Java tutorial
/************************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008 EsperTech, Inc. All rights reserved. * * * * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the GPL license * * a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the license.txt file. * **************************************************************************************/ package com.espertech.esper.epl.expression; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass; import net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Represents an invocation of a plug-in single-row function in the expression tree. */ public class ExprPlugInSingleRowNode extends ExprNodeBase implements ExprNodeInnerNodeProvider { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2485214890449563098L; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExprPlugInSingleRowNode.class); private final String functionName; private final Class clazz; private final List<ExprChainedSpec> chainSpec; private final boolean isUseCache; private transient boolean isReturnsConstantResult; private transient ExprEvaluator evaluator; /** * Ctor. * @param chainSpec - the class and name of the method that this node will invoke plus parameters * @param isUseCache - configuration whether to use cache */ public ExprPlugInSingleRowNode(String functionName, Class clazz, List<ExprChainedSpec> chainSpec, boolean isUseCache) { this.functionName = functionName; this.clazz = clazz; this.chainSpec = chainSpec; this.isUseCache = isUseCache; } public ExprEvaluator getExprEvaluator() { return evaluator; } public List<ExprChainedSpec> getChainSpec() { return chainSpec; } @Override public boolean isConstantResult() { return isReturnsConstantResult; } public String getFunctionName() { return functionName; } public Class getClazz() { return clazz; } public String toExpressionString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(functionName); ExprNodeUtility.toExpressionString(chainSpec, buffer, true); return buffer.toString(); } public boolean equalsNode(ExprNode node) { if (!(node instanceof ExprPlugInSingleRowNode)) { return false; } ExprPlugInSingleRowNode other = (ExprPlugInSingleRowNode) node; if (other.chainSpec.size() != this.chainSpec.size()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < chainSpec.size(); i++) { if (!(this.chainSpec.get(i).equals(other.chainSpec.get(i)))) { return false; } } return other.clazz == this.clazz && other.functionName.endsWith(this.functionName); } public void validate(ExprValidationContext validationContext) throws ExprValidationException { ExprNodeUtility.validate(chainSpec, validationContext); // get first chain item List<ExprChainedSpec> chainList = new ArrayList<ExprChainedSpec>(chainSpec); ExprChainedSpec firstItem = chainList.remove(0); // Get the types of the parameters for the first invocation Class[] paramTypes = new Class[firstItem.getParameters().size()]; ExprEvaluator[] childEvals = new ExprEvaluator[firstItem.getParameters().size()]; int count = 0; boolean allConstants = true; for (ExprNode childNode : firstItem.getParameters()) { if (childNode instanceof ExprLambdaGoesNode) { throw new ExprValidationException( "Unexpected lambda-expression encountered as parameter to UDF or static method"); } ExprEvaluator eval = childNode.getExprEvaluator(); childEvals[count] = eval; paramTypes[count] = eval.getType(); count++; if (!(childNode.isConstantResult())) { allConstants = false; } } boolean isConstantParameters = allConstants && isUseCache; isReturnsConstantResult = isConstantParameters && chainList.isEmpty(); // Try to resolve the method FastMethod staticMethod; Method method; try { method = validationContext.getMethodResolutionService().resolveMethod(clazz.getName(), firstItem.getName(), paramTypes); FastClass declaringClass = FastClass.create(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), method.getDeclaringClass()); staticMethod = declaringClass.getMethod(method); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExprValidationException(e.getMessage()); } // this may return a pair of null if there is no lambda or the result cannot be wrapped for lambda-function use ExprDotStaticMethodWrap optionalLambdaWrap = ExprDotStaticMethodWrapFactory.make(method, validationContext.getEventAdapterService(), chainList); ExprDotEvalTypeInfo typeInfo = optionalLambdaWrap != null ? optionalLambdaWrap.getTypeInfo() : ExprDotEvalTypeInfo.scalarOrUnderlying(method.getReturnType()); ExprDotEval[] eval = ExprDotNodeUtility.getChainEvaluators(typeInfo, chainList, validationContext, false, new ExprDotNodeFilterAnalyzerInputStatic()).getChainWithUnpack(); evaluator = new ExprDotEvalStaticMethod(validationContext.getStatementName(), clazz.getName(), staticMethod, childEvals, isConstantParameters, optionalLambdaWrap, eval); } @Override public void accept(ExprNodeVisitor visitor) { super.accept(visitor); ExprNodeUtility.acceptChain(visitor, chainSpec); } @Override public void accept(ExprNodeVisitorWithParent visitor) { super.accept(visitor); ExprNodeUtility.acceptChain(visitor, chainSpec); } @Override public void acceptChildnodes(ExprNodeVisitorWithParent visitor, ExprNode parent) { super.acceptChildnodes(visitor, parent); ExprNodeUtility.acceptChain(visitor, chainSpec, this); } @Override public void replaceUnlistedChildNode(ExprNode nodeToReplace, ExprNode newNode) { ExprNodeUtility.replaceChainChildNode(nodeToReplace, newNode, chainSpec); } public List<ExprNode> getAdditionalNodes() { return ExprNodeUtility.collectChainParameters(chainSpec); } }