Java tutorial
/* | Copyright 2013 Esri | | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | You may obtain a copy of the License at | | | | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.esri.core.geometry.GeometryEngine; import com.esri.core.geometry.Point; import com.esri.core.geometry.Polygon; import com.esri.core.geometry.SpatialReference; import com.esri.ges.core.ConfigurationException; import com.esri.ges.core.component.ComponentException; import com.esri.ges.core.geoevent.FieldException; import com.esri.ges.core.geoevent.GeoEvent; import com.esri.ges.manager.geoeventdefinition.GeoEventDefinitionManager; import com.esri.ges.processor.GeoEventProcessorBase; import com.esri.ges.processor.GeoEventProcessorDefinition; import com.esri.ges.spatial.GeometryException; import com.esri.ges.spatial.Spatial; import com.esri.core.geometry.Geometry; import; import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing.GPDouble; import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing.GPFeatureRecordSetLayer; import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing.GPLong; import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing.GPParameter; import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing.GPString; import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing.Geoprocessor; public class RangeFanProcessor extends GeoEventProcessorBase { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RangeFanProcessor.class); public Spatial spatial; public GeoEventDefinitionManager manager; private SpatialReference srIn; private SpatialReference srBuffer; private SpatialReference srOut; public RangeFanProcessor(GeoEventProcessorDefinition definition, Spatial s, GeoEventDefinitionManager m) throws ComponentException { super(definition); spatial = s; manager = m; geoEventMutator = true; } @Override public GeoEvent process(GeoEvent ge) throws Exception { try { double range; String rangeSource = properties.get("rangeSource").getValue().toString(); if (rangeSource.equals("Constant")) { range = (Double) properties.get("range").getValue(); } else { String eventfld = properties.get("rangeEvent").getValue().toString(); String[] arr = eventfld.split(":"); range = (Double) ge.getField(arr[1]); } String unit = properties.get("units").getValue().toString(); double bearing; String bearingSource = properties.get("bearingSource").getValue().toString(); if (bearingSource.equals("Constant")) { bearing = (Double) properties.get("bearing").getValue(); } else { String eventfld = properties.get("bearingEvent").getValue().toString(); String[] arr = eventfld.split(":"); bearing = (Double) ge.getField(arr[1]); } double traversal; String traversalSource = properties.get("traversalSource").getValue().toString(); if (traversalSource.equals("Constant")) { traversal = (Double) properties.get("traversal").getValue(); } else { String eventfld = properties.get("traversalEvent").getValue().toString(); String[] arr = eventfld.split(":"); traversal = (Double) ge.getField(arr[1]); } int inwkid = (Integer) properties.get("wkidin").getValue(); int outwkid = (Integer) properties.get("wkidout").getValue(); int bufferwkid = (Integer) properties.get("wkidbuffer").getValue(); srIn = SpatialReference.create(inwkid); srBuffer = SpatialReference.create(bufferwkid); srOut = SpatialReference.create(outwkid); com.esri.ges.spatial.Point eventGeo = (com.esri.ges.spatial.Point) ge.getGeometry(); double x = eventGeo.getX(); double y = eventGeo.getY(); Geometry fan = constructRangeFan(x, y, range, unit, bearing, traversal); if ((Boolean) properties.get("showVisibility").getValue()) { String gp = properties.get("gpservice").getValue().toString(); String is = properties.get("imageservice").getValue().toString(); double elevation = (Double) properties.get("elevation").getValue(); String units_elev = properties.get("units_elev").getValue().toString(); constructVisibility(ge, gp, is, range, unit, elevation, units_elev, fan, bufferwkid); } Geometry fanout = GeometryEngine.project(fan, srBuffer, srOut); String json = GeometryEngine.geometryToJson(srOut, fanout); com.esri.ges.spatial.Geometry outfan = spatial.fromJson(json); ge.setGeometry(outfan); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Parse exception in process:" + e.getMessage()); LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } return ge; } private void constructVisibility(GeoEvent ge, String gpservice, String imageservice, double range, String unit, double elevation, String units_elev, Geometry mask, int wkid) throws FieldException, ConfigurationException, GeometryException { try { UnitConverter uc = new UnitConverter(); range = uc.Convert(range, unit, srBuffer); String procUnitName = srBuffer.getUnit().getName(); // normalize horizontal and vertical units to z-factor = 1 //double inElev = elevation; if (procUnitName.equals("Meter")) { if (units_elev.equals("Feet")) { elevation = elevation * 0.3048; } } else { if (units_elev.equals("Meters")) { elevation = elevation * 3.28084; } } Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor(gpservice); List<GPParameter> parameters = new ArrayList<GPParameter>(); com.esri.ges.spatial.Point eventGeo = (com.esri.ges.spatial.Point) ge.getGeometry(); // Set params Double x = (Double) eventGeo.getX(); Double y = (Double) eventGeo.getY(); Point center = new Point(); center.setX(x); center.setY(y); Point centerProj = (Point) GeometryEngine.project(center, srIn, srBuffer); String cx = ((Double) centerProj.getX()).toString(); String cy = ((Double) centerProj.getY()).toString(); String obs = cx + " " + cy; GPString paramObserver = new GPString(); paramObserver.setParamName("observers"); paramObserver.setValue(obs); parameters.add(paramObserver); GPString paramIS = new GPString(); paramIS.setParamName("image_service_url"); paramIS.setValue(imageservice); parameters.add(paramIS); GPDouble paramRadius = new GPDouble(); paramRadius.setParamName("radius"); paramRadius.setValue(range); parameters.add(paramRadius); GPDouble paramHeight = new GPDouble(); paramHeight.setParamName("height"); paramHeight.setValue(elevation); parameters.add(paramHeight); String json = GeometryEngine.geometryToJson(srBuffer, mask); GPString paramMask = new GPString(); paramMask.setParamName("json_mask"); paramMask.setValue(json); parameters.add(paramMask); GPLong paramWkid = new GPLong(); paramWkid.setParamName("wkid"); paramWkid.setValue(wkid); parameters.add(paramWkid); com.esri.ges.spatial.Geometry visible = null; com.esri.ges.spatial.Geometry nonvisible = null; GPParameter[] result = null; try { result = gp.execute(parameters); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage()); LOG.error(ex.getStackTrace()); gp.cancelJob(); } if (result != null) { for (GPParameter outputParameter : result) { if (outputParameter instanceof GPFeatureRecordSetLayer) { GPFeatureRecordSetLayer gpResults = (GPFeatureRecordSetLayer) outputParameter; for (Graphic graphic : gpResults.getGraphics()) { int code = (Integer) graphic.getAttributes().get("gridcode"); // com.esri.ges.spatial.Geometry tmpgesVis = null; // com.esri.ges.spatial.Geometry tmpgesNonVis = // null; if (code == 0) { Geometry tmpvis = graphic.getGeometry(); Geometry vis = GeometryEngine.project(tmpvis, srBuffer, srOut); json = GeometryEngine.geometryToJson(srOut, vis); visible = spatial.fromJson(json); } else { Geometry tmpnonvis = graphic.getGeometry(); Geometry nonvis = GeometryEngine.project(tmpnonvis, srBuffer, srOut); json = GeometryEngine.geometryToJson(srOut, nonvis); nonvisible = spatial.fromJson(json); } } } } } else { NullPointerException e = new NullPointerException(); throw e; } /*ArrayList<FieldDefinition> augmentList = new ArrayList<FieldDefinition>(); ArrayList<String> tagTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); tagTypes.add("Geometry"); Tag visTag = tagMgr.createNewTag("VISIBLE", "Visible polygons returned from visibility analysis", tagTypes); tagMgr.addTag(visTag); Tag nonvisTag = tagMgr.createNewTag("NONVISIBLE", "Visible polygons returned from visibility analysis", tagTypes); tagMgr.addTag(nonvisTag); addToAugmentList(augmentList, "elevation", FieldType.Double, (String) null); addToAugmentList(augmentList, "elev_units", FieldType.String, (String) null); addToAugmentList(augmentList, "gridcode", FieldType.Short, (String) null); addToAugmentList(augmentList, "visible", FieldType.Geometry, visTag.getName()); addToAugmentList(augmentList, "nonvisible", FieldType.Geometry, nonvisTag.getName()); GeoEventDefinition geDef = ge.getGeoEventDefinition(); geDef.augment(augmentList);*/ ge.setField("visible", visible); ge.setField("nonvisible", nonvisible); //ge.setField("elevation", inElev); //ge.setField("elevUnits", units_elev); } catch (Exception e) { } } private Geometry constructRangeFan(double x, double y, double range, String unit, double bearing, double traversal) throws GeometryException { Polygon fan = new Polygon(); Point center = new Point(); center.setX(x); center.setY(y); // SpatialReference srIn = SpatialReference.create(wkidin); // SpatialReference srBuffer = SpatialReference.create(wkidbuffer); // SpatialReference srOut = SpatialReference.create(wkidout); Point centerProj = (Point) GeometryEngine.project(center, srIn, srBuffer); double centerX = centerProj.getX(); double centerY = centerProj.getY(); bearing = GeometryUtility.Geo2Arithmetic(bearing); double leftAngle = bearing - (traversal / 2); double rightAngle = bearing + (traversal / 2); int count = (int) Math.round(Math.abs(leftAngle - rightAngle)); fan.startPath(centerProj); UnitConverter uc = new UnitConverter(); range = uc.Convert(range, unit, srBuffer); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { double d = Math.toRadians(leftAngle + i); double arcX = centerX + (range * Math.cos(d)); double arcY = centerY + (range * Math.sin(d)); Point arcPt = new Point(arcX, arcY); // arcPt = (Point) GeometryEngine.project(arcPt, srBuffer, srOut); fan.lineTo(arcPt); } fan.closeAllPaths(); return fan; } }