Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2019 Erudika. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * For issues and patches go to: */ package com.erudika.scoold.utils; import com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient; import com.erudika.para.core.ParaObject; import com.erudika.para.core.Sysprop; import com.erudika.para.core.User; import com.erudika.para.core.utils.ParaObjectUtils; import; import com.erudika.para.utils.Config; import com.erudika.para.utils.Pager; import com.erudika.para.utils.Utils; import com.erudika.para.validation.ValidationUtils; import static com.erudika.scoold.ScooldServer.*; import com.erudika.scoold.core.Comment; import com.erudika.scoold.core.Post; import com.erudika.scoold.core.Profile; import static com.erudika.scoold.core.Profile.Badge.ENTHUSIAST; import static com.erudika.scoold.core.Profile.Badge.TEACHER; import com.erudika.scoold.core.Revision; import static com.erudika.scoold.utils.HttpUtils.getCookieValue; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RegExUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * * @author Alex Bogdanovski [] */ @Component @Named public final class ScooldUtils { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScooldUtils.class); private static final Map<String, String> EMAIL_TEMPLATES = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); private static final Set<String> APPROVED_DOMAINS = new HashSet<>(); private static final Set<String> ADMINS = new HashSet<>(); private static boolean connectionError = false; private ParaClient pc; private LanguageUtils langutils; private static ScooldUtils instance; @Inject private Emailer emailer; @Inject public ScooldUtils(ParaClient pc, LanguageUtils langutils) { this.pc = pc; this.langutils = langutils; } public ParaClient getParaClient() { return pc; } public LanguageUtils getLangutils() { return langutils; } public static ScooldUtils getInstance() { return instance; } static void setInstance(ScooldUtils instance) { ScooldUtils.instance = instance; } static { // multiple domains/admins are now allowed only in Scoold PRO String approvedDomains = Config.getConfigParam("approved_domains_for_signups", ""); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(approvedDomains)) { APPROVED_DOMAINS.add(approvedDomains); } // multiple admins are now allowed only in Scoold PRO String admins = Config.getConfigParam("admins", ""); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(admins)) { ADMINS.add(admins); } } public Profile checkAuth(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { Profile authUser = null; if (HttpUtils.getStateParam(Config.AUTH_COOKIE, req) != null) { User u =, req)); if (u != null && isEmailDomainApproved(u.getEmail())) { authUser =; if (authUser == null) { authUser = new Profile(u.getId(), u.getName()); authUser.setPicture(u.getPicture()); authUser.setAppid(u.getAppid()); authUser.setCreatorid(u.getId()); authUser.setTimestamp(u.getTimestamp()); authUser.setGroups(isRecognizedAsAdmin(u) ? User.Groups.ADMINS.toString() : u.getGroups()); authUser.create(); if (!u.getIdentityProvider().equals("generic")) { sendWelcomeEmail(u, false, req); }"Created new user '{}' with id={}, groups={}.", u.getName(), authUser.getId(), authUser.getGroups()); } boolean update = false; if (!isAdmin(authUser) && isRecognizedAsAdmin(u)) {"User '{}' with id={} promoted to admin.", u.getName(), authUser.getId()); authUser.setGroups(User.Groups.ADMINS.toString()); update = true; } else if (isAdmin(authUser) && !isRecognizedAsAdmin(u)) {"User '{}' with id={} demoted to regular user.", u.getName(), authUser.getId()); authUser.setGroups(User.Groups.USERS.toString()); update = true; } authUser.setUser(u); if (!StringUtils.equals(u.getPicture(), authUser.getPicture()) && !StringUtils.contains(authUser.getPicture(), "")) { authUser.setPicture(u.getPicture()); update = true; } if (update) { authUser.update(); } } else { clearSession(req, res); logger.warn("Attempted signin from an unknown domain: {}", u != null ? u.getEmail() : "unknown"); res.setStatus(401); } } initCSRFToken(req, res); return authUser; } public void sendWelcomeEmail(User user, boolean verifyEmail, HttpServletRequest req) { // send welcome email notification if (user != null) { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, String> lang = getLang(req); String subject = Utils.formatMessage(lang.get("signin.welcome"), Config.APP_NAME); String body1 = Utils.formatMessage(lang.get("signin.welcome.body1"), Config.APP_NAME) + "<br><br>"; String body2 = lang.get("signin.welcome.body2") + "<br><br>"; String body3 = "Best, <br>The Scoold team"; if (verifyEmail && !user.getActive() && !StringUtils.isBlank(user.getIdentifier())) { Sysprop s =; if (s != null) { String token = Utils.base64encURL(Utils.generateSecurityToken().getBytes()); s.addProperty(Config._EMAIL_TOKEN, token); pc.update(s); token = getServerURL() + CONTEXT_PATH + SIGNINLINK + "/register?id=" + user.getId() + "&token=" + token; body3 = "<b><a href=\"" + token + "\">" + lang.get("signin.welcome.verify") + "</a></b><br><br>"; body3 += "Best, <br>The Scoold team<br><br>"; } } model.put("logourl", Config.getConfigParam("small_logo_url", "")); model.put("heading", Utils.formatMessage(lang.get("signin.welcome.title"), user.getName())); model.put("body", body1 + body2 + body3); emailer.sendEmail(Arrays.asList(user.getEmail()), subject, Utils.compileMustache(model, loadEmailTemplate("notify"))); } } public void sendPasswordResetEmail(String email, String token, HttpServletRequest req) { if (email != null && token != null) { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, String> lang = getLang(req); String url = getServerURL() + CONTEXT_PATH + SIGNINLINK + "/iforgot?email=" + email + "&token=" + token; String subject = lang.get("iforgot.title"); String body1 = "Open the link below to change your password:<br><br>"; String body2 = Utils.formatMessage("<b><a href=\"{0}\">RESET PASSWORD</a></b><br><br>", url); String body3 = "Best, <br>The Scoold team<br><br>"; model.put("logourl", Config.getConfigParam("small_logo_url", "")); model.put("heading", lang.get("hello")); model.put("body", body1 + body2 + body3); emailer.sendEmail(Arrays.asList(email), subject, Utils.compileMustache(model, loadEmailTemplate("notify"))); } } public boolean isEmailDomainApproved(String email) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(email)) { return false; } if (!APPROVED_DOMAINS.isEmpty()) { return APPROVED_DOMAINS.contains(StringUtils.substringAfter(email, "@")); } return true; } public void initCSRFToken(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { String csrfInSession = (String) req.getSession(true).getAttribute(TOKEN_PREFIX + "CSRF"); //String csrfInCookie = Utils.getStateParam(CSRF_COOKIE, req); if (StringUtils.isBlank(csrfInSession)) { csrfInSession = Utils.generateSecurityToken(); req.getSession(true).setAttribute(TOKEN_PREFIX + "CSRF", csrfInSession); } HttpUtils.setStateParam(CSRF_COOKIE, csrfInSession, req, res); } public Profile getAuthUser(HttpServletRequest req) { return (Profile) req.getAttribute(AUTH_USER_ATTRIBUTE); } public boolean isAuthenticated(HttpServletRequest req) { return getAuthUser(req) != null; } public boolean isNearMeFeatureEnabled() { return Config.getConfigBoolean("nearme_feature_enabled", true); } public boolean isDefaultSpacePublic() { return Config.getConfigBoolean("is_default_space_public", true); } public static boolean connectionError() { return connectionError; } public static void setConnectionError(boolean value) { connectionError = value; } public Pager getPager(String pageParamName, HttpServletRequest req) { return new Pager(NumberUtils.toInt(req.getParameter(pageParamName), 1), Config.MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } public String getLanguageCode(HttpServletRequest req) { String cookieLoc = getCookieValue(req, LOCALE_COOKIE); Locale requestLocale = langutils.getProperLocale(req.getLocale().toString()); return (cookieLoc != null) ? cookieLoc : requestLocale.getLanguage(); } public Locale getCurrentLocale(String langname, HttpServletRequest req) { Locale currentLocale = langutils.getProperLocale(langname); if (currentLocale == null) { currentLocale = langutils.getProperLocale("en"); } return currentLocale; } public Map<String, String> getLang(HttpServletRequest req) { return getLang(getCurrentLocale(getLanguageCode(req), req)); } public Map<String, String> getLang(Locale currentLocale) { Map<String, String> lang = langutils.readLanguage(currentLocale.toString()); if (lang == null || lang.isEmpty()) { lang = langutils.getDefaultLanguage(); } return lang; } public boolean isLanguageRTL(String langCode) { return StringUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(langCode, "ar", "he", "dv", "iw", "fa", "ps", "sd", "ug", "ur", "yi"); } public void fetchProfiles(List<? extends ParaObject> objects) { if (objects == null || objects.isEmpty()) { return; } Map<String, String> authorids = new HashMap<String, String>(objects.size()); Map<String, Profile> authors = new HashMap<String, Profile>(objects.size()); for (ParaObject obj : objects) { if (obj.getCreatorid() != null) { authorids.put(obj.getId(), obj.getCreatorid()); } } List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(new HashSet<String>(authorids.values())); if (ids.isEmpty()) { return; } // read all post authors in batch for (ParaObject author : pc.readAll(ids)) { authors.put(author.getId(), (Profile) author); } // set author object for each post for (ParaObject obj : objects) { if (obj instanceof Post) { ((Post) obj).setAuthor(authors.get(authorids.get(obj.getId()))); } else if (obj instanceof Revision) { ((Revision) obj).setAuthor(authors.get(authorids.get(obj.getId()))); } } } //get the comments for each answer and the question public void getComments(List<Post> allPosts) { Map<String, List<Comment>> allComments = new HashMap<String, List<Comment>>(); List<String> allCommentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Post> forUpdate = new ArrayList<Post>(allPosts.size()); // get the comment ids of the first 5 comments for each post for (Post post : allPosts) { // not set => read comments if any and embed ids in post object if (post.getCommentIds() == null) { forUpdate.add(reloadFirstPageOfComments(post)); allComments.put(post.getId(), post.getComments()); } else { // ids are set => add them to list for bulk read allCommentIds.addAll(post.getCommentIds()); } } if (!allCommentIds.isEmpty()) { // read all comments for all posts on page in bulk for (ParaObject comment : pc.readAll(allCommentIds)) { List<Comment> postComments = allComments.get(comment.getParentid()); if (postComments == null) { allComments.put(comment.getParentid(), new ArrayList<Comment>()); } allComments.get(comment.getParentid()).add((Comment) comment); } } // embed comments in each post for use within the view for (Post post : allPosts) { List<Comment> cl = allComments.get(post.getId()); long clSize = (cl == null) ? 0 : cl.size(); if (post.getCommentIds().size() != clSize) { forUpdate.add(reloadFirstPageOfComments(post)); clSize = post.getComments().size(); } else { post.setComments(cl); } post.getItemcount().setCount(clSize + 1L); // hack to show the "more" button } if (!forUpdate.isEmpty()) { pc.updateAll(allPosts); } } public Post reloadFirstPageOfComments(Post post) { List<Comment> commentz = pc.getChildren(post, Utils.type(Comment.class), post.getItemcount()); ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(commentz.size()); for (Comment comment : commentz) { ids.add(comment.getId()); } post.setCommentIds(ids); post.setComments(commentz); return post; } public void updateViewCount(Post showPost, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { //do not count views from author if (showPost != null && !isMine(showPost, getAuthUser(req))) { String postviews = HttpUtils.getStateParam("postviews", req); if (!StringUtils.contains(postviews, showPost.getId())) { long views = (showPost.getViewcount() == null) ? 0 : showPost.getViewcount(); showPost.setViewcount(views + 1); //increment count HttpUtils.setStateParam("postviews", postviews + "," + showPost.getId(), req, res); pc.update(showPost); } } } public List<Post> getSimilarPosts(Post showPost, Pager pager) { List<Post> similarquestions = Collections.emptyList(); if (!showPost.isReply()) { String likeTxt = Utils.abbreviate(Utils.stripAndTrim((showPost.getTitle() + " " + showPost.getBody())), 2000); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(likeTxt)) { similarquestions = pc.findSimilar(showPost.getType(), showPost.getId(), new String[] { "properties.title", "properties.body", "properties.tags" }, likeTxt, pager); } } return similarquestions; } public boolean param(HttpServletRequest req, String param) { return req.getParameter(param) != null; } public boolean isAjaxRequest(HttpServletRequest req) { return req.getHeader("X-Requested-With") != null || req.getParameter("X-Requested-With") != null; } public boolean isAdmin(Profile authUser) { return authUser != null && User.Groups.ADMINS.toString().equals(authUser.getGroups()); } public boolean isMod(Profile authUser) { return authUser != null && (isAdmin(authUser) || User.Groups.MODS.toString().equals(authUser.getGroups())); } public boolean isRecognizedAsAdmin(User u) { return u.isAdmin() || ADMINS.contains(u.getIdentifier()) || ADMINS.contains(u.getEmail()); } public boolean canComment(Profile authUser, HttpServletRequest req) { return isAuthenticated(req) && (authUser.hasBadge(ENTHUSIAST) || Config.getConfigBoolean("new_users_can_comment", true) || isMod(authUser)); } public boolean canAccessSpace(Profile authUser, String targetSpaceId) { if (authUser == null) { return isDefaultSpacePublic(); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(targetSpaceId)) { // can user access the default space (blank) return isDefaultSpacePublic() || isMod(authUser) || !authUser.hasSpaces(); } boolean isMemberOfSpace = false; for (String space : authUser.getSpaces()) { if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(space, getSpaceId(targetSpaceId) + ":")) { isMemberOfSpace = true; break; } } return isMemberOfSpace; } public String getValidSpaceId(Profile authUser, String space) { if (authUser == null) { return ""; } String defaultSpace = authUser.hasSpaces() ? authUser.getSpaces().get(0) : ""; String s = canAccessSpace(authUser, space) ? space : defaultSpace; return s == null ? "" : s; } public String getSpaceName(String space) { return RegExUtils.replaceAll(space, "^scooldspace:[^:]+:", ""); } public String getSpaceId(String space) { String s = StringUtils.contains(space, ":") ? StringUtils.substring(space, 0, space.lastIndexOf(":")) : ""; return "scooldspace".equals(s) ? space : s; } public String getSpaceFilteredQuery(HttpServletRequest req) { Profile authUser = getAuthUser(req); String currentSpace = getValidSpaceId(authUser, getCookieValue(req, SPACE_COOKIE)); return StringUtils.isBlank(currentSpace) ? (canAccessSpace(authUser, currentSpace) ? "*" : "") : "\"" + currentSpace + "\""; } public String sanitizeQueryString(String query, HttpServletRequest req) { String qf = getSpaceFilteredQuery(req); String defaultQuery = "*"; String q = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(query); if (qf.isEmpty() || qf.length() > 1) { q = q.replaceAll("[\\*\\?]", "").trim(); q = RegExUtils.removeAll(q, "AND"); q = RegExUtils.removeAll(q, "OR"); q = RegExUtils.removeAll(q, "NOT"); q = q.trim(); defaultQuery = ""; } if (qf.isEmpty()) { return defaultQuery; } else if ("*".equals(qf)) { return q; } else { if (q.isEmpty()) { return qf; } else { return qf + " AND " + q; } } } public boolean isMine(Post showPost, Profile authUser) { // author can edit, mods can edit & ppl with rep > 100 can edit return showPost != null && authUser != null ? authUser.getId().equals(showPost.getCreatorid()) : false; } public boolean canEdit(Post showPost, Profile authUser) { return authUser != null ? (authUser.hasBadge(TEACHER) || isMod(authUser) || isMine(showPost, authUser)) : false; } public <P extends ParaObject> P populate(HttpServletRequest req, P pobj, String... paramName) { if (pobj != null && paramName != null) { HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String param : paramName) { String[] values; if (param.matches(".+?\\|.$")) { // convert comma-separated value to list of strings String cleanParam = param.substring(0, param.length() - 2); values = req.getParameterValues(cleanParam); String firstValue = (values != null && values.length > 0) ? values[0] : null; String separator = param.substring(param.length() - 1); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(firstValue)) { data.put(cleanParam, Arrays.asList(firstValue.split(separator))); } } else { values = req.getParameterValues(param); String firstValue = (values != null && values.length > 0) ? values[0] : null; if (values != null && values.length > 1) { data.put(param, Arrays.asList(values)); } else if (firstValue != null) { data.put(param, firstValue); } } } if (!data.isEmpty()) { ParaObjectUtils.setAnnotatedFields(pobj, data, null); } } return pobj; } public <P extends ParaObject> Map<String, String> validate(P pobj) { HashMap<String, String> error = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (pobj != null) { Set<ConstraintViolation<P>> errors = ValidationUtils.getValidator().validate(pobj); for (ConstraintViolation<P> err : errors) { error.put(err.getPropertyPath().toString(), err.getMessage()); } } return error; } public String getGravatar(String email) { if (email == null) { return ""; } return "" + Utils.md5(email.toLowerCase()) + "?size=400&d=retro"; } public String getGravatar(Profile profile) { if (profile == null || profile.getUser() == null) { return ""; } else { return getGravatar(profile.getUser().getEmail()); } } public void clearSession(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { if (req != null) { HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if (session != null) { session.invalidate(); } HttpUtils.removeStateParam(Config.AUTH_COOKIE, req, res); HttpUtils.removeStateParam(CSRF_COOKIE, req, res); } } public boolean addBadgeOnce(Profile authUser, Profile.Badge b, boolean condition) { return addBadge(authUser, b, condition && !authUser.hasBadge(b), false); } public boolean addBadgeOnceAndUpdate(Profile authUser, Profile.Badge b, boolean condition) { return addBadgeAndUpdate(authUser, b, condition && authUser != null && !authUser.hasBadge(b)); } public boolean addBadgeAndUpdate(Profile authUser, Profile.Badge b, boolean condition) { return addBadge(authUser, b, condition, true); } public boolean addBadge(Profile user, Profile.Badge b, boolean condition, boolean update) { if (user != null && condition) { String newb = StringUtils.isBlank(user.getNewbadges()) ? "" : user.getNewbadges().concat(","); newb = newb.concat(b.toString()); user.addBadge(b); user.setNewbadges(newb); if (update) { user.update(); return true; } } return false; } public List<String> checkForBadges(Profile authUser, HttpServletRequest req) { List<String> badgelist = new ArrayList<String>(); if (authUser != null && !isAjaxRequest(req)) { long oneYear = authUser.getTimestamp() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); addBadgeOnce(authUser, Profile.Badge.ENTHUSIAST, authUser.getVotes() >= ENTHUSIAST_IFHAS); addBadgeOnce(authUser, Profile.Badge.FRESHMAN, authUser.getVotes() >= FRESHMAN_IFHAS); addBadgeOnce(authUser, Profile.Badge.SCHOLAR, authUser.getVotes() >= SCHOLAR_IFHAS); addBadgeOnce(authUser, Profile.Badge.TEACHER, authUser.getVotes() >= TEACHER_IFHAS); addBadgeOnce(authUser, Profile.Badge.PROFESSOR, authUser.getVotes() >= PROFESSOR_IFHAS); addBadgeOnce(authUser, Profile.Badge.GEEK, authUser.getVotes() >= GEEK_IFHAS); addBadgeOnce(authUser, Profile.Badge.SENIOR, (System.currentTimeMillis() - authUser.getTimestamp()) >= oneYear); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(authUser.getNewbadges())) { badgelist.addAll(Arrays.asList(authUser.getNewbadges().split(","))); authUser.setNewbadges(null); authUser.update(); } } return badgelist; } public String loadEmailTemplate(String name) { if (name == null) { return ""; } if (EMAIL_TEMPLATES.containsKey(name)) { return EMAIL_TEMPLATES.get(name); } String template = ""; InputStream in = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("emails/" + name + ".html"); if (in != null) { try (Scanner s = new Scanner(in).useDelimiter("\\A")) { template = s.hasNext() ? : ""; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(template)) { EMAIL_TEMPLATES.put(name, template); } } catch (Exception ex) {"Couldn't load email template '{0}'. - {1}", name, ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error(null, ex); } } } return template; } public void setSecurityHeaders(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // CSP Header if (Config.getConfigBoolean("csp_header_enabled", true)) { response.addHeader("Content-Security-Policy", Config.getConfigParam("csp_header", getDefaultContentSecurityPolicy(request.isSecure()))); } // HSTS Header if (Config.getConfigBoolean("hsts_header_enabled", true)) { response.addHeader("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"); } // Frame Options Header if (Config.getConfigBoolean("framing_header_enabled", true)) { response.addHeader("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"); } // XSS Header if (Config.getConfigBoolean("xss_header_enabled", true)) { response.addHeader("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block"); } // Content Type Header if (Config.getConfigBoolean("contenttype_header_enabled", true)) { response.addHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); } // Referrer Header if (Config.getConfigBoolean("referrer_header_enabled", true)) { response.addHeader("Referrer-Policy", "strict-origin"); } } public String getDefaultContentSecurityPolicy(boolean isSecure) { return (isSecure ? "upgrade-insecure-requests; " : "") + "default-src 'self'; " + "base-uri 'self'; " + "form-action 'self'; " + "connect-src 'self'; " + "frame-src 'self'; " + "font-src; " + "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' " + "; " + "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; " + "img-src 'self' https: data:; " + "report-uri /reports/cspv"; } }