() > 0) { // center point and scale provided * double widthScale = Double.parseDouble(routeReq.getImageWidth()) / 2 * / 96 * request.getScale(); widthScale = Units.convert(widthScale, 2, * 0); double heightScale = * Double.parseDouble(routeReq.getImageHeight()) / 2 / 96 * * request.getScale(); heightScale = Units.convert(heightScale, 2, 0); * requestParameters += (request.getCenterPoint().getX() - widthScale); * requestParameters += "," + (request.getCenterPoint().getY() - * heightScale); requestParameters += "," + * (request.getCenterPoint().getX() + widthScale); requestParameters += * "," + (request.getCenterPoint().getY() + heightScale); * * } else if (request.getCenterPoint() != null && request.getRadius() != * null) { // center point and radius provided requestParameters += * (request.getCenterPoint().getX() - Integer * .parseInt(request.getRadius())); requestParameters += "," + * (request.getCenterPoint().getY() - Integer.parseInt(request * .getRadius())); requestParameters += "," + * (request.getCenterPoint().getX() + Integer.parseInt(request * .getRadius())); requestParameters += "," + * (request.getCenterPoint().getY() + Integer.parseInt(request * .getRadius())); * * } else { // all else failed: default to world as extent * requestParameters += "-180,-90,180,90"; } } */ requestParameters += "&"; /* * set the layers to include layers= [show | hide | include | * exclude]:layerId1,layerId2 */ // TO DO /* * close the request parameters with asking for the image as output as * opposed to an HTML page... */ requestParameters += "&f=image";"*******Map Request = " + requestParameters); imgOutput.setUrl(srvCfgMapService + "/export?" + Val.escapeXml(requestParameters)); } }