Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2015 Erudika. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * For issues and patches go to: */ package; import com.erudika.para.Para; import com.erudika.para.core.ParaObject; import com.erudika.para.core.ParaObjectUtils; import com.erudika.para.persistence.DAO; import com.erudika.para.utils.Config; import com.erudika.para.utils.Pager; import com.erudika.para.utils.Utils; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.get.GetAliasesResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.AliasAction; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.AliasMetaData; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ImmutableOpenMap; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.node.Node; import org.elasticsearch.node.NodeBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Helper utilities for connecting to an Elasticsearch cluster. * @author Alex Bogdanovski [] */ public final class ElasticSearchUtils { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ElasticSearchUtils.class); private static Client searchClient; private static Node searchNode; private ElasticSearchUtils() { } /** * Creates an instance of the client that talks to Elasticsearch. * @return a client instance */ public static Client getClient() { if (searchClient != null) { return searchClient; } boolean localNode = Config.getConfigBoolean("es.local_node", true); boolean dataNode = Config.getConfigBoolean("es.data_node", true); boolean corsEnabled = Config.getConfigBoolean("es.cors_enabled", !Config.IN_PRODUCTION); String corsAllowOrigin = Config.getConfigParam("es.cors_allow_origin", "/https?:\\/\\/localhost(:[0-9]+)?/"); String esHome = Config.getConfigParam("es.dir", Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString()); String esHost = Config.getConfigParam("es.transportclient_host", "localhost"); int esPort = Config.getConfigInt("es.transportclient_port", 9300); boolean useTransportClient = Config.getConfigBoolean("es.use_transportclient", false); Settings.Builder settings = Settings.builder(); settings.put("", getNodeName()); settings.put("client.transport.sniff", true); settings.put("action.disable_delete_all_indices", true); settings.put("", Config.CLUSTER_NAME); settings.put("http.cors.enabled", corsEnabled); settings.put("http.cors.allow-origin", corsAllowOrigin); settings.put("path.home", esHome); settings.put("", esHome + File.separator + "data"); settings.put("", esHome + File.separator + "work"); settings.put("path.logs", esHome + File.separator + "logs"); if (Config.IN_PRODUCTION) { String discoveryType = Config.getConfigParam("es.discovery_type", "ec2"); settings.put("", Config.AWS_ACCESSKEY); settings.put("", Config.AWS_SECRETKEY); settings.put("", Config.AWS_REGION); settings.put("network.tcp.keep_alive", true); settings.put("discovery.type", discoveryType); settings.put("discovery.ec2.ping_timeout", "10s"); if ("ec2".equals(discoveryType)) { settings.put("discovery.ec2.groups", Config.getConfigParam("es.discovery_group", "elasticsearch")); } } if (useTransportClient) { searchClient = TransportClient.builder().settings(settings).build(); InetSocketTransportAddress addr; try { addr = new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName(esHost), esPort); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { addr = new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), esPort); logger.warn("Unknown host: " + esHost, ex); } ((TransportClient) searchClient).addTransportAddress(addr); } else { searchNode = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().settings(settings).local(localNode).data(dataNode).node() .start(); searchClient = searchNode.client(); } Para.addDestroyListener(new Para.DestroyListener() { public void onDestroy() { shutdownClient(); } }); if (!existsIndex(Config.APP_NAME_NS)) { createIndex(Config.APP_NAME_NS); } // wait for the shards to initialize - prevents NoShardAvailableActionException! String timeout = Config.IN_PRODUCTION ? "1m" : "5s"; searchClient.admin().cluster().prepareHealth(Config.APP_NAME_NS).setWaitForGreenStatus().setTimeout(timeout) .execute().actionGet(); return searchClient; } /** * Stops the client instance and releases resources. */ protected static void shutdownClient() { if (searchClient != null) { searchClient.close(); searchClient = null; } if (searchNode != null) { searchNode.close(); searchNode = null; } } private static String getNodeName() { return Config.PARA.concat("-es-").concat(Config.WORKER_ID); } /** * Creates a new search index. * @param appid the index name (alias) * @return true if created */ public static boolean createIndex(String appid) { return createIndex(appid, Integer.valueOf(Config.getConfigParam("es.shards", "5")), Integer.valueOf(Config.getConfigParam("es.replicas", "0"))); } /** * Creates a new search index. * @param appid the index name (alias) * @param shards number of shards * @param replicas number of replicas * @return true if created */ public static boolean createIndex(String appid, int shards, int replicas) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(appid) || StringUtils.containsWhitespace(appid) || existsIndex(appid)) { return false; } try { NodeBuilder nb = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder(); nb.settings().put("number_of_shards", Integer.toString(shards)); nb.settings().put("number_of_replicas", Integer.toString(replicas)); nb.settings().put("auto_expand_replicas", "0-1"); nb.settings().put("analysis.analyzer.default.type", "standard"); nb.settings().putArray("analysis.analyzer.default.stopwords", "arabic", "armenian", "basque", "brazilian", "bulgarian", "catalan", "czech", "danish", "dutch", "english", "finnish", "french", "galician", "german", "greek", "hindi", "hungarian", "indonesian", "italian", "norwegian", "persian", "portuguese", "romanian", "russian", "spanish", "swedish", "turkish"); String name = appid + "1"; CreateIndexRequestBuilder create = getClient().admin().indices().prepareCreate(name) .setSettings(nb.settings().build()); // default system mapping (all the rest are dynamic) create.addMapping("_default_", getDefaultMapping()); create.execute().actionGet(); addIndexAlias(name, appid); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(null, e); return false; } return true; } /** * Deletes an existing search index. * @param appid the index name (alias) * @return true if deleted */ public static boolean deleteIndex(String appid) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(appid) || !existsIndex(appid)) { return false; } try { getClient().admin().indices().prepareDelete(appid).execute().actionGet(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(null, e); return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if the index exists. * @param appid the index name (alias) * @return true if exists */ public static boolean existsIndex(String appid) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(appid)) { return false; } boolean exists = false; try { exists = getClient().admin().indices().prepareExists(appid).execute().actionGet().isExists(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(null, e); } return exists; } /** * Rebuilds an index. Reads objects from the data store and indexes them in batches. * @param appid the index name (alias) * @param dao an instance of the persistence class * @return true if successful */ public static boolean rebuildIndex(String appid, DAO dao) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(appid) || dao == null) { return false; } try { if (!existsIndex(appid)) { return false; } String oldName = getIndexNameForAlias(appid); if (oldName == null) { return false; } String newName = oldName + "_" + Utils.timestamp();"rebuildIndex(): {}", appid); BulkRequestBuilder brb = getClient().prepareBulk(); BulkResponse resp = null; Pager pager = new Pager(); do { List<ParaObject> list = dao.readPage(appid, pager); for (ParaObject obj : list) { brb.add(getClient().prepareIndex(appid, obj.getType(), obj.getId()) .setSource(ParaObjectUtils.getAnnotatedFields(obj))); pager.setLastKey(obj.getId()); } // bulk index 1000 objects if (brb.numberOfActions() > 100) { resp = brb.execute().actionGet();"rebuildIndex(): indexed {}, hasFailures: {}", brb.numberOfActions(), resp.hasFailures()); } } while (pager.getLastKey() != null); // anything left after loop? index that too if (brb.numberOfActions() > 0) { resp = brb.execute().actionGet();"rebuildIndex(): indexed {}, hasFailures: {}", brb.numberOfActions(), resp.hasFailures()); } // switch to alias NEW_INDEX -> ALIAS, OLD_INDEX -> X, deleting the old index switchIndexToAlias(oldName, newName, appid, true); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(null, e); return false; } return true; } /** * Returns information about a cluster. * @return a map of key value pairs containing cluster information */ public static Map<String, String> getSearchClusterInfo() { Map<String, String> md = new HashMap<String, String>(); NodesInfoResponse res = getClient().admin().cluster().nodesInfo(new NodesInfoRequest().all()).actionGet(); md.put("", res.getClusterName().toString()); for (NodeInfo nodeInfo : res) { md.put("", nodeInfo.getNode().getName()); md.put("node.address", nodeInfo.getNode().getAddress().toString()); md.put("", Boolean.toString(nodeInfo.getNode().isDataNode())); md.put("node.client", Boolean.toString(nodeInfo.getNode().isClientNode())); md.put("node.version", nodeInfo.getNode().getVersion().toString()); } return md; } /** * Adds a new alias to an existing index. * @param indexName the index name * @param alias the alias * @return true if acknowledged */ public static boolean addIndexAlias(String indexName, String alias) { return addIndexAlias(indexName, alias, false); } /** * Adds a new alias to an existing index. * @param indexName the index name * @param alias the alias * @param setRouting if true will route by appid (alias) * @return true if acknowledged */ public static boolean addIndexAlias(String indexName, final String alias, boolean setRouting) { if (!existsIndex(indexName)) { return false; } AliasAction act = new AliasAction(AliasAction.Type.ADD, indexName, alias); if (setRouting) { act.searchRouting(alias); act.indexRouting(alias); act.filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(Config._APPID, alias)); } return getClient().admin().indices().prepareAliases().addAliasAction(act).execute().actionGet() .isAcknowledged(); } /** * Removes an alias from an index. * @param indexName the index name * @param alias the alias * @return true if acknowledged */ public static boolean removeIndexAlias(String indexName, String alias) { if (!existsIndex(alias)) { return false; } return getClient().admin().indices().prepareAliases().removeAlias(indexName, alias).execute().actionGet() .isAcknowledged(); } /** * Replaces the index to which an alias points with another index. * @param oldIndex the index name to be replaced * @param newIndex the new index name to switch to * @param alias the alias (unchanged) * @param deleteOld if true will delete the old index completely */ public static void switchIndexToAlias(String oldIndex, String newIndex, String alias, boolean deleteOld) { getClient().admin().indices().prepareAliases().addAlias(newIndex, alias).removeAlias(oldIndex, alias) .execute().actionGet(); // delete the old index if (deleteOld) { deleteIndex(oldIndex); } } /** * Returns the real index name for a given alias. * @param appid the index name (alias) * @return the real index name (not alias) */ public static String getIndexNameForAlias(String appid) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(appid)) { return null; } GetAliasesResponse get = getClient().admin().indices().prepareGetAliases(appid).execute().actionGet(); ImmutableOpenMap<String, List<AliasMetaData>> aliases = get.getAliases(); if (aliases.size() > 1) { logger.warn("More than one index for alias {}", appid); } else { return aliases.keysIt().next(); } return null; } /** * Check if cluster status is green or yellow. * @return false if status is red */ public static boolean isClusterOK() { return !getClient().admin().cluster().prepareClusterStats().execute().actionGet().getStatus() .equals(ClusterHealthStatus.RED); } /** * A list of default mappings that are defined upon index creation. * @return a json object of default mappings * @throws Exception */ private static XContentBuilder getDefaultMapping() throws Exception { return XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject("_default_").startObject("properties") .startObject("latlng").field("type", "geo_point").field("lat_lon", true).endObject() .startObject("tag").field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._ID).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._KEY).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._APPID).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject(). // startObject(Config._TAGS).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject(). startObject(Config._EMAIL).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._GROUPS).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._UPDATED).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._PASSWORD).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._PARENTID).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._CREATORID).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._TYPE).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._TIMESTAMP).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._IDENTIFIER).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .startObject(Config._RESET_TOKEN).field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject() .endObject().endObject().endObject(); } }