Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of mycollab-web. * * mycollab-web is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mycollab-web is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with mycollab-web. If not, see <>. */ package com.esofthead.mycollab.vaadin.web.ui.field; import com.esofthead.mycollab.vaadin.AppContext; import com.esofthead.mycollab.vaadin.ui.PopupDateFieldExt; import com.esofthead.mycollab.vaadin.web.ui.UIConstants; import com.esofthead.mycollab.vaadin.web.ui.ValueComboBox; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.datefield.Resolution; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomField; import org.joda.time.*; import org.vaadin.viritin.layouts.MHorizontalLayout; import java.util.Date; /** * @author MyCollab Ltd. * @since 2.0 */ public class DateTimeOptionField extends CustomField<Date> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final long ONE_MINUTE_IN_MILLIS = 60000; private MHorizontalLayout container; private PopupDateFieldExt popupDateField; private HourPickerComboBox hourPickerComboBox; private MinutePickerComboBox minutePickerComboBox; private ValueComboBox timeFormatComboBox; private Button toggleTimeBtn; private boolean hideTimeOption = true; private boolean trickModified = false; public DateTimeOptionField() { this(false); } public DateTimeOptionField(boolean hideTimeOptionVal) { this.hideTimeOption = hideTimeOptionVal; popupDateField = new PopupDateFieldExt(); popupDateField.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) { Date date = (Date) valueChangeEvent.getProperty().getValue(); if (date != null) { trickModified = true; popupDateField.setPropertyDataSource(new ObjectProperty(date)); } } }); popupDateField.setImmediate(true); popupDateField.setResolution(Resolution.DAY); hourPickerComboBox = new HourPickerComboBox(); hourPickerComboBox.setWidth("60px"); minutePickerComboBox = new MinutePickerComboBox(); minutePickerComboBox.setImmediate(true); minutePickerComboBox.setWidth("60px"); timeFormatComboBox = new ValueComboBox(); timeFormatComboBox.setWidth("65px"); timeFormatComboBox.setImmediate(true); timeFormatComboBox.setCaption(null); timeFormatComboBox.loadData("AM", "PM"); timeFormatComboBox.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); toggleTimeBtn = new Button(""); toggleTimeBtn.addStyleName(UIConstants.BUTTON_LINK); container = new MHorizontalLayout(); container.addStyleName(UIConstants.FLEX_DISPLAY); toggleTimeBtn.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent clickEvent) { toggleHideTimeOption(!hideTimeOption); } }); if (hideTimeOption) { toggleTimeBtn.setCaption("Set time"); container.with(popupDateField, toggleTimeBtn); } else { toggleTimeBtn.setCaption("Hide time"); container.with(popupDateField, new MHorizontalLayout(hourPickerComboBox, minutePickerComboBox, timeFormatComboBox), toggleTimeBtn); } } @Override public boolean isModified() { return popupDateField.isModified() || hourPickerComboBox.isModified() || minutePickerComboBox.isModified() || timeFormatComboBox.isModified() || trickModified; } @Override public void setBuffered(boolean buffered) { popupDateField.setBuffered(buffered); hourPickerComboBox.setBuffered(buffered); minutePickerComboBox.setBuffered(buffered); timeFormatComboBox.setBuffered(buffered); super.setBuffered(buffered); } @Override protected Component initContent() { return container; } private void toggleHideTimeOption(boolean isHideOption) { this.hideTimeOption = isHideOption; trickModified = true; container.removeAllComponents(); if (hideTimeOption) { toggleTimeBtn.setCaption("Set time"); container.with(popupDateField, toggleTimeBtn); } else { toggleTimeBtn.setCaption("Hide time"); container.with(popupDateField, new MHorizontalLayout(hourPickerComboBox, minutePickerComboBox, timeFormatComboBox), toggleTimeBtn); } } @Override public void setPropertyDataSource(Property newDataSource) { Date value = (Date) newDataSource.getValue(); if (value != null) { DateTime jodaTime = new DateTime(value); jodaTime = jodaTime.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(AppContext.getUserTimeZone())); int hrs = jodaTime.getHourOfDay(); int min = jodaTime.getMinuteOfHour(); String timeFormat = "AM"; if (hrs > 12) { hrs -= 12; timeFormat = "PM"; } if ((hrs > 0 || min > 0) && hideTimeOption) { toggleHideTimeOption(false); } popupDateField.setPropertyDataSource(new ObjectProperty(jodaTime.toDate())); if (!hideTimeOption) { hourPickerComboBox.setPropertyDataSource(new ObjectProperty((hrs < 10) ? "0" + hrs : "" + hrs)); minutePickerComboBox.setPropertyDataSource(new ObjectProperty((min < 10) ? "0" + min : "" + min)); timeFormatComboBox.setPropertyDataSource(new ObjectProperty(timeFormat)); } } super.setPropertyDataSource(newDataSource); } private long calculateMilliSeconds(Integer hour, Integer minus, String timeFormat) { long allMinus = 0; if (timeFormat.equals("AM")) { allMinus = (((hour == 12) ? 0 : hour) * 60 + minus) * ONE_MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; } else if (timeFormat.equals("PM")) { allMinus = (((hour == 12) ? 12 : hour + 12) * 60 + minus) * ONE_MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; } return allMinus; } @Override public void commit() throws SourceException, InvalidValueException { Date internalValue = getDateValue(); super.setInternalValue(internalValue); super.commit(); } @Override public Class<Date> getType() { return Date.class; } private Date getDateValue() { Date selectDate = popupDateField.getValue(); if (selectDate == null) { return null; } DateTime jodaSelectDate = new DateTime(selectDate) .toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(AppContext.getUserTimeZone())); Date baseDate = new LocalDate(jodaSelectDate).toDate(); if (hideTimeOption) { return new LocalDateTime(baseDate).toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(AppContext.getUserTimeZone())) .toDate(); } else { Integer hour = (hourPickerComboBox.getValue() != null) ? Integer.parseInt((String) hourPickerComboBox.getValue()) : 0; Integer minus = (minutePickerComboBox.getValue() != null) ? Integer.parseInt((String) minutePickerComboBox.getValue()) : 0; String timeFormat = (timeFormatComboBox.getValue() != null) ? (String) timeFormatComboBox.getValue() : "AM"; long milliseconds = calculateMilliSeconds(hour, minus, timeFormat); DateTime jodaTime = new DateTime(baseDate).plus(new Duration(milliseconds)); return new LocalDateTime(jodaTime.getMillis()) .toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(AppContext.getUserTimeZone())).toDate(); } } private static class HourPickerComboBox extends ValueComboBox { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final String[] HOURS = new String[] { "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11" }; HourPickerComboBox() { super(); setCaption(null); this.loadData(HOURS); } } private static class MinutePickerComboBox extends ValueComboBox { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String[] MINUS = new String[] { "00", "15", "30", "45" }; public MinutePickerComboBox() { super(); setCaption(null); this.loadData(MINUS); } } }